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《China Geology》2018,1(2):187-201
Songke Well No.2, one of the main part of the scientific drilling project in Songliao Basin, which was drilled 7018 m and acquired the part of cores continuously from the Low Cretaceous to the Carboniferous and the Permian from the 2843 m deep, can be considered as the deepest continental drilling project in Asia. Aiming at the features of longer well sections, larger diameters and multiple spud-ins for coring of Songke Well No.2, this project broke through the “coring in small diameter and reaming in large diameter” spud-in drilling-completion procedures which are always used in large-diameter-well coring for continental scientific drilling projects in domestic and overseas and the drilling method of short-single-cylinder roundtrip footage. At the same time, “coring in the same diameter and completing drilling at one single diameter” was achieved at all φ311 mm and φ216 mm coring sections of more than one thousand meters long, high-efficient operation with “drilling long footage with drill tools combined in multi-cylinders” was achieved at deep coring section. Four world drilling records were created which include more than a thousand meters continuous coring at φ311 mm, and the footage per roundtrip footage at φ311 mm, φ216 mm and φ152 mm is all more than 30 m, all of these breakthroughs reduced at least 300 days for this project; moreover, considering the characteristics of formations that the geothermal gradient is high in the drilled sections and the inside-well temperature is over 240°C after drilling completion, a formate-polymer water-based mud system was developed by compounding attapulgite and sodium bentonite and by adding independently developed high-temperature stabilizer, which can provide critical technical support for successful well completion at 7018 m in the super-high-temperature environment It is the first time that the water-based mud is operated at the working temperature higher than 240°C in China; Besides, considering the high-quality requirement on cores imposed by the project, the method “mechanical cored is charge” to discharge core nondestructively on the ground was worked out, and more than 4000 m scatheless cores were discharged out of the drill pipes while maintaining original stratum structures.  相似文献   
苏怀  史正涛  董铭  叶燎原  叶蕾 《地学前缘》2021,28(2):202-210
古堰塞湖溃决洪水事件的重建是当前地学研究的热点问题之一,寻找足够的可参考的现代溃决洪水事件案例是顺利开展这项工作的基础。2018年11月13日发生在金沙江干流的白格堰塞湖超万年一遇的溃决洪水事件(学术界称之为“11·3”白格堰塞湖溃决洪水事件)就是一个难得的样本。这次溃决事件发生在枯水期,洪峰完全由溃决洪水产生,没有叠加其他来源,对评估流域地貌和沉积体系对堰塞溃决事件的响应有很好的参考价值。本文以溃决洪水事件受灾最为严重的奔子栏—石鼓段为研究区,通过详细的野外调查和初步的水力学估算发现“11·3”白格堰塞湖溃决洪水事件在奔子栏—石鼓段的地貌作用主要表现为洪水淹没区的岸坡塌岸和沉积物堆积,未发现明显的基岩侵蚀。沉积物主要由分选良好的具水平纹层的砂组成。受金沙江较低的河床比降影响,洪水产生的基底剪切应力较弱在27~142 N/m2,不能悬浮和搬运直径5 cm以上的砾石,也不能产生明显的磨蚀和冲(撞)击作用。在发生塌岸的部分段落,洪水沉积物中有砾石坠入,甚至会出现类似浊流沉积的层序。这些现象的发现对深入理解堰塞湖溃决洪水的复杂地貌过程和沉积特征有重要参考意义。  相似文献   
针对目前利用层次分析法对CO2地质封存进行适宜性评价过程中,极少结合研究区域实际计算低层次评价指标权重,对适宜性评价结果又缺少进一步的分析,结合鄂尔多斯盆地的地质特征,通过计算指标组成权重和适宜性得分对盆地开展了CO2地质封存适宜性评价,并以适宜区杏子川油田长4+5盖层为例,开展了盖层封闭性评价实验研究。同时,采用相应的计算方法对鄂尔多斯盆地深部咸水层和油藏的CO2地质封存潜力进行了计算。结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地在三叠系开展CO2地质封存的适宜性最好,石炭-二叠系和奥陶系则次之;杏子川油田三叠系延长组长4+5盖层对区域开展CO2地质封存具备良好的封闭性;鄂尔多斯盆地深部咸水层和油藏的CO2有效封存量分别为1.33×10 10 t和1.91×10 9 t,且在延长石油吴起、靖边及杏子川油田共有56个CO2地质封存适宜区,其CO2有效封存量可达1.77×10 8 t。  相似文献   
