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河口是河流系统与海洋系统之间的界面,它首先是河流与海洋之间的物质界面。河流水体与海洋水体间最大的物质差异是盐分,因此,采用盐度作为河口界面的界定标准,将河口界面界定为盐度为0.5~30的由冲淡水控制的河口中心区域。在此基础上应用界面理论,分析了河口的渗透性和防御性及其动力、沉积、生物与地貌响应。借鉴Gilbert三角洲的动力分类方法,将河口界面按动力结构分为径流优势型、潮汐优势型、波浪优势型及其过渡类型。每一种河口界面又可细分为动力、沉积、地貌及生态等次一级界面。在珠江三角洲地区,磨刀门、蕉门河口等径流优势型河口界面主要承担泄洪任务,而虎门、崖门等潮汐优势型河口界面在纳潮能力上更有优势,其间通过河道支汊相互沟通和联系,形成了珠江河口界面的多层次结构。河口界面动力的复杂性,构成了河口界面形态和功能的复杂性。这些功能包括开发利用功能、生态功能、防洪功能和社会服务功能。河口管理的最高目标是河口的永续健康、结构和功能彼此协调,保持河口界面结构和功能的完整性。河口界面的复杂性对河口管理提出了更高的要求,要注重河口管理内容的综合性、问题的复杂性和管理效应的长周期性。针对珠江河口生境退化、海岸侵蚀、污染严重、咸潮活动加剧和口门淤积造成排水不畅等诸多问题,以及河口无序开发利用、管理体制混乱、公众参与少的管理现状,结合珠江河口界面整体、动态、彼此联系的特点,提出珠江河口管理"科学、和谐、安全和预警"的管理理念,由行政管理转变为服务管理,切实做好珠江河口管理工作。  相似文献   
根据1984年和2007年两次对广利港航道水深测量的结果,分析研究了广利港航道内的水位变化规律,以及河口拦门沙的地形特征。结果表明广利港航道内水位变化复杂,拦门沙形态改变,水深变浅,原有的航道已经消失。  相似文献   
根据2003年6月和2007年4月长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中Cu、Cr、Pb、Zn和Cd等重金属元素含量的实测资料,采用3种评价方法(基于沉积物质量标准的评价、生物效应浓度阈值法和潜在生态危害指数法)对其污染及生态危害程度进行了评价。结果表明:三峡工程一期蓄水后Cu在第二类沉积物中的比例上升,偶尔对生物产生的负面效应有增加趋势,Cr则恰好相反,Pb、Zn和Cd在不同沉积物标准中所占比例基本不变,对生物的负面效应较低。从总的污染程度来看,长江口及其邻近海域污染程度和潜在生态风险为低级。典型污染要素的污染程度由高到低的顺序为:Cr > Cu > Zn > Pb > Cd;各污染物对生态风险影响程度由大到小的顺序为:Cd > Cu > Cr > Pb > Zn,前两种元素是研究区主要的潜在生态风险因子。在三峡工程一期蓄水早期(2003年),长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物总的潜在生态风险指数和单个污染物的潜在生态风险系数较蓄水前有所增加,2007年的风险水平与1988-1992年基本持平。  相似文献   
为了解长江口及邻近海域大型底栖动物生物量、丰度和次级生产力的分布情况于2004年2月、5月、8月和11月共4个航次分别在长江口40个观测站采集大型底栖动物定量样品并利用Brey的经验公式对大型底栖动物栖息丰度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值进行了研究计算.该调查海域共采到大型底栖动物202种,其中多毛类102种,软体动物51种,甲壳类27种,棘皮动物7种,其它动物15种.大型底栖动物年平均丰度为394.7 ind/m2;年平均生物量以去灰分干重计,为2.58 g(AFDW)/m2;年平均次级生产力以去灰分干重计,为3.52 g(AFDW)/(m2*a);P/B值平均为1.53.结果表明,长江口大型底栖动物次级生产力自长江入海口向东呈递增趋势.本文分析了长江口及其邻近海域大型底栖动物优势种的组成,主要生态类群的分布特征和次级生产力分布格局与生态环境的关系.通过比较,发现长江口大型底栖动物优势种发生了较大的变化;次级生产力高于东海而低于渤海和胶州湾;P/B值高于南黄海、胶州湾和渤海,也说明了长江口大型底栖动物群落中个体小、生活史短,代谢快的种类所占的比例高于以上海域.  相似文献   
基于单宽断面潮周期平均水体和物质对流输运通量,定义了二维水体和物质长期输运速度,它们分别描述单宽断面水体和物质长期输运的方向及快慢。通过二维水体和物质长期输运速度的对比分析,提出了物质和水体长期输运分离概念:受物质浓度影响,在物质和水体瞬时运动速度相同的情况下,物质和水体潮周期平均对流输运的方向和快慢可能存在差异。本文将二维物质长期输运速度分解为二维水体长期输运速度、二维潮泵输运速度和垂向切变输运速度,它们分别描述余流输运、潮泵输运和垂向切变输运,后两种输运造成单宽断面物质和水体长期输运分离。本文的分析表明,河口受地形、径流、潮流、密度梯度影响,存在有利于物质和水体长期输运分离的自然条件。  相似文献   
Little is known about long-term changes in estuarine fish populations and related environmental variations. Fishes in the temporarily open/closed East Kleinemonde Estuary were sampled bi-annually, in summer and winter, using seine and gill nets between December 1994 and July 2005. A total of 18 families, represented by 33 species, were recorded. The 10 most abundant species caught were consistently recorded in catches each year, but CPUE of individual species varied on an annual basis and this can often be related to mouth state. Multivariate analyses of the annual marine fish community identified two distinct groups, with more species recorded during years that succeeded spring (September to November) mouth-opening events than in years following no mouth-opening events in spring. Interannual community stability (IMD) and seriation (IMS) also increased from the years following no opening events in spring to the years that succeeded spring opening events. These results highlight the importance of the timing of mouth opening to the marine fish community in a temporarily open/closed estuary. This study reinforces the importance of long-term studies to understanding community changes in estuaries caused by environmental variations over different time scales.  相似文献   
