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TCP Westwood(TCPW)和Vegas都是基于测量的TCP New-Reno增强算法。TCPW针对ACK流直接估算可用带宽,在慢启动和线性递增部分依然采用传统Reno的盲目递增的机制,导致发送端较为频繁的重传。对这几种算法原理进行分析阐述,并提出1种改进方法,更精确的测量估计带宽,通过网络仿真工具NS2进行验证,明显去除TCP全局同步现象,增强网络性能。  相似文献   
从数学上探讨了晴空大气红外窗区通道遥感陆面特性水汽吸收和陆面发射率的综合影响。首先,基于辐射传输方程推导出大气水汽含量和陆面发射率(ε)引起红外窗区通道遥感陆面亮温(Tg)变化的数学表达式,指出红外辐射在传输过程中水汽吸收衰减的影响主要是引起大气透过率的变化;分析了在高温高湿和低温干燥等不同地区,红外窗区通道的大气透过率所受到的不同程度的衰减,以及水汽吸收衰减和陆面发射率对不同的红外窗区通道的影响。此外,还建立了一个红外窗区通道遥感陆面温度与地面亮温差ΔT=(Ts-Tg,imax)与水汽含量变化Δq和陆面发射率ε的二元多项式拟合方程,进一步分析大气水汽含量和陆面发射率对不同的红外窗区通道遥感的影响;指出红外短波窗区通道不但受太阳辐射污染严重,而且受陆面发射率变化的影响激烈,特别是在寒冷干燥的亚北极冬季。最后强调,为了精确地反演陆面温度,最好采用热红外窗区通道;必须考虑大气订正,特别是在高温高湿区;同时应该考虑陆面发射率等因子的作用。  相似文献   
We report here, for the first time, on the new finding of extrusive calciocarbonatite (alvikite) rocks from the Pleistocene Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy). These volcanic rocks, which represent an outstanding occurrence in the wider scenario of the Italian potassic magmatism, form lavas, pyroclastic deposits, and feeder dikes exposed on the northern slope of the volcano. The petrography, mineralogy and whole-rock chemistry attest the genuine carbonatitic nature of these rocks, that are characterized by high to very high contents of Sr, Ba, U, LREE, Nb, P, F, Th, high Nb/Ta and LREE/HREE ratios, and low contents of Ti, Zr, K, Rb, Na and Cs. The O–C isotope compositions are close to the “primary igneous carbonatite” field and, thus, are compatible with an ultimate mantle origin for these rocks. The Sr–Nd–Pb–B isotope compositions, measured both in the alvikites and in the silicate volcanic rocks, indicate a close genetic relationship between the alvikites and the associated melilitite/nephelinite rocks. Furthermore, these latter products are geochemically distinct from the main foiditic-phonolitic association of Mt. Vulture. We propose a petrogenetic/geodynamic interpretation which has important implications for understanding the relationships between carbonatites and orogenic activity. In particular, we propose that the studied alvikites are generated through liquid unmixing at crustal levels, starting from nephelinitic or melilititic parent liquids. These latter were produced in a hybrid mantle resulting from the interaction through a vertical slab window, between a metasomatized mantle wedge, moving eastward from the Tyrrhenian/Campanian region, and the local Adriatic mantle. The occurrence of carbonatite rocks at Mt. Vulture, that lies on the leading edge of the Southern Apennines accretionary prism, is taken as an evidence for the carbonatation of the mantle sources of this volcano. We speculate that mantle carbonatation is related to the introduction of sedimentary carbon from the Adriatic lithosphere during Tertiary subduction.  相似文献   
A new tectonic scenario for the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (Iran)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent geochemical studies of volcanic rocks forming part of the ophiolites within the Zagros and Naien-Baft orogen indicate that most of them were developed as supra-subduction ophiolites in intra-oceanic island arc environments. Intra-oceanic island arcs and ophiolites now forming the Naien-Baft zone were emplaced southwestward onto the northeastern margin of the South Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, while those now in the High Zagros were emplaced southwestward onto the northern margin of Arabia. Thereafter, subduction continued on opposite sides of the remnant oceans. The floor of Neo-Tethys Ocean was subducted at a low angle beneath the entire Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, and the floor of the Naien-Baft Ocean was subducted beneath the Central Iranian Micro-continent. The Naien-Baft Ocean extended into North-West Iran only temporarily. This failed ocean arm (between the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage and the main Zagros Thrust) was filled by thick Upper Triassic–Upper Jurassic sediments. The Naien-Baft Ocean finally closed in the Paleocene and Neo-Tethys closed in the Early to Middle Eocene. After Arabia was sutured to Iran, the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage recorded slab break-off in the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   
