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Paul Withers  S.W Bougher 《Icarus》2003,164(1):14-32
Mars Global Surveyor accelerometer observations of the martian upper atmosphere revealed large variations in density with longitude during northern hemisphere spring at altitudes of 130-160 km, all latitudes, and mid-afternoon local solar times (LSTs). This zonal structure is due to tides from the surface. The zonal structure is stable on timescales of weeks, decays with increasing altitude above 130 km, and is dominated by wave-3 (average amplitude 22% of mean density) and wave-2 (18%) harmonics. The phases of these harmonics are constant with both altitude and latitude, though their amplitudes change significantly with latitude. Near the South Pole, the phase of the wave-2 harmonic changes by 90° with a change of half a martian solar day while the wave-3 phase stays constant, suggesting diurnal and semidiurnal behaviour, respectively. We use a simple application of classical tidal theory to identify the dominant tidal modes and obtain results consistent with those of General Circulation Models. Our method is less rigorous, but simpler, than the General Circulation Models and hence complements them. Topography has a strong influence on the zonal structure.  相似文献   
微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP)是一种绿色低碳的新型土体改性技术.该技术当前主要适用于渗透性较好的砂土,普遍使用两相处理方法,即菌液和胶结液分开施用.然而,对于渗透性相对较差的黏性土,传统的两相处理方法难以适用.为此,引入新的单相胶结方法,即菌液和胶结液混合施用,通过调节溶液的初始pH值为细菌水解作用提供窗口期,避免微生物絮凝阻塞孔隙,使混合液均匀分布于土体一定深度范围内,从而达到显著提升胶结效果的目的.利用喷洒法将混合液喷洒至土体表层进行MICP处理,处理完成后使用超微型贯入仪SMP-1测试土体表层不同深度处的结构强度,分析土体力学特性的空间差异,对土体的胶结效果进行定量评价.此外,探究了胶结液浓度(0.2M、0.5M和1.0M)及胶结方法(调节pH与否)对于土体结构强度及MICP改性效果的影响.结果表明:采用单相MICP技术对黏性土进行改性,能够显著提高其结构强度,具有较好的适用性;在不高于1.0 M的胶结液浓度范围内,黏性土的胶结效果随着胶结液浓度增加而提升;相比较而言,调节pH的单相胶结方法对于提升土体胶结的深度和均匀性有明显积极作用.新型单相MICP技术简单易行,能够节约成本,在黏性土表层加固方面具有潜在推广应用价值.  相似文献   
We present the Hα gas kinematics of 21 representative barred spiral galaxies belonging to the BHαBAR sample. The galaxies were observed with FaNTOmM, a Fabry–Perot integral-field spectrometer, on three different telescopes. The three-dimensional data cubes were processed through a robust pipeline with the aim of providing the most homogeneous and accurate data set possible useful for further analysis. The data cubes were spatially binned to a constant signal-to-noise ratio, typically around 7. Maps of the monochromatic Hα emission line and of the velocity field were generated and the kinematical parameters were derived for the whole sample using tilted-ring models. The photometrical and kinematical parameters (position angle of the major axis, inclination, systemic velocity and kinematical centre) are in relative good agreement, except perhaps for the later-type spirals.  相似文献   
The new approach outlined in Paper I to follow the individual formation and evolution of binaries in an evolving, equal point-mass star cluster is extended for the self-consistent treatment of relaxation and close three- and four-body encounters for many binaries (typically a few per cent of the initial number of stars in the cluster mass). The distribution of single stars is treated as a conducting gas sphere with a standard anisotropic gaseous model. A Monte Carlo technique is used to model the motion of binaries, their formation and subsequent hardening by close encounters, and their relaxation (dynamical friction) with single stars and other binaries. The results are a further approach towards a realistic model of globular clusters with primordial binaries without using special hardware. We present, as our main result, the self-consistent evolution of a cluster consisting of 300 000 equal point-mass stars, plus 30 000 equal-mass binaries over several hundred half-mass relaxation times, well into the phase where most of the binaries have been dissolved and evacuated from the core. The cluster evolution is about three times slower than found by Gao et al. Other features are rather comparable. At every moment we are able to show the individual distribution of binaries in the cluster.  相似文献   
张宏芳  潘留杰  卢珊  高红燕 《中国沙漠》2015,35(6):1674-1682
利用英国东英格兰大学气候研究中心CRU最新发布的1901-2012年的月平均气候资料,分析陕西近百年降水、气温的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)年平均降水南北差异较大,陕南降水多且年际变化最大,西安为年际变化的第二高值中心。(2)陕西降水具有明显的年代际变化周期,20世纪40年代之前降水变化较平缓,40年代后降水变化幅度变大,异常偏多或偏少的年份较多。(3)降水的EOF1表现为整体的正异常,体现了陕西年平均降水的一致变化,EOF2主要表现为陕西南部和陕西东北部的反相位振荡,且具有显著年际变化周期。(4)陕西气温近112年有两个偏冷期:20世纪20年代之前和50年代到90年中期,20世纪20年代到50年代和90年代后期以来为偏暖期。与全国气温变化不同,第二个暖期是从90年代开始迅速升温,滞后于全国气温变化,且气温的最高值出现在90年代而不是40年代。(5)气温的第一模态解释了总模态的88.4%,且表现为陕西一致的正异常,表明陕西平均气温空间变化的一致性,Morlet小波分析显示其有2~4年的周期震荡和16年左右的年代际变化周期。  相似文献   
