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Image classification using multispectral sensors has shown good performance in detecting macrophytes at the species level. However, species level classification often does not utilize the texture information provided by high resolution images. This study investigated whether image texture provides useful vector(s) for the discrimination of monospecific stands of three floating macrophyte species in Quickbird imagery of the South Nation River. Semivariograms indicated that window sizes of 5 × 5 and 13 × 13 pixels were the most appropriate spatial scales for calculation of the grey level co-occurrence matrix and subsequent texture attributes from the multispectral and panchromatic bands. Of the 214 investigated vectors (13 Haralick texture attributes * 15 bands + 9 spectral bands + 10 transformations/indices), feature selection determined which combination of spectral and textural vectors had the greatest class separability based on the Mann–Whitney U-test and Jefferies–Matusita distance. While multispectral red and near infrared (NIR) performed satisfactorily, the addition of panchromatic-dissimilarity slightly improved class separability and the accuracy of a decision tree classifier (Kappa: red/NIR/panchromatic-dissimilarity – 93.2% versus red/NIR – 90.4%). Class separability improved by incorporating a second texture attribute, but resulted in a decrease in classification accuracy. The results suggest that incorporating image texture may be beneficial for separating stands with high spatial heterogeneity. However, the benefits may be limited and must be weighed against the increased complexity of the classifier.  相似文献   
本文根据选权拟合法的一个重要性质:只要被约束的那部分参数估值无偏,其余的参数估值也无偏;该性质说明利用选权拟合进行参数估计的结果是条件无偏的。这个不同于一般正则化解的重要特性可以建立单历元伪距和载波相位双差模型,并通过实例验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
紫色土经济林栽培技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
邓白罗  谭振辉 《山地学报》2003,21(2):201-209
为了合理开发利用紫色土 ,保护生态环境 ,为紫色土经济林栽培提供实践指导 ,对紫色土经济林栽培技术进行了研究 测定了全垦、带垦、水平梯土、水平梯土撩壕、鱼鳞坑等 5种整地方法的土壤以及对照地 (不整地 )的土壤侵蚀量 ,观测了各种整地方法对经济林木生长发育的影响 ,同时 ,对栽植在紫色土和板页岩红壤上的经济林木的生长发育情况进行了对比 结果表明 :不同整地方法土壤侵蚀量按从大到小的顺序排列为全垦 (81 4t·hm-2a-1,以下单位均为t·h-2 a-1) >带垦 (63 6) >水平梯土 (3 8 7) >水平梯土撩壕 (3 1 8) >鱼鳞坑 (2 4 3 ) >对照(2 1 1) ;不同整地方法对经济林木生长发育的影响按由好到差的顺序排列为水平梯土撩壕、水平梯土、全垦、带垦、鱼鳞坑、对照 ;在一般抚育管理条件下 ,在紫色土坡地生长发育较好的树种或品种有板栗、枣树、杨梅、枇杷、萘李、甜柿、水蜜桃 ,生长发育一般的树种有茶树、无核蜜柑、柚子 ,生长发育较差的树种有脐橙、柑、葡萄 因此 ,在坡度不大 (<2 5°)的紫色土坡地营造经济林时 ,整地方法采用水平梯土撩壕为宜 ,栽培树种可选择板栗、枣树、杨梅、枇杷、萘李、甜柿、水蜜桃 ,还可选择无核蜜柑、茶树、柚子等  相似文献   
朱诚  张强  张芸  张之恒  沈明洁 《地理科学》2003,23(6):705-712
通过长江三角洲长江以北地区高邮龙虬庄和海安青墩两个新石器时代考古遗址剖面粒度、磁化率、孢粉以及年代学测定,较为全面地分析了该区全新世以来生态环境变化与人类文明兴衰的相互关系,研究结果表明:在有人类活动以前,该区距离海洋较远,但受海面变化影响强烈。此后,气候向暖湿方向发展,7000—6000间的大西洋温暖湿润气候以及3700aB.P.左右期间,该区气候适宜,人类文明在这样的适宜气侯条件下得到长足发展。值得注意的是,海安青墩遗址剖面中出现厚达1m多的自然沉积地层,粒度分析以及孢粉分析表明,这一自然沉积地层是4000aB.P.以来的海侵事件所致,正是这次海侵事件,使研究区人类文明得以衰落。  相似文献   
