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Spatial information of the dominant species of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is essential for restoration projects in eutrophic lakes, especially eutrophic Taihu Lake, China. Mapping the distribution of SAV species is very challenging and difficult using only multispectral satellite remote sensing. In this study, we proposed an approach to map the distribution of seven dominant species of SAV in Taihu Lake. Our approach involved information on the life histories of the seven SAV species and eight distribution maps of SAV from February to October. The life history information of the dominant SAV species was summarized from the literature and field surveys. Eight distribution maps of the SAV were extracted from eight 30 m HJ-CCD images from February to October in 2013 based on the classification tree models, and the overall classification accuracies for the SAV were greater than 80%. Finally, the spatial distribution of the SAV species in Taihu in 2013 was mapped using multilayer erasing approach. Based on validation, the overall classification accuracy for the seven species was 68.4%, and kappa was 0.6306, which suggests that larger differences in life histories between species can produce higher identification accuracies. The classification results show that Potamogeton malaianus was the most widely distributed species in Taihu Lake, followed by Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton maackianus, Potamogeton crispus, Elodea nuttallii, Ceratophyllum demersum and Vallisneria spiralis. The information is useful for planning shallow-water habitat restoration projects.  相似文献   
Seagrass habitats in subtidal coastal waters provide a variety of ecosystem functions and services and there is an increasing need to acquire information on spatial and temporal dynamics of this resource. Here, we explored the capability of IKONOS (IKO) data of high resolution (4 m) for mapping seagrass cover [submerged aquatic vegetation (%SAV) cover] along the mid-western coast of Florida, USA. We also compared seagrass maps produced with IKO data with that obtained using the Landsat TM sensor with lower resolution (30 m). Both IKO and TM data, collected in October 2009, were preprocessed to calculate water depth invariant bands to normalize the effect of varying depth on bottom spectra recorded by the two satellite sensors and further the textural information was extracted from IKO data. Our results demonstrate that the high resolution IKO sensor produced a higher accuracy than the TM sensor in a three-class % SAV cover classification. Of note is that the OA of %SAV cover mapping at our study area created with IKO data was 5–20% higher than that from other studies published. We also examined the spatial distribution of seagrass over a spatial range of 4–240 m using the Ripley’s K function [L(d)] and IKO data that represented four different grain sizes [4 m (one IKO pixel), 8 m (2 × 2 IKO pixels), 12 m (3 × 3 IKO pixels), and 16 m (4 × 4 IKO pixels)] from moderate-dense seagrass cover along a set of six transects. The Ripley’s K metric repeatedly indicated that seagrass cover representing 4 m × 4 m pixels displayed a dispersed (or slightly dispersed) pattern over distances of <4–8 m, and a random or slightly clustered pattern of cover over 9–240 m. The spatial pattern of seagrass cover created with the three additional grain sizes (i.e., 2 × 24 m IKO pixels, 3 × 34 m IKO pixels, and 4 × 4 m IKO pixels) show a dispersed (or slightly dispersed) pattern across 4–32 m and a random or slightly clustered pattern across 33–240 m. Given the first report on using satellite observations to quantify seagrass spatial patterns at a spatial scale from 4 m to 240 m, our novel analyses of moderate-dense SAV cover utilizing Ripley’s K function illustrate how data obtained from the IKO sensor revealed seagrass spatial information that would be undetected by the TM sensor with a 30 m pixel size. Use of the seagrass classification scheme here, along with data from the IKO sensor with enhanced resolution, offers an opportunity to synoptically record seagrass cover dynamics at both small and large spatial scales.  相似文献   
Jaw-Fang Lee  Yo-Ming Cheng   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1690-1700
This study presents an analytical solution for the problem of waves passing a submerged porous structure, using a multi-region method in the solution scheme considering the characteristics of geometry and composing materials of the porous structure. Using the flux and pressure conditions on horizontal boundaries and interfaces, the orthogonal property of wave motion within the porous layers through water depth is derived, and applied in the solution process. The flux and pressure conditions on vertical boundaries and interfaces are integrated to give a set of linear matrix equations, through which the unknown coefficients are solved. Comparisons of the present method with previous studies are preceded in verification, which suggests the validity and practicability of the present study, with a further expectation of extending our work to build a mild-slope equation over multiple-layer porous medium in the future.  相似文献   
