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沉水植物是维持浅水湖泊清水稳态以及湖泊生态系统结构与功能的关键生物类群.近年来,气候变化和人类活动的双重作用造成湖泊水文情势的明显改变,对沉水植物的生长、繁殖和演替有着较大的影响.本文选取2个水位波动幅度与2个波动频率(逐渐改变水位),以恒定水位作为对照,研究湿地中具有重要生态功能的沉水植物刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa)的生物量及地上和地下营养器官形态结构对水位波动的响应.结果表明,相对于恒定水位,波动水位(低幅度低频率、低幅度高频率、高幅度低频率、高幅度高频率)对刺苦草的总生物量和获取限制资源相关器官有显著影响.相比于对照组,水位波动能够显著降低刺苦草分株数、叶片数、根数、根长、匍匐茎数、总匍匐茎长以及叶、根、地上和地下生物量,但会显著增加其株高和比叶面积.不同波动频率(低频率和高频率)和幅度(低幅度和高幅度)对光合器官的形态特征都没有显著影响,但叶和地上部分的生物量积累均受到波动幅度的显著影响.水位波动幅度显著改变了刺苦草的根数和根长,而波动频率的影响不显著.因此,对浅水湖泊受损刺苦草群落进行重建时,应避免较大幅度的水位波动,从而有利于增强植株快速恢复的能力.  相似文献   
富营养水体中沉水植物与浮游藻类相互竞争的研究   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
杨清心 《湖泊科学》1996,8(Z1):17-24
本文就沉水植物与浮游藻类在富营养水体中的相互竞争现象及机制作了初步研究。室内外实验结果表明,二者之间存在着复杂的相互竞争关系。在光资源竞争上,浮游藻类占有相对优势;对水中营养盐的竞争是单向的,沉水植物因可以从底泥中得到营养盐而处于优势地位;当光照和营养盐充足时沉水植物对浮游藻类有明显的生化抑制效应,这种抑制可能通过促进藻类沉降而起作用。二者的互竞争受水深、水温及水中营养盐含量的强烈影响,高水温、高营养盐含量及深水均不利于沉水植物,而助长了浮游藻类的竞争优势。沉水植物群落一旦形成较大的密度,就能对浮游藻类产生强烈的抑制,保持自己的优势地位。因此,沉水植被恢复应从水温和水位均较底的冬季开始,严格控制营养盐输入量是非常重要的。  相似文献   
几种沉水植物营养繁殖体萌发的光需求研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
对4种沉水植物营养繁殖体萌发的光需求进行了初步的实验研究。结果证明,强光照射可以打破菹草繁殖芽的休眠,促使其在夏初萌发,推论菹草繁殖芽的夏季休眠可能与其所处的水底光照不足有关。苦草、黑藻及金鱼藻营养繁殖体的萌发无需光刺激,但当水底相对光照强度小于5%时形成白化苗,不能进行正常的光合作用。沉水植物营养繁殖体萌发期的水底光照条件是决定沉水植物能否再生的关键因素。  相似文献   
固城湖生物资源利用和富营养化控制的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于1989-1992年通过野外调查、室内试验,池塘模拟和数学模型等方法。研究江苏省固城湖的理化,初级生产生物生长及其有关因子,水草、藻和鱼,蟹间的相互关系,以及水草渔业利用对水质的影响等。  相似文献   
With increasing environmental degradation from eutrophication, management strategies associated with eutrophic water restoration initiatives are necessary and have garnered wide interest. Macrophytes contribute to water quality improvement in lake-marsh systems through nutrient uptake, while causing considerable water loss through transpiration. In reverse, hydrological variations affect macrophyte growth status and thus phytoremediation performance. The interactions between hydrological and ecological processes in lake-marsh systems are complex, but environmental flow management strategies accounting for these interactions have been rarely proposed. Accordingly, this study combines environmental flow and macrophyte management in the restoration of a large eutrophic lake-marsh system, accounting for interactions between hydrological and nutrient removal processes. We consider both nutrient uptake and transpiration-driven water loss of macrophytes as well as the impacts of hydrological conditions on macrophyte growth status and sediment biological denitrification. Regulating upstream dam operation is an effective measure for environmental flow management. Thus, we develop an optimization model to guide upstream water release while simultaneously regulating macrophyte area in a lake-marsh system, aiming to minimize the ratio of environmental flow demand to reservoir water availability and maintain satisfactory water quality in the system throughout the year. A genetic algorithm is adopted for solving the optimization model. By applying the method in a typical lake-marsh system (Baiyangdian) in China as a case, we introduce a new macrophyte management regime (for area cover and harvesting regimes) and an optimal environmental flow management schedule. Results show that appropriate monthly fluctuations in wetland water level are beneficial to phytoremediation performance, and harvesting macrophytes in stages is effective in reducing transpiration-driven water loss without inordinately damaging nutrient uptake by macrophytes. This study offers a useful tool for lake-marsh system restoration management and highlights the significance of regulating hydrological processes in water quality restoration.  相似文献   
Abstract.  On the subtidal rocky shore of Akkeshi Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, the congeneric phytal gastropods, Lacuna uchidai and L. decorata , inhabit the multispecific vegetation consisting of the surfgrass, Phyllospadix iwatensis and the brown alga, Cystoseira hakodatensis . We studied the phenologies of Phyllospadix and Cystoseira , host utilization patterns and life histories of Lacuna spp. to examine how these gastropods accommodate the seasonal fluctuations of the habitat. The preferences for macrophyte by Lacuna spp. were examined by laboratory experiments. The phenologies of macrophytes, the seasonal and between-substrata variations of Lacuna spp. were examined by monthly sampling from Phyllospadix and Cystoseira beds between May 1999 and May 2000. Lacuna uchidai showed significant preference for Phyllospadix , whereas L. decorata had no preference for a particular substratum. Most L. uchidai were collected from the Phyllospadix bed, however L. decorata appeared in both Phyllospadix and Cystoseira beds. The peak of new recruit of L. uchidai coincided with that of Phyllospadix biomass. The synchronization of life cycle with the phenology of the host may be adaptive for using the limited habitat. Seasonal variation in density of L. decorata coincided with neither patterns for Phyllospadix nor Cystoseira . Seasonal variation in density and size frequency distribution suggested L. decorata migrated among adjacent macrophytes. Although it was a little vague, this hypothesis was probably the best explanation of our results. Our study shows that two co-occurring Lacuna species utilize the macrophytes as habitats by the different life histories and utilization patterns and, may be alternatively accommodated to the seasonal fluctuations of their habitats.  相似文献   
