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COMCOT数值模式的介绍和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一个成熟的海啸数值模式-COMCOT模式.COMCOT模式是一个能够模拟海啸产生、传播和增水全过程的基于浅水波方程的有限差分模型.模型采用多层网格嵌套,根据海啸在不同区域的传播特点和要求,分别选用不同的分辨率和计算设置,从而兼顾了模式的精度和计算效率.利用此模式模拟了2006年12月26日台湾南部7.2级地震产生海啸波的传播情况,结果与两个潮位站的海啸波监测数据相吻合.  相似文献   
According to topography of Yemen,most areas and villages are located at obligated crest,toe of mountain and under cliffs.Therefore Al-Huwayshah consisting of Tawilah sandstone group is characterized by steep slope reach to 90° in some areas.This area is affected by strong tectonic movements and faults that occurred during the geological epochs.This effect enhances to find out fractures and joints as well as the rocks become brittle and ready to slide depending on the position of area.And there are some frac...  相似文献   
本文介绍了北京天文台观测到的太阳射电10厘米波段的毫秒级快速精细结构(FFS)中一类有长持续时间的尖峰(我们称毫秒时标记录上陡升陡降图形为“尖峰”,称秒级时标的记录上的陡升陡降图形为“脉冲”)群事件。这一类微波毫秒尖峰群(MMS)事件具有一系列显著的特点: 1)它在秒级时间常数的慢速记录上常常对应一8S型(持续时间小于1分钟的脉冲)的爆发。因而利用脉冲的频谱特性,对这一类微波爆发中的毫秒精细结构的特征及可能的机制进行探讨,以弥补目前只能在一个波段上观测FFS事件的缺陷。 2)这一类脉冲爆发具有从低频向高频的频漂(正的频漂),而且频漂的速率随频率带增加而增加。 3)脉冲的幅度在波长8—10厘米间受到强烈的衰减。 4)脉冲群中的每一脉冲的极大频率及起始频率从高频逐渐移向低频,意昧着激发源逐渐上升。估计上升速度约为50公里/秒。 5)这类脉冲常常出现在有δ型磁结构、最大磁场强度大于2500高斯的复杂活动区中,可能有不同级别的耀斑与之对应。 6)这类脉冲与硬X线爆发事件、分米波段快速频漂事件及“BLIPS”事件见文[7]有密切的关系。 7)这一类微波快速尖峰群事件可以解释为来自耀斑-爆发事件中形成的电子加速中心的快速非热电子流向下运动穿入一耀斑环激起的电子迴旋脉泽辐射。  相似文献   

2021年9月16日四川泸县发生M6.0地震, 该地震发震构造不明, 发震机理尚存在争议.地震精定位和震源机制有助于分析地震活动时空演化与震源破裂特征, 能够有效揭示活动构造机制和地震发生机理, 为评估区域地震危险性提供科学依据.为此, 本文首先采用双差定位法对震中及附近2009年1月至2021年10月发生的地震进行了精定位, 结果显示, 研究区地震震源深度大多集中在10 km范围内, 事件主要沿地表断层呈条带状或丛集分布, 部分震群邻近当地工业井, 周边无明显断层分布.其次, 通过CAP波形反演计算得到M≥3.5地震的震源机制解, 表明研究区震源破裂以逆冲挤压型为主, 部分震源机制解具有不确定性.基于震源机制解反演区域应力场, 进一步探讨了区域应力场与地震事件的力学一致性.研究结果显示, 区域应力场以水平构造挤压作用为主, 部分事件震源机制解与其吻合度较低, 暗示存在局部应力差异.综合地震活动时空演化特征、已知断层展布以及区域应力场等研究结果, 认为华蓥山断裂带南段的地震活动与资源开采活动密切相关, 泸县M6.0地震是在局部应力场扰动下, 下方滑脱层活动触发了上覆隐伏断层的挤压错动而产生.

