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Fluctuations in lacustrine sedimentary environments significantly affect distributions of organic matter (OM), uranium, and other elements in shales. In this study a high-resolution geochemical record of fluctuations in the paleo-depositional environment of a terrestrial lake basin is provided on the basis of extensive samples collected from the Member 3 of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation (Es3) of the Niu-38 well in the Dongying Depression, Eastern China. These samples were tested for total organic carbon (TOC), element concentrations, and biomarkers to study the evolution and fluctuation in the depositional environments of an ancient lake basin and associated geochemical response. The evolution and fluctuation of the sedimentary environment from a deep lake to a semi-deep lake and then to a shallow lake delta were indicated by geochemical response. During this evolution, the values of TOC, S1, S2, Sr, and Ts/(Ts + Tm) remarkably decreased, whereas those of Co, Ni, Rb, Na, Fe/Mn, Fe/(Ca + Mg), and C29 mortane/C29 hopane significantly increased. The deep lake basin shows depositional fluctuations, as indicated by rock lithofacies and their geochemical parameters. A close interrelationship was observed among U concentration, TOC content, and inorganic element content. Uranium concentrations are positively correlated with TOC contents, Ca and Sr concentrations, and Sr/Ba and Ca/Mg ratios but negatively with K, Na, Ba, and Rb contents and Fe/(Ca + Mg) and Fe/Mn ratios. The observed increase in U concentration in the lower Es3 section is closely related to surface adsorption by clay minerals and OM, together with some replacements of Ca and Sr by U in the shales.  相似文献   
大地电磁法一直以来基本都遵循场源为平面电磁波的假设,这种假设普遍适用于中高频的大地电磁研究,但在具有显著非平面波场特性的区域或开展长周期大地电磁研究时,则对场源平面波的理论基础带来了挑战,若不满足理论假设,将会导致深部探测的可靠性降低,勘探目标定位风险增高.本文通过选择线状、片状及非规则场源模型来模拟极光电集流、赤道环...  相似文献   
羌塘盆地羌资5井二叠系展金组烃源岩基本特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
前人对羌塘盆地的烃源岩研究资料主要来源于中生界地表露头,少见古生界的。对羌资5井二叠系展金组烃源岩的钻井岩心研究表明,其有机碳含量高,平均值达到1.15%,属于好烃源岩。干酪根显微组分主要为Ⅲ型,其次为Ⅱ2型;有机质主要来自于海相低等水生生物,热演化已达到成熟阶段。烃源岩具较好的生气能力。认为井下烃源岩样品虽显示其处于有机质演化成熟阶段,但因受后期构造抬升的影响,推测二叠系深部未知的烃源岩可能尚处于高成熟—过成熟阶段。羌塘盆地二叠系具有较好的勘探前景,油气勘探可向深部古生界开展。  相似文献   
以京西北地区作为研究区域,采用应变参数方法解算定点地应变观测数据,将所得应变参数时间序列作为研究对象,利用该结果与研究区内同期小震震源机制解进行一致性分析,研究得出呈拉张性质的定点观测最大主应变方位与震源机制解最大拉张变形方向(T轴)水平投影具有良好的对应性,整体以NNW—NE向为主,且自西向东排布的测点最大主应变方位与震源机制解最大拉张变形方向均表现为逐渐东向偏移的趋势,与华北平原块体北部发生顺时针旋转活动的特征相吻合,结果进一步检验了地应变观测反映区域应变场信息的能力。  相似文献   
过去十年,随着卫星航空信息日渐丰富,作为国家重点攻关项目的遥感技术不断开拓了应用的新领域,初步形成了一个新的高科技信息服务行业。“八五”期间,遥感又列为重点项目,预期气象卫星信息的开发与应用,将会再次出现高潮。在资源卫星群星灿烂,航空遥感持续发展的形势下,需要充分利用现有设备潜力和所取得的技术进步,集中力量,研制大容量存储,实时传输和快速处理功能的智能化技术系统。这样才能适应防灾,估产为主要目标,并兼顾开放城市及全球研究的需求。  相似文献   
GLONASS与GPS导航定位技术原理相似,GPS/GLONASS组合测量由于可见卫星数目的增加,可以提高测量的精度、可靠性、完备性。着重介绍了GPS/GLONASS组合测量中的主要误差源及其性质并给出相应的影响量级。  相似文献   
