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对比了2017~2019年重庆沙坪坝MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计和Metop-A掩星资料气温、湿度廓线探测之间的差异,并对两次天气过程中微波辐射计的探测特征进行分析,结果表明:(1)微波辐射计与掩星气温在整个探测高度上均为显著正相关,且低层高于高层;夏半年偏差小于冬半年;,4km以下微波辐射计探测气温高于掩星气温,降雨时偏差更大。(2)微波辐射计与掩星相对湿度相关性稍高于气温;,夏半年相关性高于冬半年,,偏差小于冬半年;降水天气时,1km以下及4~-6km之间,微波辐射计相对湿度的负偏差值明显比无降水时大。(3)降水时段,微波辐射计探测5km以下为高湿区,暖湿气团上升过程中凝结潜热和绝热冷却作用,中低层出现了逆温层;辐射雾出现时,微波辐射计探测到近地面层相对湿度增大和气温降低。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to understand the effects of forest gap and variations in different seasons, gap size, locations and diurnal variations on forest microclimate and soil water content. Spatial and temporal distribution features of air temperature (TA ), soil temperature (TS ), relative humidity (h) and soil water content (Ψ) were measured in Castanopsis kawakamii natural forest gaps created by a severe typhoon or fallen dead trees. The results showed that: (1) the variations of TA , h, and TS in four seasons were extremely significant. The variations of Ψ in four seasons were extremely significant except for those between spring and summer. (2) The diurnal variations of TA and T S were expressed with a single peak curve. The diurnal variations of h and Ψ presented a high-low-high trend. (3) The variations of TA , h, and TS were extremely significant among the large, medium and small gaps in C. kawakamii natural forest. Medium gaps had the highest TA and the lowest h while small gaps were just contrary to medium gaps. The variations of Ψ were extremely significant for large, medium and small gaps except those between the medium and large gaps. (4) The TA , h, TS and Ψ were decreased from the gap center, canopy gap, expanded gap to understory. These results will help further our understanding of the abiotic and consequent biotic responses to gaps in the mid-subtropical broadleaved forests, which also provide a theoretical basis for the scientific management and population restoration of C. kawakamii natural forest.  相似文献   
依据JJF1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》,针对自动气象站各要素传感器的测量误差会随时间、温度等环境因素的变化而发生漂移。为确保观测数据的准确、可靠,以CP340恒温恒湿箱为湿度发生环境、采用英国michell公司的Optidew Vision精密露点仪为标准器,介绍了利用HMP155A温湿度传感器进行湿度测量不确定度评定的一般方法和详细步骤。最后给出一个评定实例,在温度为22℃和40℃,相对湿度为30%RH~75%RH时,通过对测量不确定度的各分量进行分析和计算,得到HMP155A温湿度传感器测量结果的扩展不确定度分别为1.50%和1.46%。  相似文献   
为进一步了解高原土壤湿度变化及其与中国降水的关系,利用青藏高原东部地区1991~2012年22个站10cm、20cm、50cm 3个层次的土壤相对湿度观测资料,分析高原东部地区土壤湿度的时空分布特征.同时利用全国1992~2012年的降水资料与1992~2011年的土壤相对湿度资料,采用求相关系数的方法分析高原东部土壤湿度与全国降水的关系.结果表明:(1)西藏东部土壤相对湿度由东至西呈递减趋势.(2)10cm土层较干,20cm土层的相对湿度是3层中最大的,50cm土壤的湿度变化较为平缓;表层土壤湿度变化较明显.21年来,各层土壤湿度呈不明显下降趋势.(3)高原东部地区土壤湿度与中国东部降水有显著关系,若东部高原春季土壤湿度偏湿(干),则江淮流域夏季降水偏少(多).  相似文献   
Particulate matter(PM), one of the most important pollutants of traffic emission, threatens the health of urban ecosystems and citizens. Roadside trees play an important role in trapping PM, and the foliar PM load is a useful indicator for air PM pollution in road systems. To detect the relationships of foliar PM load with road structures, urbanization, and meteorology in road systems, we studied a widely-planted tree Sophora japonica L. in 100 roads and 10 yards of Beijing, China, and found that the foliar PM loads increased with the distances from the urban centre(DUC) linearly, while decreased with the road density. All-subsets regression analysis indicated that DUC, average monthly relative humidity, average monthly wind speed, and mean annual wind speed were the most important factors in predicting foliar PM load, rather than general situation of buildings and road cleanliness. The monthly relative humidity and monthly wind speed had a negative correlation to foliar PM, while the annual relative humidity and annual wind speed had a positive correlation to foliar PM. Suburban areas and these effective factors should be highlighted in PM control in Beijing.  相似文献   
