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以松树头煤矿水文地质勘查为例,介绍了测井曲线在含水层解释中的应用。实例表明,自然伽马、自然电位和视电阻率三种曲线对含水层具有明显的异常反应,在含水层中,前二种曲线表现为负异常,后者表现为正异常;对于隔水层,前二种曲线则表现为正异常,而视电阻率表现为负异常。根据测井解释成果与钻孔消耗量、岩心及抽水试验资料相互印证,解释松树头煤矿ZK5-2钻孔368.30~406.42m段,从上到下依次为含水层、隔水层、含水层、隔水层四段。另外,从实例应用的三种曲线可知,视电阻率曲线对于岩石粒度及含水层具有明显的响应特征,极差高达117Ω.m。  相似文献   
Sonic velocities in the Toolonga Calcilutite (Upper Cretaceous), the Gearle Siltstone and Haycock Marl (mid‐Cretaceous), and the Muderong Shale (Lower Cretaceous) were each used to independently quantify apparent uplift (height above maximum burial depth) in the Carnarvon Basin. Apparent uplift is given by the difference in depth between the present‐day velocity‐depth trend for a unit in a particular well and the reference trend (unaffected by uplift) of the unit. Apparent uplift results derived from the Toolonga Calcilutite, Gearle Siltstone and Muderong Shale are statistically similar. The consistency of results from carbonate and clastic units suggests that, at the formation and regional scale, overcompaction (i.e. anomalously high interval velocity) in these three units reflects previously greater burial depth, rather than sedimentological and/or diagenetic processes, and validates the use of lithologies other than shale in maximum burial‐depth studies. The proposed magnitudes of apparent uplift are greatest along some of the main structural highs of the Carnarvon Basin. Apparent uplift of approximately 800 m was determined along the Legendre Trend, and along the Barrow Arch. In excess of 900 m of apparent uplift was determined on the Bambra Anticline. The consistency of results from units of Early to Late Cretaceous age suggests that uplift must have post‐dated the youngest (Late Cretaceous) unit analysed.  相似文献   
杭东普查区煤层产状平缓,构造简单,但由于含煤地层为陆相沉积,煤层层数多、厚度、间距变化大,沉积岩相变化快、大范围内缺乏稳定的对比标志层,因此煤岩层对比是本区勘查需要重点解决的难题。通过对比杭东普查区与邻区200余孔的测井资料,分析煤岩层在各种测井曲线的异常特征与异常组合规律,确定了对煤岩层对比有重大意义的标志层,如延长组与上覆延安组的典型视电阻率异常分界;延安组在高视电阻率曲线上的“树杆”状凸起特征;安定组视电阻率曲线近直线的低值形态;4-1煤在视电阻率曲线上呈现出的“斜坡”状或“刀”状高异常,以及在自然伽玛曲线上的“凹坑”特征;侏罗系中统直罗组的高伽马异常,等等。这些典型特征保证了该区煤岩层对比可靠性,为提交优质地质勘查报告发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
研究区5号煤层位于三叠系瓦窑堡组第四段上部,煤层直接顶以泥岩、砂质泥岩为主,老顶以粉砂岩、泥岩和细粒砂岩为主,从岩性分布来看,总体呈现出向上变粗的沉积层序,对应的顶板类型为下软上硬型.进一步分析其岩石力学性质、测井曲线与岩体质量指标,参考岩层厚度、层理及裂隙等,综合分析确定该区5号煤层顶板属基本稳定型.该研究为煤矿的安全生产提供了技术支持.  相似文献   
武艳红  李欢欢 《探矿工程》2013,40(3):28-31,34
自海拉尔油田实施钻井提速以来,部分井出现螺旋井壁现象,对完井电测曲线造成一定影响,影响测井解释的共151口井,比例达15.60%。螺旋井壁现象在乌东区块尤为明显,仅乌东区块发生明显螺旋井达到36口,占乌东区块全部钻井的28.8%。从地质、工程等角度阐述了形成螺旋井的原因,并提出了解决思路与技术措施。2012年下半年在乌尔逊凹陷2口井试验螺旋井壁预防及解决方法,获得了较好的效果,未再大面积出现螺旋井壁现象。  相似文献   
根据白马钒钛磁铁矿区试验钻孔井壁岩矿石磁化率与钒钛磁铁矿含量的关系,矿区岩矿石磁化率与钒钛磁铁矿含量的相关性,建立了磁化率与钒钛磁铁矿含量的回归方程。通过此方程的应用可以快速判断井壁岩矿体的钒钛磁铁矿含量,指导采样布设。  相似文献   
储层问题是麦盖提斜坡奥陶系油气勘探的关键问题。以录井、岩心和薄片资料为基础,分析奥陶系储层空间类型、储层物性特征;利用测井资料,用定性和定量两种方法分析储层类型,明确储层分布规律。分析认为,斜坡东段风化壳断裂发育带和内幕白云岩分布区是奥陶系储层发育有利区。  相似文献   
Effects of insufficient soil aeration on the functioning of plants form an important field of research. A well-known and frequently used utility to express oxygen stress experienced by plants is the Feddes-function. This function reduces root water uptake linearly between two constant pressure heads, representing threshold values for minimum and maximum oxygen deficiency. However, the correctness of this expression has never been evaluated and constant critical values for oxygen stress are likely to be inappropriate. On theoretical grounds it is expected that oxygen stress depends on