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本文主要讨论在导致赤道夜间扩展F回波的上升汽泡中,短波区(λ25m)等离子体密度谱分布的物理机制,说明不均匀体内不同的湍动水平将产生不同的谱结构。对于较低湍动水平的汽泡,由于纵向离子声波和具有有限平行波矢漂移波的耦合共振相互作用,导致波模间能量的有效传输,从而控制湍动水平的发展,形成等能多峰谱结构。另一方面,对于湍动充分发展的汽泡,由长波区大幅度扰动维持的短波区强漂移湍动态,在KrLi≈2处形成一较宽的极大谱峰,然后谱以K-2.6的形式减小。理论分析和探测结果符合甚好。  相似文献   
Most studies have the achieved rapid and accurate determination of soil organic carbon (SOC) using laboratory spectroscopy; however, it remains difficult to map the spatial distribution of SOC. To predict and map SOC at a regional scale, we obtained fourteen hyperspectral images from the Gaofen-5 (GF-5) satellite and decomposed and reconstructed the original reflectance (OR) and the first derivative reflectance (FDR) using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) at different scales. At these different scales, as inputs, we selected the 3 optimal bands with the highest weight coefficient using principal component analysis and chose the normalized difference index (NDI), ratio index (RI) and difference index (DI) with the strongest correlation with the SOC content using a contour map method. These inputs were then used to build regional-scale SOC prediction models using random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM) and back-propagation neural network (BPNN) algorithms. The results indicated that: 1) at a low decomposition scale, DWT can effectively eliminate the noise in satellite hyperspectral data, and the FDR combined with DWT can improve the SOC prediction accuracy significantly; 2) the method of selecting inputs using principal component analysis and a contour map can eliminate the redundancy of hyperspectral data while retaining the physical meaning of the inputs. For the model with the highest prediction accuracy, the inputs were all derived from the wavelength range of SOC variations; 3) the differences in prediction accuracy among the different prediction models are small; and 4) the SOC prediction accuracy using hyperspectral satellite data is greatly improved compared with that of previous SOC prediction studies using multispectral satellite data. This study provides a highly robust and accurate method for predicting and mapping regional SOC contents.  相似文献   
丘文照 《铀矿地质》1990,6(1):59-62
本文叙述了国产半米平面光栅光程短、光强好、谱线锐度佳的特点,通过最佳条件选择,改进分析方法,使其测金灵敏度为3×10~(-9)g,取样10g可测定含金量范围为0.3—1000ppb,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
Sediment shear Q from airgun OBS data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A technique was developed to measure stable carbon isotope ratios (13C/12C) of light volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as isoprene, methacrolein (MACR) and methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) using gas chromatography combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GCC-IRMS). An automated sampling and cryofocussing system allowed for the extraction of VOCs from air samples of up to 140 L of air collected over 3 h, and the subsequent 13C/12C analysis of the VOCs by GCC-IRMS. Chromatography using selective transfer between two columns was used to improve the separation for selected compounds, increasing peak resolution and attaining less noisy baselines. Still, some target compounds could not be completely separated from co-eluting peaks. To reduce the bias of isotope ratio determinations, which can result from incomplete peak resolution, a peak-fitting procedure has been developed. In cases of overlapping peaks or substantial baseline drift, this peak fitting allows more accurate determination of isotope ratios than conventional integration schemes. Comparisons between off-line IRMS measurements and a peak-evaluation procedure using a prepared VOC gas-phase standard show that isotope ratios derived from large (>1 ng of carbon per peak) and well-resolved peaks have a reproducibility of ±0.3‰. With smaller masses in the range of 0.1–1 ng of carbon, reproducibility decreased to ±(0.5–0.8)‰. For a 140 L sample of air, such small masses of carbon correspond to mixing ratios in the low pptV range. The developed measurement technique was applied to a small set of ambient air samples taken during hot, sunny periods from late May to early August, 2005, at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, a semi-rural area. The range of δ13C values determined for isoprene, benzene, and toluene are consistent with those reported in the literature. GCC-IRMS results of δ13C for ambient samples of isoprene, MACR, and MVK, measured at mixing ratios of 15–280 pptV, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
Platinum-group element (PGE) concentrations and the distribution of the metals in rocks serve as important tracers of mantle processes, as well as extraterrestrial input into crustal environments, but common standards regarding the gathering and presentation of PGE data have never been formalized. Effective modelling assumes that concentration data are within acceptable levels of precision, yet the practices used in some studies to determine precision do not adequately assess precision and, as a result, the uncertainties on PGE concentrations and PGE ratios are sometimes consistently underestimated. This article argues that replicate analyses of unknowns must be adopted more widely in order to overcome this problem. Related to the issue of uncertainties on PGE concentrations, is the issue of uncertainty associated with normalisation. Arguments have recently been put forward as to the significance of small positive or negative anomalies on chondrite nor-malized plots. At least four CI chondrite PGE datasets (of varying age and quality) are currently used for normalisation and significantly different patterns can be derived simply by using one dataset rather than another. This article is intended to open a debate within the PGE research community by asking whether more consistency needs to be applied in PGE analysis and in the subsequent interpretation of data. A rigorous assessment of the real uncertainties on PGE concentrations and the adoption of a standard CI chondrite PGE dataset, in order to eliminate bias from normalisation, are suggested to be central to this.  相似文献   
