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通过1∶5万矿山地质环境调查和遥感解译手段,对日照市矿山进行了全面的调查,查明各类矿山546处,主要集中在莒县和五莲县境内。除莒县刘官庄煤矿外,其余全部为露天开采矿山,主要选用直接开挖的方式,不仅破坏了地表环境,而且矿山生产活动产生的固体废弃物占用了大面积的土地。该文根据矿山地理位置及开采方式的不同,将相同类型的多个矿山划分为同一治理区,针对不同治理区的特点,采取科学有效的治理方法,建立健全矿山地质环境监督管理机制,切实解决矿山地质环境问题,改善生态环境。  相似文献   
从胶东所处的板块构造位置和区域控热构造入手,根据地热传导理论,对胶东温泉的地热属性进行分析研究,认为胶东半岛温泉地热属性为毗邻板块边缘高温地热带的板内中低温地热系统,它以偏高的大地热流值为地热背景,以局部控热构造聚敛的大地热流为热源,以地形高差影响和相应的水力压差作用为动力,入渗的大气降水被岩石中的热量加热,并沿断裂出露形成温泉地热水。根据山东半岛温泉地热属性的特点和地热水开发中所面临的问题,提出保持胶东温泉可持续开发的相关对策。  相似文献   
运用SWAT模型对水土保持、减少化肥农药施用量、减少表层土壤施肥量比例、退耕还林及综合措施对于不同非点源污染在灞河流域的消减效果进行了模拟。结果表明:(1)水保措施对N、P、DDT的削减效果最高可达44.4%,相对而言对于溶解磷的削减效果不是很明显。(2)减少施肥量措施对溶解P、总P、NO3-N的削减率相对较高,而对于其它指标的削减效果不是很明显;减少农药施用量措施对DDT的削减效果较好,削减率可达50.92%。(3)减少表层土壤施肥量占总施肥量的比例措施对溶解P、总P的削减效果较为明显,而对于其它指标的削减效果不是很明显。(4)退耕还林措施对于各项指标都有着明显的削减作用。(5)综合措施对于各项指标均有着很好的削减作用,总体看来综合措施可大大减少流域内的非点源污染负荷,对于改善流域水环境质量可起到巨大的作用。研究为灞河流域非点源污染最佳管理措施的实施提供了明确实际的决策支持。  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(1):66-82
Measuring the level of segregation often encounters two methodological issues: measures are sensitive to changes in the geographical scale of the data and the effectiveness of the measure in reflecting spatial segregation. Several spatial measures have been suggested to measure spatial segregation, but whether they are more or less sensitive to changes in spatial scale has not been investigated, while some spatial measures are relatively scale-insensitive. Using the 1990 Census data of 30 selected U.S. metropolitan areas, this paper demonstrates that these spatial measures, similar to the aspatial measure, report higher levels of segregation when smaller areal units are used in the analysis. Some spatial measures are even more sensitive to scale changes than aspatial measures. Certain patterns of the scale sensitivity were identified, but no general rules can be formulated. A preliminary explanation of the scale effect on spatial segregation measures is offered.  相似文献   
甘肃内陆河流域生态功能及保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从阐述张掖生态功能的重要意义入手,阐明了祁连山森林、湿地、人工绿洲成板块结构镶嵌分布,组成了强大的生态屏障,阻止了沙漠化的进程。针对张掖生态安全屏障保护存在的主要问题和甘肃祁连山国家自然保护区及张掖黑河湿地国家自然保护区建设现状,提出了祁连山自然保护区生态保护与管理及湿地国家级自然保护区生态恢复与综合治理的具体措施,为甘肃内陆河流域生态安全屏障建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Quantification of spatial gradation of slope positions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Transition between slope positions (e.g., ridge, shoulder slope, back slope, foot slope, and valley) is often gradual. Quantification of spatial transitions or spatial gradations between slope positions can increase the accuracy of terrain parameterization for geographical or ecological modeling, especially for digital soil mapping at a fine scale. Current models for characterizing the spatial gradation of slope positions based on a gridded DEM either focus solely on the parameter space or depend on too many rules defined by topographic attributes, which