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A modeling method that takes into account known points on a geological interface and plane orientation data such as stratification or foliation planes is described and tested. The orientations data do not necessarily belong to one of the interfaces but are assumed to sample the main anisotropy of a geological formation as in current geological situations. The problem is to determine the surfaces which pass through the known points on interfaces and which are compatible with the orientation data. The method is based on the interpolation of a scalar field defined in the space the gradient in which is orthogonal to the orientations, given that some points have the same but unknown scalar value (points of the same interface), and that scalar gradient is known on the other points (foliations). The modeled interfaces are represented as isovalues of the interpolated field. Preliminary two-dimensional tests carried-out with different covariance models demonstrate the validity of the method, which is easily transposable in three dimensions.  相似文献   
A combined analysis of lineament length density from radar imagery and surface resistivity data is used to assess the hydrogeological conditions in the Oban massif, Nigeria. The results show that the data guided the qualitative and quantitative estimation of some aquifer parameters. These include resistivity of the water bearing formations (280–740 ω m), thickness (5–140 m), limited hydraulic conductivity (8.53-13.18 m/day) and transmissivity (410.65–725.88 m2/day) data. In addition, the lineament length density for the area ranged between less than 0.2 to slightly more than 0.4. Site evaluation for the location of productive boreholes/wells using a groundwater potential index (GWPI) indicates that areas with a GWPI of greater than 35 are consistent with relatively high yield.  相似文献   
中国侏罗系煤成油若干问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡社荣  方家虎 《地质论评》1997,43(2):155-161
在阐述了煤成油的概念,总结和评述了煤生油显微组分,生油门限,生油范围和生油高峰等问题后,本文通过吐哈等盆地侏罗系煤生油显微组分组成特征,可溶有机质演化,成熟度和有机质丰度,油源及原油成熟度对比;含煤岩系中煤层和泥岩的厚度及总量和煤及泥岩最高沥青和总烃转化率的对比; 其族组成和煤成原油的族组成特征的对比,提出了中国侏罗系煤成油盆地中泥岩比煤层对煤成油田形成有大的贡献看法。  相似文献   
从原始记录和分量图两方面对山西临汾中心地震台1991年以来的倾斜资料进行了分析,研究了临汾中心地震台地倾斜与省内及周边地区发生的中强地震的关系。结果表明,对1996年至2002年内发生的几次中强地震,临汾中心地震台地倾斜资料都有较好的异常反映。  相似文献   
华北地区700年来地壳应力场演化与地震的关系研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
目前地震断层相互作用问题已引起地震学家的广泛关注。许多研究表明一条断层的破裂可以影响附近其他断层趋于破裂的进程,两条断层间的确切作用取决于它们的相对位置、破裂机制、错动量和介质力学性质。本研究给出了华北地区700年来由于长期构造加载及地震断层错动导致的累积库仑破裂应力变化(ACCFS)的演化过程。长期构造加载场由GPS观测得到的地壳平均应变率场给出。关于历史地震断层破裂参数的估算,根据的是华北地区有现代仪器记录的大震资料归算地震烈度与断层破裂长度、震级和地震矩的统计关系;根据地质调查得到的地震断层走向、倾角以及本地区的构造应力场方向估计滑动角。考虑粘弹性成层介质地壳模型,计算长期构造加载和地震形变(同震及震后介质粘弹性驰豫变形)造成的累积应力场变化。将累积应力场变化投影到后续地震断层面和滑动方向上得到△CCFS,并研究其对后续地震发生的触发作用。对1303年以来华北地区发生的49个M≥6.5地震研究结果表明:ACCFS对48个后续地震中的38个有触发作用,触发率达到79.2%。应用当今累积应力场变化于华北地区1303年-2003年发生的M≥5地震,我们发现触发率达到75.5%,于1976年以来发生的M≥5地震触发率达82.1%。未被触发的地震中有些是发生在断层破裂区附近的余震,很可能是由于历史地震破裂参量估计的误差落入影区中,若排除这些影响,触发率会更高。研究表明ACCFS与发生的后续地震有很好的相关性。当前ACCFS显著上升的地区包括渤海及其邻域地区、西秦岭北缘断裂带、张家口-渤海地震带西端和太原盆地,其地震危险性应引起重视。  相似文献   
邯郸市西部岩溶地下水的利用与开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
华解明 《中国煤田地质》2004,16(2):23-25,65
根据区域内岩溶地下水供需水现状,特别是通过对岩溶地下水最新开采动态资料分析,认为邯郸市西部岩溶水区尚具有一定的开发潜力,并提出了解决岩溶山区(革命老区)人畜用水的可行性和拦蓄滞洪、人工补给的有效途径,为地方经济持续发展提供决策依据,也可为北方类似岩溶地区所借鉴。  相似文献   
