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哈尔里克山位于天山造山带东北缘,是古亚洲洋板片俯冲、弧—陆(或弧—弧)增生拼贴造山作用的产物.出露于哈尔里克山南麓的中—高级变质带中发育有混合岩,其成因和时代尚无详细研究.文章对哈尔里克变质带中的混合岩进行了野外岩相—构造分析与LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学研究.结果显示,该混合岩与高级变质沉积岩紧密伴生,可能是...  相似文献   
青藏高原唐古拉山北坡夏季风降水特征的初步分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杨梅学 Ueno  K 《冰川冻土》1999,21(3):233-236
利用GAME-Tibet加强观测期间(1998年5 ̄9月)D105站的降水资料,初步分析了青藏高原唐古拉山北坡夏季风降水的特征。表明从6月7日到9月18日,这104d中有81d产生降水,总结水量为279.2mm,每天平均降水量达3.45mm。可以认为6月7日左右为唐古拉山北坡D105站处夏季风爆发日。8月份降水量最大。为121.6mm,占观测期间总降水量的43.6%。在夏季风期间,季风降水存在着明  相似文献   
扎木曲多金属矿位于唐古拉山北坡,长江源头的沱沱河一带。1/20万地球化学测量在该区圈定AS4甲1HgCu综合异常一处,对该综合异常作1/5万水系沉积物加密测量,将其分解为AS4-1~AS4-5五个子异常,进一步浓缩了找矿靶区。对分解后的重点子异常AS4-3采用土壤测量控制异常浓集中心部位,圈定了一条土壤元素组合异常带,异常重现性好,面积大,元素含量值显著提高。通过对土壤异常带作工程验证并圈出铅矿体9条。为此,地球化学勘查在本区寻找多金属矿是行之有效的,这为在唐古拉山地区寻找多金属矿产提供参考。  相似文献   
大兴安岭北段作为中亚造山带东段重要组成单元,该区域的构造背景一直悬而未决,它涉及兴安与松辽地块基底属性、额尔古纳地块亲缘性以及三者之间的拼贴位置、时限和方式等众多科学问题。蛇绿岩作为研究造山带的重要工具之一,不仅是古板块或微地块的重要边界,而且是认识地幔组成和壳幔演化的重要窗口。然而大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩却鲜有报道。根据近年来野外工作及结合前人研究成果,文章探讨了蛇绿岩形成时代及构造环境。研究表明:(1)大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩整体呈北东向展布,但时代跨越较大,主要包括新元古代、早奥陶世-志留纪、石炭纪-二叠纪;(2)大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩均有E-MORB地球化学特征,其中新元古代的蛇绿岩明显亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta,而晚古生代的蛇绿岩则相对富集高场强元素;(3)大兴安岭北段新元古代蛇绿岩可能形成于洋内岛弧环境,记录着前寒武纪陆弧碰撞信息,而早奥陶世-志留纪蛇绿岩可能与早古生代弧盆体系演化相关。尽管上述认识为大兴安岭北段古生代的地球动力学背景研究提供了新的依据,但大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩仍存在较多问题亟须解决。  相似文献   
In 2003–2004, long-term seismic noise observations were launched on Shikotan Island (Lesser Kuril Range) based on the “Shikotan” dormant regional seismic station. The geological and geophysical data on the registration area are reported. Information about the equipment and its technical specifications is given. The precursors to the strongest local earthquakesthat occurred in the Shikotan Island region in January 2005–March 2007 are identified.  相似文献   
The Great Xing’an Range in Northeast China is located in the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. From north to south, the Great Xing’an Range is divided into the Erguna, Xing’an, and Songliao blocks. Previous U–Pb zircon geochronology results have revealed that some ‘Precambrian metamorphic rocks’ in the Xing’an block have Phanerozoic protolith ages, questioning whether Precambrian basement exists in the Xing’an block. We present laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb dating results for zircons from suspected Precambrian metamorphic rocks in the Xing’an block. Meta-rhyolites of the Xinkailing Group in Nenjiang yield magmatic ages of 355.8 Ma. Detrital zircons from phyllites of the Xinkailing Group in Duobaoshan yield populations of ca. 1505, ca. 810, and ca. 485 Ma, with the youngest peak constraining its depositional age to be <485 Ma. Zircons from amphibolitic gneisses of the Xinkailing Group in Nenjiang have magmatic ages of 308.6 Ma. Mylonitic granites of the Xinkailing Group in Nenjiang have zircon magmatic ages of 164 Ma. Detrital zircons from two-mica quartz schists of the Luomahu Group in the Galashan Forest yield ca. 2419, ca. 1789, ca. 801, ca. 536, ca. 480, and ca. 420 Ma, with the youngest peak indicating its depositional age as <420 Ma. Detrital zircons from mylonitized sericite–chlorite schist of the Ergunhe Formation in Taerqi yield populations of 982–948, ca. 519, and ca. 410 Ma, with the youngest peak demonstrating that its depositional age is <410 Ma. These zircon ages for a range of lithologies show that the Great Xing’an Range metamorphic rocks formed during the Phanerozoic (164–485 Ma) and that this crust is mostly Palaeozoic. Based on these results and published data, we conclude that there is no evidence of Precambrian metamorphic basement in the Xing’an block. In summary, the age data indicate that Precambrian metamorphic basement may not exist in the Xing’an region.  相似文献   
