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鲍佩声 《地质通报》2009,28(12):1941-1961
着重论述了蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中豆荚状铬铁矿的成因,并对现今盛行的岩石/熔体反应成矿说提出了质疑。世界含铬铁矿的地幔橄榄岩均显示上部偏基性、下部偏酸性的垂直熔融分带,与蛇绿岩堆晶岩中上部偏酸性、下部偏基性的岩浆分异垂直层序恰恰相反。豆荚状铬铁矿与熔融剖面上部的纯橄岩或纯橄岩-方辉辉橄岩杂岩带紧密伴生。豆荚状铬铁矿是原始地幔岩高度熔融再造的产物,高铬型铬铁矿与PPG型蛇绿岩伴生,形成于岛弧或弧前盆地环境;高铝型铬铁矿与PTG型蛇绿岩伴生,形成于扩张脊(MOR)或弧后盆地环境。玻安岩(boninite)与高铬型豆荚状铬铁矿无成因关系,铬铁矿(或富铬矿浆)的形成反而为boninite提供了其形成所需的残余地幔;高铝型铬铁矿不是地幔橄榄岩/拉斑玄武质熔体反应形成的,而是富铬矿浆与基性熔体发生再平衡的产物。豆荚状铬铁矿中超高压矿物包体的出现为其地幔深部成因提供了佐证,而boninite形成于浅部较低压的条件;豆荚状铬铁矿中富集强相容元素IPGE(Os、Ir、Ru)合金,boninite富集不相容元素PPGE (Pt、Pd)硫(砷)化物, 而亏损IPGE,显示其形成较晚。因此,boninite与铬铁矿无生因关系,两者均受岛弧(或弧前盆地)环境的制约而在空间上相伴产出。  相似文献   
A large data set of amplitude measurements of minor and major arc Rayleigh waves in the period range 73–171 s is collected. By comparing these amplitudes with the amplitudes of synthetic waveforms calculated by mode summation, maps of lateral variations in the apparent attenuation structure of the Earth are constructed. An existing formalism for predicting the effects of focusing is employed to calculate amplitude perturbations for the same data set. These perturbations are used to construct 'pseudo‐attenuation' maps and these results are compared with the apparent attenuation maps calculated from the data. It is shown that variations in Rayleigh wave amplitude perturbations in the Earth are dominated by attenuation at long wavelengths (below about degree 8) and by elastic structure at shorter wavelengths. It is also shown that the linear approximation for focusing is successful at predicting Rayleigh wave amplitudes using existing phase velocity maps. These results indicate that future attempts to model the velocity structure of the Earth would be assisted by incorporating amplitude data and by jointly inverting for Q structure.  相似文献   
浅谈对湘南地幔柱构造的认识及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近30年来,对地幔柱的研究和探索取得了重要进展,对地幔柱在成矿学方面的应用也有了较深入的研究。湘南地区存在有地幔柱二、三次演化阶段的地质记录,即以宁远-道县为中心的二次柱和以骑田岭为中心的三次柱,通过对它们的认识和研究,有助于在找矿思路方面获取一些新的启示。  相似文献   
Summary. The upper boundary of the descending oceanic plate is located by using PS -waves (converted from P to S at the boundary) in the Tohoku District, the north-eastern part of Honshu, Japan. the observed PS-P time data are well explained by a two-layered oceanic plate model composed of a thin low-velocity upper layer whose thickness is less than 10 km and a thick high-velocity lower layer; the upper and lower layers respectively have 6 per cent lower and 6 per cent higher velocity than the overriding mantle. the estimated location of the upper boundary is just above the upper seismic plane of the double-planed deep seismic zone. This result indicates that events in the upper seismic plane, at least in the depth range from 60 to 150 km, occur within the thin low-velocity layer on the surface of the oceanic plate.  相似文献   
