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Books Reviewed in this article: Lob Trees in the Wilderness . Clifford and Isabel Ahlgren . Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing . T. D. Allan , ed. Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth Since World War II . Richard M. Bernard and Bradley R. Rice , eds. Legacy of Minneapolis: Preservation Amid Change . John R. Borchert , David Gebhard , David Lanegran , and Judith A. Martin . Bloomington, MN: Preparing a Historic Preservation Ordinance. Richard J. Roddewig . The Mountains of Northeastern Tasmania, A Study of Alpine Geomorphology . Nel Caine . Introductory Cartography . John Campbell . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Changing Climate . Manual of Remote Sensing, Second Edition . 2 Vols. Robert N. Colwell , ed.-in-chief; David S. Simonett and John E. Estes , vol. eds. Remote Sensing in Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology . A. P. Cracknell , ed. Multidimensional Scaling . Mark L. Davison . Environmental Karst . Percy H. Dougherty , ed. The Urban Environment . Ian Douglas . Geomorphology of Europe . Clifford Embleton , ed. An Introduction to South Asia . B. H. Farmer . Great Geological Controversies . A. Hallam . Hazardous Waste Management: In Whose Backyard? Michalann Harthill , ed. Energy for Subsistence . Margaret Haswell . Perspective on Ratzel's Political Geography . James M. Hunter . Economic Deposits and their Tectonic Setting . Charles S. Hutchison . Energy Risk Assessment . Herbert Inhaber . Discovering the Vernacular Landscape . John Brinckerhoff Jackson . Climate and Energy Systems: A Review of Their Interactions . Jill Jäger . Dilemmas in Regional Policy . Antoni Kuklinski and J. G. Lambooy , eds. California Farmland: A History of Large Agricultural Landholdings . Ellen Liebman . The Spatial Organization of New Land Settlement in Latin America . Jacob O. Maos . Dark Continent: Africa as Seen by Americans . Michael McCarthy . Westport, CT: Climatology: An Introduction . John E. Oliver and John J. Hidore . Columbus, OH: The Geography of Warfare . Patrick O'Sullivan and Jesse W. Miller . The Expanding City. Essays in Honour of Professor Jean Gottmann . John Patten , ed. Scotland's Environment During the Last 30,000 Years . Robert J. Price . Integrated Urban Models . S. H. Putman . Development and the Environmental Crisis: Red or Green Alternatives? Michael Redclift .  相似文献   
SWDC-4数码航空相机虚拟影像生成   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了利用外视场拼接技术生成虚拟影像的主要过程和原理,包括相机检校、影像纠正、内部相对定向、虚拟影像生成。实验结果表明,SWDC-4数字航摄仪的高程精度指标达到同类产品的国际领先水平,平面精度指标达到国际先进水平。测图精度检测结果表明,使用SWDC-4数码航空相机影像资料测制的1∶500、1∶1000、1∶2000、1∶5000比例尺地形图满足精度要求,优于规范规定的限差。  相似文献   
通过对琼海加积井数字水位与模拟水位的观测资料进行对比分析,发现其动态变化特征一致,与固体潮的相关系数也基本一致,数据的相关性及内在质量良好,映震能力相当。数字观测具有数据信息量大,传输速度快,人为误差小的优点,可以取代模拟水位观测。  相似文献   
