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刘倩  刘光学 《地下水》2008,30(3):40-43
快速同时测定排污口样品中阴离子表面活性剂、总氮、总磷、挥发酚、氰化物、硫化物的分析方法。采用连续流动分析法,确定最佳实验方案。经多次试验验证,呈良好线性关系;质量控制样品测定值均在保证值范围内,样品回收率在95.2%~104%之间,RSD小于2%。  相似文献   
Precise long-range kinematic GPS positioning requires the use of carrier phase measurements, the data processing of which suffers from the technical challenges of ambiguity resolution and cycle slip repair. In this paper, the combination of an ambiguity recovery technique and a linear bias correction method has been used to overcome such problems. An experiment was conducted to test the utility of this technique to determine aircraft height to high accuracy, over very long baselines (of the order of one thousand kilometres), in support of the Laser Airborne Depth Sounder (LADS). From a comparison of four independently derived trajectories, this airborne GPS kinematic positioning experiment has confirmed that the sea surface can be determined to centimetre accuracy. The sea surface profiles thus obtained can be used to correct the errors introduced by long period ocean swells.  相似文献   
Zhenhua Huang   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(2):343-352
The Lagrangian surface drift current induced by surface gravity waves in a wave flume has been investigated experimentally by the particle tracking method. It was observed that in most regions of the flume, the time-mean surface drift current was in the opposite direction to that of the wave propagation. The secondary current in the form of a pair of longitudinal vortices caused by the lateral boundaries was analyzed. It is suggested that the convection of the vorticity generated by the wave-absorber and the lateral boundaries is an important factor in the determination of the time-mean drift in a wave flume.  相似文献   
The estimation of the sensible heatflux from thermal infrared temperature requires anestimate of the excess resistance to be added to theaerodynamic resistance to the transfer of heat fromthe surface. This excess resistance can be expressedin terms of kB-1. An earlier studysuggested that the sensible heat flux over semi-aridregions could be derived from satellite thermalinfrared temperature using a value of kB-1= 7. Values of kB-1 were derived frommeasurements of sensible heat flux, radiometricsurface temperature, air temperature and wind speedtaken over millet, savannah and open forest sitesduring HAPEX-Sahel. These were comparable to valuesderived over similar sites during a previous study. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were estimated usingno excess resistance, kB-1 = 7 andkB-1 set to the values derived from theHAPEX-Sahel data set. There was an improvement on theestimated fluxes when an excess resistance wasincorporated. However, there was no apparentdifference between the errors in the estimated fluxeswith kB-1 set to either the derived orfixed values. This provides additional support forthe use of kB-1 = 7 in the derivation ofsurface fluxes from satellite data for sparsecanopies.  相似文献   
Carbonate rinds have been used for cross-correlation of landforms as well as a quantitative indicator of soil age. Using the measured rind thickness of clasts found within a deposit, whose age has been independently determined, allows the construction of a calibrated surface-age proxy. Measurements were taken at sites within the Mojave Desert, the northwestern Sonoran Desert, the southern Great Basin, and the western Colorado Plateau. These sites are all within about 300 km of the intersection of the borders of the states of California, Arizona, and Nevada. In the study area, elevation varied from 200 to 1200 m, MAP was from 95 to 195 mm, and MAT was from 18.4° to 23.3°C. The calibrated proxy, while not accounting for the effects of parent material or climate on rind development, does show a strong correlation (R2 = 0.74, P < 0.05) between carbonate rind thickness and surface age for deposits of late to middle Pleistocene age. The calibrated chronosequence, rind thickness = 0.0889 + 0.0079 [surface age]), is in general valid over a large region of southwestern United States. This statistical relation suggests that parent material, climate, and elevation may not be as strong a control on carbonate accumulation as is age for younger soils.  相似文献   
Surface soil moisture (SSM) is a critical variable for understanding the energy and water exchange between the land and atmosphere. A multi-linear model was recently developed to determine SSM using ellipse variables, namely, the center horizontal coordinate (x0), center vertical coordinate (y0), semi-major axis (a) and rotation angle (θ), derived from the elliptical relationship between diurnal cycles of land surface temperature (LST) and net surface shortwave radiation (NSSR). However, the multi-linear model has a major disadvantage. The model coefficients are calculated based on simulated data produced by a land surface model simulation that requires sufficient meteorological measurements. This study aims to determine the model coefficients directly using limited meteorological parameters rather than via the complicated simulation process, decreasing the dependence of the model coefficients on meteorological measurements. With the simulated data, a practical algorithm was developed to estimate SSM based on combined optical and thermal infrared data. The results suggest that the proposed approach can be used to determine the coefficients associated with all ellipse variables based on historical meteorological records, whereas the constant term varies daily and can only be determined using the daily maximum solar radiation in a prediction model. Simulated results from three FLUXNET sites over 30 cloud-free days revealed an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.042 m3/m3 when historical meteorological records were used to synchronously determine the model coefficients. In addition, estimated SSM values exhibited generally moderate accuracies (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.395, RMSE = 0.061 m3/m3) compared to SSM measurements at the Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station.  相似文献   
A study is made of the potential predictability of seasonal means in Australian surface maximum and minimum temperature using monthly data from December 1950 to November 2000. Because the usual assumption of stationarity cannot be applied to the observations at all stations and for all seasons, a modification to an existing methodology is proposed. Here, we show that, to a first order, monthly mean variances within a season can be modeled by a linear relationship, and inter-monthly correlations can be assumed to be stationary. The intraseasonal component of variability can then be estimated using monthly data. Removing the intraseasonal variance from the total interannual variance allows an estimate of the potential predictability to be made. Surface maximum and minimum temperature has high potential predictability over most of northern Australia in the four main seasons. However, there is high potential predictability only in some of the four seasons for the centre and south of Australia. Surface minimum temperature is generally more potentially predictable than surface maximum temperature. The spatial and temporal patterns of potential predictability are generally consistent with published patterns of hindcast skill from a statistical forecast scheme. A comparison between the intraseasonal variance of Australian surface maximum and minimum temperature estimated using the stationary variance assumption and the linear assumptions showed qualitatively and quantitatively similar patterns of distribution.  相似文献   
A main conclusion following the oil spill from the Prestige tanker was that improvements in ocean circulation models were necessary; this was in order to predict, more accurately, the trajectories followed by the oil slicks and hence assist in fight against oil pollution operations. In this contribution, the results of the validation of a semi-empirical ocean circulation model, parameterised for the Bay of Biscay and forced with operational oceano-meteorological remote sensing observations, are shown. The model results have been validated with observations from drifting buoys, deployed in the Bay of Biscay during the crisis. The results show that the model explains a relatively large percentage of the current variability. The comparisons between the real and the estimated drifter trajectories indicate that for 3, 5 and 7 day-long trajectories, the drifter position is estimated with errors of approximately 23, 35 and 46km, respectively. The model reproduces relatively well the trajectory followed by the drifter with the shortest period (23 days).  相似文献   
陆面过程野外观测试验的进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Progresses in field observational experiments, which are three large international programs at present,about land一surface process are introduced comprehensively in the paper. Major results obtamed by the HAPEX and the FIFE and some preliminary results by the HEIFE are reviewed. Some problems, which should further be solved,in the field observational experiments are pointed out.
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