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以Landsat5 TM1、TM2、TM3、TM4、TM5和TM7等图像数据,经预处理后进行植被指数提取和主成分分析,生成13个波段数据集;并用最优指数法(OIF)选取目视解译波段,运用最大似然法(MLC)和线性光谱分解法(LSU)对华北平原农区河北省文安县2007年5月的杨树林地面积信息作了应用分析.结果表明:(1)...  相似文献   
多源大数据融合背景下的城市功能区识别是复杂非线性系统的模式识别问题,如何有效地从大规模的轨迹数据中提取出多粒度连续性时变和多尺度空间相互作用的信息是进行城市区域功能识别的关键。本研究设计实现了一种基于时序动态图嵌入的深度学习模型,在融合滴滴出行及兴趣点数据(Point of Interest, POI)基础上,提取城市区域存在的时间和空间上的隐式特征,结合聚类分析实现城市用地功能的语义识别。结果表明,成都市中心的用地功能趋向复合多样化的发展,且用地属性随时间发生作用范围和用地类型的变化,呈现出功能随着城市群体活动而变化的时空规律。与相关文献的对比实验表明,本文提出方法在更细粒度的时间段下进行功能区识别,得到的同一类功能区域内集聚度更高,能够更好的捕获复合型区域在不同时间模式下呈现出的用地功能变化。本研究为城市用地功能识别研究提供了新的技术方法,为城市规划研究人员全面理解城区结构属性提供了有效手段,对推动城市空间得到更合理高效的利用具有一定的价值。  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate effectiveness and performance of several supervised neural network models and make pattern recognition on invertebrate habitat zones. Probabilistic, general regression, and linear neural networks, and discriminant analysis were used to recognize both known and unknown invertebrate habitat zones. The results showed that neural network models were better than traditional discriminant analysis in the recognition of known habitat zones. There was not distinctive variation in recognition from different neural network models. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the learning rate of the neural network would influence recognized results. An unknown invertebrate species from Lepidoptera was recognized to be soil-dweller (dryland) by both neural network models and discriminant analysis. In sensitivity analysis it was additionally recognized to be the type of plant canopy (terrestrial). Overall the species was estimated to be a soil-dweller (dryland) or live on plant canopy (terrestrial). It was concluded that neural network models can perform better than conventional statistic models in pattern recognition, but a comprehensive comparison among various models is necessary in order to achieve a high reliable recognition and prediction. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis can lead to an in-depth grasp on the mechanism in the recognition and is thus needed.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地奈曼旗近5年来风况及合成输沙势   总被引:8,自引:13,他引:8  
应用奈曼沙漠化研究站1998-2002年的气象资料, 统计分析了奈曼旗近5a来的风况特征和输沙势。结果表明: ①研究区3~5月起沙风发生频数最高, 占全年起沙风的38%~58%; 平均风速和最大风速值最大, 分别为6.0~7.5m·s-1和9.5~16.9m·s-1。该风况特征与地表冻融、裸露、干旱疏松相耦合, 形成了区内的风沙活动期。②在风沙活动期内, 风环境基本为锐双峰风况, 西北风居主导地位, 频数占54%; 南风和西南风次之, 频数占38%。③在风沙活动期内, 研究区属于高风能环境, 合成输沙势RDP为66.3VU(风速以m·s-1为单位), 合成输沙方向RDD为ESE113°。  相似文献   
跨海大桥系统受外界影响扰动,其变形伴有混沌现象发生.对桥梁变形监测数据实现了混沌识别,运用C-C法计算时间序列的延迟时间,用G-P方法求得最佳嵌入维数,通过求取的时间延迟和最佳嵌入维数对桥梁变形监测数据进行相空间重构,为混沌时间序列预测模型的建立奠定基础;基于RBF神经网络建立混沌时间序列预测模型,对实测数据进行桥梁变...  相似文献   
Local place names are frequently used by residents living in a geographic region. Such place names may not be recorded in existing gazetteers, due to their vernacular nature, relative insignificance to a gazetteer covering a large area (e.g. the entire world), recent establishment (e.g. the name of a newly-opened shopping center) or other reasons. While not always recorded, local place names play important roles in many applications, from supporting public participation in urban planning to locating victims in disaster response. In this paper, we propose a computational framework for harvesting local place names from geotagged housing advertisements. We make use of those advertisements posted on local-oriented websites, such as Craigslist, where local place names are often mentioned. The proposed framework consists of two stages: natural language processing (NLP) and geospatial clustering. The NLP stage examines the textual content of housing advertisements and extracts place name candidates. The geospatial stage focuses on the coordinates associated with the extracted place name candidates and performs multiscale geospatial clustering to filter out the non-place names. We evaluate our framework by comparing its performance with those of six baselines. We also compare our result with four existing gazetteers to demonstrate the not-yet-recorded local place names discovered by our framework.  相似文献   
In order to acquire a better velocity structure of the crustal and uppermost mantle beneath Shanxi area, we obtain the group and phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of the periods 8s to 50s in Shanxi and adjacent area using ambient seismic noise recorded at 216 broad-band stations. All available vertical-component time series for 2014 have been cross-correlated to yield estimates of empirical Rayleigh wave Green's function. Group and phase velocity dispersion curves for Rayleigh wave are measured for each interstation path by applying frequency-time analysis. It describes finer velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in Shanxi, which reflects the geological structure characteristics at different depths. The resolution is within 50km and the resolution of part periods can reach 40km.The Rayleigh wave group and phase speed maps at short periods(8~18s and 10~22s)show clear correlations with shallow geological structures. Mountain areas on both sides of Shanxi depression zone show apparent high-velocity anomaly, except for low-velocity anomaly in the Taiyuan Basin, Linfen-Yuncheng Basin and Weihe Basin. Especially, the areas of Youyu County-Pianguan County-Kelan County-Shuozhou City and Jingle County-Lishi District of Lüliang City in Lüliang Mountains, and Yu County-Fuping County-Yi County and Yangcheng County-Licheng County in Taihang Mountains, present higher velocity anomaly. In addition, the velocity is lowest in the Weihe Basin, and the amplitude of low velocity decreases