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长江三角洲泥丘构造的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用浅地层剖面仪和钻孔,在1982-1983年对全新世长江水下三角洲的演化进行调查。结果表明,在现代河口沉降中心前缘在东南方60-80km的浅海地区,存在着若干泥丘构造。泥丘构造由晚更新世沉积物组成,有些正在顶起上部全新统地层,有些则已出露海底达20多米。调查资料证实,这些泥丘构造的形成,主要是由于长江河口沉降中心的沉积物擀力压实用作所致。  相似文献   
近60年黄河水沙变化过程及其对三角洲的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
为了了解黄河水沙变化过程及其对三角洲的影响,本文运用统计学方法对利津站1950-2007年的水沙数据以及流域人类活动引起的减水减沙数据进行了分析,结果表明:1950-2007年黄河人海水沙量明显减少,且年际波动比较剧烈.人类活动的影响是人海水沙量减少的主要原因.1950.2005年,水土保持年均减水减沙量分别为20.2亿m3和3.41亿t;工农业年均引水引沙量分别为251.64亿m3和2.42亿t;干流库区拦沙量,三门峡水库1960-2007年年均淤积1.45亿m3,小浪底水库1997-2007年年均淤积2.398亿m3.相比于花园口站的水沙量,下游河道以淤积为主,人海水沙量减少;以冲刷为主,人海水沙毋增加.当不同时期人海总水沙量比为0.0257 t/m3左右时,河口附近岸线延伸,三角洲面积增加.但近来年入海水沙量的急剧减少,特别是黄河口清8出汉以后,整个黄河三角洲由淤积转变为侵蚀,冲淤状态发生逆转的时间约在1997年.  相似文献   
本文从抚远三角洲(大黑瞎子岛)的归属问题入手,剖析了抚远三角洲的区域特点与未来发展前景,对目前中俄两国的国际合作机制和国际区域合作的支撑条件进行梳理。在不破坏大黑瞎子岛生态环境原则的基础上,以岛为依托,构建了东北亚综合贸易体、打造东北亚自由贸易区、建立跨国城市联合体、建设抚远为哈巴罗夫斯克卫星城以及开发抚远三角洲为国际生态文化旅游特区五种国际合作模式。  相似文献   
随着国家对黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划的批复,如何加强黄河入海流路管理及其范围内土地开发,既要符合国家对河口治理的综合规划和土地规划,又能促进黄河三角洲高效生态经济快速发展,已成为突出问题。文章对黄河入海河口基本情况及如何管理和对其范围内土地进行合理利用开发提出了建议和意见。  相似文献   
Based on the measuring data of landforms, high-resolution seismic profiles, drilling cores, etc, a diapir body was found in the north of the modem Yellow River delta. The diapir body with a length of 5 km and a width of 1 km is distributed on the middle to low part of the slope of an abandoned delta lobe. Its formation is related to the deformity of the soft stratum which is deposited in the prodelta and covered by the stratum of the mouth bar sediments. Research results show that its formation is very different from the Mississippi River delta’s diapirs but related to the erosion of the seabed and occurs on the location with a large eroded quantity. The soft stratum and its diapir body can result in a great hazard to marine buildings. Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Z97E0’ 1004) and the Marine Oil Compny, Shengli Oil Bureau.  相似文献   
Along the Ligurian coast (NW Italy), Alpine‐folded and slightly metamorphosed rocks experienced fluvial to marine erosion prior to and during the base level fall associated with the Messinian salinity crisis. Following the subsequent sea‐level rise at the onset of the Pliocene, valleys incised along the coastal margins during the Messinian salinity crisis were partly filled with Pliocene marine and continental deposits. One such valley‐infill system is exposed near Ventimiglia (NW Italy). Using geological cross‐sections and geomorphological analysis we have constrained its shape and dimensions, as well as the morphology of its hinterland. The Messinian valley was very open, ∼10 km wide and probably 500 m deep. The basal unconformity between the Pliocene sediments and the underlying substratum is characterized by a smooth surface that has on either side of the palaeo‐valley a dip between 2 and 10°. The basal unconformity in the southernmost part of the palaeo‐valley roughly coincides with present‐day sea level. The hinterland of the middle Pliocene sea was characterized by kilometres‐wide valleys surrounded by mountains with a relief gentler than at present. The shapes and dimensions of the Messinian Ventimiglia valley and the relief during Pliocene times are different from those derived from comparable structures in SE France and NW Italy. We interpret this as being due to the exhumation history that the Ventimiglia region, different from the surrounding areas, experienced over the last few million years. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
