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在近年来中亚造山带东段多金属矿床研究取得新进展的基础上,选择铀、钼两类矿床,结合铀、钼元素的地球化学行为探讨成矿物质来源的多样性和成矿的多阶段演化。此外,从构造研究角度,结合中亚造山带东段中大量中间地块存在的构造现象,讨论中间地块与成矿作用的关系:中间地块经历了从大陆边缘的裂解、漂移和板块碰撞造山作用,在漫长而复杂的地质过程中遭受的多次改造,有利成矿物质的反复被萃取和聚集。最后提出印支期华北克拉通北缘和北部造山带的成矿作用与底侵背景下的伸展作用密切相关。  相似文献   
松嫩盆地的地下水化学特征及水质变化规律   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
廖资生  林学钰 《地球科学》2004,29(1):96-102
松嫩盆地位于东北腹部, 是我国主要的大型地下水盆地之一.地下水资源十分丰富, 但水质问题复杂, 原生水质状况不佳, 人为污染比较严重.根据水利、地质部门多年积累的地下水水质监测资料, 对地下水中原生有害组分和人为污染组分的形成机理和区域分布规律进行了比较全面、深入的研究, 着重分析了在人为活动影响下, 盆地不同地下水系统内地下水水质的多年变化规律.认为地质构造上的封闭性、强还原/弱碱性/富含有机质的水文地球化学环境、地下水运动滞缓是盆地地下水中多种原生有害组分富集的基本条件.近半个世纪以来强烈的人类活动, 则是导致地下水水质发生趋势性变化的主要原因.提出了改善区域地下水交替循环条件, 治理环境污染, 治理和更新已成为污染通道的水井, 利用洁净松花江水开展地下水人工回灌等改良与保护地下水水质的主要措施.   相似文献   
The Precambrian massif of Ourika is crosscut by two systems of basic dykes, striking N40°E and N90–120°E. Using incompatible trace elements, the two systems form two distinct chemical groups, displaying a continental tholeiitic affinity. The composition variations between the two defined groups can be due to heterogeneities of mantle sources and to contamination, during the magma ascent, by the continental crust. The emplacement of these basic dykes, before the late-PIII formations, can be related to the Neoproterozoic distension generalised to the Anti-Atlas chain. To cite this article: A. Barakat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 827–833.  相似文献   
The Pb isotope composition of the upper mantle beneath Central Europe is heterogeneous due to the subduction of regionally contrasting material during the Variscan and Alpine orogenies.Late Variscan to Cenozoic mantlederived melts allow mapping this heterogeneity on a regional scale for the last ca.340 Myr.Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic anorogenic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif(lamprophyres,volcanic rocks of basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series) concentrate mostly in the Eger Rift.Cretaceous ultramafic lamprophyres yielded the most radiogenic Pb isotope signatures reflecting a maximum contribution from metasomatised lithospheric mantle,whereas Tertiary alkaline lamprophyres originated from mantle with less radiogenic ~(206)Pb/~(204)b ratios suggesting a more substantial modification of lithospheric source by interaction with asthenosphericderived melts.Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series define a linear mixing trend between these components,indicating dilution of the initial lithospheric mantle signature by upwelling asthenosphere during rifting.The Pb isotope composition of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif follows the same Pb growth curve as Variscan orogenic lamprophyres and lamproites that formed during the collision between Laurussia,Gondwana,and associated terranes.This implies that the crustal Pb signature in the post-Variscan mantle is repeatedly sampled by younger anorogenic melts.Most Cenozoic mantle-derived rocks of Central Europe show similar Pb isotope ranges as the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   