Widespread magmatic activity developed in the Middle Miocene in the Cappadocian Region of Central Anatolia in Turkey. Despite several previous studies that focus on the geochemical features of the magmatic rocks, the source components and development of melting conditions are still a matter of debate.Recent basaltic rocks from Karaburna and Gül?ehir (1228 and 96 Ka, respectively, Dogan, 2011) are considered as a part of the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, situated at the northernmost end of the Cappadocian Region. These lavas have similar large ion lithophile (LIL) (except Rb) and high field strength (HFS) element abundances, however, Karaburna samples are more enriched in HFS elements, and both of the rocks suites reflect HFS depletions relative to the OIB signature.Karaburna and Gül?ehir basalts have low Nb/La (0.45–0.5; 0.35–0.5), Nb/Th (2.75–4.61; 1.26–2.85) values, respectively, suggesting contributions from crustal sources, whereas Zr/Ba ratios of these samples range between 0.32–0.93 and 0.4–0.88 and imply that these rocks appear to be derived from asthenospheric sources. These incompatible element ratios can be attributed to either different geochemical processes, or are related to melting from different source component(s).The ambient mantle source of the Cappadocian region appears to be consistent with spinel peridotite, but this domain is not solely satisfactory to represent the melting conditions in the light of new elemental data. Values of Tb/Yb(N) and Zn/Fe provide new constraints suggesting the magmas were generated from the asthenosphere. Tb/Yb(N) ratio separates garnet – spinel transition Tb/Yb(N) (>1.8) and Zn/Fe ratio displays separation between the peridotite-derived (Zn/Fe <12) and pyroxenite-derived (13?20) melts.A melting model based on REE ratios and Zn/Fe, Co/Fe, Tb/Yb(N) values indicates that basaltic rocks were not derived from a single source component (peridotite). Instead, those values suggest substantial melting contributions from a pyroxenite source domain, which has not been discussed as a source component in previous studies. Melts, from both of the source domains, with the result of asthenospheric upwelling linked to the downgoing Aegean and Cyprean slabs, are distinct from the alkaline character frequently observed as the final products of recent volcanic activity in the Cappadocian region and also explains the different trace element variations observed in such a small scale.  相似文献   
罗立艳  施立志  王卓卓  孟杉  汪彪 《地质科学》2023,58(4):1277-1290


基于2005年NCEP/GFS分析资料和拉格朗日粒子扩散模式的“Domain Filling”技术,以气块穿越对流层顶后的滞留时间为标准,诊断分析了夏季亚洲季风区对流层-平流层质量交换,重点讨论了对平流层大气成分收支具有实际意义的不可逆双向质量交换过程,并利用前向(后向)轨迹追踪方法,分析了其4天的“源(汇)”特征.研究结果表明:(1)对流层-平流层质量交换(Troposphere-Stratosphere mass Exchange,STE)的计算对滞留时间阈值的选择具有较强敏感性,大多数的气块在1~2天内可频繁地往返对流层顶.这些瞬时交换事件的考虑与否对穿越对流层顶的质量交换计算的准确性具有重要影响,尤其在中纬度的风暴轴区域.(2)从亚洲季风区对流层-平流层质量净交换纬向平均上看,45°N以南的区域为对流层向平流层的质量输送(Troposphere to Stratosphere mass Transport,TST),副热带地区为最强的上升支,而在45°N~55°N的中纬度地区是平流层向对流层质量输送(Stratosphere to Troposphere mass Transport,STT).地理分布上,STT主要分布在青藏高原以北的东亚地区,与亚洲季风区夏季大尺度的槽区相对应.夏季整个亚洲季风区都是TST发生的区域,最大值位于青藏高原东南侧及其附近区域,该区域占亚洲季风区不可逆TST夏季平均总量的46%.(3)对流层-平流层质量交换的“源汇”特征分析表明,STT主要源于100°E以西、50°N以北的高纬地区,向下可以输送到中国东北部及朝鲜半岛北部等中纬度区域.而TST主要来源于中纬度和副热带地区的大气输送,向上穿越对流层顶高度以后,可分别向高纬的极地和热带地区输送,这意味着亚洲季风区夏季的TST水汽输送可能进入“热带管”中,进而可能对全球平流层水汽平衡产生重要影响.  相似文献   
本文从理论地震学的角度概述了强震地面运动研究中关于震源过程、场地效应和地面运动预测等方面的研究进展,提出了一些进一步的研究课题.  相似文献   
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