As part of a larger program focused on understanding the biogeochemistry of large river plumes, we participated in two expeditions during 2000 to sample the Mississippi River plume. Surface water samples were collected using a trace metal clean towed fish and analyzed for total dissolved Fe, organic Fe complexing ligands and their associated conditional stability constants. The ligands in the river plume have conditional stability constants (log KFeL between 10.5 and 12.3 with an average of 11.2 and standard deviation of 0.6) very similar to ligands found in the open ocean. Comparison of high flow and low flow regimes indicates that variability in flow may be the main cause of the variability in Fe concentrations in the plume. The organic Fe complexing ligands are in greatest excess during a time of higher flow. These ligands are responsible for maintaining very high (5 nM) Fe concentrations throughout the plume. Due to complexation with these organic ligands, the concentration of Fe remains above the Fe-hydroxide solubility level until a salinity above 35 is reached where there appears to be a sink for Fe in the less productive waters. Therefore, Fe is transported a great distance from the river source and is available for biological utilization in the coastal zone.  相似文献   
基于华北中西部和青藏高原东北缘3个流动台阵共480个台站新得到的远震XKS(SKS、SKKS和PKS)波分裂结果,并结合研究区已得到的987个台站的分裂结果,获得了高分辨率的上地幔各向异性图像.分析表明,鄂尔多斯块体的时间延迟较小,反映了其稳定性和弱的各向异性变形特征,可能保留了古老克拉通根的"化石"各向异性,但其靠近边缘的局部区域表现出与相邻边缘相一致的各向异性特征,反映了其局部区域受到了与其相邻边缘的构造活动影响.青藏高原东北缘、阿拉善块体和鄂尔多斯块体西缘快波方向主要为NW-SE方向,鄂尔多斯块体北缘主要为NNW-SSE方向,反映了青藏高原沿NE方向推挤过程中岩石圈沿NW-SE方向和NNW-SSE方向发生了伸展变形;位于四川盆地和鄂尔多斯块体两个刚性块体间的秦岭造山带的快波方向为近E-W方向或NWW-SEE方向,时间延迟较大,推测岩石圈东向挤出和软流圈东流共同促进了观测的各向异性;在鄂尔多斯块体南部边缘,快波方向自西向东逆时针沿西南缘六盘山的NW-SE方向转到南缘渭河地堑的近E-W方向再到东南缘太行山的NEE-SWW方向,推断该区域可能存在一个绕刚性块体的逆时针软流圈绕流,与上覆岩石圈左旋简单剪切变形产生了观测的各向异性,并一起驱动了鄂尔多斯块体的逆时针旋转.作为华北克拉通东西部的过渡带,华北中部的各向异性相对复杂,其东部快波方向为近E-W方向或NWW-SEE方向,时间延迟较大,其各向异性主要反映了太平洋板块西向俯冲作用引起的地幔流;其西北部吕梁山的各向异性主要由岩石圈沿NNW-SSE到NW-SE的拉张变形导致,而西南部太行山的各向异性还反映了软流圈绕流作用.鄂尔多斯块体东北缘大同火山区存在一个快波方向顺时针快速旋转且时间延迟较小的区域,可能与火山群下地幔岩浆上涌形成的局部地幔对流相关.紧邻华北北部的中亚造山带中南部快波方向为近E-W方向,其各向异性不仅受到与构造走向一致的岩石圈变形作用,而且也受到太平洋板块西向俯冲引起的地幔流影响.  相似文献   
We present a series of 2-D numerical models of viscous flow in the mantle wedge induced by a subducting lithospheric plate. We use a kinematically defined slab geometry approximating the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath Eurasia. Through finite element modelling we explore the effects of different rheological and thermal constraints (e.g. a low-viscosity region in the wedge corner, power law versus Newtonian rheology, the