gradually from the south to the north of the basins in Shanxi, which probably is related to the process of gradual stretching and development of the Shanxi rift zone from the southwest to the northeast. The obvious velocity difference across the latitude of 38°N exists at 18~30s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps, which is probably related to the deep and shallow Moho depth variation in the south and north of Shanxi and the suture zone of ancient blocks including "hard" southern block and "soft" northern block. At the same time, the research result of receiver function reveals that partial melting of the lower crust occurs in the northern Taihang Mountains, while the southern section remains stable(Poisson's ratio is above 0.3 in the northern Taihang Mountains and 0.25~0.26 in the southern section). The phase velocity map at 30~50s period clearly shows NW velocity gradient belt, and the low velocity anomaly in the northeast side may be related to Cenozoic volcanism. Meanwhile, the eastern border of Ordos block is the western faults of central basins in Shanxi depression zone. However, some research results indicate that the above border is Lishi Fault in the surface, inferring that the Ordos block shows a shape of wide in the upper and narrow in the lower part from the surface to deep. The Datong volcanic area at 18~45s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps shows low velocity of trumpet shape from shallow to deep, related to the upwelling of hot material from lower mantle in the Cenozoic causing a large area of intense magmatic activity. It indicates the more specific upwelling channel of Datong volcanoes simultaneously.  相似文献   
松辽盆地深部反射地震探查   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
概述了近年来用近垂直反射地震方法研究不同大地构造单元的地壳结构和深部构造问题所取得的基本成果,说明了在松辽盆地内所进行的两次深反射地震探查,包括位置、科学目标、资料采集、处理技术和基本结果,利用延长排列所得到的约42km长共炮点资料,求出松辽盆地地壳平均速度约为6.197km/s。通过初步解释,认为在上部地壳存在多组低角度断裂、中下部地壳构造具有更为复杂的震相、Moho震相比较清晰,多处出现与Moho震相斜交的震相。  相似文献   
Grampian migmatites in the Buchan Block,NE Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Rocks exposed along the Scottish coast between Fraserburgh and Inzie Head contain information critical to understanding the evolution of the Buchan Block, the type locality for low‐P, high‐T regional metamorphism, and its relationship with the rest of the Grampian terrane, one of the major tectonostratigraphic components of the Scottish Caledonides. The ~8 km long section traverses a regional network of shear zones and, at the highest grades around Inzie Head, passes into the core of the Buchan Anticline, a large‐scale open fold that is commonly regarded as a late structure, post‐dating metamorphism. The metasedimentary rocks increase in grade from upper amphibolite to granulite facies and preserve unequivocal evidence for partial melting. The diatexite migmatites around Inzie Head, along with other gneissose units within the Buchan Block, have been regarded as allochthonous Precambrian basement rocks that were thrust into their current position during the Grampian orogenesis. However, field observations show that the onset of in situ partial melting in metapelitic rocks, which was associated with the formation of garnet‐bearing aplites and associated pegmatites, occurred around Fraserburgh, where shear fabrics are absent. Thus, the rocks preserve a continuous metamorphic field gradient that straddles the shear zone network. This observation supports an alternative interpretation that anatexis was the result of mid‐Ordovician (Grampian) metamorphism, rather than an older tectonothermal event, and that the Inzie Head gneisses are autochthonous. Using an average mid‐Dalradian pelite as a plausible representative protolith, phase equilibria modelling satisfactorily reproduces the observed appearance and disappearance of key minerals providing that peritectic garnet produced with the first formed melts (represented by the garnet‐bearing aplites) depleted the source rocks in Mn. The modelled metamorphic field gradient records a temperature increase of at least 150 °C (from ~650 °C near Fraserburgh to in excess of 800 °C at Inzie Head) but is isobaric at pressures of 2.7–2.8 kbar, suggesting the Buchan Anticline developed synchronous with partial melting. The Buchan Anticline is likely an expression of crustal thinning and asthenospheric upwelling, which produced voluminous gabbroic intrusions that supplied the heat for Buchan metamorphism.  相似文献   
The numerical models of mantle convection agree to depict avalanches behaviour according to the level of endothermicity of the spinel → perovskite phase change. Their potential effects on the global thermal and dynamical states of the mantle have been computed thanks to a numerical code, which takes into account both the 400-km exothermic and the 660-km endothermic phase changes. The cycle followed by the avalanches is: local layering, destabilization of the 660-km thermal layer, travelling and spreading on the core, and reappearing of the local layering. Therefore, mantle convection is characterized by quiet periods of partial layering embedded in catastrophic events. During the avalanche, the amplitude of the surface velocity is multiplied by two, which would imply an enhanced plate tectonic and ridge activities. The global thermal effects of the avalanche are compatible with a high mantle temperature and an acceleration of Earth's rotation during the Cretaceous. They also offer a coherent explanation to locate the origin of mantle plumes both within the CMB and just below the transition zone.  相似文献   
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