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Book Reviews are in this articles.

Managing and Marketing of Urban Development and Urban Life. GERHARD O. BRAUN, ed. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1994. Abhandlungen-Anthropogeographie, Bd. 52. xv and 687 pp., maps, diags., and biblio. DM 129.00 paper (ISBN 3-496-02560-3).

Evolution of Infectious Disease. PAUL W. EWALD. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. viii, 298 pp., diags., index, glossary, and biblio. $35.00 cloth (ISBN 0-19-506058-X).

Upstate Arcadia: Landscape, Aesthetics, and the Triumph of Social Differentiation in America. PETER J. HUGILL. Lanham, MD and London: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995. xvi and 255 pp., maps, tables, photos, biblio, and index. $61.50 cloth (ISBN 0-8476-7855-5); $24.95 paper (ISBN 0-8476-7856-3).

Urban Land Use Planning. 4th ed. EDWARD J. KAISER, DAVID R. GODSCHALK, and F. STEWART CHAPIN, JR. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995. xv and 493 pp., tables, figs., and index. $40.00 cloth (ISBN 0-252-02101-0).

The Asian Pacific Rim and Globalization: Enterprise, Governance and Territoriality. RICHARD LE HERON and SAM OCK PARK, eds. Brookfield, VT: Avebury Publishing Group, 1995. xiv and 188 pp., maps, diags., and biblio. $55.95 cloth (ISBN 1-85628-894-3).

The Global Casino: An Introduction to Environmental Issues. NICK MIDDLETON. New York and London: Edward Arnold, 1995. 332 pp., maps, figs., and biblio. $26.95 paper (ISBN 0-340-59493-4).

A Geography of Pennsylvania. E. WIL-LARD MILLER, ed. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. xviii and 406 pp., maps, photos, tables, figs., biblio., and index. $75.00 cloth (ISBN 0-271-01017-7); $25.00 paper (ISBN 0-271-01342-7).

Mountain Environments and Geographic Information Systems. MARTIN F. PRICE and D. IAN HEYWOOD, eds. Bristol, PA, and London: Taylor &; Francis, 1994. xiv and 309 pp., figs., tables, maps, plates, biblio., and index. $95.00 cloth (ISBN 0-7484-0088-5).