苏州市一次重霾污染天气过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对苏州地区2015年12月13—15日发生的一次典型的重霾污染天气过程进行了数值模拟,分析了颗粒物及其组分的时空变化特征及其气象影响因子,以期为该区域空气污染治理和预防提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)利用WRF-Chem模式对此次重霾污染天气过程的污染气体成分进行数值模拟后发现,小时平均的PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、CO、SO_2、NO_2模拟值与实测值的相关系数较高,达到0.68以上,通过了P0.01的显著性检验,且日变化过程对应也较好。(2)通过分析此次污染过程的天气背景,发现污染形成期高空环流比较平直,中层为均匀的弱高压控制,地面受弱高压脊控制,这种形势容易导致颗粒物的堆积。后期地面等压线密集时,风速大,有利于污染物的输送与扩散。(3)通过分析此次污染过程期间气象要素的变化发现,有逆温、风速小、相对湿度大等不利的气象条件是导致此次污染过程发生的重要原因之一。(4)HYSPLIT轨迹分析显示,此次重霾过程主要受北方大范围灰霾颗粒物南下影响,北方污染气团逐步南推,14至15日本地大气扩散条件差、污染物累积,最终导致本地污染加重,从而发生重霾事件。(5)火点图的分布进一步验证了此次重霾污染过程是由外来污染气团输入所导致。  相似文献   
2007年宁洱6.4级地震监测与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用宁洱地震现场流动台网监测资料进行精确定位,结合云南区域测震台网地震波资料,给出了宁洱地震主、余震的震源参数,分析讨论了宁洱地震的震源过程。研究显示,宁洱6.4级地震发震构造为NW向断裂,主破裂走向约N50°W,倾向WS,倾角约80°,断层性质为走滑型。断层破裂长度约为30km,宽度约5km,破裂面深2~12km,断层走向与宏观等震线长轴方向基本一致。震源参数研究表明,宁洱震区地震矩范围为1012~1018N·m,震源破裂半径为300~3500m,应力降为0.0044~14MPa。高应力降地震事件主要发生在4~10km深度范围内,表明该深度区是宁洱地震的主要活动区域。地震应力降随时间逐渐衰减,表明宁洱地震序列类型为主震—余震型。  相似文献   
多元统计分析在金川铜镍矿床两类矿石中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用聚类分析和因子分析对金川铜镍硫化物矿床样品及其微量元素进行了分析和科学分类,并对分类的样品进行R型因子分析,找寻在成矿作用过程中对成矿贡献起关键性作用的因子。因子分析结果表明,富矿类型的网状矿石与贫矿类型的星点状矿石的Ni,Cu矿化期存在着明显的差异性;网状矿石在成矿作用过程中,经受了晚期晚阶段的中、低温热液作用,使矿石中的主要成矿元素Cu产生了进一步的叠加和富集,并伴有Bi,Se,Te及贵金属元素的富集。因子分析的研究为脉动式多期多阶段的成矿机制模式提供了新的依据,同时,也为矿床中有用伴生元素的赋存状态及找寻提供了有用的成因信息。  相似文献   
A modified Rankine source panel method is presented for solving a linearized free-surface flow problem with respect to the double-body potential. The method of solution is based on the distribution of Rankine sources on the hull as well as its image and on the free surface. An iterative algorithm is used for determining the free surface and wave resistance using upstream finite difference operator. A verification of numerical modeling is made using the Wigley hull and the validity of the computer program is examined by comparing the details of wave profiles and wave making resistance with Series 60 model.  相似文献   
This paper presents a statistical model to characterize the long-term extreme value distribution of significant wave height, conditioning to the duration of the storm and accounting for seasonality. A time-dependent version of the peak over threshold (POT) approach is used to build the model, which is then applied to specific reanalysis time series and NOAA buoy records. The model considers the annual and semiannual cycles which are parameterized in terms of harmonic functions. The inclusion of seasonal variabilities substantially reduces the residuals of the fitted model. The information obtained in this study can be useful to design maritime works, because (a) the model improves the understanding of the variability of extreme wave climate along a year and (b) the model accounts for the duration of the storm, which is a key parameter in several formulations for rubble mound breakwater design.  相似文献   
GIS数据质量控制技术在地籍数据库建设中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对GIS数据质量控制技术在地籍数据建库中的应用进行了研究,在地籍数据库建设质量控制实践中综合运用了过程控制法和软件检查法,有效地控制地籍建库各个阶段的精度,保证最终成果满足设计要求。  相似文献   
乡村生产空间系统要素构成及运行机制研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
周明茗  王成 《地理科学进展》2019,38(11):1655-1664
乡村生产空间系统是一个客观存在的、典型的人地关系地域系统,具有耗散结构特征。论文以系统论为指导,遵循系统科学的基本思维方法,从学理上对乡村生产空间系统的内涵及要素构成进行辨析,并围绕农村生产关系变革划分了乡村生产空间系统的演进历程,在此基础上对乡村生产空间系统的运行机制进行阐释。研究发现,乡村生产空间系统主要由基础要素(资源环境和基础设施)、核心要素(多元经营主体和乡村文化)、驱动要素(资本、技术、信息和市场)和管理要素(制度和政策)4种要素构成;依据乡村生产关系变革、经济体制变迁、城乡关系转变等规律,将新中国成立后乡村生产空间系统的演进历程划分为土地改革运动时期、农业互助合作运动时期、人民公社化运动时期和家庭联产承包责任制时期4个时期,不同时期乡村生产空间系统的要素构成、要素间的联系方式不同,乡村生产空间系统特征表现各异;乡村生产空间系统通过支撑与约束机制、竞争与合作机制以及调控与反馈机制推动自身运行发展。从要素功能、结构关系、协同等视角去审视乡村生产空间系统的运行状态、诊断系统运行的动力机制或障碍因素等,将成为未来乡村生产空间系统研究的重点。  相似文献   
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