In the upper Schelde estuary in 2002, phytoplankton biomass and community composition were studied using microscopic and pigment analyses. Chlorophyll a concentration was a good predictor of phytoplankton biomass estimated from cell counts and biovolume measurements. The phytoplankton carbon to chlorophyll a ratio, however, was often unrealistically low (<10). CHEMTAX was used to estimate the contribution of the major algal groups to total chlorophyll a. The dominant algal groups were diatoms and chlorophytes. While diatom equivalents in chlorophyll a predicted diatom biomass relatively well, chlorophyte equivalents in chlorophyll a were only weakly related to chlorophyte biomass. The pigment-based approach to study phytoplankton overestimated phytoplankton biomass in general and chlorophyte biomass in particular in late autumn and winter, when phytoplankton biomass was low. A possible explanation for this overestimation may be the presence of large amounts of vascular plant detritus in the upper Schelde estuary. Residual chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and lutein in this detritus may result in an overestimation of total phytoplankton and chlorophyte biomass when the contribution of phytoplankton to total particulate organic matter is low.  相似文献   
Dissolved Al carried in river water apparently undergoes a fractional removal at the early stages of mixing in the Conway estuary. On the other hand, dissolved Al behaves almost conservatively in high salinity (>13) estuarine waters. In order to understand the geochemistry of Al in these estuarine waters, simple empirical sorption models have been used. Partitioning of Al occurs between solid and solution phases with a distribution coefficient, Kd, which varies from 0.67 × 105 to 3.38 × 106 ml g−1 for suspended particle concentrations of 2–64 mg l−1. The Kd values in general decrease with increasing suspended particulate matter and this tendency termed the “particle concentration effect” is quite pronounced in these waters. The sorption model derived by previous workers for predicting concentrations of dissolved Al with changing suspended sediment loads has been applied to these data. Reasonable fits are obtained for Kd values of 105, 106 and 107 ml g−1 with various values of α. Further, a sorption model is proposed for particulate Al concentrations in these waters that fits the data extremely well defined by a zone with Kd value 107 ml g−1 and C0 values 16 × 10−6 mg ml−1 and 92 × 10−6 mg ml−1. These observations provide strong evidence of sorption processes as key mechanisms influencing the distribution of dissolved and particulate Al in the Conway estuary and present new insight into Al geochemistry in estuaries.  相似文献   