Wave transformation over submerged permeable breakwater on porous bottom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model is presented in this study to investigate the wave transformation over a submerged permeable breakwater on a porous slope seabed. For this purpose, the time-dependent mild-slope equation is newly derived for waves propagating over two layers of porous medium. This new mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium, and it is a type of hyperbolic differential equation, therefore numerically efficient. The validity of the present model is verified based on the comparisons with the previous experiments. The effects of the permeable properties of both the porous seabed and the submerged permeable breakwater are discussed in detail. The geometry of the submerged permeable breakwater to the wave transformation is also investigated based on the numerical solutions.  相似文献   
Sediment phosphorus (P) fractions and profile distribution at submerged macrophyte growth zone, emergent macrophyte growth zone and open-water zone were studied in Wuliangsuhai Lake, China, as well as the correlations among water content, grain size, and organic matter and P fractions. Among the three surveyed zones, the highest concentrations of most P forms occurred in the surface sediment and the lowest between a depth of 12 and 22 cm, except HCl-P and NaOH-P. Sediment phosphorus was mainly associated to inorganic forms (>50%) in three surveyed areas, and the highest value of inorganic phosphorus (IP) in the surface sediment was obtained from submerged macrophyte growth zone. Submerged and emergent macrophytes increased the IP content by 107 and 44 μg/g, respectively, in the surface sediment compared with open-water zone. Vertical profiles of IP in the three surveyed zones showed that the concentrations decreased from surface to 12 cm depth and then increased. There was a similar trend in the sediment profiles of organic phosphorus (OP) and total phosphorus (TP), but the highest concentration of OP and TP in surface sediment was obtained from the emergent macrophyte growth zone. Compared with open-water zone, the emergent macrophyte increased TP content in surface sediment by 1.73 times to 1,320 μg/g, while submerged macrophyte enhanced TP content in the surface sediment by 1.13 times to 865 μg/g. It was observed that in macrophyte growth zones, a strong linear correlation existed between organic matter and OP (r > 0.98), and the maximum concentrations of OP were present in the areas with maximum concentrations of organic matter. Results show that, although rooted macrophyte could uptake directly P from sediments, it is responsible for increasing the internal P loading especially OP by reducing current velocities, attenuating wave energy and generating organic residue in Wuliangsuhai Lake.  相似文献   
介绍了合成孔径雷达(SAR)的成像原理及南沙群岛潮流、波浪状况。通过研究潮流、波浪对海表面微尺度波的调制机理,结合两者ERS-1 SAR 图像论述了SAR对南沙群岛暗礁具有成像能力。  相似文献   
V. Armenio 《Ocean Engineering》1998,25(10):881-905
In this paper, an improved version of the MAC method (SIMAC), recently developed at the University of Trieste, is employed for the study of the wave generation and propagation into a numerical wave tank and for the evaluation of dynamic loads over submerged fixed bodies.In the first part of the work, a numerical wave tank was developed. A pneumatic wave-maker at the left-hand side of the tank was implemented by the use of a pressure perturbation at the free surface. The pressure varies in time with a sinusoidal law. Grid sensitivity tests, checks on mass conservation and the Fourier analysis of the waves which propagate in the tank showed the effectiveness of SIMAC in treating such problems. The wave-maker was then calibrated.In the second part of the work, the dynamic loads over submerged square and rectangular cylinders were evaluated. The time records of the horizontal and vertical forces which act over the body were then treated using the Morison equation in order to derive the inertial and damping coefficients. The analysis was carried out for KC numbers ranging between 0.447 and 3.58. Numerical results satisfactorily tallied with experimental data. The analysis of the velocity field near the body evidenced the influence of vortex generation and vortex shedding on the coefficients of inertial forces.  相似文献   
An economical alternative to conventional crudes, Canadian bitumen, harvested as a semi-liquid, is diluted with condensate to make it viable to transport by pipeline to coastal areas where it would be shipped by tankers to global markets. Not much is known about the fate of diluted bitumen (dilbit) when spilled at sea. For this purpose, we conducted dilbit (Access Western Blend; AWB and Cold Lake Blend; CLB) weathering studies for 13 days in a flume tank containing seawater. After six days of weathering, droplets detached from the AWB slick and were dense enough to sink in seawater. The density of CLB also increased, but at a slower rate compared to AWB, which was attributed to the high concentration of alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in it, which are more resistant to weathering. An empirical, Monod-type model was introduced and was found to closely simulate the increase in oil density with time. Such a model could be used within oil spill models.  相似文献   
福建晋江深沪湾海底古森林群落类型的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林文群  赵希涛等 《地质科学》2001,36(4):492-493,T003
 深沪湾海底古森林座落在北纬24°37~40',东经118°38'~40',福建省晋江市深沪湾潮间带中下部。在1986年该古森林被发现时仅有树桩7棵,其中4棵样品被鉴定为松科(Pinaceae)植物,与现代油杉属(Keteleeria carr.)的木材结构相似。  相似文献   
坡面径流过程中的流量自动观测是目前野外实验的难点问题。通过室内试验和野外人工模拟降雨径流场试验,分析了翻斗式雨量计与20°和30°三角堰中自记水位计在测量15l/min以下的小流量上的差异。获得了不同流量条件下20°和30°堰角的流量系数。以该系数的计算结果与实测流量对比表明,随水头的减小和堰角的增大而误差增加。野外实验结果表明,自记水位计测定小流量的结果偏低约15%,在流量很小时无法记录到数据,不能完整记录整个退水过程。依据试验结果,实现了以翻斗式流量计与自记水位计相结合的组合式流量监测方法的设计,为精确测量低含沙的小流量和变化流量的流域水文实验提供了监测手段。  相似文献   
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