针对开展乡镇天气预报时对高精度逐日气象要素输入值的需要,以辽宁地区为例, 在乡镇预报前期研究成果的基础上,选用距离权重反比法作为基本方法,综合考虑海拔高度,建立风向、风速、相对湿度和云量历史资料库。结果表明:风速、相对湿度可由经度和纬度求算权重,然后采用海拔高度订正插值误差最小;风向和云量可由经度、纬度和海拔高度求算空间距离确定权重插值误差最小。  相似文献   
多孔结构无机材料比表面积和孔径分布对调湿性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测试海泡石、沸石、硅藻土和坡缕石粘土的孔径和比表面积,研究其孔径和比表面积与吸放湿能力的对应关系.利用氮气等温吸附对孔隙结构进行测试、分析,通过BET法计算得出其比表面积分别为81.56、2.46、1.68和187.70 m2/g,平均孔径分别为8.53、18.20、31.57和11.79 nm.在温度25℃相对湿度分别为75%和35%的条件下进行吸放湿试验,4种样品的最大吸湿量分别为5.6%、2.2%、1.8%和6.0%,放湿量分别为4.4%、1.8%、1.6%、5.0%.数据对比发现,比表面积大且孔径分布符合在相应温湿度下以Kelvin公式计算出的孔径分布特点的矿物材料,如海泡石,吸放湿能力强.  相似文献   
海泡石应用于调湿材料的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
为寻找合适的湿度调节材料,本文对海泡石及海泡石复合样品进行了吸湿能力和放湿能力测试。与坡缕石比较,10g200目海泡石样品可以将10L密闭容器的湿度从70%降至4%,吸湿能力强于同样条件下的坡缕石。海泡石(10g)的吸、放湿能力经过3次吸、放湿实验后有所减弱,最后一次吸湿量达0.4g,放湿量达0.15g。实验还发现,30g海泡石和白水泥复合样品可以使10L容器内部的湿度稳定在40%~50%,因此,海泡石可以用作室内湿度调节的建筑材料。  相似文献   
北冰洋浮冰区的气象要素特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国首次北极科学考察队观测的气象资料 ,初步分析研究了 1 999年 8月 1 9~ 2 4日北冰洋浮冰 ( 75°N,1 60°W)上的温、压、湿、风、云量、辐射、海表温度、冰面及冰中温度等气象要素变化特征 ,并结合 50 0 h Pa高度场分析了该期间的天气过程。结果表明 :在考察期间海面与冰面温度日变化差异明显。除晴天夜间出现逆温外 ,气温随高度增大而减小 ,冰面为热源 ,不断有向上的热量输送。海温则稳定少变。冰中热交换主要发生在冰下 0~ 40 cm深度。由于有海上湿平流等影响 ,存在“逆湿”现象。晴天反射率具有明显日变化 ,早晚大 ,中午小。海冰表面平均反射率约为 0 .76。辐射与云量特别是低云量的关系密切  相似文献   
The correlations of isotopic ratios in precipitation with temperature, air pressure and humidity at dif- ferent altitudes, in southwest China, are analyzed. There appear marked negative correlations for the δ 18O in precipitation with precipitation amount, vapor pressure and atmospheric precipitable water (PW) at Mengzi, Simao and Tengchong stations on synoptic timescale; the marked negative correlations between the δ 18O in precipitation and the diurnal mean temperature at 400 hPa, 500 hPa, 700 hPa and 850 hPa are different from the temperature effect in middle-high-latitude inland. Moreover, the notable positive correlation between the δ 18O in precipitation and the dew-point deficit △Td at different altitudes is found at the three stations. On annual timescale, the annual precipitation amount weighted mean δ 18O display the negative correlations not only with annual precipitation but also with annual mean temperature at 500 hPa. It can be deduced that, in the years with abnormally strong summer monsoon, more warm and wet air from low-latitude oceans is transported northward along the vapor channel located in southwest China and generates abnormally strong rainfall on the way. Meanwhile, the ab- normally strong condensation process will release more condensed latent heat into atmosphere, and lead to the rise of atmospheric temperature during rainfall, but decline of the δ 18O in precipitation. On the contrary, in the years with abnormally weak summer monsoon, the abnormally weak condensation process will release less condensed latent heat into atmosphere, and lead to the decline of atmos- pheric temperature during rainfall, but increase of the δ 18O in precipitation.  相似文献   
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