The Mojanda–Fuya Fuya Volcanic Complex consists of two nearby volcanoes, Mojanda and Fuya Fuya. The older one, Mojanda volcano (0.6 to 0.2 Ma), was first constructed by andesites and high-silica andesites forming a large stratovolcano (Lower Mojanda). This edifice was capped by a basaltic andesite and andesitic cone (Upper Mojanda), which collapsed later to form a 3-km-wide summit caldera, after large phreatomagmatic eruptions. The Lower Fuya Fuya edifice was constructed by the extrusion of viscous Si-rich andesitic lavas and dacitic domes, and the emission of a thick sequence of pyroclastic-flow and fallout deposits which include two voluminous rhyolitic layers. An intermediate construction phase at Fuya Fuya is represented by a mainly effusive cone, andesitic in composition (San Bartolo edifice), the construction of which was interrupted by a major sector collapse in the Late Pleistocene. Finally, a complex of thick siliceous lavas and domes was emplaced within the avalanche amphitheatre, forming the Upper Fuya Fuya volcanic centre. This paper shows that the general evolution from an effusive to an explosive eruptive style is related to a progressive adakitic contribution to the magma source. Although all the rocks of the complex are included in the medium-K field of continental arcs, the Fuya Fuya suite (61–75 wt.% SiO2) shows depletion in Y and HREE and high Sr/Y and La/Yb values, compared to the less silicic Mojanda suite (55–66.5 wt.% SiO2). The Mojanda calc-alkaline suite was generated by partial melting of an adakite-metasomatised mantle source that left a residue with 2% garnet, followed by fractional crystallization of dominant plagioclase + pyroxene + olivine at shallow, intra-crustal depths. For Fuya Fuya, geochemical and mineralogical data suggest either (1) partial melting of a similar metasomatised mantle with more garnet in the residue (4%), followed by fractional crystallization involving plagioclase, amphibole and pyroxene, or (2) mixing of mafic mantle-derived magma from the Mojanda suite and slab melts, followed by the same fractional crystallization process.  相似文献   
岩浆岩的侵入问题一直严重影响着煤矿的安全和高效生产,如何准确地划分出岩浆岩侵入区范围是急需解决的关键问题之一。通过对正演模型数据和实际数据的谱分解分析,发现正常煤层与岩浆岩侵入煤层间存在着明显的频谱差异。正常煤层反射波在其主频对应的谱分解切片上的能量较强,而岩浆岩侵入煤层反射波在同一谱分解切片上的能量较弱。对于实际煤层数据来说,通过钻井标定,即可以定量、准确地划分出岩浆岩侵入区的范围。以大屯煤电公司徐庄煤矿为例,对7煤层谱分解沿层切片与振幅沿层切片进行了对比解释,结果证实谱分解技术对预测煤层岩浆侵入范围是切实可行的。  相似文献   

俯冲带是理解地球内部物质循环和能量交换、大陆岩石圈演化、地震和火山活动及矿产资源分布等的重要环节.本文聚焦于西北太平洋俯冲带,通过汇集多种地震观测研究结果,清晰地揭示了由日本海沟至中国东北的俯冲板片整体活动图像,即整个西北太平洋俯冲板片的主压应力轴一致地稳定在俯冲方向上,俯冲板片上深浅部的显著地震活动存在密切的关联性;俯冲板片深处的亚稳态橄榄岩楔形区及其周边是深源地震多发区,深源地震可能是由亚稳态橄榄岩楔形区内的相变断层开始破裂的;在410~660 km深的地幔过渡带内处观测到的俯冲板片上下界面,揭示了俯冲板片的层状组分结构和板块下侧的高含水量.为更好地约束日本海下方的俯冲板片结构和深入探讨西太平洋的俯冲动力作用,有待于在全球罕有的大陆深部不断发生深震的西北太平洋俯冲区,开展海陆联合的地球物理探测及岩石高温高压实验和地球动力学模拟等研究.

In this paper , by using the seismic data of strong earthquake (M≥7) which have occurred since 1900,correlative features of strong earthquake activity in Tianshan region which crosses China and USSR have been studied . Meanwhile , we selected 15 seismic windows (11 in China , 4 in USSR) by censusing , systematically researching and statistically examing seismic data of regional seismic network which are in Chian and USSR.The anomalous features of seismic window and seismic window network , prediction index and prediction plan have been studied . In the same time ,its prediction efficency have been evaluated . Several examples of successful earthquake prediction are given out in this paper .Finally ,the possible physical mechanism of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
针对常规桥梁挠度变形分析方法仅能获取有限数量离散监测点的几何变形,且存在自动化程度低、效率低、局限性大的问题,本文提出了一种基于点云数据的桥梁挠度变形分析方法。首先通过地面三维激光扫描仪获取桥梁变形体上的点云数据,经过精确配准,获取可靠点云数据。然后利用滑动窗口法得到桥梁线形,并通过两期线形叠差分析得到桥梁挠度变化。最后以跨度40 m+65 m+40 m的连续钢构桥实体工程为试验对象,利用本文方法发现该桥梁存在最小值为8 mm、跨中最大值为17.5 mm、平均值为14.9 mm的挠度变形。结果表明,该方法理论严密、计算效率高、简单实用。研究结果对三维激光扫描技术在变形监测领域的深度应用有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
GIS中多幅地图的缩放漫游及其数据组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵仁亮 《四川测绘》1998,21(4):151-155
本文在分析现存GIS软件中处理多幅不同比例尺或相同比例尺地图的放缩漫游时的不足及其原因的基础上,提出了一种使用地理逻辑窗口动态裁剪快速而安全的多幅地图无级缩放和全区域自由漫游的方法,并对其数据组织和管理作了探讨。  相似文献   
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