In this paper, a method for measuring the color of Quaternary sediments based on digital image analysis is proposed, which has the advantages of simple and quick operation, and improving the research efficiency of sediment color. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this method, the measurement results are compared with the traditional colorimetric measurement methods. The results show that:1) Both the traditional sediment color measurement method and the digital image color measurement method are controlled by sediment grain size. Sediment color research can be carried out on fine sand or finer sediments, but for medium grained sand and coarse sand, the error will be larger. Compared with the traditional measurement methods, digital image method can reduce the inherited color interference of coarse clastic sediments; 2) The particle size and water content of clastic sediments affect the numerical value of digital image sediment color. Generally, the wet-color values obtained by the digital image method are lower than the dry-color values obtained by using a spectrophotometer, and the color value variation is large, and the undulation of chromaticity/brightness curve is greater; 3) Compared with the traditional sediment color measurement method, digital image method has good consistency of color measurement of redness and yellowness, but the brightness is affected by uneven illumination, resulting in some error. Sediment digital image extraction of sediment color information can replace the indoor measurement method to a certain extent, and can be used to establish a more complete sediment color sequence under more complex sedimentary environment, so as to provide information for the Quaternary stratigraphic division, paleoclimate research, paleosol recognition and paleoearthquake event identification, thus expanding the application of colorimetric results to the geological direction.  相似文献   
针对数字航空摄影作业技术流程中的作业标准、精度要求以及各关键指标的控制等问题,从数字航空摄影的技术计划制定、航线规划和各项技术指标的确定等方面入手,对基于海岸带、海岛(礁)特征的航摄分区、航线敷设、地面分辨率的确定、航摄季节与时间选择以及POS辅助航空摄影方案选择等内容进行了研究,为获取满足海洋测绘指标要求的航空摄影数据源提供支持。  相似文献   
针对目前地理信息科学领域存在的三维地理场景大都是局部的、基于投影的2.5维表面模型的问题,该文提出了利用球体大圆弧八叉树剖分(SGOG)瓦块建立大区域真三维地理场景的方法。将SGOG特定剖分层次的顶点与全球共享DEM数据进行匹配,构建大区域真三维地形框架;以地形起伏度为阈值,采用不同层次的瓦块进行自适应建模,大大减少了数据量;粘贴遥感纹理,建立虚拟地理场景。中国大陆地区的实验结果表明:所提方法不但顾及了地球曲率,克服了投影变形的缺陷,而且可以利用SGOG多尺度特性,灵活建立各种(混合)尺度的模型,并可实现地表上下空间的一体化建模。  相似文献   
主要介绍了IP-S2车载移动测量系统的构成及系统特征,通过对系统工作流程和技术路线的详细说明,结合采集的数据特点阐明了系统可以实现的功能。该系统应用于数字城管信息系统中,实现了多种辅助分析功能,为城市的智能化管理和地理信息数据的获取和应用提供了一种快速多样的应用途径。  相似文献   
从航空数字影像提取北极海冰形态参数的方法研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
赵进平  任敬萍 《遥感学报》2000,4(4):271-278
在 1999年 7月至 9月的中国首次北极科学考察中 ,对北极密集冰区进行了航空数字相机遥感观测 ,获得一批高分辨率的不同类型海冰数字影像。探讨了利用数字影像分析海冰形态参数的方法。利用这些方法不仅可以分析海冰边缘、密集度、冰水比例等常规参数 ,而且可以获得卫星遥感尚无法探测的一些海冰形态的新参数 ,这些参数将增加对不同类别海冰的认识 ,对于研究北极融冰过程和冰区的海气相互作用提供有价值的手段和分析方法。给出的方法可以应用到中国渤海海冰和其它海域海冰的研究。  相似文献   
王道杰  陈倍  孙健辉 《测绘通报》2022,(5):140-144+169
机载激光雷达技术(LiDAR)作为一项先进的遥感技术,是植被覆盖区DEM获取的重要手段之一,而不同地形坡度条件及点云密度对DEM产品质量有重要影响。本文以辽宁省某市的机载LiDAR数据为基础,选取5种不同地形坡度的点云数据,通过随机、等间距及基于曲率3种不同的点云抽稀方法,按照点云保留率为80%、60%、40%、20%和10%共5个不同梯度的抽稀倍数对原始点云进行抽稀简化处理,生成与之对应的DEM并对其进行精度评价,以此研究地形坡度、点云抽稀方法、抽稀倍数对DEM精度的影响。结果表明,DEM精度与地形坡度呈负相关关系,即RMSE随地形坡度升高不断增加;基于曲率的抽稀方法在地形坡度>30°时,相较于其他两种方法RMSE较小,具有明显优势;40%的点云保留率是平衡DEM精度与数据存储效率的一个节点,当点云保留率<40%时,DEM的高程RMSE会迅速增大。该研究对于利用机载LiDAR进行大范围DEM生产具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
利用黄梅台长期稳定、连续、可靠、精确的观测资料,应用EIS2000[1]地震前兆信息处理与软件系统及MapInfo软件系统,通过对比分析气象变化、人为干扰、仪器故障等非地形变信息和误差干扰因素,多方法分析、处理了台站水管仪、伸缩仪两套仪器定点形变观测资料.从资料分析结果中掌握某些基本常见的规律,为台站人员在日常资料处理...  相似文献   
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