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The variability of bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) in Long Island Sound, New York, is examined using water quality monitoring data collected by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection from 1995 to 2004. Self-organizing map analysis indicates that hypoxia always occurs in the Narrows during summer and less frequently in the Western and the Central Basins. The primary factor controlling the bottom DO, changes spatially and temporally. For non-summer seasons, the levels of bottom DO are strongly associated with water temperature, which means DO availability is primarily driven by solubility. During summer, stratification intensifies under weak wind conditions and bottom DO starts to decrease and deviate from the saturation level except for stations in the Eastern Basin. For the westernmost and shallow (<15 m) stations, bottom DO is correlated with the density stratification (represented by difference between surface and bottom density). In contrast, at deep stations (>20 m), the relationship between oxygen depletion and stratification is not significant. For stations located west of the Central Basin, bottom DO continues to decrease during summer until it reaches its minimum when bottom temperature is around 19–20 °C. In most cases the recovery to saturation levels at the beginning of fall is fast, but not necessarily associated with increased wind mixing. Therefore, we propose that the DO recovery may be a manifestation of either the reduced microbial activity combined with the depletion of organic matter or horizontal exchange. Hypoxic volume is weakly correlated to the summer wind speed, spring total nitrogen, spring chlorophyll a, and maximum river discharge. When all variables are combined in a multiple regression, the coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.92. Surprisingly, the weakest variable is the total nitrogen, because when it is excluded the coefficient r2 only drops to 0.84. Spring bloom seems to be an important source of organic carbon pool and biological uptake of oxygen plays a more crucial role in the seasonal evolution of bottom DO than previously thought. Our results indicate that the reassessment phase of the Long Island Sound Total Maximum Daily Load policy on nitrogen loading will most likely fail, because it ignores the contributions of the spring organic carbon pool and river discharge. Also, it is questionable whether the goal of 58.5% anthropogenic nitrogen load reduction is enough.  相似文献   
From August 2006 to August 2007, the concentrations of dissolved silica (Si(OH)4) were monitored in the surface water of Urasoko Bay and the mouth of the stream that runs into the bay. Urasoko Bay is located on the northern coast of Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, which is in a subtropical area of the North Pacific Ocean and is surrounded by a relatively poorly developed fringing reef. Added to these samples were freshwater from the upstream area and brackish water that exudes at the beach site, which were collected from April to June 2007. Rainwater samples were also collected during the study period. The concentration of Si(OH)4 generally decreased from upstream to the bay site, and, on clear days, Si(OH)4 data from all study sites (the bay, beach, stream mouth, and upstream) plotted against salinity fell on a single straight line. When the influence of rainwater was, the results were scattered below the straight line, which suggests dilution by rainwater with a much lower Si(OH)4 concentration. These findings show that offshore seawater, rainwater, and upstream freshwater regulate the concentration of Si(OH)4 in the surface water of Urasoko Bay.  相似文献   
Denitrification in Qi'ao Island coastal zone, the Zhujiang Estuary in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples of sediments and the overlying water were collected in the Qi'ao Island coastal zone, the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary (ZE). Denitrification rates, sediment oxygen demand (SOD) , and fluxes of inorganic nitrogen compounds were investigated with N2 flux method, using a self-designed continuous flow through and auto-sampling system. The results indicate that the denitrification rates varied between 222 and 908 μmol/(m2·h) with an average of 499 μmol/(m2·h). During incubation, the sediments absorbed dissolved oxygen in the overlying water with SOD ranging from 300 to 2 363 μmol/(m2·h). The denitrification rates were highly correlated with the SOD (r2 =0.77) regardless of the NO3- + NO2- concentrations in the overlying water, organ- ic carbon contents in sediments and water temperature, suggesting that the SOD was probably the main environ-mental factor controlling the denitrification in the Qi'ao Island coastal zone. There was a net flux of NO3- + NO2-into the sediments from the overlying water. The NH4+ flux from sediments into water as the result of mineraliza-tion was between 12. 3 and 210. 3 μmol/(m2·h) ,which seems limited by both organic carbon content in sedi-ment and dissolved oxygen concentration in the overlying water.  相似文献   