Geographical Data Analysis. NIGEL WAL-FORD. New York and Chichester: John Wiley &; Sons, 1995. xi and 446 pp., apps., index, and biblio. $59.95 paper (ISBN 0-471-94162-X).  相似文献   
This empirical article combines insights from previous research on the level of knowledge-intensive service in metropolitan areas with the aim to develop an understanding of the spatial structure of the global service economy. We use a stepwise regression model with the Globalization and World Cities research network's measure of globalized service provisioning as the dependent variable and a range of variables focusing on population, infrastructure, urban primacy, and national regulation as independent variables. The discussion of the results focuses on model parameters as well as the meaning of outliers and is used to explore some avenues for future research.  相似文献   
The Great Plains of the United States is a grassland region managed primarily for homogeneity associated with production agriculture. The resulting decline of obligate fauna makes enhancing biodiversity an increasingly important ecological goal. A survey was administered to land managers and the general population in ranching regions of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the Texas Panhandle. This research explores the preferred characteristics of privately owned grasslands among ranchers and the general population for vegetation structure and biodiversity. Results indicate a knowledge gap between biodiversity and the vegetation heterogeneity required to support it. Preference for grassland structure is seen as a sociocultural driver of decisions on management practices that constrain adoption of heterogeneity management. Conserving biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem services provided by heterogeneous grasslands can be accomplished by demonstrating that conservation advantages of heterogeneity and production agriculture are compatible.  相似文献   
以贵州南部地区为例,对涵养水源、固碳释氧、净化大气环境、保育土壤和生物多样性保护5个功能类别共14项指标的生态系统服务物质量进行了区域尺度和县域尺度上的估算。结果表明:贵州南部地区林草生态系统年调节水量145.41×108m3,年固碳量和年释氧量分别为819.96×104t和1 538.48×104t,年提供负离子达2.32×1025个,年吸收二氧化硫(SO2)、氟化物(F)、氮氧化物(NOX)分别达到58.07×104t、1.29×104t和7.76×104t,年滞尘量1.04×108t,年固土总量9.07×108t,年保育N、P、K以及有机质量分别为184.81×104t、59.26×104t、1 138.80×104t以及4 045.85×104t,平均生物多样性综合评价指数为54.87;各类生态系统服务物质量均表现出明显的空间分布趋势,整体表现为东高西低,南高北低;县域尺度上,黎平县、榕江县、从江县和望谟县提供的生态系统服务物质量最多,普定县、三穗县、长顺县和丹寨县则最少;就生态系统服务供给能力而言,雷山县、望谟县、榕江县和从江县最强,兴仁县、普定县、长顺县和贞丰县则最弱。  相似文献   
雄安新区生态安全格局识别与优化策略   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
雄安新区的设立对于调整、优化京津冀城市空间结构具有深远的历史意义。面向“生态标杆”的新区建设理念,生态安全格局识别及优化是保障雄安新区生态安全、实现可持续发展的基本空间途径。本文基于雄县、容城、安新三县生态本底特征,选取并定量评估粮食供给、产水、土壤保持、生境维持和近水游憩5种生态系统服务,识别生态源地;利用VIIRS/DNB夜间灯光数据修正基于地类赋值的基本阻力面,并运用最小累积阻力模型识别生态廊道;最后基于现状生态安全格局,探讨绿色生态宜居新城目标下的生态安全格局优化策略。研究结果表明:雄安三县生态源地占到全区土地总面积的41.88%,包含14个生态源地斑块,主要分布在白洋淀周边;生态廊道总长度107.21 km,分4大组团呈环状分布;现有生态源地辐射面积占到全区的70.6%,在雄县县城周边新建辐射面积为227 km2的生态源地可满足全区85%的源地辐射面积规模要求。本文提出的生态安全格局优化方案可为雄安新区开发建设提供空间指引。  相似文献   
马琪  刘康  刘文宗  李婷 《地理研究》2018,37(1):158-170
划定生态保护红线是构筑区域生态安全屏障的基础,是经济社会可持续发展的基本保障;干旱半干旱区水资源短缺是威胁区域生态安全的首要因素,生态保护红线划分应切实以保护水资源安全供给为根本。以干旱半干旱区“多规合一”试点地区榆林市为例,通过对关键生态系统服务功能评估和生态敏感性评价,以水资源约束为核心,提出了生态保护红线体系与划分方法。结果表明:① 榆林市生态保护红线总面积16998.59 km2,占到全市国土面积的39.60%;其中水源涵养功能红线面积5147.15 km2,秃尾河、榆溪河、芦河、无定河上游是水源涵养核心区域,产水总量高达34.57×107 m3;丘陵沟壑区和风沙滩区植被覆盖较高的区域生态功能极为重要,其中12.38%和23.25%的国土面积分别提供了50%以上的水土保持功能和防风固沙功能。② 水源涵养、防风固沙、生物多样性维护功能红线和禁止开发区红线主要分布于西北风沙滩区;南部沟壑区以水土保持功能为主,红线类型较单一。因此,西北风沙滩区的生态保护对榆林市生态安全维护更重要。研究结果可为“多规合一”各类规划间相互矛盾的有效化解提供决策依据,同时为其他干旱半干旱区生态保护红线的划定提供参考。  相似文献   
基于生态价值核算的土地利用政策环境评价   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
作为战略环境评价的一种类型,政策环境评价是指对已有的或计划制定的政策及其替代方案可能产生的环境影响进行的系统、综合的评价过程.文章以生态系统服务功能价值为评价指标,通过对政策实施前后生态服务功能价值变化的比较分析,对吉林省生态省建设中土地利用政策的环境影响进行定量分析评价.结果表明,从生态环境和自然资源保护角度出发,该政策基本可行,但需要加强对社会用地等方面的控制.文章对生态系统服务功能价值核算理论的应用以及政策环境评价方法进行了探索.  相似文献   
生态系统服务功能价值核算与地理学综合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合性研究既是地理学研究的特点和难点,也是地理学未来发展的趋势。在过去关于地理学的综合研究中,主要存在以下不足:(1)综合性基础理论研究薄弱;(2)自然—人文研究之间的交叉和融合不足;(3)综合的途径和手段偏于定性和单调。因此,当前推进地理学综合研究的关键在于找到一个综合价值尺度,搭起自然系统与经济系统的桥梁。生态系统服务功能价值核算是一项横跨自然系统与社会经济系统的研究。加强生态系统服务功能价值核算研究能够有效地推进地理学的综合研究。最后,结合地理学综合研究的趋势,对生态系统服务功能核算研究进行了展望,提出应从完善生态价值核算的理论基础,改进核算的技术、加强实证研究、提高公众认知度,以及完善相关制度建设等方面推进生态系统服务功能价值核算的研究。  相似文献   
西方生产性服务业的地理学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1980年以来,生产性服务业成为西方服务业研究的核心内容,地理学研究凭借其对于空间 属性的关注成为重要的研究分支之一.从生产性服务业的增长动力、在城市和区域发展 中的作用、生产性服务业的空间分布、生产性服务业企业的空间行为、全球城市框架下的生 产性服务业几方面,对西方生产性服务业地理学研究进展进行梳理,归纳西方生产性服务业 地理学研究的主要特点,提出新的发展背景下我国生产性服务业地理学研究的拓展方向.  相似文献   
The campaign to promote the networking of America underscores the importance of information infrastructures that can support regional competitiveness. One crucial element of a regional information infrastructure is a computer services (CS) industry that supports computer systems, provides backward and forward linkages among all sectors of the economy, serves as engines for economic growth, enhances production efficiency, and encourages innovation. But research on metropolitan CS has been limited, and where CS are analyzed directly, spatial units of analysis vary and CS are rarely disaggregated. This paper situates CS employment within spatial analyses of producer services, outlines infrastructural characteristics, analyzes CS distribution across metropolitan areas in 1982 and 1993, and considers the implications of the findings. The data suggest that while large metropolitan areas are most likely to have a diverse base of specializations in multiple CS types, many smaller metropolitan areas possess CS specializations. We conclude that ranking in the urban CS hierarchy is more likely to be a function of local economic structure than metropolitan population. The uneven dispersion of CS capacity across metropolitan areas potentially has negative ramifications for implementation of national policy and development of underserved regional economies.  相似文献   
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