桥梁结构的振动特性受场地条件及土—结相互作用影响显著,为提高桥梁结构的抗震性能,减少因结构破坏而产生的经济损失,进一步开展考虑场地土体非线性以及土—结相互作用对桥梁结构地震反应影响的研究工作十分必要。本文以一典型桥梁结构为例,着重介绍了美国太平洋地震工程研究中心基于性能的桥梁有限元模拟平台BridgePBEE应用中所涉及的地震动选取、桥梁结构建模、土体本构选择以及基于构件的桩—土—桥梁结构体系损伤评估方法,为研究震后桥梁结构经济损失分析方法提供可行性方案。  相似文献   
本文利用中国数字化地震台网(CDSN)记录的2°—40°范围内的长周期P波垂直分量波形资料,通过理论地震图拟合的方法,研究了1988年云南澜沧—耿马地震主震及两个余震的震源机制.结果表明,主震由三个震源机制不尽相同的子事件组成.第一个子事件的震源机制为:走向N30°W,倾角88°,错动角185°,地震矩为0.55×1020Nm.第二个子事件的震源机制为:走向N33°W,倾角90°,错动角209°,地震矩0.24×1020Nm,延迟时间为25s.第三个子事件的震源机制为:走向N65°W,倾角82°,错动角172°,地震矩为0.14×1020Nm,延迟时间为70s.这种在空间上相距甚小而在时间上有分离、子事件的震源机制相差较为显著的复杂震源过程,与现场综合考察所见的地表裂缝分布一致,可以解释为单一裂缝的X型共轭剪切破裂,两个余震震源机制均为:走向N10°W,倾角86°,错动角185°,地震矩分别为0.54×1018Nm和4.29×1018Nm.  相似文献   
GDS-1000宽频带通用流动数字地震观测系统主要用于大陆岩石层的人工及天然地震台阵研究、强震观测以及余震观测台网的临时布设。其主要技术指标为:动态范围120dB,前放增益1,16,128倍可调,高端频率6.25,25,45Hz可调,采样率25,100,200Hz可调,1MB固态数据存储器借助地震数据的压缩软件可以存储3MB以上的数据,工作温度范围-10—45℃,功耗小于3W。定时接受的BPM无线电授时信号可保证记录系统时钟校正误差小于10ms。其智能化地震触发系统可处于下列模态:近震触发,远震触发,近震和远震触发,任意地面运动信号触发,以及手动触发和定时触发。DSR-1000数字地震数据回收系统用于GDS-1000的参数预置、地震事件数据的转储和地震图的现场绘制。该系统在野外试验期间已取得大量近震、远震及核爆炸记录。  相似文献   
For earthquake and tsunami early warning and emergency response,the earthquake epicenter and magnitude should be determined rapidly and correctly.Using high-rate GPS observations,we can readily obtain precise and high resolution displacement time series and the seismic waveforms during the earthquake.In this paper,a new algorithm is proposed for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude with the seismic waveforms derived from high-rate GPS data during the earthquake.A case study of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is conducted from 1 Hz GPS data and the epicenter and magnitude are determined.Compared with the results issued by the China Seismological Bureau,the estimation error of the epicenter and the magnitude is about 12 km and 0.1 magnitude unit,respectively.It has shown that high-rate GPS could be a new tool feasible for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude,independent of or combined with seismometers.  相似文献   
Probabilistic aftershock hazard assessment (PAHA) has been introduced by Wiemer (Geophys Res Lett 27:3405–3408, 2000). The method, in its original form, utilizes attenuation relations in evaluating peak ground velocity (PGV) exceedence probability. We substitute the attenuation relations together with their uncertainties by strong ground motion simulations for a set of scenarios. The main advantage of such an approach is that the simulations account for specific details of the aftershock source effects (faulting style, slip distribution, position of the nucleation point, etc.). Mean PGVs and their standard deviations are retrieved from the simulation results obtained by the new hybrid k-squared source model, and they are used for the PAHA analysis at a station under study. The model chosen for the testing purposes is inspired by the Izmit A25 aftershock (M w  = 5.8) that occurred 26 days after the mainshock. The PAHA maps are compared with (1) those obtained by the use of attenuation relations and (2) the peak values of ten selected strong-motion recordings written by the aftershock at epicentral distances <50 km. We conclude that, although the overall hazard decay with increasing fault distance is similar, the PAHA maps obtained by the use of simulations exhibit remanent radiation pattern effect and prolongation in the strike direction due to the directivity effect pronounced for some of the scenarios. As regard the comparison with real data, we conclude that the PAHA maps agree with observed peak values due to appropriate attenuation model adopted in the analysis.  相似文献   
Truncation of the distribution of ground-motion residuals   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Recent studies to assess very long-term seismic hazard in the USA and in Europe have highlighted the importance of the upper tail of the ground-motion distribution at the very low annual frequencies of exceedance required by these projects. In particular, the use of an unbounded lognormal distribution to represent the aleatory variability of ground motions leads to very high and potentially unphysical estimates of the expected level of shaking. Current practice in seismic hazard analysis consists of truncating the ground-motion distribution at a fixed number (ε max) of standard deviations (σ). However, there is a general lack of consensus regarding the truncation level to adopt. This paper investigates whether a physical basis for choosing ε max can be found, by examining records with large positive residuals from the dataset used to derive one of the ground-motion models of the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) project. In particular, interpretations of the selected records in terms of causative physical mechanisms are reviewed. This leads to the conclusion that even in well-documented cases, it is not possible to establish a robust correlation between specific physical mechanisms and large values of the residuals, and thus obtain direct physical constraints on ε max. Alternative approaches based on absolute levels of ground motion and numerical simulations are discussed. However, the choice of ε max is likely to remain a matter of judgment for the foreseeable future, in view of the large epistemic uncertainties associated with these alternatives. Additional issues arise from the coupling between ε max and σ, which causes the truncation level in terms of absolute ground motion to be dependent on the predictive equation used. Furthermore, the absolute truncation level implied by ε max will also be affected if σ is reduced significantly. These factors contribute to rendering a truncation scheme based on a single ε max value impractical.  相似文献   
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