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根据西安市内布设的12口长观孔监测的一年内的月平均地温,绘制不同时期地温随深度变化曲线,系统分析西安市浅层地温场垂向上的分布特征及其影响因素。分析得出:西安市垂向上的分布特征有两种类型:渐变升温型和升温降温交替型。影响其分布的主要因素是地质构造、地下水活动以及岩性。在开发利用过程中要针对浅层地温场不同的变化类型因地制宜地进行调查评价工作,合理开发西安市浅层地温能。  相似文献   
四川盆地川西坳陷高异常地层压力分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贝东 《矿物岩石》1995,15(1):58-62
本文通过分析川西坳陷20多个含气构造的主要地层压力资料,对川坳陷高异常地层压力的分布特征有了一定的认识。认为川西高异常地层压力在纵向层位上主要分布于侏罗系和上三叠统,压力分段明显,相同的力段在不同的构造既不等时也不等深;在平面上高异常地层压力分布广泛,超高压区刚分布于川西北地区,并形成两个超高压中心,整个高异常地层压力的分布虽然总体上基本一致,但在不同层位,不同时期也存在着差异。  相似文献   
Temporal change of clustered distribution in vertical profiles of three nutritional groups of planktonic ciliates, e.g. heterotrophic naked ciliates, mixotrophic naked ciliates and heterotrophic loricated ciliates, was investigated by following a drifting buoy in Toyama Bay on the Japan Sea coast of central Japan in summers of 1989 and 1990. Clustered distribution, represented as the mode of population density in the vertical plane, occurred mainly in the oligotrophic upper layer (0–50 m depth) above the subsurface chlorophyll-a maximum layer. Its clustered degree was stronger when the mode of population density in the vertical plane was formed at shallower depth, while its longevity was shorter as mentioned above. Vertical distribution of ciliates during summer in Toyama Bay is characterized by ephemeral clustered distribution, or in other wards, by rapid alternations of appearance and disappearance of the clustered distribution.  相似文献   
Field tests of hydraulic conductivity (e.g., injection test, pumping test, etc.) in low permeability formations are subject to censoring due to the detection limit of the instruments used. An iterative method of estimating the mean and variance of hydraulic conductivity data with a presumed log-normal distribution function is presented. This method accounts for the data that are actually below the lower detection limit (called truncated data) and thus gives distribution parameters that are more representative for the underlying distribution. The proposed method is then tested on two simulated normally distributed random datasets having different variances. The results show that the means and variances estimated by the proposed method are very accurate. Finally, the method is used to estimate the mean and variance of hydraulic conductivity data from single hole water injection tests in a fractured geological formation.  相似文献   
Landslides generate enormous volumes of sediment in mountainous watersheds; however, quantifying the downstream transport of landslide‐derived sediment remains a challenge. Landslide erosion and sediment delivery to the Shihmen Reservoir watershed in Taiwan was estimated using empirical landslide frequency–area and volume–area relationships, empirical landslide runout models, and the Hydrological Simulation Program‐ FORTRAN (HSPF). Landslide erosion rates ranged from 0.4 mm yr‐1 to 2.2 mm yr‐1 during the period 1986–2003, but increased to 7.9 mm yr‐1 following Typhoon Aere in 2004. The percentage of landslide sediment delivered to streams decreased from 78% during the period 1986–1997 to 55% in 2004. Although the delivery ratio was lower, the volume of landslide sediment delivered to streams was 2.81 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 1986–1997 and 8.60 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 2004. Model simulations indicate that only a small proportion of the landslide material was delivered downstream. An average of 13% of the landslide material delivered to rivers was moved downstream during the period 1986–1997. In 2004, the period including Typhoon Aere, the annual fluvial sediment yield accounted for approximately 23% of the landslide material delivered to streams. In general, the transfer of sediment in the fluvial system in the Shihmen Reservoir watershed is dominantly transport limited. The imbalance between sediment supply and transport capacity has resulted in a considerable quantity of landslide material remaining in the upper‐stream regions of the watershed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
复杂构造应力扰动场与发震构造识别问题的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
马瑾  刘力强 《地震地质》1995,17(4):372-382
在地震短临阶段异常是由局部断层扩展或弱化引起。实验与数值模拟结果曾得到与之相伴的是平均应力扰动场的四象限分布和最大剪应力扰动场的八瓣式分布。为检验此结果的普适性作了进一步的研究。结果表明不论区域构造及其基本应力场如何复杂,这种四象限分布与八瓣式分布型式不变,这为最终判定失稳区提供了依据。与此同时,在复杂构造情况下这种应力扰动场的畸变也不容忽视  相似文献   
Univariate Pareto distributions have been so widely used in hydrology. It seems however that bivariate or multivariate Pareto distributions have not yet found applications in hydrology, especially with respect to drought. In this note, a drought application is described by assuming a bivariate Pareto model for the joint distribution drought durations and drought severity in the State of Nebraska. Based on this model, exact distributions are derived for the inter arrival time, magnitude and the proportion of droughts. Estimates of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 year return periods are derived for the three variables, drought duration, drought severity and the pairwise combinations: (drought duration, drought severity), (inter arrival time of drought, proportion of drought) and (drought duration, drought magnitude). These return period estimates could have an important role in hydrology, for example, with respect to measures of vegetation water stress for plants in water-controlled ecosystems.  相似文献   
The SHETRAN physically based, spatially distributed model is used to investigate the scaling relationship linking specific sediment yield to river basin area, for two contrasting topographies of upland and more homogeneous terrain and as a function of sediment source, land use and rainfall distribution. Modelling enables the effects of the controls to be examined on a systematic basis, while avoiding the difficulties associated with the use of field data (which include limited data, lack of measurements for nested basins and inability to isolate the effects of individual controls). Conventionally sediment yield is held to decrease as basin area increases, as the river network becomes more remote from the headwater sediment sources (an inverse relationship). However, recent studies have reported the opposite variation, depending on the river basin characteristics. The simulation results are consistent with these studies. If the sediment is supplied solely from hillslope erosion (no channel bank erosion) then, with uniform land use, sediment yield either decreases or is constant as area increases. The downstream decrease is accentuated if rainfall (and thence erosion) is higher in the headwaters than at lower elevations. Introducing a non‐uniform land use (e.g. forest at higher elevations, wheat at lower elevations) can reverse the trend, so that sediment yield increases downstream. If the sediment is supplied solely from bank erosion (no hillslope erosion), the sediment yield increases downstream for all conditions. The sediment yield/basin area relationship can thus be inverse or direct, depending on basin characteristics. There still remains, therefore, considerable scope for defining a universal scaling law for sediment yield. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用夜间灯光数据的城市群格局变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对传统的统计数据具有行政单元统计约束的缺点、DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据存在分辨率低、像元辐射值饱和的问题,该文使用NPP/VIIRS夜间灯光数据、城区边界、列车时刻表、百度地图API等数据,通过空间统计、标准差椭圆、位序-规模分布、空间联系测度研究中国九大城市群2012与2017年的空间格局变化。结果表明:长三角、珠三角、京津冀城市群的灯光总量和平均灯光均位于前列;长三角、珠三角、成渝、哈长、关中平原城市群灯光变分散,京津冀、长江中游、中原、北部湾城市群灯光变集中,成渝城市群夜间灯光重心移动最大,向重庆方向移动;长江中游城市群接近捷夫分布,中原城市群为序列分布,其他城市群为首位分布;长三角、珠三角、京津冀城市群的总体联系强度最高,各城市群边缘中小城市与核心城市空间联系较弱。  相似文献   
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