The airborne laser scanning LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) provides high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTM) that have been applied recently to the characterization, quantification and monitoring of coastal environments. This study assesses the contribution of LIDAR altimetry and intensity data, topographically-derived features (slope and aspect), and multi-spectral imagery (three visible and a near-infrared band), to map coastal habitats in the Bidasoa estuary and its adjacent coastal area (Basque Country, northern Spain). The performance of high-resolution data sources was individually and jointly tested, with the maximum likelihood algorithm classifier in a rocky shore and a wetland zone; thus, including some of the most extended Cantabrian Sea littoral habitats, within the Bay of Biscay. The results show that reliability of coastal habitat classification was more enhanced with LIDAR-based DTM, compared with the other data sources: slope, aspect, intensity or near-infrared band. The addition of the DTM, to the three visible bands, produced gains of between 10% and 27% in the agreement measures, between the mapped and validation data (i.e. mean producer's and user's accuracy) for the two test sites. Raw LIDAR intensity images are only of limited value here, since they appeared heterogeneous and speckled. However, the enhanced Lee smoothing filter, applied to the LIDAR intensity, improved the overall accuracy measurements of the habitat classification, especially in the wetland zone; here, there were gains up to 7.9% in mean producer's and 11.6% in mean user's accuracy. This suggests that LIDAR can be useful for habitat mapping, when few data sources are available. The synergy between the LIDAR data, with multi-spectral bands, produced high accurate classifications (mean producer's accuracy: 92% for the 16 rocky habitats and 88% for the 11 wetland habitats). Fusion of the data enabled discrimination of intertidal communities, such as Corallina elongata, barnacles (Chthamalus spp.), and stands of Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis, which presented misclassification when conventional visible bands were used alone. All of these results were corroborated by the kappa coefficient of agreement. The high classification accuracy found here, selecting data sources, highlights the value of integrating LIDAR data with multi-spectral imagery for habitat mapping in the intertidal complex fringe.  相似文献   
对2018年8月秦皇岛风暴潮期间3个入海口岸基站及邻近海域浮标的监测数据进行分析,结果显示:风暴潮导致入海口水体中COD、总磷、总氮和氨氮含量均明显升高;风暴潮2 d之后,3个入海口邻近海域均发生赤潮,此次赤潮的发生与风暴潮导致陆源入海污染物骤然大幅升高有关。此次风暴潮导致秦皇岛人造河口、大蒲河口和七里海3个岸基监测站的COD监测日均值最高分别达到15.83 mg/L、8.70 mg/L和7.92 mg/L,约升高至前期的2倍、1.5倍和2倍;人造河口总氮变化不大,大蒲河口和七里海总氮升高30%左右;大蒲河口总磷变化不大,人造河口总磷为前期的3.5倍,升高幅度最大,七里海总磷为风暴潮之前两日的2倍,但未超过前一周的最高浓度;风暴潮当天及第二天,人造河口、大蒲河口、七里海氨氮日均值陆续达到最高,分别为2.34 mg/L、1.11 mg/L和0.12 mg/L,分别为风暴潮前两日的7倍、3.5倍和10倍。风暴潮过后,入海口临近海域发生赤潮,浮标监测到叶绿素a最高值为76.4μg/L,pH和溶解氧也大幅升高。分析表明,此次风暴潮导致的入海口污染物突然大幅升高为风暴潮之后的赤潮发生提供了充足的营养基础。  相似文献   
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