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选择江西省作为典型研究区域,采用历史分析与空间分析方法,基于长时间序列研究不同交通运输阶段交通区位的动态演变过程,并对其所引致的区域发展特征进行分析.结论是:在传统交通运输阶段向近代化及现代化交通运输阶段转变过程中,江西省宏观交通区位分别表现为国家南北交通控扼中枢,铁路建设的滞后区与周边发达地区间的交通过境区,可达性演变特征则由南北方向可达性的优势区逐步演化为滞后区.不同时期相对应的区域发展特征表现为,从传统运输阶段的区域商贸全面繁荣,走向近代工业化进程滞后及当前经济发展边缘化.在总结典型案例基础上,尝试从成因层,演变层,作用层,效应层和反馈层五个层面探讨交通区位与区域发展的内在作用关系. 相似文献
过家春 《大地测量与地球动力学》2012,32(3):116-120
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本文综合了以往有关勘查和研究成果,总结浙江省江山—绍兴深断裂以南中生代火山岩区火山银矿床、点的时空分布、中型银矿床定位、成矿物质来源、成矿温度、矿石有用组分的垂直分带、矿物垂直分带、近矿围岩蚀变分带、矿体原生晕、稳定同位素、火山岩下的基本底物质组成差异与银矿的成矿关系等统计规律与成矿系列,认为浙东南火山岩区仍有良好的火山银(金、铅锌)矿找矿远景。 相似文献
根据青藏高原地磁三分量绝对测量资料,使用泰勒多项式方法和冠谐分析方法,计 算了青藏高原地磁场(X, Y,Z )的泰勒多项式模型和青藏高原地磁剩余场(△X,△Y,△Z)的冠谐 模型,并绘制了相应的理论地磁图.分析了磁异常点对地磁场模型的影响,对比分析了地磁 场的多项式模型和冠谐模型,讨论了地磁场模型的边界效应问题. 相似文献
Igor Jemcov 《Environmental Geology》2007,51(5):767-773
The management of groundwater flow systems in karst regions appears, at present, to be the most important procedure for solving
water deficiency problems during periods of low rainfall. Faced with a lack of data for characterizing the water supply potential
of karst aquifers, analyses of spring hydrographs may provide valuable indirect information regarding the structure of karst
hydrogeological systems. To estimate the optimal exploitation capacities of karstic sources, a stochastic-conceptual approach
was applied in case studies from the Serbian karst. Water supply potentials were initially evaluated on the basis of groundwater
budgets. Further steps towards defining optimal “exploitable” regimes included analyses of storage changes in karst water
reservoirs under natural conditions and calculation of the potential expansion of currently tapped sources. The results obtained
through these analyses are a significant contribution to feasibility studies and aid in the avoidance of problems of overexploitation. 相似文献
目前通过对软土地基预加固处理来提高桩基水平承载力已被工程界认可,但如何在工程前期设计过程中估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值仍是技术难点。基于此,参考Bowles[1]的地基土水平抗力计算式,同时考虑成层软土地基预排水固结处理影响,通过数学推导,推求出根据原状软土室内土工试验抗剪强度指标及预加固处理时间,估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值的实用计算方法。考虑桩侧土弹塑性屈服影响,推导出成层软土中水平受荷桩弹塑性解析解及塑性区深度的计算式,给出了桩顶水平位移、桩身最大弯矩的无量纲计算式及相关计算源代码。依托于浙江省某水闸桩基工程案例,根据提出的计算方法对桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等性状进行预估计算,并与地基预处理前、后现场试桩检测值进行验证对比,认为桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等预估计算成果与工程现场试桩的检测值较接近,对类似工程设计具有较好的参考价值。 相似文献
U–Th decay series isotopes, δ18O and Si measurements in the river estuarine waters and sediments of the polluted Hooghly estuary as well as the surface waters of the Bay of Bengal, its high salinity end member, are reported. Dissolved Si indicates that there are probably two mixing regimes, dissolved U behaviour is nonconservative and δ18O behaves conservatively in the overall estuarine region. Isotopes of reactive elements, viz. 234Th and 210Po, are removed from the estuarine waters in <2 days and <1 month, respectively, which is due to high suspended matter (30–301 mg l−1). 228Ra and 226Ra are profusely released into the estuarine waters in the low to mid-salinity regions.As expected, the opposite trend is observed in the case of estuarine sediments and suspended matter. Reactive isotopes of Th, 210Pb and 210Po are enriched, whereas Ra isotopes are depleted with respect to their parent nuclides in the estuarine sediments and suspended matter. 232Th/Al ratio appears well suited to study the distribution and mixing of the bed load sediments of the Ganga–Brahmaputra (G–B) and the Hooghly rivers with those from other rivers on the Bay of Bengal floor. 相似文献
研究引滦水库的天然来水系列之间的丰枯补偿特性,以期优化滦河中下游水库群联合供水的调度及合理配置该区域水资源.通过运用三元Copula联结函数构造了潘家口水库、陡河水库和于桥水库年入库天然径流系列的三维联合分布,然后利用此联合分布计算了这3个水库年天然来水量丰枯遭遇的概率.结果表明,3个水库径流系列的丰枯同步概率高达46.96%,潘家口水库对陡河水库和于桥水库不具补偿能力的概率为30.2%;为保证天津、唐山等地的供水安全,必须加强引滦水库群的优化调度,充分发挥各个引滦水库的调蓄功能,以降低不利丰枯遭遇带来的影响. 相似文献
Stephen K. Boss 《Mathematical Geology》2000,32(2):159-185
Traditional undergraduate education in earth sciences does not emphasize data acquisition, analysis, or assessment. However, arrival of the information age dictates that earth sciences graduates be imbued with fundamental skills to organize, evaluate and process large data sets. Fortunately, the proliferation of remotely sensed data and its availability via the Internet provides many opportunities for earth science educators to meet these needs. Exercises to introduce students to data analysis have been designed utilizing data from the Tropical Atmosphere–Ocean (TAO) Array and the 1997–1998 El Niño episode in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The TAO Array is a grid of 69 buoys moored across the equatorial Pacific Ocean (8°N to 8°S and 95°W to 143°E) recording environmental data relevant to El Niño—Southern Oscillation (ENSO) processes. Data from the TAO Array is available in near-real-time (http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/toga-tao/realtime.html) or as archived ASCII files (http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/toga-tao/data-delivery.html) providing daily (sometimes hourly) records of environmental parameters for each buoy in the grid. Student exercises in data analysis begin with downloading data from buoy locations, parsing the data into spreadsheets, and organizing data by environmental parameter into yearly and monthly data sets. Analyses of reconstructed data include calculations of long-term averages of environmental parameters, seasonal climatologies, monthly climatologies and calculation of long-term, seasonal, and monthly anomalies. Finally, monthly anomaly maps produced by students are loaded sequentially into GIF-animation software to create time-series images illustrating the progress and development of the 1997–1998 El Niño event. 相似文献