The Chalukou deposit is located in the North Great Xing’an Range of the Xing’an-Mongolia Orogen bordering and to the northeast of the North China Craton. The deposit is a high-F-type porphyry Mo deposit hosted by the Chalukou composite igneous body containing small intrusive bodies genetically related to Mo mineralization. The composite igneous body includes pre-mineralization dolerite, monzogranite and syenogranite, syn-mineralization rhyolitic porphyry, granitic porphyry and fine-grained monzogranite, and post-mineralization rhyolitic porphyry, quartz porphyry, dioritic porphyry and andesitic porphyry. Detailed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon dating of the igneous components of the composite igneous body was carried out to determine the temporal framework for magmatism in the Chalukou region. The new LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages constraint documented here, together with the published ages, indicate that there was a protracted porphyry Mo ore-forming event of approximately 7 million years between ca. 152 when the ore related rhyolitic porphyry was emplaced and ca.145 Ma when molybdenite ceased being deposited. The dating reveals that the mineralization is a part of relatively long-lived magmatic cycle involving the emplacement of small doleritic stocks at ca. 165 Ma that progressively evolved into extensive granitic intrusions at ca. 164 Ma, and then diminished with the emplacement of mineralization-related porphyries to ca. 152 Ma. The emplacement of barren Early Cretaceous magmatism, represented by volcanic units in the ca. 136 Ma Guanghua Formation and porphyries, followed the mineralized magmatism.The syn-mineralization porphyry units associated with Mo contain zircons assaying ∼15 times higher in U and Th than the pre-mineralization magmatic phases. This indicates that there was a significant enrichment of Mo, U and Th in the magma, and directly associated with ore fluid exsolution. The return to their normal levels in the three elements in the post-mineralization magmatic phases indicates that they were exhausted from the magma chamber in the later phases. A genetic model is proposed for the enormous introduction of ore metals and enrichment at the Chalukou deposit. The protracted and multiphase igneous activity during the long-lived magmatism reflects a multistage enrichment of metal, and may play a crucial role in the formation of a volatile-enriched, fertile and large-volume magma chamber beneath the Chalukou deposit. Such a chamber is envisaged to be required for the formation of porphyry Mo deposits in general.  相似文献   
