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This study provides a detailed magnetostratigraphic record of subsidence in the Linxia Basin, documenting a 27 Myr long sedimentary record from the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Deposition in the Linxia Basin began at 29 Ma and continued nearly uninterruptedly until 1.7 Ma. Increasing rates of subsidence between 29 and 6 Ma in the Linxia Basin suggest deposition in the foredeep portion of a flexural basin and constrain the timing of shortening in the northeastern margin of the plateau to Late Oligocene–Late Miocene time. By Late Miocene–Early Pliocene time, a decrease in subsidence rates in the Linxia Basin associated with thrust faulting and a 10° clockwise rotation in the basin indicates that the deformation front of the Tibetan plateau had propagated into the currently deforming region northeast of the plateau.  相似文献   
青藏高原地质构造活跃,内外动力作用强烈,加之气候异常变化,区内大型滑坡发育。以雅鲁藏布江断裂附近新发现的拉岗村古滑坡为研究对象,在现场调查、槽探揭露、地质测年和工程地质分析等基础上,对其发育特征及成因机制进行了分析研究。研究表明,(1)拉岗村滑坡属巨型岩质滑坡,体积达3.6×107 m3,最大水平滑动距离约3050m,滑坡后壁与堆积体前缘高差达965m,最大运动速率达78.1m/s,具明显高速远程特征;(2)受冷冻风化和冰体"楔劈"作用影响,滑坡后部岩体崩裂,全新世以来气候变化冰川逐渐消退,融雪降水入渗加剧劣化岩体结构,降低岩体强度;(3)根据14 C和10Be测年结果,拉岗村古滑坡形成于距今4140~9675a,沿雅鲁藏布江断裂发生的强震可能是该滑坡的直接诱因,岩体受到地震抛掷力作用,原有节理裂隙和新生破裂面发生张剪-拉裂破坏迅速贯通,首先沿断裂附近碎裂结构岩体发生破坏,上部岩体随之失稳并高速下滑。该研究可为认识青藏高原断裂带内大型古滑坡的形成机理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The seasonal and diurnal variations of cloud systems are profoundly affected by the large-scale and local environments. In this study, a one-year-long simulation was conducted using a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau (ETP) and two subregions of Eastern China: Southern East China and Central East China. Deep convective clouds (DCCs) rarely occur in the cold season over ETP, whereas DCCs appear in Eastern China throughout the year, and the ETP DCCs are approximately 20%?30% shallower than those over Eastern China. Most strong rainfall events (precipitation intensity, PI> 2.5 mm h?1) in Eastern China are related to warm-season DCCs with ice cloud processes. Because of the high elevation of the ETP, the warm-season freezing level is lower than in Eastern China, providing favorable conditions for ice cloud processes. DCCs are responsible for the diurnal variations of warm-season rainfall in all three regions. Warm-season DCCs over the ETP have the greatest total cloud water content and frequency in the afternoon, resulting in an afternoon rainfall peak. In addition, rainfall events in the ETP also exhibit a nocturnal peak in spring, summer, and autumn due to DCCs. Strong surface heat fluxes around noon can trigger or promote DCCs in spring, summer, and autumn over the ETP but produce only cumulus clouds in winter due to the cold and dry environment.  相似文献   
青藏高原隆升及其环境效应   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
“青藏高原形成演化及其环境资源效应”项目选择青藏高原为典型地区,特别注意高原与毗邻地区的联系,以从全球尺度探讨高原的各种过程,目标集中在大陆碰撞过程和高原隆升过程,以过程为主线贯通碰撞机制、环境变化和资源分布规律的研究;时间上着重新生代以来,在不同精细时间尺度上定量地描述碰撞和隆升的动态过程及环境变化。运用地球科学、生命科学、环境科学及各学科之间有机交叉、综合研究的方法,开展大陆碰撞动力学、环境变化、现代表生过程及各圈层相互作用等重大理论问题的研究,为青藏高原地区的资源开发和环境调控提供科学依据。按照统观全局、突出重点的原则,项目主要研究内容包括以下4个方面:大陆岩石圈碰撞过程及其成矿效应;高原隆升过程与东亚气候环境变化;青藏高原现代表生过程及相互作用机理;青藏高原区域系统相互作用的综合研究。在完成研究计划任务的基础上,项目取得如下的突出研究成果和创新性进展:印度大陆与欧亚大陆初始碰撞时限;青藏高原南北缘山盆岩石圈尺度的构造关系;青藏高原整合构造模型与成矿成藏评价;新生代高原北部重大的构造变形隆升事件序列;高原周边环境变化事件及高原隆升对亚洲季风发展变化的影响;高分辨率气候动态过程及变化趋势;高原主要生态系统碳过程对气候变化的响应;高原气候变化及冰冻圈变化与预测;高原土地覆被变化、恢复整治及管理。  相似文献   
青藏高原植被下垫面对东亚大气环流影响的数值试验   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
采用J.W.Deardorff(1)地表植被参数化方案,利用P-a原始方程5层模式(2),分析了青藏高原有植被和无植被两种不同下垫面情况下的大气响应,结果表明有植被下垫面通过增加向大气输送潜热通量,加强了高原上空的热低压,增强了高原北部的热成风,加强了高原南侧的季风环流,使青藏高原及我国东南地区的降水增多。  相似文献   