根据岩性、产状和地貌等特征,对海南岛西北部莲花山周缘海岸出露的前全新世海相地层5个典型剖面进行区内对比,以恢复该套地层的产出序列,并推测海相地层的分布范围。结合海相地层的沉积时代和莲花山周缘海岸的地貌特征,探讨了该海岸带的地貌演化过程:中更新世以前,有河流自东南向西北经德义岭、莲花山入海,海相地层沉积区属于滨岸环境,是该海岸带当时受海水进退作用的主要区域,接受着波浪从北面、河流从南面带来的沉积物;中更新世至今,受雷琼地区火山活动的影响,河流被隆起的火山锥阻挡而截流或改道,海相地层沉积区则被抬升成为陆地,并在全新世海岸侵蚀作用下,形成了现今宽广的海蚀平台,海岸后退平均速率约为10 cm/a。  相似文献   
卫星高度计实现了对全球性或区域性的海洋参量的实时监测,TOPEX卫星高度计提供了迄今为止时间序列最长、数据质量最高的全球海面风速和有效波高的同步观测资料。利用TOPEX卫星高度计资料,分析了有效波高4m以上的巨浪在台湾岛周边海域的时空分布特征,结果表明台湾岛周边海域巨浪的分布具有明显的季节特征。每年平均有效波高最大值大多数出现在夏季,春季是1a中有效波高最小的季节,而秋季和冬季是巨浪出现频率最高的季节。波高大于6m的巨浪大都出现在台湾岛东部及东北部海域,在南部海域出现较少。  相似文献   
广西北海涠洲岛海岸侵蚀特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2006-2013年布设在涠洲岛的15条岸滩剖面3次重复测量和数据对比分析,发现涠洲岛岸线整体遭受侵蚀.岸滩剖面长期变化特征表明,涠洲岛东部与西南部海岸侵蚀较为严重,西南部岸段年均下蚀可达0.18 m;正北部岸滩海岸侵蚀程度相对较轻,南湾段海岸整体变化较小,呈现弱侵蚀弱淤积变化.在短期强热带风暴影响下,冬季至夏季岸滩下蚀明显.  相似文献   
对湛江东海岛潮间带表层沉积物中酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)和同步提取重金属(SEM)的含量及其分布进行了研究。研究表明,东海岛潮间带表层沉积物中AVS含量夏季平均为0.449μ mol/g,冬季为1.816μ mol/g,大多数站位AVS含量冬季高于夏季;AVS平均含量总体呈南、北区较高,东、西区较低的区域分布规律。潮区沉积物可提取重金属SEM总量夏季在0.56μ mol/g~4.60μ mol/g之间,冬季处于0.65μ mol/g~2.21μ mol/g之间;各重金属平均含量大小为ZnCrPbCuCd,其中Cd含量占SEM总量不到1%,Zn含量则在70%以上,SEMZn是控制着SEM分布的主要模式。联合利用(∑SEM/AVS)与(∑SEM-AVS)法和生物毒性阈值法综合评估重金属对沉积环境的影响,东海岛潮间带大部分区域沉积物中(∑SEM-AVS)处于0~5之间,重金属潜在生物毒性较强的区域为通明海区(7号站和8号站所在),具有较强潜在生物毒性的重金属为夏季通明海区的Zn。  相似文献   
The response of phytoplankton assemblage structure to terrestrial nutrient inputs was examined for the Gulf of Kalloni in the Northern Aegean Sea, a productive semi-enclosed coastal marine ecosystem. The study was focused on a typical annual cycle, and emphasis was placed on the comparative analysis between blooms developing after significant nutrient inputs from the watershed, and naturally occurring blooms. Baseline information was collected on a monthly basis from a network of stations located in the oligotrophic open sea and the interior and more productive part of the embayment. Intensive sampling was also carried out along a gradient in the vicinity of a river which was the most important source of freshwater and nutrient input for the Gulf. Phytoplankton assemblage structure was analyzed from 188 samples using diversity indices (Shannon and Average Taxonomic Distinctness), multivariate plotting methods (NMDS), multivariate statistics (PERMANOVA), and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Three characteristic assemblages were recognized: (1) an autumn assemblage developed under nutrient depleted conditions, having low diversity due to the dominance of two small diatoms, (2) a winter bloom of the potentially toxic species Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha occurring immediately after a nutrient peak and characterized by very low diversity, and (3) a naturally occurring early summer bloom of centric diatoms with relatively high diversity. The results of the study support the view that moderate nutrient inputs may have a beneficial effect on the functioning of coastal ecosystems, stimulating the taxonomic diversity through the growth of different taxonomic groups and taxa. On the other hand, a sudden pulse of high nutrient concentrations may greatly affect the natural succession of organisms, have a negative effect on the diversity through the dominance of a single species, and can increase the possibility of a harmful algal bloom development.  相似文献   
海坛岛海域表层沉积物中主量化学成分的地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨慧辉  陈岚 《海洋学报》1998,20(3):47-55
本文对海坛岛海域33个表层沉积物中10种化学成分的含量、含量变化和区域平面分布作了描述和探讨。化学成分中Corg、N、P、Fe、AI、Ti、Mg等元素的关性好,和粘土矿物关系密切,从陆源搬运入海;Ca、碳酸盐和上述及粘土含量呈负相关,在富含生物介壳的粗粒沉积中富集;Mn主要赋存于陆源碎屑,而在砾砂中有自生Mn沉积。Q型聚类分析的结果表明,调查区可分为3个地球化学分区,综合反映了沉积物的地球化学特征。  相似文献   
厦门岛东海岸的蚀退与防护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高智勇  蔡锋  和转  苏贤泽 《台湾海峡》2001,20(4):478-483
根据波浪输沙和地形对比,对厦门岛东部海岸的岸滩侵蚀动态及演变趋势进行探讨,并根据其海岸特点提出相应的防护对策。  相似文献   
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