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白乃庙金矿床矿体围岩有白乃庙群绿片岩和长英片岩、石英闪长岩和斜长花岗岩等。矿床构造专题研究表明,控矿构造是白乃庙断层和次级断裂组成的帚状构造,并在断层交汇部位形成富矿柱。 相似文献
In this paper, an effective active predictive control algorithm is developed for the vibration control of non-linear hysteretic structural systems subjected to earthquake excitation. The non-linear characteristics of the structural behaviour and the effects of time delay in both the measurements and control action are included throughout the entire analysis (design and validation). This is very important since, in current design practice, structures are assumed to behave non-linearly, and time delays induced by sensors and actuator devices are not avoidable. The proposed algorithm focuses on the instantaneous optimal control approach for the development of a control methodology where the non-linearities are brought into the analysis through a non-linear state vector and a non-linear open-loop term. An autoregressive (AR) model is used to predict the earthquake excitation to be considered in the prediction of the structural response. A performance index that is quadratic in the control force and in the predicted non-linear states, with two additional energy related terms, and that is subjected to a non-linear constraint equation, is minimized at every time step. The effectiveness of the proposed closed-open loop non-linear instantaneous optimal prediction control (CONIOPC) strategy is presented by the results of numerical simulations. Since non-linearity and time-delay effects are incorporated in the mathematical model throughout the derivation of the control methodology, good performance and stability of the controlled structural system are guaranteed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The Pedra Furada is a 12 m wide, 18 m high outcrop feature showing hundreds of ferruginised sandy tubes and looking in part like a giant organ. In this paper the origin of the tubes is explained on the basis of geochemical, petrographic and microscopic (optical and electronic) analytical data. The tubes are considered to represent vertical escape channels for overpressured water, exhibiting inward decreasing grain size due to water velocity gradients inside the escape channels. The ferruginisation is due to iron oxides associated with colloidal/clayey fine sediments and to goethite formed from solution. The overpressure of water may be due to seismically fluidised beds below the Pedra Furada outcrop or to artesian water ascent. In both cases, fault rupturing may have played a major role in the focussing of the ascending flow. 相似文献
本文通过能量法研究了钢筋混凝土简体结构的抗震性能。文中采用振型分解法按等效单自由度体系求解简体结构的滞回输入能;用pushover法分析了滞回耗能在结构层间的分布规律及结构自身的耗能能力;根据楼层滞回耗能与弹塑性层间位移的关系求出了薄弱层的弹塑性位移。对一高层钢筋混凝土框架-简体结构在7度罕遇地震下的抗震性能进行了评估,通过与非线性动力时程分析的对比,证明了方法的可行性。 相似文献
摘要:地球物理方法不仅在发现和勘探隐伏矿体和能源方面发挥着重要作用,而且在区域地质填图中探测隐伏地质结构方面也大有作为,是地质和遥感填图的重要补充。本文阐述了采用重磁电资料研究内蒙古苏尼特左旗6幅1:5万填图区探测隐伏地质结构的工作:(1)推断了隐伏断裂构造;(2)推断了隐伏区岩性;(3)反演了一些局部地质体的几何参数与物性参数,以及前中生代地层顶界面和侏罗纪、白垩纪大型花岗岩体下界面的深度;(4)论述了苏尼特左旗复背斜构造;(5)指出了新的成煤有利地段。 相似文献
吐木休克断裂位于塔里木盆地西部,是一条大型基底卷入型断裂构造带,构成塔里木盆地次级构造单元阿瓦提凹陷和巴楚断隆的分界。根据系统的地震资料解释,可以将吐木休克断裂分为西段、中段和东段3部分,各段构造特征有所差异。西段,为单一的基底卷入型高角度逆冲断层,倾向巴楚断隆; 中段,除倾向巴楚断隆的主冲断层外,倾向相反的反冲断层越来越清晰,楔状冲断构造的轮廓逐渐显现出来。同时,在断层上盘还发育第四纪正断层; 东段,倾向巴楚断隆的主冲断层,向上断至中寒武统,未断开中寒武统以上的地层,其冲断位移量完全为倾向阿瓦提凹陷的反冲断层所吸收,形成典型的楔状冲断构造。根据地震资料解释,认为吐木休克断裂带主要存在两期断裂构造:深部高角度基底卷入型逆冲断裂带和其上叠加的浅部正断层。前者形成于库车组沉积前,在库车组沉积期间持续活动,并在新近纪晚期定型; 后者是本次研究首次发现的,形成于第四纪早中期,仅发育在吐木休克断裂带的中部。 相似文献
叙述了采用高强度纤维/环氧树脂复合材料对建筑物进行修复或抗震加固方法的特点、施工方法,实例表明该方法有广泛的应用前景,指出,该方法对保证人民财产安全及搞好防震减灾工作有积极作用。 相似文献
基于等高线数据的地性线追踪技术研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
通过研究特征点的提取技术和建立系统的特征点匹配的数学模型,研究了基于矢量等高线数据的地性线的自动追踪技术,利用所述方法,提取的特征点完整,准确;理论和实验表明,所建立的数学模型简捷,实用,有可靠的数学理论基础,且地性线追踪效果良好。 相似文献
复杂构造地震成像主要取决于叠前地震数据品质、偏移速度可靠性和偏移算子成像精度. 库车坳陷异常复杂的近地表条件导致极低信噪比的地震采集数据. 该区逆冲推覆高陡构造刺穿盐体大面积分布, 盐层厚度变化大、顶底面形态复杂, 盐下断裂带破碎、小断块发育, 形成异常复杂的地震成像问题. 本文重点研究三个关键环节:(1)精细的叠前地震预处理研究: 根据该区地震地质复杂性和地震资料特征, 采用一些新的方法技术和技术组合从振幅与时移的大、中、小尺度变化三个层次来解决资料信噪比问题, 重建深部反射信号; (2)三级偏移速度分析研究:利用库车坳陷盐刺穿逆冲推覆构造建模理论及变速成图配套技术解决叠前时间偏移速度场时深转换问题,利用井约束低频速度地震迭代反演技术解决连井层速度场与偏移速度场的融合问题,实现从DMO速度分析、叠前时间偏移速度分析到叠前深度偏移速度分析的有机衔接,建立拓扑结构相对保持的叠前深度偏移速度模型;(3)基于退化Fourier偏移算子的半解析波动方程叠前时间和深度偏移研究, 极大地改善了地震偏移过程中高波数波的成像问题. 通过对库车坳陷大北、博孜、却勒、西秋4和西秋10等复杂高陡构造的叠前时间和深度偏移地震成像处理,取得了较好的应用效果. 相似文献