various abiotic and biotic factors. In this paper, we propose a fundamentally different approach to assess oxygen stress: we built a plant physiological and soil physical process-based model to calculate the minimum gas filled porosity of the soil (gas_min) at which oxygen stress occurs.First, we calculated the minimum oxygen concentration in the gas phase of the soil needed to sustain the roots through (micro-scale) diffusion with just enough oxygen to respire. Subsequently, gas_min that corresponds to this minimum oxygen concentration was calculated from diffusion from the atmosphere through the soil (macro-scale).We analyzed the validity of constant critical values to represent oxygen stress in terms of gas_min, based on model simulations in which we distinguished different soil types and in which we varied temperature, organic matter content, soil depth and plant characteristics. Furthermore, in order to compare our model results with the Feddes-function, we linked root oxygen stress to root water uptake (through the sink term variable F, which is the ratio of actual and potential uptake).The simulations showed that gas_min is especially sensitive to soil temperature, plant characteristics (root dry weight and maintenance respiration coefficient) and soil depth but hardly to soil organic matter content. Moreover, gas_min varied considerably between soil types and was larger in sandy soils than in clayey soils. We demonstrated that F of the Feddes-function indeed decreases approximately linearly, but that actual oxygen stress already starts at drier conditions than according to the Feddes-function. How much drier is depended on the factors indicated above. Thus, the Feddes-function might cause large errors in the prediction of transpiration reduction and growth reduction through oxygen stress.We made our method easily accessible to others by implementing it in SWAP, a user-friendly soil water model that is coupled to plant growth. Since constant values for gas_min in plant and hydrological modeling appeared to be inappropriate, an integrated approach, including both physiological and physical processes, should be used instead. Therefore, we advocate using our method in all situations where oxygen stress could occur.  相似文献   
核磁共振测井T2cutoff确定方法及适用性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
T2cutoff是核磁共振测井中的一个重要参数,它决定了核磁共振测井测量的有效孔隙度、渗透率、自由流体饱和度、束缚水饱和度等参数的精确程度.目前国内外普遍选取的T2cutoff为:砂泥岩储层取33ms,碳酸盐岩储层取92ms.实际研究发现T2cutoff应是变化的量而并非单一值.简单的运用单一的T2cutoff来计算各种地层参数势必会产生误差甚至得出错误的解释结论.叙述了33ms作为T2cutoff的由来及其不合理性,同时分析了目前国内外确定T2cutoff的各种方法及其适用性.  相似文献   
Acoustic transducer is an important part of acoustic well logging tool. In this paper,ANSYS software package is used to design acoustic dipole transducer and simulate vibrating mode of the dipole transducer in different mechanical boundary conditions. The results show that boundary conditions influence the number of vibrating mode in the same frequency band and the frequency value of the same vibrating mode. Several acoustic dipole transducers are designed according to the results of numerical simulation and laboratory measurements. The basic frequency of vibrating mode of experi-ment has good agreement with that of simulation. The numerical simulation plays a good guidance role in designing,producing and correctly installing the acoustic dipole transducer.  相似文献   
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