本文借鉴直接拟合烈度数据点和枚举震源参数的做法,设计了一种利用烈度资料估计6级左右历史地震震源参数的方法.该方法对震源参数所有可能的组合进行枚举,采用地震波场模拟计算转换的理论烈度值,利用模型选择方法评估各可能的震源参数组合模型与历史破坏记录推断的地震烈度数据点的拟合程度,对震源参数做出估计.该方法充分考虑到历史资料相对稀少对震源参数估计的影响,以多种震源参数估计结果和相应权重值来定量化表示估计的不确定性.通过对给定震中位置、震源深度和滑动角的Bootstrap数值恢复检测与2006年美国Parkfield 6.0级地震实例的测试,表明该方法得出的震源参数估计结果具有统计一致性和一定的无偏性.将该方法应用于1882年河北深县6级地震的震源参数估计,结果显示东西向旧城北断层或何庄断层及北东东走向的深西断层为深县地震的发震构造的可能性较大.  相似文献   
主成分分析法在油荧光光谱波段选择中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
355nm激光器发射激光入射到海水表面,激发海表面溢油的荧光光谱,运用高光谱图像降维中应用广泛的分段主成分分析算法对油荧光光谱进行波段选择。该算法把每个分段被映射到主成分的信息量的大小作为是否被选择的标准,保证了选择波段的信息丰富;通过分段分析消除了传统主成分分析的全局性引起的波段忽略问题,获得较为满意的降维效果。  相似文献   
A methodology has been proposed which can be used to reduce the number of ground motion records needed for the reliable prediction of the median seismic response of structures by means of incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). This methodology is presently limited to predictions of the median IDA curve only. The reduction in the number of ground motion records needed to predict the median IDA curve is achieved by introducing a precedence list of ground motion records. The determination of such a list is an optimization problem, which is solved in the paper by means of (1) a genetic algorithm and (2) a proposed simple procedure. The seismic response of a simple, computationally non‐demanding structural model has been used as input data for the optimization problem. The presented example is a three‐storey‐reinforced concrete building, subjected to two sets of ground motion records, one a free‐field set and the other a near‐field set. It is shown that the median IDA curves can be predicted with acceptable accuracy by employing only four ground motion records instead of the 24 or 30 records, which are the total number of ground motion records for the free‐field and near‐field sets, respectively. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
从岩体结构控制论到综合集成方法论,反映的是又一次典型的发散性思维过程,其实质在于抓住主要矛盾的同时,还要考虑众多因素影响作用的存在。在土地资源日益紧张而大科学装置场址比选受多种因素制约影响情况下,如何从层次性、相关性、时效性等方面,更好地认识评价这些不同条件下场址的适宜可用性、因素可控性、工程可调性等问题,是摆在工程地质工作者面前更为具体而实际的工作。在服务于大亚湾中微子实验隧道、中国散裂中子源场址等8个大科学装置场址选评过程中,作者提出了基于一岩、一观和一法3个支撑点的地质工程评价与动态调控法,旨在主抓控制性结构要素、圈划不良地质体前提下,适时调整工程布设方案,提出与场地改造边界范围和扰动强度有关的施工建议,实现地质工程合理和谐调控。  相似文献   
自动驾驶技术已成为未来智能交通的发展方向之一,高精度地图为L3级及以上自动驾驶实现高精度定位和路径规划提供先验信息,是自动驾驶车辆传感器在遮挡或观测距离受限情况下的重要补充。道路标线的位置和语义信息,比如实线和虚线的绝对位置是高精度地图的基本组成部分。本文从车载激光点云中提取扫描线,根据道路边缘位置几何形态的突变从扫描线中提取道路路面,在此基础上首先利用反距离加权插值的方法把路面点云图像以一定的分辨率转换为栅格图像,其次利用基于积分图的自适应阈值分割方法把栅格图像转化为二值图像,然后利用欧氏聚类的方法从二值图像中提取标线点云,并利用特征属性筛选的方法对提取的标线点云进行语义识别,最后建立交通标线和交通规则之间的语义关联。  相似文献   
This paper deals with a typical question encountered in all industrial analytical laboratories:are all thetests performed in the laboratory to characterize the final product really necessary?In this work the cross-validation technique,Procrustes rotation techniques and statistical variable selection have been used toreduce the 26 initial British Petroleum and ASTM kerosene specification tests to ten'essential'ones.Statistical as well as chemical considerations were used to select the optimum subset of original variablesto be retained from all the possible ones.  相似文献   
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