makes such approaches impractical. The typical locations of a slope position contain the characteristics of the slope position in both parameter space and spatial context. Thus, the spatial gradation of slope positions can be quantified by comparing terrain characteristics (spatial and parametrical) of given locations to those at typical locations. Based on this idea, this paper proposes an approach to quantifying the spatial gradation of slope positions by using typical locations as prototypes. This approach includes two parts: the first is to extract the typical locations of each slope position and treat them as the prototypes of this position; and the second is to compute the similarity between a given location and the prototypes based on both local topographic attributes and spatial context. The new approach characterizes slope position gradation in both the attribute domain (i.e., parameter space) and the spatial domain (i.e., geographic space) in an easy and practicable way. Applications show that the new approach can quantitatively describe spatial gradations among a set of slope positions. Comparison of spatial gradation of A-horizon sand percentages with the quantified spatial gradation of slope positions indicates that the latter reflects slope processes, confirming the effectiveness of the approach. The comparison of a soil subgroup map of the study area with the maximum similarity map derived from the approach also suggests that the quantified spatial gradation of slope position can be used to aid geographical modeling such as digital soil mapping.  相似文献   
河南林业可持续发展研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在分析河南林业现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了河南林业可持续发展2000~2010年、2011~2030年、2031~2050年的阶段性目标,为实现这些目标的主要措施是大力培育商品林基地、建立覆盖全省的林业生态体系、加快林业产业化建设、坚持依法治林和科教兴林、加强森林资源保护和管理、搞好林业基础设施建设、深化林业改革、加大对林业的投入、加大宣传和领导力度等。  相似文献   
血吸虫病的生态防治与抑螺防病林消除钉螺孳生环境机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血吸虫病是发展中国家主要的寄生虫病之一,历史悠久,传播广泛,危害严重。研究表明,血吸虫是血吸虫病的病原体,哺乳类动物(终末宿主)和钉螺(中间宿主)是血吸虫的两个宿主。由于钉螺寄生终末宿主哺乳类动物种类多样,活动区域繁杂,人类难以控制,抑制中间寄主——钉螺的繁生便成了血吸虫病防治的有效对策。钉螺具有水陆两栖特性,其中卵的孵化、幼螺的生长发育离不开水。钉螺分布和数量受土壤和植被环境因素影响,并对栖息地具有严格的选择性。依据钉螺生物学和生态学特性,彭镇华和江泽慧提出通过林业生态工程对血吸虫病进行生态防治的思路——兴林抑螺。参照前人研究结果,综合分析了抑螺防病林改变钉螺孳生环境的机制:(1)在林木个体耗水、林分耗水、小流域耗水和林冠降低径流等方面,抑螺防病林降低了土壤水分含量,使得林地土壤水分无法满足钉螺的生长和发育条件;(2)从林木自身生物化学物质对钉螺外在生存和内部代谢环境影响角度,分析了林木自身代谢产物对抑制钉螺的生存和繁殖的作用及抑螺防病林抑制钉螺生存的生理生化机制。抑螺防病林除了具有抑制钉螺生长发育、控制血吸虫病的功能以外,还兼有人工林的多重效益。  相似文献   
张抗 《地质通报》2016,35(2-3):197-203
中国北方裂谷型侏罗系在甘肃、内蒙古至东北区的广大地带皆未获油气突破,可视为该层系油气勘探的新区。改革开放前多轮勘探未获油气突破,与当时的技术水平低和认识的局限性有很大关系。近年,在柴达木盆地北缘、松辽盆地西南侧油气勘探的一系列新进展,坚定了在提高技术体系的同时重新评价其含油气性、进行新层系开拓的信心。作为侏罗纪古裂谷,该套地层纵横向发育有明显的共性,其煤系地层经历了复杂的后期改造,使其在残留地层的圈定、原型盆地的恢复、烃类演化运移及保存特点的认识上难度相当大。在此项工作中,应重视对煤系生烃和火山岩的研究,注意对区内不同目的层常规、非常规不同类型油气和沉积型铀矿的综合勘探。  相似文献   
根据实地调查资料,首先分析论述了文县的地质灾害特征;其次论证了滑坡、泥石流的成因;最后依据地质灾害特征,结合文县的实际情况,提出了治理规划和防治措施.  相似文献   
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