inclusion of thermal buoyancy forces and a temperature-dependent viscosity law) on the velocity and finite strain field in the mantle wedge. From the numerical flow models we construct models of anisotropy in the wedge by calculating the evolution of the finite strain ellipse and combining its geometry with appropriate elastic constants for effective transversely isotropic mantle material. We then predict shear wave splitting for stations located above the model domain using expressions derived from anisotropic perturbation theory, and compare the predictions to ∼500 previously published shear wave splitting measurements from seventeen stations of the broad-band F-net array located in southwestern Japan. Although the use of different model parameters can have a substantial effect on the character of the finite strain field, the effect on the average predicted splitting parameters is small. However, the variations with backazimuth and ray parameter of individual splitting intensity measurements at a given station for different models are often different, and rigorous analysis of details in the splitting patterns allows us to discriminate among different rheological models for flow in the mantle wedge. The splitting observed in southwestern Japan agrees well with the predictions of trench-perpendicular flow in the mantle wedge along with B-type olivine fabric dominating in a region from the wedge corner to about 125 km from the trench.  相似文献   
新疆坡北镁铁-超镁铁质杂岩体由一个辉长岩体以及二十多个超镁铁质侵入体组成,其中坡一超镁铁质岩体稀有气体同位素组成揭示存在地幔柱的贡献。坡北杂岩体西端的坡一、坡四、坡十和坡十四等几个超镁铁质岩体的稀有气体同位素对比分析结果表明,岩浆矿物的3He/4He值(0.26~2.79Ra)分布于地壳与地幔值之间,较高的20Ne/22Ne和较低的21Ne/22Ne值分布于Ne质量分馏线(MFL)和L-K线之间,40Ar/36Ar=295~598。3He/4He与40Ar/36Ar比值揭示坡北杂岩体西端不同超镁铁质岩体形成过程中地幔(柱)、地壳和大气组分的贡献不同,岩体成因也可能不同。其中,坡一岩体具有地幔柱作用的贡献,其他三个岩体的岩石圈地幔及地壳流体组分的贡献较大。岩浆地幔源区由深部地幔柱物质叠加俯冲流体交代的岩石圈地幔物质所组成,大气与地壳物质组分可能由俯冲再循环洋壳带入到岩浆地幔源区以及围岩物质的混入。  相似文献   
河北省涞源县木吉村铜(钼)多金属矿田成矿物质来源探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木吉村铜(钼)矿田位于太行山脉中、北段阜平幔枝构造的北东倾伏端,涞源哑铃状杂岩体连接处西侧上盘拆离带的次级断陷盆地中,主要由斑岩型铜(钼)矿、矽卡岩型铁铜矿和外围热液脉型铅锌矿构成,是河北省目前探明的唯一大型铜(钼)多金属矿田,找矿远景巨大。鉴于矿床成矿物质来源在研究矿床成因和指导找矿中的重要作用,对木吉村矿田主要矿床矿石中黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、辉钼矿、磁铁矿、石英和石膏等单矿物进行了硫、铅、碳、氢、氧、硅、铼等同位素测定、对比和分析。结果表明:矿田中硫同位素主值域δ34S=-3.5‰~3.2‰,主平均值为0.3‰;铅同位素206 Pb/204 Pb=15.566 0~17.072 0,平均为16.547 0,207Pb/204Pb=15.031 0~15.523 0,平均为15.258 0,208 Pb/204 Pb=36.292 0~37.375 0,平均为36.721 0;碳同位素δ13 C为-2.94‰~-2.18‰,平均为-2.62‰;硅同位素δ30 SiNBS-28值域为-0.3‰~0.2‰,平均0.0‰;辉钼矿w(Re)为(23.65~266.50)×10-6,平均值为142.33×10-6;δ18 OH2O值为-10.64‰~7.70‰,极差为18.34‰,平均值为-1.47‰,较标准岩浆水值稍低,δD值为-148.4‰~-89.0‰,极差为59.4‰,平均值为-113.7‰,略低于岩浆岩δD值域。从而认为,木吉村矿田成矿物质主要来源于地球深部,成矿溶液以岩浆水为主,部分来自大气降水。  相似文献   
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