The active convergence between the northwest corner of the Philippine Sea Plate and the southeast margin of the Eurasian Plate has given rise to the Taiwan mountain-building and produced numerous earthquakes. Among the earthquakes, the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake is the largest one recorded in the century. In this study, we examine the crustal gravitational potential energy (GPE) change in the Taiwan orogen caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake sequence, which was catalogued by the regional broadband seismometer array for a whole year. As a result, we find that the crust was going up and down randomly during the earthquake sequence, but an overall cumulative gain of the crustal GPE, +1.82×1016 J, was rapidly achieved in 1 month after the main shock. The crustal GPE was nearly still afterwards and reached +1.90×1016 J in 1 year. Spatially, although the main surface faulting has occurred in western Taiwan, the crustal GPE gain is mainly distributed in central Taiwan at the area where the existing crustal GPE is high and the existing lithospheric GPE is relatively low. The crustal GPE loss by the Chi-Chi earthquake sequence can also be observed and is generally distributed at both sides of the crustal GPE gain area. The crustal GPE gain mainly found in central Taiwan corroborates that the uplift of the Taiwan orogen is principally taking place in central Taiwan, rather than in the more hazardous western Taiwan.  相似文献   
太白县大河滩铜-金-多金属矿点成矿条件及找矿前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大河滩铜-金-多金属矿点处于两大板块碰撞对接带,其间有庞家河一马鞍桥近EW向铁-金矿带和斜峪关一二郎坝NE向铁-贵金属矿带通过,具有多次成矿作用叠加的特点,可与江西“银山式”大型铜-金多金属矿床的成矿条件、赋矿特征、成矿时代和矿化类型类比,具备形成大型矿床的成矿地质条件,找矿前景较大。  相似文献   
Abstract. Recent discoveries of seafloor hydrothermal mineralization in submarine volcanic centers of felsic magma in western Pacific island arcs are regarded as modern analogues of Kuroko type deposits. Studies of these deposits and their surrounding geology raised question whether the exploration activity for the Kuroko deposits on land which peaked in the 1960's was adequate or not. However, such an evaluation is not easy because the exploration data are about to be lost as a result of the closure of all the Kuroko mines in the area since 1994.
The Metal Mining Agency of Japan (MMAJ), therefore, decided to compile existing data on about 180 Kuroko deposits and related mineral occurrences in northeast Japan as a new Kuroko database.
This study extends a concept called "exploration indices" which was developed based on a case study of the thoroughly surveyed Hokuroku district to draw a potential map of the Kuroko occurrences for the entire northeast Japan quantitatively with a Geographical Information System (GIS). Effective exploration indices include: 1) distribution of dacitic-rhy-olitic submarine volcanic rocks of the Nishikurosawa and Onnagawa stages, 2) distribution of intrusive rocks of pre- and post-Kuroko horizon, 3) low aeromagnetic anomaly caused by hydrothermal alteration of magnetite, 4) low gravity anomaly which suggests depressions in the basement rocks such as a tectonic basin and/or caldera, and 5) nearby existence of vein type deposits. It is concluded that about 33 % of known Kuroko deposits fall within the high potential zone (score=4 and 5) that occupies only 4 % of the entire northeast Japan arc. The Kuroko potential map is, therefore, useful for limiting the target area for Kuroko type deposits in an island arc setting.  相似文献   
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