Models of the chemical evolution of our Galaxy are extended to include radial migration of stars and flow of gas through the disc. The models track the production of both iron and α-elements. A model is chosen that provides an excellent fit to the metallicity distribution of stars in the Geneva–Copenhagen survey (GCS) of the solar neighbourhood and a good fit to the local Hess diagram. The model provides a good fit to the distribution of GCS stars in the age–metallicity plane, although this plane was not used in the fitting process. Although this model's star formation rate is monotonically declining, its disc naturally splits into an α-enhanced thick disc and a normal thin disc. In particular, the model's distribution of stars in the ([O/Fe], [Fe/H]) plane resembles that of Galactic stars in displaying a ridge line for each disc. The thin-disc's ridge line is entirely due to stellar migration, and there is the characteristic variation of stellar angular momentum along it that has been noted by Haywood in survey data. Radial mixing of stellar populations with high  σ z   from inner regions of the disc to the solar neighbourhood provides a natural explanation of why measurements yield a steeper increase of  σ z   with age than predicted by theory. The metallicity gradient in the interstellar medium is predicted to be steeper than in earlier models, but appears to be in good agreement with data for both our Galaxy and external galaxies. The models are inconsistent with a cut-off in the star formation rate at low gas surface densities. The absolute magnitude of the disc is given as a function of time in several photometric bands, and radial colour profiles are plotted for representative times.  相似文献   
The importance of soil moisture inputs and improved model physics in the prediction of the daytime boundary-layer structure during the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1997 (SGP97) is investigated using the non-hydrostatic fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model MM5. This is Part II of a two-part study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed boundary-layer structure. Part I focuses on observations and utilizes a simple model while Part II uses observations and MM5 modelling. Soil moisture inputs tested include a lookup table based on soil type and season, output from an offline land-surface model (LSM) forced by atmospheric observations, and high-resolution ( 800 m) airborne microwave remotely sensed data. Model physics improvements are investigated by comparing an LSM directly coupled with the MM5 to a simpler force-restore method at the surface. The scale of land surface heterogeneities is compared to the scale of their effects on boundary-layer structure.The use of more detailed soil moisture fields allowed the MM5 to better represent the large-scale (hundreds of km) and small-scale (tens of km) horizontal gradients in surface-layer weather and, to a lesser degree, the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, which was evaluated against observations measured by differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The benefits of coupling an LSM to the MM5 were not readily evident in this summertime case, with the model having particular difficulty simulating the timing of maximum surface fluxes while underestimating the depth of the mixed layer.  相似文献   
Acid water from the Banyuputih river (pH  3.5) is used for the irrigation of agricultural land in the Asembagus coastal area (East Java, Indonesia), with harmful consequences for rice yields. The river water has an unusual composition which is caused by seepage from the acidic Kawah Ijen crater lake into the river. This unique irrigation setting allows the study of soil acidification in situ. This paper assesses the effects of volcanogenically contaminated irrigation water on the chemical properties of the agricultural soils.The changes in soil properties were evaluated by comparing samples taken from the topsoil and sub-soil (1–3 m depth) from areas irrigated with acid water and areas irrigated with neutral water. The field survey thus resulted in four soil categories. Bulk soil composition, organic matter content, moisture content and particle size distribution were determined. Reactive phases were quantified with the selective extractions 1 M KCl, 0.1 M Na-pyrophosphate and 0.2 M acid ammonium oxalate (AAO).By comparing the four soil categories it is shown that the use of the naturally polluted irrigation water has had a large influence on the chemical composition of the topsoil. The composition of the soil solution has changed over the entire investigated soil profile. Furthermore the acid irrigation water has strongly modified the composition of the reactive phases, extracted as KCl, pyrophosphate, and AAO extractable elements, and also the bulk soil composition has been significantly modified. Overall this has resulted in the net dissolution of some elements and the net precipitation of others. The changes in the reactive phases and bulk soil composition are only apparent in the topsoil (0–20 cm) but not in the deeper soil.  相似文献   
黑龙江东部鸡西盆地构造层序划分与盆地动力学演化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
依据钻孔及露头资料,对黑龙江东部鸡西盆地进行了构造层序划分及研究,共划分了1个Ⅰ级、2个Ⅱ级、5个Ⅲ级构造层序,在此基础上讨论了鸡西盆地动力学演化机制,证实鸡西盆地主要由敦密断裂在白垩纪左旋走滑拉分而成。纵向上表现为两个构造演化阶段:早白垩世早中期表现为断陷盆地特点,控制了鸡西群含煤层序的生长和发育;早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期表现为坳陷盆地特征,控制了桦山群红层的生长、发育。该盆地的层序划分及动力学分析对黑龙江东部白垩纪地层对比、构造作用及成矿作用的分析提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
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