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青藏高原中部北北东向深部负磁异常带的成因及其意义   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
根据最新测量获得的青藏高原中西部航磁异常图 ,经不同高度向上延拓后 ,发现在测区东部 ,即青藏高原中部自柴达木向西南延伸的广大地区 ,出现一条极为明显的北北东向负磁异常带。从对航磁区域场的分析 ,并结合人工地震、重力计算莫霍面深度、热水活动、最新火山岩活动、地貌特征和天然地震活动等多种资料的解释 ,认为负异常带是由于深部热流沿北北东向上升引起局部岩浆熔融 ,使上地壳下部具有较高的地温 ,导致磁性层底部消磁作用的结果。与此同时也加快了青藏高原隆升的幅度 ,为高原形成和演化的研究提供了新的证据  相似文献   
西藏地热气体的地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
赵平  谢鄂军等 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):539-550
西藏水热活动是青苦恼高原碰撞造山过程的产物,其成因类型、物质来源和时空分布与青藏高原的隆升过程密切相关,地热流体(气、液相)中携带有中上地壳乃至地幔物质的深部信息。西藏地热流体可以区分出CO2型和N2型两类气体,其中绝大多数的地热气体样品属于CO2型气体,而典型的N2型气体则较少。前者具有岩浆热源和深循环两种成因类型,后者都是深循环成因。西藏气体样品中的He含量变化范围非常宽,最高的可达到1.5%。在门士热泉,首次检测到地幔He组分,这说明西藏地壳深处有地幔物质侵位。根据He同位素组成推断,羊八井、谷露等处的地壳熔融体中约有3%的地幔组分。西藏地热气体中的N2和Ar组分主要是大气成因,CO2组分大多以海相碳酸盐岩成因为主,混有少量有机沉积物成因CO2。当Log(H2/Ar)处于-0.8-0.3的区间时,H2/Ar地热温度计可以良好地指示热储层的温度范围。实际调查表明:西藏水热活动区大多分布在斑公错-怒江链合带以南地区,高温水热活动区主要出现在雅鲁藏布缝合带和那曲-羊八井-亚东活动构造带沿线。  相似文献   
青藏高原臭氧的ENSO   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对臭氧卫星观测资料及大气环流资料的分析,研究了青藏高原上空臭氧年际变化中的 ENSO信号,并与同纬度无山区及赤道地区进行比较。研究指出:在 E1 Nino年(SOI指数为负)青藏高原臭氧总量增加,在 La Nina年(SOI指数为正)青藏高原臭氧总量减小。本文同时讨论了与ENSO事件有关的大气环流物质输送。  相似文献   
利用卫星资料试作青藏高原地表净辐射场的气候反演   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
翁笃鸣  高歌 《气象科学》2001,21(2):162-168
利用 ERBE和 ISCCP卫星辐射及总云量资料 ,结合已提出的地表短波吸收辐射 ,大气逆辐射以及地表长波辐射的气候反演方法 ,计算出 2 5°~ 4 0°N,75°~ 95°E间 2 .5°× 2 .5°经纬度网络点及高原 63个站点的各月平均地表净辐射 ,绘制出其在高原的分布图 ,揭示其时空分布特征。  相似文献   
应用NCEP地面热通量资料, 研究了青藏高原地面感热、潜热的气候状况及其与初夏东亚大气环流之间的关系。发现高原地面热通量的异常将影响高原地区上空的垂直运动与辐散辐合运动, 从而引起东亚地区高度场及风场的异常。同时, 青藏高原地区地面热通量与后期东亚地区的环流变化也有密切关系, 这种关系可为预测东亚地区初夏环流异常提供有意义的指标。  相似文献   
西藏羌塘中央隆起区物质组成与构造演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对羌塘中央隆起区的物质成分及构造演化规律的认识 ,涉及到青藏高原特提斯演化、羌塘盆地的形成发展及高原的隆升过程。对羌塘中央隆起区构造演化在认识上目前有较大分歧 ,主要有两种观点 :1)认为扎布 (察布 )—查桑地区发育裂谷 ,没有发育成特提斯洋盆 ;2 )龙木错—双湖 (—澜沧江 )古特提斯缝合带 ,代表古特提斯洋的闭合遗迹之一。基于对羌塘中央隆起区物质成分及属性 ,以及同位素年代学研究 ,将羌塘中央隆起中泥盆世—早白垩世的构造发展历史划分了六个阶段 ,即D2 —C11初始裂谷阶段 ;C21—C2 裂谷阶段 ;P1海底扩张—大洋化阶段 ;P2 —T2 板块汇聚—消减阶段 ;T3 —J1板块碰撞阶段 ;J2 —K1碰撞—整体抬升阶段。羌塘中央隆起构造演化经历了一个完整的威尔逊旋回  相似文献   
质量平衡法——定量恢复新生代青藏高原造山作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原的形成演化及其对东亚地形,水文分布,季风起源,全球气候变化,海洋化学组分改变等的影响,一直是全球地质学家关注的热点,然而由于定量研究方法的缺乏,一些关键性的问题一直悬而未决,质量平衡法的提出为解决这一困境提供了新思路,阐述了质量平衡法的原理,并以Metivier等对西藏高原地区,东亚,印度支那和印度板块地区的研究为例,介绍了质量平衡法的应用,同时对存在的问题进行了较为详细的讨论,为进一步研究指明了重点。  相似文献   
Strong seismic anisotropy beneath Tibet has recently been reported from the study of SKS shear wave splitting. The fast split waves are generally polarized in an easterly direction, close to the present day direction of motion of the Tibetan crust relative to stable Eurasia, as deduced from Holocene slip rates on the major active faults in and around Tibet. This correlation may be taken to suggest that the whole Tibetan lithosphere is being extruded in front of indenting India and that the anisotropic layer is the deforming asthenosphere, that accommodates the motion of the Tibetan lithosphere relative to the fixed mantle at depth. Uncertainties about this motion are at present too large to bring unambiguous support to that view. Assuming that this view is correct however, a simple forward model is used to compute theoretical delay times as a function of the thickness of the anisotropic layer. The observed delay times would require a 50–100 km thick anisotropic layer beneath south-central Tibet and an over 200 km thick layer beneath north-central Tibet, where particularly hot asthenosphere has been inferred. This study suggests that the asthenospheric anisotropy due to present absolute block motion might be dominant under actively deforming continents.  相似文献   
A total of 11 earthquakes with 15 Rayleigh wave paths, recorded at 11 broadband digital PASSCAL seismometers installed in the Tibet Plateau by the Sino-U.S. joint research group, were used to determine the phase velocity and attenuation coefficient of surface waves in periods of 10–130 s. The average shear wave velocity and quality factor {ie271-1} structures in the crust and upper mantle were obtained in this region. The result shows the average {ie271-2} is low and there exists a high attenuation ({ie271-3}=93–141) layer in the crust. The depth range of the low {ie271-4} value layer (16–42 km) is consistent with the range of low velocity layer (21–51 km) in the crust. Below 63 km in the lower crust, {ie271-5} decreases with depth from 114 to 34 at depth of 180 km. The low shear wave velocity and low value of {ie271-6} at the same depth range in the crust indicate that the rocks in the range is probably melted or partially melted. According to the shear wave velocity structure, the average thickness of the crust is about 71 km and a clear velocity discontiniuty appears at the depth of 51 km. The low-velocity zone (4. 26 km/s) at depth of 96–180 km may be corresponding to the asthenosphere. Contribution No. 96A0047, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
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