人工湿地植物研究   总被引:193,自引:10,他引:193  
本文阐述了植物在人工湿地污水净化过程中作用及存在的若干问题,提出了研究人工湿地植物的一些设想,植物在人工湿地中起着非常重要的作用,不但直接摄取利用污水中的营养物质、吸收富集污水中的重金属等有毒有害物质;而且输送氧气到根区,提供根区微生物生长、繁殖和降解对氧的需求;还能维持和加强人工湿地系统内的水力学传输,但目前人工湿地植物的应用还存在着枯死衰退、杂草丛生和根系扩展较浅等问题,影响人工湿地的净化功能,通过对人工湿地植物生理生态特性如气体代谢、光合作用、逆境生理和相生相克等研究,筛选出优良植物种类,创造适宜人工生,将有利于发育发挥湿地植物功能,提高人工湿地污水处理能力。  相似文献   
以湿地植物菖蒲为研究对象,在水培条件下观察3个浓度梯度的氮磷污水(处理组1、2、3依次为N:40 mg/L、P:4 mg/L;N:80 mg/L、P:8 mg/L;N:120 mg/L、P:12 mg/L)对其胁迫后的根系释氧和通气组织的变化规律,研究发现高氮磷胁迫明显抑制菖蒲株高和根系长度的生长,减少植物根系数量;高氮磷胁迫还可以增加植物根系释氧量和促进根系通气组织形成,由于根系长度和数量的减少,处理组的根系释氧总量不及对照组;高氮磷胁迫不改变菖蒲根系释氧趋势,根尖最大,离根尖越远释氧越小.研究还发现,根尖释氧量大小和通气组织呈正相关,根基和根中部释氧量与通气组织关系不显著,说明植物通气组织的形式更有利于根尖释氧.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2018,1(1):17-27
On the basis of proposing the existence of a karst carbon cycle and carbon sink at a watershed scale, this paper provides four pieces of evidence for the integration of geology and ecology during the carbon cycle processes in the karst dynamic system, and estimated the karst carbon sink effect using the methods of comparative monitoring of paired watersheds and the carbon stable isotope tracer technique. The results of the soil carbon cycle in Maocun, Guilin, showed that the soil carbon cycle in the karst area, the weathering and dissolution of carbonate rocks under the soil, resulted in a lower soil respiration of 25% in the karst area than in a non-karst area (sandstone and shale), and the carbon isotope results indicated that 13.46% of the heavy carbon of the limestone is involved in the soil carbon cycle. The comparative monitoring results in paired watersheds, suggesting that the HCO3- concentration in a karst spring is 10 times that of a rivulet in a non-karst area, while the concentration of inorganic carbon flux is 23.8 times. With both chemical stoichiometry and carbon stable isotopes, the proportion of carbon in karst springs derived from carbonate rocks was found to be 58.52% and 37.65% respectively. The comparison on carbon exchange and isotopes at the water-gas interface between the granite and carbonate rock basins in the Li River showed that the CO2 emission of the karst water is 10.92 times that of the allogenic water from the non-karst area, while the carbon isotope of HCO3- in karst water is lighter by 8.62‰. However, this does not mean that the karst water body has a larger carbon source effect. On the contrary, it means the karst water body has a greater karst carbon sink effect. When the karst subterranean stream in Zhaidi, Guilin, is exposed at the surface, carbon-rich karst water stimulated the growth of aquatic plants. The values of carbon stable isotopes in the same species of submerged plants gradually becomes heavier and heavier, and the 512 m flow process has a maximum range of 15.46‰. The calculation results showed that 12.52% of inorganic carbon is converted into organic carbon. According to the data that has been published, the global karst carbon sink flux was estimated to be 0.53-0.58 PgC/a, equivalent to 31.18%-34.41% of the global forest carbon sink flux. In the meanwhile, the karst carbon sink flux in China was calculated to be 0.051 PgC/a, accounting for 68% of its forest carbon sink flux.  相似文献   
The unsteady, two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations and the exact free surface boundary conditions were solved to study the interaction of a solitary wave and a submerged dike. A piston-type wavemaker was set up in the computational domain to produce the incident solitary waves. The incident wave and the associated boundary layer flow in a wave tank with a flat bed were compared with the analytical solutions to verify the accuracy of this numerical scheme. Effects of the incident wave height and the size of the dike on the wave transformation, the flow fields, and the drag forces on the dike were discussed. Our numerical results showed that even though the induced local shear stress on the top surface of the dike is large at some particular locations, the resultant pressure drag is much larger than the friction drag. The primary vortex generated at the lee side of the dike and the secondary vortex at the right toe of the dike may scour the bottom and cause a severe problem for the dike.  相似文献   
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