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Application of snowmelt runoff model for water resource management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Snow‐covered areas (SCAs) are the fundamental source of water for the hydrological cycle for some region. Accurate measurements of river discharge from snowmelt can help manage much needed water required for hydropower generation and irrigation purposes. This study aims to apply the snowmelt runoff model (SRM) in the Upper Indus basin by the Astore River in northern Pakistan for the years 2000 to 2006. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data are used to generate the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the region. Various variables (snow cover depletion curves (SCDCs), temperature and precipitation) and parameters (degree‐day factor, recession coefficient, runoff coefficients, time lag, critical temperature and temperature lapse rate) are used as input in the SRM. However, snow cover data are direct and an important input to the SRM. Satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are used to estimate the SCA. Normalized difference snow index (NDSI) algorithm is applied for snow cover mapping and to differentiate snow from other land features. Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of determination (R2) and volume difference (DV) are used for quality assessment of the SRM. The results of the current research show that for the study years (2000–2006), the average value of R2 is 0·87 and average volume difference DV is 1·18%. The correlation coefficient between measured and computed runoff is 0·95. The results of the study further show that a high level of accuracy can be achieved during the snowmelt season. The simulation results endorse that the SRM in conjunction with MODIS snow cover product is very useful for water resource management in the Astore River and can be used for runoff forecasts in the Indus River basin in northern Pakistan. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Time‐lapse seismics is the methodology of choice for remotely monitoring changes in oil/gas reservoir depletion, reservoir stimulation or CO2 sequestration, due to good sensitivity and resolving power at depths up to several kilometres. This method is now routinely applied offshore, however, the use of time‐lapse methodology onshore is relatively rare. The main reason for this is the relatively high cost of commercial seismic acquisition on land. A widespread belief of a relatively poor repeatability of land seismic data prevents rapid growth in the number of land time‐lapse surveys. Considering that CO2 sequestration on land is becoming a necessity, there is a great need to evaluate the feasibility of time‐lapse seismics for monitoring. Therefore, an understanding of the factors influencing repeatability of land seismics and evaluating limitations of the method is crucially important for its application in many CO2 sequestration projects. We analyse several repeated 2D and 3D surveys acquired within the Otway CO2 sequestration pilot project (operated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Technologies, CO2CRC) in Australia, in order to determine the principal limitations of land time‐lapse seismic repeatability and investigate the influence of the main factors affecting it. Our findings are that the intrinsic signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N, signal to coherent and background noise levels) and the normalized‐root‐mean‐square (NRMS) difference are controlled by the source strength and source type. However, the post‐stack S/N ratio and corresponding NRMS residuals are controlled mainly by the data fold. For very high‐fold data, the source strength and source type are less critical.  相似文献   
Of particular concern in the monitoring of gas injection for the purposes of storage, disposal or improved oil recovery is the exact spatial distribution of the gas volumes in the subsurface. In principle this requirement is addressed by the use of 4D seismic data, although it is recognized that the seismic response still largely provides a qualitative estimate of moved subsurface fluids. Exact quantitative evaluation of fluid distributions and associated saturations remains a challenge to be solved. Here, an attempt has been made to produce mapped quantitative estimates of the gas volume injected into a clastic reservoir. Despite good results using three accurately repeated seismic surveys, time‐delay and amplitude attributes reveal fine‐scale differences though large‐scale agreement in the estimated fluid movement. These differences indicate disparities in the nature of the two attributes themselves, which can be explained by several possible causes. Of most impact are the effects of processing and migration, wave interference effects and noise from non‐repeatability of the seismic surveys. This subject highlights the need for a more careful consideration in 4D acquisition, amplitude processing and use of true amplitude preserving attributes in quantitative interpretation.  相似文献   
The frequent time‐lapse observations from the life of field seismic system across the Valhall field provide a wealth of information. The responses from the production and injection wells can be observed through time‐shift and amplitude changes. These observations can be compared to modelled synthetic seismic responses from a reservoir simulation model of the Valhall Field. The observed differences between the observations and the modelling are used to update and improve the history match of the reservoir model. The uncertainty of the resulting model is reduced and a more confident prediction of future reservoir performance is provided. A workflow is presented to convert the reservoir model to a synthetic seismic response and compare the results to the observed time‐lapse responses for any time range and area of interest. Correlation based match quality factors are calculated to quantify the visual differences. This match quality factor allows us to quantitatively compare alternative reservoir models to help identify the parameters that best match the seismic observations. Three different case studies are shown where this workflow has helped to reduce the uncertainty range associated with specific reservoir parameters. By updating various reservoir model parameters we have been able to improve the match to the observations and thereby improve the overall reservoir model predictability. The examples show positive results in a range of different reservoir modelling issues, which indicates the flexibility of this workflow and the ability to have an impact in most reservoir modelling challenges.  相似文献   
Narcondam Island in the Andaman Sea represents a dacite–andesite dome volcano in the volcanic chain of the Burma–Java subduction complex. The pyroclasts of andesitic composition are restricted to the periphery of the dome predominantly in the form of block‐and‐ash deposits and minor base surge deposits. Besides pyroclastic deposits, andesitic lava occurs dominantly at the basal part of the dome whereas dacitic lava occupies the central part of the dome. The pyroclasts are represented by non‐vesiculated to poorly vesiculated blocks of andesite, lapilli, and ash. The hot debris derived from dome collapse was deposited initially as massive to reversely‐graded beds with the grain support at the lower part and matrix support at the upper part. This sequence is overlain by repetitive beds of lapilli breccia to tuff breccia. These deposits are recognized as a basal avalanche rather than lahar deposit. This basal avalanche was punctuated by an ash‐cloud surge deposit representing a sequence of thinly bedded units of normal graded unit to parallel laminated beds.  相似文献   