In the Mont Blanc massif (European Western Alps), rockfalls are one of the main natural hazards for alpinists and infrastructure. Rockfall activity after the Little Ice Age is well documented. An increase in frequency during the last three decades is related to permafrost degradation caused by rising air temperatures. In order to understand whether climate exerts a long-term control on rockfall occurrence, a selection of paleo-rockfall scars was dated in the Glacier du Géant basin [>3200 m above sea level (a.s.l.)] using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides. Rockfall occurrence was compared to different climatic and glacial proxies. This study presents 55 new samples (including replicates) and 25 previously-published ages from nine sampling sites. In total, 62 dated rockfall events display ages ranging from 0.03 ± 0.02 ka to 88.40 ± 7.60 ka. Holocene ages and their uncertainties were used to perform a Kernel density function into a continuous dataset displaying rockfall probability per 100 years. Results highlight four Holocene periods of enhanced rockfall occurrence: (i) c. 7–5.7 ka, related to the Holocene Warm Periods; (ii) c. 4.5–4 ka, related to the Sub-boreal Warm Period; (iii) c. 2.3–1.6 ka, related to the Roman Warm Period; and (iv) c. 0.9–0.3 ka, related to the Medieval Warm Period and beginning of the Little Ice Age. Laser and photogrammetric three-dimensional (3D) models of the rock walls were produced to reconstruct the detached volumes from the best-preserved rockfall scars (≤0.91 ± 0.12 ka). A structural study was carried out at the scale of the Glacier du Géant basin using aerial photographs, and at the scale of four selected rock walls using the 3D models. Two main vertical and one horizontal fracture sets were identified. They correspond respectively to alpine shear zones and veins opened-up during long-term exhumation of the Mont Blanc massif. Our study confirms that climate primarily controls rockfall occurrence, and that structural settings, coincident at both the massif and the rock wall scales, control the rock-wall shapes as well as the geometry and volume of the rockfall events. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
根据研究区成矿地质背景,分析了地层、构造、岩浆岩等因素对华北地块北缘Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn成矿的控制作用,总结了矿床的时、空分布,共生组合特点,提出了成矿规律.  相似文献   
湖南仁里超大型稀有金属矿床的成矿特征与成矿模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖南仁里铌钽矿床位于燕山期幕阜山复式岩体西南缘,是我国近年来新发现的超大型花岗伟晶岩型铌钽矿床,伟晶岩脉产在花岗岩内部裂隙或灌入冷家溪群片岩中。矿区伟晶岩可分为微斜长石型、微斜长石钠长石型、钠长石型和钠长石锂辉石型四个类型分带,且脉体呈NE-SW向分布。相对于北东部的伟晶岩,南西部的伟晶岩具有较高的分异度,铌钽矿化程度高,仁里矿区为幕阜山地区铌钽矿化浓集中心,是幕阜山地区铌钽等稀有金属主要产地。较大规模伟晶岩脉具有较完善的分带,铌钽矿化主要产在伟晶岩内部的中-粗粒白云母钠长石带和锂云母石英带。各伟晶岩脉总体上具有地表品位低,深部品位升高的特点,在标高411 m时,品位达到最高值(Ta_2O_5品位0.438%),说明仁里矿区深部具有较大找矿潜力。本文在总结仁里矿床成矿特征和成矿规律的基础上,分析了周边及深部的找矿方向,建立了复式岩体"体中体"成矿模型。区域找矿需要重视浅部低品位伟晶岩脉的深部评价,按照"北找钽铌、南找锂"的原则开展外围找矿工作。  相似文献   
为进一步查清东北亚完达山地体与两侧的佳木斯地块、兴凯地块间接触关系以及对跃进山拼贴带域沉积盆地油气条件的控制作用,布设5条MT剖面,计长1104 km.结果显示:(1)研究区地电学结构主要特征为佳木斯地块从中部向南北两方向,这一稳定地块的“高阻核”减薄,兴凯地块的高阻块体自东而西逐渐加深增厚,完达山地体在南部具有较多的高阻块体,向北渐少.(2)完达山地体西南端呈一“牛角”形状范围把佳木斯地块和兴凯地块分开;与原认识的完达山地体、佳木斯地块在同江-宝清-当壁一带贴合的位置相比,从宝清开始向南移至麻山-桦林一带.(3)完达山地体构造成因包括两部分,一是俯冲引起的拼贴,二是软流圈物质的热上涌;佳木斯地块内所存在的“高阻核”边界可能是该地块东界.(4)4个沉积盆地除勃利盆地外,另外3个盆地的基底间或存在规模不大的高阻块,大多范围分布着高导带,对盆地的成烃环境是有利的.  相似文献   
褚杨  陈科  林伟  严德天  王清晨 《地质科学》2009,44(3):922-930
云开地块位于华南板块南缘,经历了麻粒岩-高角闪岩相的高级变质作用,是华南地区为数不多的高级变质地体。研究表明,云开地块在古生代到中生代经历了复杂的构造演化过程,分别记录了早古生代末期、早中生代、晚中生代早期和晚中生代晚期的构造影响。这些构造事件在多系统年代学图上具有很好的表现,系统地揭示了云开地块的地质演化历史。  相似文献   
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