青藏高原平流层臭氧和气溶胶的变化趋势研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过分析SAGEⅡ资料,发现青藏高原平流层臭氧存在递减趋势,15—50 km臭氧的变化对臭氧总量变化贡献最大,其中25—50 km和15—25 km两层的贡献大致相当。通过青藏高原和中国东部地区平流层臭氧变化的对比,清楚地看出:两地臭氧总量变化的差异主要是由于在15—25 km臭氧变化不同所致。5—7月臭氧变化趋势的情况与年平均的变化类似,两地臭氧变化的差异主要在平流层低层,即15—25 km。青藏高原平流层气溶胶面密度的时间变化序列显示:大的火山喷发对青藏高原平流层气溶胶具有重要影响,其影响可持续6年左右。从1997年至今,青藏高原18—25 km气溶胶面密度增加,最大的增长出现在23 km,每年大约增长4%—5%。而在16—17 km气溶胶的面密度出现减少趋势。与此同时,在37 km以下,青藏高原的温度出现递减的趋势,而且其递减速度比中国东部地区快;在37—50 km,温度出现增加的趋势,青藏高原的增温也比中国东部地区快。青藏高原平流层低层气溶胶的增加和温度的降低都将增强该区域非均相反应的作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the late Quaternary climate and environmental characteristics of two tributary valleys (Xingmu and Depu Valleys) in the Parlung Zangbo Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples collected from moraines at the mouth of Xingmu Valley produce a wide age range from 13.9 ka to 76 ka. The ages measured from the lenticular sand are consistent with the relative geomorphic sequence of the landforms. Lenticular sand layers below the moraine were dated to 37.9 ka and 44.7 ka, indicating that fluvial processes were likely dominant in the valley during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The outer moraine ridges at the valley mouth were formed during 13.9 ka and 26.5 ka, corresponding to MIS2. At Depu Valley, OSL samples from two sets of lateral and terminal moraines close to the modern glacier, provide ages from 1.4 ka to 29.2 ka. The paleosol layer widely developed during 2.6 cal ka BP and 8.7 cal ka BP in the study area, reflecting a relatively warm condition during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   
RegCM3模式对青藏高原夏季气温和降水的模拟   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用RegCM3模式对青藏高原1991—2000年10年夏季(6~8月)的地面气温和降水进行了模拟, 其模拟结果与CRU资料的对比分析表明: RegCM3模式的模拟能再现高原地面气温和降水的基本特征, 特别是气温, 能捕捉到高原北部夏季升温明显高于南部, 东北部升温最大; 在夏季3个月中, 模拟结果和CRU在6月份最为吻合, 7月份两者均为夏季气温最高月份和升温幅度最大月份, 8月份两者相差较大。RegCM3模式能够模拟出高原降水分布的基本特征和主要干湿中心, 由于高原降水的复杂性和模式对降水描述能力的不足, 降水模拟要差于气温。  相似文献   
The climatological signal of δ18O variations preserved in ice cores recovered from Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) was calibrated with regional meteorological data for the past 50 years. For the period AD 1860–2000, 5-yearly averaged ice core δ18O and a summer temperature reconstruction derived from pollen data from the same ice core were compared. The statistical results provide compelling evidence that Puruogangri ice core δ18O variations represent summer temperature changes for the central TP, and hence regional temperature history during the past 600 years was revealed. A comparison of Puruogangri ice core δ18О with several other temperature reconstructions shows that broad-scale climate anomalies since the Little Ice Age occurred synchronously across the eastern and southern TP, and the Himalayas. Common cold periods were identified in the 15th century, 1625–1645 AD, 1660–1700 AD, 1725–1775 AD, 1795–1830 AD, 1850–1870 AD, 1890–1920 AD, 1940–1950 AD, and 1975–1985 AD. The period 1725–1775 AD was one of the most prolonged cool periods during the past 400 years and corresponded to maximum Little Ice Age glacier advance of monsoonal temperate glaciers of the TP.  相似文献   
青藏高原中部湖泊沉积物中Zr/Rb值及其环境意义   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
由于青藏高原及其周边地区构造复杂,湖泊沉积物中的粒级差别很大,单一的测量方法往往难以奏效。Rb、Zr是表生地球化学过程中的稳定元素,但它们之间也存在显著差别,Rb一般富集在细颗粒中,Zr则在粗颗粒中含量较高。研究发现,湖泊沉积物中Zr/Rb比值与粘土(<2μm)含量存在显著相关,Zr/Rb值反映了湖泊沉积物的粒度大小。Zr/Rb比值所揭示的青藏高原中部280万年来经历的3次大的环境演化过程与岩性变化、孢粉指标反映的环境特征是一致的。  相似文献   
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