Compaction induced by pore‐pressure decrease inside a reservoir can be monitored by measuring traveltime shifts of reflection events on time‐lapse seismic data. Recently we introduced a perturbation‐based formalism to describe traveltime shifts caused by the 3D stress‐induced velocity field around a compacting reservoir. Application of this method to homogeneous background models showed that the offset variation of traveltime shifts is controlled primarily by the anisotropic velocity perturbations and can provide valuable information about the shear and deviatoric stresses. Here, we model and analyse traveltime shifts for compacting reservoirs whose elastic properties are different from those of the surrounding medium. For such models, the excess stress is influenced primarily by the contrast in the rigidity modulus μ across the reservoir boundaries. Synthetic examples demonstrate that a significant (25% or more) contrast in μ enhances the isotropic velocity perturbations outside the reservoir. Nevertheless, the influence of background heterogeneity is mostly confined to the reservoir and its immediate vicinity and the anisotropic velocity changes are still largely responsible for the offset dependence of traveltime shifts. If the reservoir is stiffer than the host rock, the background heterogeneity reduces anisotropic velocity perturbations inside the reservoir but increases them in the overburden. As a result, in this case, the magnitude of the offset variation of traveltime shifts is generally higher for reflections from interfaces above the reservoir. We also study compaction‐induced stress/strain and traveltime shifts for a stiff reservoir embedded in a softer layered model based on velocity profiles from the Valhall Field in the North Sea. Despite producing discontinuities in strain across medium interfaces, horizontal layering does not substantially alter the overall behaviour of traveltime shifts. The most pronounced offset variation of traveltime shifts is observed for overburden events recorded at common midpoints close to the reservoir edges. On the whole, prestack analysis of traveltime shifts should help better constrain compaction‐induced velocity perturbations in the presence of realistic background heterogeneity.  相似文献   


In this study, we proposed a new approach for linking event sediment sources to downstream sediment transport in a watershed in central New York. This approach is based on a new concept of spatial scale, sub‐watershed area (SWA), defined as a sub‐watershed within which all eroded soils are transported out without deposition during a hydrological event. Using (rainfall) event data collected between July and November, 2007 from several SWAs of the studied watershed, we developed an empirical equation that has one independent variable, mean SWA slope. This equation was then used to determine event‐averaged unit soil erosion rate, QS/A, (in kg/km2/hr) for all SWAs in the studied watershed and calculate event‐averaged gross erosion Eea (in kg/hr). The event gross erosion Et (in kilograms) was subsequently computed as the product of Eea and the mean event duration, T (in hours) determined using event hydrographs at the outlet of the studied watershed. Next, we developed two linear sediment rating curves (SRCs) for small and big events based on the event data obtained at the watershed outlet. These SRCs, together with T, allowed us to determine event sediment yield SYe (in kilograms) for all events during the study period. By comparing Et with SYe, developing empirical equations (i) between Et and SYe and (ii) for event sediment delivery ratio, respectively, we revealed the event dynamic processes connecting sediment sources and downstream sediment transport. During small events, sediment transport in streams was at capacity and dominated by the deposition process, whereas during big events, it was below capacity and controlled by the erosion process. The key of applying this approach to other watersheds is establishing their empirical equations for QS/A and appropriately determining their numbers of SWAs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The paper presents a study by taking the soil seed banks and vegetation successions of the forests in Ziwuling Mountain as indicators to analyze the effects of the ages, and the litter layers and soil depths at growing locations in seven types of forest communities on their seed bank formations and soil quality. The results showed that the seed banks at different growing locations in the communities increased in the order of upper slope, middle slope, and lower slope; the seed storages of the seed banks in the different layers of the communities varied, much more higher in the litter layers than in 0–15 cm, and the seed storages of the seed banks in the seven types of forest communities ranked in the increasing order of Pinus tabulaeformis forest, Pinus shenkaneusis forest, Quercus liaotungensis forest, Populus davidiana forest, Betula platyphylla forest, scrub communities, and grassland communities; in the meantime, the seed storage of seed banks peaked in 30–50 years old P. shenkaneusis forest, 30–40 years old P. tabulaeformis forest, 15–30 years old Q. liaotungensis, and P. davidiana and B. platyphylla forests, and 10–15 years old scrub and grassland communities, and the ages of the communities varied with the seed storages of the seed banks in a significantly correlative manner following a fitted exponential equation. In addition, the soil seed banks of the seven types of communities consisted of rich and diverse species with the herbaceous and shrub species greatly outnumbering the arbor species; in general, the coniferous forests were composed of 31 kinds of plants, the deciduous and broadleaf forests consisted of 20–29 plant species, the shrubs contained 27 plant species, and the herbaceous plants numbered 20 plant species; The various species compositions contained only 4–6 arbor species with most being foreign species. In each of the compositions, Bothriochloa ischemum was the grassland plant with the highest occurrence frequency, Sophora viciifolia and Hippophae reamnoides were the shrub plants with the highest occurrence frequencies, and Q. liaotungensis was the arbor plant with the highest occurrence frequency, and they followed by P. shenkaneusis and P. tabulaeformis. These results showed that soil seed banks and forest successions are better indicators for soil quality from natural successions.  相似文献   
Located in Liaoning Province, one of the traditional heavy industrial areas in China, Dahuofang Reservoir provides drinking water for nearly 30 000 000 citizens, as well as industrial and agricultural water for dozens of several cities and rural areas. The distribution of hazardous heavy metals is described in several types of soil, crops, and in different industrial or mining areas and main sewage irrigation areas. Five possible reasons that may cause the pollution are analyzed and listed. Also we provide some pragmatic suggestions for the remediation of heavy metals in contaminated soils.  相似文献   
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