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利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对江西2012年2月22日的平流雾天气过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明,低层850—925 hPa江南有暖脊发展,且西南气流与等温线交角较大时,暖湿平流的输送为平流雾的形成提供了有利的平流逆温层结和水汽条件。当地面西南倒槽向东北方向发展时,在700—850 hPa西南急流的南侧有辐散下沉气流,925 hPa到近地层有弱辐合上升气流,两支气流的垂直混合有利于水汽聚积在逆温层下而形成雾。平流雾易形成于低层回温最明显且与地面逆温强度最大的时段。  相似文献   
近10a西北太平洋海域登陆台风的环境场特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1995~2004年5~10月西北太平洋海域登陆台风的大尺度环境场的特征进行了分析。结果表明:海表温度(SST)在台风发生的区域要高于周围其它区域,而且都在26.5℃以上,即高的海表温度有利于台风的发展;在台风的发现点主要集中的区域范围,相对涡度几乎都为正值,正的相对涡度有利于台风的发展;对流层中层相对湿度大,有利于上升浮力和潜热释放的维持,使热带气旋得以发展;弱的环境风垂直切变有利于台风强度的增大,并且两者之间的影响存在着一定的时间滞后。  相似文献   
利用天津铁塔观测资料、加密自动站和常规观测资料,针对4次渤海西岸典型降雪过程,分析了偏东风在降雪发生前后的演变特征。结果表明:4次降雪过程均属于回流降雪,其水汽来源与西南气流的水汽输送和近地面层的东风水汽输送有关;地面东风出现在降雪开始之前8 h以上,风速一般在2 m·s-1左右,220 m高度可达12 m·s-1左右。从造成东风的系统看,由南部北上的低压系统造成的东风或东南风湿度比较大,而由东北南下的冷高压造成的东风或东北风都比较干。出现最大降雪的时段,塔层的东风显著加大,而地面的风速变化不明显。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to understand the effects of forest gap and variations in different seasons, gap size, locations and diurnal variations on forest microclimate and soil water content. Spatial and temporal distribution features of air temperature (TA ), soil temperature (TS ), relative humidity (h) and soil water content (Ψ) were measured in Castanopsis kawakamii natural forest gaps created by a severe typhoon or fallen dead trees. The results showed that: (1) the variations of TA , h, and TS in four seasons were extremely significant. The variations of Ψ in four seasons were extremely significant except for those between spring and summer. (2) The diurnal variations of TA and T S were expressed with a single peak curve. The diurnal variations of h and Ψ presented a high-low-high trend. (3) The variations of TA , h, and TS were extremely significant among the large, medium and small gaps in C. kawakamii natural forest. Medium gaps had the highest TA and the lowest h while small gaps were just contrary to medium gaps. The variations of Ψ were extremely significant for large, medium and small gaps except those between the medium and large gaps. (4) The TA , h, TS and Ψ were decreased from the gap center, canopy gap, expanded gap to understory. These results will help further our understanding of the abiotic and consequent biotic responses to gaps in the mid-subtropical broadleaved forests, which also provide a theoretical basis for the scientific management and population restoration of C. kawakamii natural forest.  相似文献   
利用室外水泥池,采用全人工配合饵料投喂的方法对花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)进行为期274d的养殖实验,分别测定其在不同养殖盐度条件下的生长状况、成活率、特定生长率和饲料系数。结果表明,在盐度12—18时花鲈生长速度、成活率和特定生长率较高。通过回归分析得出,其生长速度的最适盐度为16—17;盐度12和18组饲料系数较低,分别为1.57和1.62,盐度30组最高;各组间在成活率方面差异不显著。因此,Ⅰ龄花鲈养殖的最适宜生长盐度理论值为16—17,在此条件下可实现较高的生长速度、特定生长率和饲料转换率。  相似文献   