Low‐angle detachment faults are common features in areas of large‐scale continental extension and are typically associated with metamorphic core complexes, where they separate upper plate brittle extension from lower plate ductile stretching and metamorphism. In many core complexes, the footwall rocks have been exhumed from middle to lower crustal depths, leading to considerable debate about the relationship between hangingwall and footwall rocks, and the role that detachment faults play in footwall exhumation. Here, garnet–biotite thermometry and garnet–muscovite–biotite–plagioclase barometry results are presented, together with garnet and zircon geochronology data, from seven locations within metapelitic rocks in the footwall of the northern Snake Range décollement (NSRD). These locations lie both parallel and normal to the direction of footwall transport to constrain the pre‐exhumation geometry of the footwall. To determine P–T gradients precisely within the footwall, the ΔPT method of Worley & Powell (2000) has been employed, which minimizes the contribution of systematic uncertainties to thermobarometric calculations. The results show that footwall rocks reached pressures of 6–8 kbar and temperatures of 500–650 °C, equivalent to burial depths of 23–30 km. Burial depth remains constant in the WNW–ESE direction of footwall transport, but increases from south to north. The lack of a burial gradient in the direction of footwall transport implies that the footwall rocks, which today define a sub‐horizontal datum in the direction of fault transport, also defined a sub‐horizontal datum at depth in Late Cretaceous time. This suggests that the footwall was not tilted about the normal to the fault transport direction during exhumation, and hence that the NSRD did not form as a low‐angle normal fault cutting down through the lower crust. Instead, the following evolution for the northern Snake Range footwall is proposed. (i) Mesozoic contraction caused substantial crustal thickening by duplication and folding of the miogeoclinal sequence, accompanied by upper greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism. (ii) About half of the total exhumation was accomplished by roughly coaxial stretching and thinning in Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary time, accompanied by retrogression and mylonitic deformation. (iii) The footwall rocks were then ‘captured’ from the middle crust along a moderately dipping NSRD that soled into the middle crust with a rolling‐hinge geometry at both upper and lower terminations.  相似文献   
在大兴安岭中南段巴雅尔吐胡硕地区发现一套碎斑熔岩。根据野外调查,可分为中心相的细微粒斑状石英二长岩(-石英二长斑岩)和边缘相的英安流纹质碎斑熔岩。通过SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年,获得细微粒斑状石英二长岩的年龄加权平均值为137.4±0.9Ma(MSWD=1.13),英安流纹质碎斑熔岩的年龄加权平均值为135.2±0.8Ma(MSWD=1.17),二者的形成时代均属于早白垩世早期。由元素地球化学分析可知,6件样品均属于过铝质的高钾钙碱性A型花岗岩,且具有完全一致的微量元素蛛网图和稀土元素配分曲线,均具有明显的负Eu异常,均富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Pb和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素Nb,Th较富集,Ba、Sr、Eu具有一定亏损,Pb强烈富集,表明岩石来源于地壳部分熔融。在构造环境判别分析的基础上,提出研究区碎斑熔岩属于碰撞后或造山期后的张性构造环境花岗岩(A2型花岗岩),形成于拉张环境,代表了伸展的大地构造背景。结合大兴安岭地区的大地构造演化特征,其形成与蒙古-鄂霍茨克闭合造山后的岩石圈伸展作用有关。  相似文献   
唐古拉山温泉以东约80km的冬曲一带产出丰富的侏罗纪非海相双壳类化石,中侏罗统雀莫错组顶部的紫红色细粒岩屑砂岩产Qiyangia,Yunnanopharus,Unio 3属3种,其中有新种Yunnanopharus substratus.这一动物群与过去在本区发现的中侏罗统“Cuneopsis”-Eolamprotula-Protomya动物群面貌明显不同,过去一直认为Yunnanopharus是晚三叠世的属,而Qiyangia则主要产于下侏罗统,根据地层层序及上、下层位产出的海相双壳类和腕足类化石时代分析,冬曲剖面的Qiyangia-Yunnanopharus动物群时代无疑为中侏罗世巴通期,扎窝茸组产非海相双壳类“Cuneopsis”,Yunnanopharus,Plicatunio,Nipponaia(Eonipponaia),Cyotrigonioides,Danlengicon-cha,Nakamuranaia等7属9种,其中包括新种Yunnanoconcha(?)ovalis,Danlengiconha tanggu-laensis,Cyotrigonioides(?)ellipticus和Nipponaia(Eonipponaia)?bifurcata,基于下伏海相地层中双壳类和腕足类化石的佐证,它们的时代最有可能是在晚侏罗世基末里期至早白垩世期间,据化石围岩的粒度分析以及埋藏学研究表明,这些类三角蚌类主要生活于水体安静、有机质含量丰富的淤泥质基底,繁盛于近海三角洲平原上的湖沼环境,同时,由于海退初期尚有可能受到海水短暂侵漫的影响,造成它们生存环境的咸化  相似文献   
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