There is an urgent necessity to monitor changes in the natural surface features of earth. Compared to broadband multispectral data, hyperspectral data provides a better option with high spectral resolution. Classification of vegetation with the use of hyperspectral remote sensing generates a classical problem of high dimensional inputs. Complexity gets compounded as we move from airborne hyperspectral to Spaceborne technology. It is unclear how different classification algorithms will perform on a complex scene of tropical forests collected by spaceborne hyperspectral sensor. The present study was carried out to evaluate the performance of three different classifiers (Artificial Neural Network, Spectral Angle Mapper, Support Vector Machine) over highly diverse tropical forest vegetation utilizing hyperspectral (EO-1) data. Appropriate band selection was done by Stepwise Discriminant Analysis. The Stepwise Discriminant Analysis resulted in identifying 22 best bands to discriminate the eight identified tropical vegetation classes. Maximum numbers of bands came from SWIR region. ANN classifier gave highest OAA values of 81% with the help of 22 selected bands from SDA. The image classified with the help SVM showed OAA of 71%, whereas the SAM showed the lowest OAA of 66%. All the three classifiers were also tested to check their efficiency in classifying spectra coming from 165 processed bands. SVM showed highest OAA of 80%. Classified subset images coming from ANN (from 22 bands) and SVM (from 165 bands) are quite similar in showing the distribution of eight vegetation classes. Both the images appeared close to the actual distribution of vegetation seen in the study area. OAA levels obtained in this study by ANN and SVM classifiers identify the suitability of these classifiers for tropical vegetation discrimination.  相似文献   
用卫星高光谱数据提取德兴铜矿区植被污染信息   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
在深入分析研究德兴铜矿矿区植被光谱特征的基础上,利用美国EO-1卫星Hyperion高光谱数据,通过反演表征植物生理状态的光谱特征参数(红边位置和最大吸收深度)变异,提取与污染相关的信息,获取了矿山植被污染生态效应概况,为矿山污染的诊断和监测提供新技术和知识支撑。  相似文献   
A chert-phosphorite unit from the Sugetbrak section in the Tarim Basin was analyzed for rare earth elements (Ce, Eu), redox sensitive proxies, and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13Ccarb and δ 13Corg) in the lower Yurtus Formation of the Early Cambrian period. Redox sensitive element ratios (Th/U, V/Cr, Ni/Co, and V/Sc) were employed to determine the palaeoenvironmental conditions during this period. The ratios indicated that the depositional environment of the chert-phosphorite-black shale unit ranged from suboxic to anoxic. Negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies in the chert-phosphorite assemblages of the studied Yurtus Formation indicated the existence of a redox-stratified ocean, similar to that of South China. Overturn or upward expansion of the deep water-mass probably reached the shallow marine zone after the formation of the Yurtus phosphorites. The characteristics of the negative Ce anomaly may be due to phosphoritic inheritance from the Ce-depleted signature of the overlying water column. Subsequent hydrothermal inputs and reduced detrital supplies of the deep water caused by the upwelling affected certain redox sensitive elements in the sedimentary basin. δ 13Ccarb and δ13Corg negative excursions in the Yurtus chert-phosphorite unit may be related to a transgression phase when episodic basinal upwelling moved 12C- and P-rich waters from the pelagic basin floor to the continental shelf. Although carbon isotopic compositions in the Yurtus chert-phosphorite assemblages may have suffered from diagenetic alteration, they can be used to probe diagenetic conditions. Multi-proxy geochemical studies indicated that the δ 13Ccarb values of the Yurtus chert-phosphorite assemblages might be considered reflections of a predominantly suboxic environment that was subsequently affected by hydrothermal inputs due to the upwelling.  相似文献   
The Cretaceous-Paleogene granites of the Eastern Sikhote Alin volcanic belt (ESAVB) and Late Cretaceous granitoids of the Tatibin Series (Central Sikhote Alin) are subdivided into three groups according to their oxygen isotope composition: group I with δ18O from +5.5 to +6.5‰, group II with δ18O from +7.6 to +10.2‰, and group III with less than +4.5‰. Group I rocks are similar in oxygen isotope composition to that of oceanic basalts and can be derived by melting of basaltic crust. Group II (rocks of the Tatibin Series) have higher δ18O, which suggests that their parental melts were contaminated by sedimentary material. The low 18O composition of group III rocks can be explained by their derivation from 18O-depleted rocks or by subsolidus isotopic exchange with low-18O fluid or meteoric waters. The relatively low δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr in the granitoids of Primorye suggest their derivation from rocks with a short-lived crustal history and can result from the following: (1) melting of sedimentary rocks enriched in young volcanic material that was accumulated in the trench along the transform continental margin (granites of the Tatibin Series) and (2) melting of a mixture of abyssal sediments, ocean floor basalts, and upper mantle in the lithospheric plate that subsided beneath the continent in the subduction zone (granites of the ESAVB).  相似文献   
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