Understanding and quantifying sediment load is important in catchments draining highly erodible materials that eventually contribute to siltation of downstream reservoirs. Within this context, the suspended sediment transport and its temporal dynamics have been studied in the River Isábena (445 km2, south-central Pyrenees, Ebro basin) by means of direct sampling and turbidity recording during a 3-year dry period. The average flood-suspended sediment concentration was 8 g l− 1, with maximum instantaneous values above 350 g l− 1. The high scatter between discharge and suspended sediment concentrations (up to five orders of magnitude) has not permitted the use of rating curve methods to estimate the total load. Interpolation techniques yielded a mean annual sediment load of 184,253 t y− 1 for the study period, with a specific yield of 414 t km− 2 y− 1. This value resembles those reported for small torrents in nearby mountainous environments and is the result of the high connectivity between the badland source areas and stream courses, a fact that maximises sediment conveyance through the catchment. Floods dominated the sediment transport and yield. However, sediment transport was more constant through time than that observed in Mediterranean counterparts; this can be attributed to the role of base flows that entrain fine sediment temporarily stored in the channel and force the river to carry high sediment concentrations (i.e., generally in the order of 0.5 g l− 1), even under minimum flow conditions.  相似文献   
Statistical characteristics of detectable inhomogeneities [IHs] in more than 600 observed meteorological time series have been investigated using 16 objective homogenisation methods. Forty and 100 year long series of monthly or annual characteristics of surface air temperature, precipitation total and relative air humidity from the Czech Republic and Hungary were examined. The area of the part of the Czech observing network used here is smaller, and the density of sites is larger, than in the Hungarian network, resulting in higher spatial correlations among data in the Czech dataset relative to the Hungarian dataset. Time series with low number of gaps were supplied with interpolated data. Before homogenisation relative time series were created, using weighted averages of time series from the same geographical region as reference series. For ease of comparison, the magnitudes of the detected IHs are normalised with the standard deviation of the noise in the relative time series. Results show that observed meteorological time series usually contain large number of small IHs, and that the magnitude distribution of IHs from different data segments are surprisingly similar. Effects of different spatial coherences on the results are discussed.  相似文献   
国产HS02型湿敏电容湿度传感器性能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李伟 《高原气象》2012,31(2):568-580
采取同球比对施放方式,选择瑞士SNOWWHITE露点式湿度探空仪作为比对标准,使用29次同球比对数据,分白天与夜间,利用随高度变化、温度分段,以及高度、温度与湿度综合分段3种方法,对大桥HS02型湿度传感器进行评估。结果表明:(1)与国外先进湿度测量仪器相比,大桥HS02型湿度传感器在准确性与稳定性方面还存在一定差距,特别表现在低温性能方面;(2)除了白天20℃以上与-30℃以下温度段大桥HS02型湿度探测偏干外,其他均呈偏湿状态,夜间所有湿度段均呈偏湿状态;(3)大桥HS02型湿度探测基本上呈现中间湿度段随机误差偏大,而两端逐渐减小的趋势,近似于">"字型变化。  相似文献   
崔林丽  杨引明  游然  方翔 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1439-1445
基于0903,0906和0908号台风期间的FY-3A极轨卫星微波湿度计(FY-3A/MWHS)数据,借助于多元线性逐步回归方法,探讨了利用FY-3A极轨卫星定量估计降水的方法,同时结合自动气象站实测资料、TRMM和FY-2C卫星降水估计结果对FY-3A/MWHS降水估计精度进行了验证。结果表明,FY-3A/MWHS估计降水与地面实测降水具有较好的相关性,对不同等级雨量均有一定的估测能力,尤其对中等量级的降水无论是在降水落区还是在降水量级上均具有较高的准确率。与FY-2C静止卫星相比,无论是在对不同量级降水估计的"击中率",还是在估计精度方面,FY-3A/MWHS数据更具优势。利用FY-3A/MWHS对不同高度、不同角度的湿度响应特性开展定量降水估计,是降水估计方法的一种新的探索和必要的补充。  相似文献   
升温率略高于平均最高气温的升温率.珠峰地区日照时数和平均风速的显著下降,以及相对湿度的明显增加可能是蒸发皿蒸发量下降的主要原因.  相似文献   
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