根据对近10 年来长江入海泥沙量和河口冲淤的对比分析, 探讨水下三角洲冲淤对长江入海泥沙锐减以及三峡工程运行的响应。结果表明: (1) 三峡水库蓄水导致长江入海泥沙减少1×108 t/a 量级; (2) 1995-2000 年、2000-2004 年和2004-2005 年研究区淤积(冲刷) 面积分别占75.5% (24.5%)、30.5% (69.5%) 和14% (86%), 垂向冲淤速率(负为冲刷) 分别为6.4 cm/a、-3.8 cm/a 和-21 cm/a。(3) 由于地形和水动力的变化以及工程的影响, 研究区内冲淤对河流来沙减少的响应存在显著空间差异。结论包括: 三峡水库蓄水加剧了长江入海泥沙的减少; 入海泥沙的锐减是水下三角洲从淤积为主向侵蚀为主转变的主要原因。随着水库拦沙能力的增强等流域人类活动的影响, 长江入海泥沙将进一步下降, 河口口门区的冲刷可能加剧, 值得有关部门重视。  相似文献   
黄河口泥沙淤积估算问题和方法——以钓口河亚三角洲为例   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以往在黄河三角洲沉积量的估算中,对沉积物干容重和计算边界等问题不够重视,导致计算结果存在明显出入。本项研究通过广泛收集资料和大量采样分析得到了多种沉积环境下沉积物干容重的计算模型,结合三角洲沉积结构分析和利用地形测量数据,计算了黄河口钓口河流路时期亚三角洲不同时期的沉积量。其中1965年至1974年间钓口河亚三角洲前缘坡脚以内的总淤积量为71.0亿t。其平均干容重为1.36g/cm3。这一干容重用于估算其它亚三角洲沉积量不会造成明显误差。认为忽略三角洲下松软沉积层的压实沉降、三角洲平原相和前缘相中粘性土与非粘性土干容重的差别以及来沙量的测量误差对计算结果影响较小。  相似文献   
地震沉积学是精细表征沉积体系时空分布特征的有效手段。本文以准噶尔盆地西北部春光探区为例,首先对白垩系的层序界面和层序展布进行了分析,建立了高分辨层序地层格架,然后综合分析地震、录井、测井、岩心以及分析化验等资料,明确了该区的沉积相类型,最后以地震沉积学思想为指导,利用地层切片等多项技术,对沉积体系进行了精细的刻画。结果表明: (1)春光探区白垩系可以划分为4个三级层序和7个四级层序。(2)白垩系发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、异重流和湖泊4种沉积相类型。(3)通过相位调整,建立了地震振幅与岩性的良好对应关系;利用分频处理、RGB属性融合和地层切片技术,精确地刻画了沉积体系的时空分布。呼图壁组沉积时期,春光探区西南角为扇三角洲,东部为辫状河三角洲和异重流沉积,在切片上可以清晰地观察到蜿蜒曲折的异重流水道及新月形的侧积复合体;胜金口组沉积时期是白垩系湖侵规模最大时期,最有利于东部异重流发育和保存,西南部扇三角洲继续继承性发育;连木沁组沉积时期,由于西南部抬升,只在东部接受沉积,发育辫状河三角洲,先前发育的异重流沉积逐渐萎缩。  相似文献   
Lower Palaeozoic fluvial systems tend to be more sand-prone than those of later eras and the nature of coastal environments less certain. Field studies are presented that characterize the fluvial to marine transition over a distance of 80 km, in the Lower Cambrian of the Cotentin Peninsula, northern France. The sedimentary rocks are divided into six facies associations which represent deposition in proximal fluvial, distal fluvial, delta plain, delta front, pro-delta and offshore carbonate bank environments. The basin fill is sandstone-dominated and subdivided into three stratigraphic intervals. A 200 to 300 m thick basal interval contains very coarse-grained fluvial sandstones deposited during a relative sea level lowstand. An overlying interval, 250 to 1500 m thick, is a facies mosaic. Fluvial strata in the north-west pass laterally south-east into deltaic and shallow marine pro-delta sediments. The delta front deposits show repetitively stacked, upward-coarsening parasequences, 8 to 10 m thick, which reflect the repeated progradation of lobate, fluvially-dominated deltas onto a shallow marine shelf. The deltas formed following marine transgression and accumulated during a period of gradually rising relative sea level. An upper unit, 130 m thick, containing offshore stromatolitic and oolitic limestones, caps the study interval and represents deposition during a relative sea level highstand. The fluvial and delta distributary channel sandstones of the middle unit contain <1% mudstone. The cohesionless substrate determined that deltaic distributaries were predominantly braided in character and subject to common bifurcations which resulted in an ordered diminution of channel size and competence in a seaward direction. Terminal distributary channels show evidence of migratory levées and mouth-bars and consistently delivered fine to medium-grained sand to the delta front. The study highlights an example of pre-vegetation deltaic sedimentation that was hydraulically organized and predictable, despite being fed by braided fluvial systems with high levels of peak discharge.  相似文献   
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