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Tatyana K. Dimitrova Erwin L. Zodrow Christopher J. Cleal Barry A. Thomas 《Geological Journal》2010,45(4):388-396
The palynology of clastic samples from seven stratigraphical levels in the late Moscovian Sydney Mines Formation, exposed along the shore at Bras d'Or, Nova Scotia, has been investigated. Most of the samples were from roof shales of major coals; the one sample that was not yielded a much higher proportion of pollen derived from extra‐basinal vegetation. The four stratigraphically lower roof shale samples yielded essentially similar palynological spectra, with 39 ± 4% lycophytes, 9 ± 4% sphenophylls, 23 ± 4% tree‐ferns, 12 ± 4% other ferns and 5 ± 3% cordaites. The palynology of the upper part of the investigated succession suggests a shift in vegetation towards one favouring more marattialean tree‐ferns, cordaites and conifers, and fewer lycophytes. This correlates with changes in drainage patterns as the alluvial plain migrated seawards and thus changed water tables. No evidence was found to suggest significant climate change at this time. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The decomposition of a monochromatic wave over a submerged plate is investigated experimentally in a wave flume. Bound and free higher harmonic modes propagating upstream and downstream the structure are discriminated by means of moving resistive probes. The first-order analysis shows a resonant behaviour linked to the ratio of the plate's width and the fundamental mode wavelength over the plate. The second-order analysis shows an energy transfer from the fundamental mode towards free harmonics propagating downstream the structure. This transfer is linked to the ratio of the width of the plate and the bound harmonic wavelength over the plate. We also performed experiments with a submerged step to compare the efficiency of both structures. The submerged plate is shown to be a more efficient breakwater than the step, at the first as well as the second-order. 相似文献
叶面积指数(LAI)是衡量植被生态状况和估算作物产量的一个重要指标。LAI的反演是定量遥感研究的重要内容。传统的经验统计反演方法基于单一观测角度的遥感数据进行,忽略了地物反射率的方向性。若在反演中加入多观测角度的信息,则有可能提升LAI反演的精度。以2008年甘肃省张掖市玉米实验区为研究区,利用欧空局的CHRIS/PROBA多角度高光谱数据对比分析了传统植被指数NDVI、RVI、EVI的变化规律及其反演玉米叶面积指数LAI的精度,并根据NDVI随观测角度的变化规律,构造出新型多角度归一化植被指数MNDVI,分别对实测叶面积指数进行线性回归并利用实测数据对估算LAI进行精度验证,结果表明:新型MNDVI指数相比于传统NDVI、RVI、EVI对LAI的反演精度有了显著提升,估算模型决定系数R2达到0.716,精度验证均方根误差为0.127,平均减小了33.3%。 相似文献
青藏公路铁路沿线生态系统特征及道路修建对其影响 总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36
根据2001—08和2002—08月野外调查数据及2001年1:100万中国植被图、1996年1:400万青藏高原植被区划图和2000年青藏铁路沿线自然保护区分布及功能区界调整图,以青藏公路铁路沿线植被生态系统为研究对象,运用ARCVIEW和ARC/INFO软件研究青藏公路铁路建设对沿线生态系统结构的影响,结论如下:①青藏公路铁路南北跨越9个纬度,东西跨越12个经度,共穿越青东祁连山地草原地带、柴达木山地荒漠地带、青南高寒草甸草原地带、羌塘高寒草原地带、果洛那曲高寒灌丛草甸地带和藏南山地灌丛草原地带6个自然区,对植被类型的统计结果显示了地带性。②青藏公路铁路的建设对生态系统产生直接的切割,使景观更加破碎。③青藏公路铁路的建设直接破坏沿线植被生态系统(主要为50m缓冲区内),年损失总净初级生产量为30504.62t,损失总生物量432919.25~1436104.3t/a。损失总净初级生产量占1km缓冲区年净初级生产量535005.07~535740.11t/a的百分比为5.70%,占10km缓冲区年净初级生产量3408950.45~3810480.92t/a的0.80~0.89%;损失生物量占1km缓冲区生物总量7502971.85~25488342.71t/a的5.70%,占10km缓冲区总生物量43615065.35~164150665.37t/a的0.80%~0.89%。 相似文献
红砂是黄土高原荒漠植被带主要建群植物种之一,在植被恢复重建和生态建设中具有重要意义。本文以皋兰县40 a天然植被封育区为例,运用树木年轮学方法,对不同坡向红砂与当地水热条件变化的时空响应及分布格局进行了研究。研究结果表明,红砂具有明显的年轮特征,可以进行树木年轮方面的研究。虽然不同坡向水分条件和植被状况有很大差异,但红砂径向生长对区域水热变化具有非常一致的响应模式:同生长季降水呈正相关关系,尤以7月降水量最为显著;同生长季气温呈负相关关系,以6月最为显著。根据不同坡向红砂年龄分布格局分析结果,并考虑到水土流失的防治效果,黄土高原西部荒漠植被带的封育期限不宜少于10 a。 相似文献
九寨沟保护区植被景观变化与生境破碎化研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据1974、1994和2002年三个时段卫星影像,将土地覆盖类型划分为针叶林、针阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、灌丛、草地、裸地和水体7个类型。研究发现,九寨沟森林面积、特别是针叶林面积减少,各景观类型破碎化程度也在增大。与1974~1994年间森林丧失平均速率相比,1994~2002年间森林丧失速率明显放缓。第二期灌丛面积平均增长速率是第一期的3.5倍。随着生境破碎化的加剧,许多珍稀保护生物的前景变得难以预测,应以审慎的态度来对待所谓的“生态旅游”。 相似文献
Michael J. Friedel Massimo Buscema Luiz Eduardo Vicente Fabio Iwashita Andréa Koga-Vicente 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2018,11(7):670-690
An unsupervised machine-learning workflow is proposed for estimating fractional landscape soils and vegetation components from remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery. The workflow is applied to EO-1 Hyperion satellite imagery collected near Ibirací, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The proposed workflow includes subset feature selection, learning, and estimation algorithms. Network training with landscape feature class realizations provide a hypersurface from which to estimate mixtures of soil (e.g. 0.5 exceedance for pixels: 75% clay-rich Nitisols, 15% iron-rich Latosols, and 1% quartz-rich Arenosols) and vegetation (e.g. 0.5 exceedance for pixels: 4% Aspen-like trees, 7% Blackberry-like trees, 0% live grass, and 2% dead grass). The process correctly maps forests and iron-rich Latosols as being coincident with existing drainages, and correctly classifies the clay-rich Nitisols and grasses on the intervening hills. These classifications are independently corroborated visually (Google Earth) and quantitatively (random soil samples and crossplots of field spectra). Some mapping challenges are the underestimation of forest fractions and overestimation of soil fractions where steep valley shadows exist, and the under representation of classified grass in some dry areas of the Hyperion image. These preliminary results provide impetus for future hyperspectral studies involving airborne and satellite sensors with higher signal-to-noise and smaller footprints. 相似文献
以长沙—湘潭高速公路路域植被为研究对象,进行植被实地调查和野外光谱测定,分析主要植被类型光谱曲线,健康植被与非健康植被光谱差异,对植被光谱数据进行一阶微分和微分增量处理对比研究。研究表明:光谱反射率一阶微分和微分增量处理对消除土壤背景对地物光谱影响均有效,但微分增量处理更能突出植被信息。研究对遥感植被光谱分析具有一定参考价值。 相似文献
Analysis, synthesis and modelling of high-resolution observations of salt-marsh eco-geomorphological patterns in the Venice lagoon 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Marco Marani Enrica Belluco Sergio Ferrari Sonia Silvestri Andrea D'Alpaos Stefano Lanzoni Alessandra Feola Andrea Rinaldo 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2006,69(3-4):414
The present paper describes observations, analyses and models of salt-marsh channel network and vegetation patterns with the aim of contributing to the development of predictive models of ecological and morphological co-evolution. Existing and new observations are described, with particular emphasis on remote sensing and ancillary field surveys, which are shown to allow reliable, accurate and repeatable quantitative characterizations of landform and vegetation properties over the spatial scales of interest. The observed channel network morphological characters are then used as the basis and validation of models describing the emergence of channel network and vegetation spatial patterns. In particular, with reference to observations performed in the Venice Lagoon, the note describes: (i) new, 2-cm resolution, characterizations of channel network geometry obtained from “proximal sensing” photographic observations; (ii) the reliable quantitative maps of salt-marsh vegetation which may be retrieved from hyperspectral remote sensing data and field ancillary observations; (iii) a synthesis of recent and new analyses of the statistical properties of vegetation and landform spatial organization, that may be inferred from the maps so derived; (iv) recent and new conceptual and quantitative ecological and geomorphic models developed and validated by remote-sensing and field observations. A coherent observational and theoretical eco-morphodynamic framework is then proposed. 相似文献
For the analysis of hydrological extremes and particularly in flood prediction, deeper investigation is needed on the relative effects of different hydrological processes acting at the basin scale in different hydroclimatic areas of the world. In this framework, the theoretical derivation of flood distribution shows a great potential for development and knowledge advancement. In addition, another promising path of investigation is represented by the use of distributed hydrological models via simulation modelling (including Monte Carlo, discrete event and continuous simulation). In this paper results of a theoretically derived flood frequency distribution are analyzed and compared with the results of a simulation scheme that uses a distributed hydrological model (DREAM) in cascade with a rainfall generator (IRP). The numerical simulation allows the reproduction of a large number of extreme events and provides insight into the main control for flood generation mechanisms with particular emphasis to the peak runoff contributing areas, highlighting the relevance of soil texture and morphology in different climatic environments. The proposed methodology is applied here to the Agri and the Bradano basin, in Southern Italy. 相似文献