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Thermodel for Windows系统的模拟及实例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermodel for Windows是一个在结构上由盆地尺度上的古温标热历史正、反演和岩石圈尺度上的盆地构造一热演化模拟两部分构成。通过对Thermodel for Windows系统模拟方法的研究及其主要组件的功能和数据的输入方法等的了解,分析了本系统的优缺点。通过对沁水盆地T1003号孔的实例研究,介绍了利用镜质体反射率(R0)反演非稳态热状态条件下盆地的热流史和地层的剥蚀量,进而重建盆地内地层热历史的工作方法和技巧。对盆地地热史软件的进一步开发和盆地地热演化史的研究具有较大的应用意义。  相似文献   
中国公路泥石流研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公路泥石流是指发育于公路沿线并对公路桥涵、路基路面及相应防护结构具有冲击毁损和淤埋破坏的病害类型。丰富的物源、具有焚风效应的气象条件以及泥石流沟轴线与区域新构造应力场主压应力方向一致等是形成大型泥石流的宏观背景。将泥石流概化为固、液两相流体,运用两相流理论、泥沙运动力学、Bingham流变方程和Bagnold颗粒相互作用试验结果等,初步建立了泥石流固-液分相流速计算方法、基于泥石流在防治结构表面及泥石流沟岸产生的冲击形迹建立的反求泥石流冲击力计算方法以及泥石流磨蚀力计算方法。开发了速流结构、泥石流隧道及翼型墩汇流结构等10余种防治技术,集成了拦-汇-排等多种综合治理模式。据此撰写了《公路泥石流防治工程设计、施工指南》。实施了60余个防治工程。效果显著。研究成果初步构建了公路泥石流理论及技术体系。  相似文献   
Turbidity currents and their deposits can be investigated using several methods, i.e. direct monitoring, physical and numerical modelling, sediment cores and outcrops. The present study focused on thin clayey sand turbidites found in Lake Hazar (Turkey) occurring in eleven clusters of closely spaced thin beds. Depositional processes and sources for three of those eleven clusters are studied at three coring sites. Bathymetrical data and seismic reflection profiles are used to understand the specific geomorphology of each site. X‐ray, thin sections and CT scan imagery combined with grain‐size, geochemical and mineralogical measurements on the cores allow characterization of the turbidites. Turbidites included in each cluster were produced by remobilization of surficial slope sediment, a process identified in very few studies worldwide. Three types of turbidites are distinguished and compared with deposits obtained in flume studies published in the literature. Type 1 is made of an ungraded clayey silt layer issued from a cohesive flow. Type 2 is composed of a partially graded clayey sand layer overlain by a mud cap, attributed to a transitional flow. Type 3 corresponds to a graded clayey sand layer overlain by a mud cap issued from a turbulence‐dominated flow. While the published experimental studies show that turbulence is damped by cohesion for low clay content, type 3 deposits of this study show evidence for a turbulence‐dominated mechanism despite their high clay content. This divergence may in part relate to input variables, such as water chemistry and clay mineralogy, that are not routinely considered in experimental studies. Furthermore, the large sedimentological variety observed in the turbidites from one coring site to another is related to the evolution of a sediment flow within a field‐scale basin made of a complex physiography that cannot be tackled by flume experiments.  相似文献   
NIU  YAOLING 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(12):2423-2458
This paper presents the first comprehensive major and traceelement data for 130 abyssal peridotite samples from the Pacificand Indian ocean ridge–transform systems. The data revealimportant features about the petrogenesis of these rocks, mantlemelting and melt extraction processes beneath ocean ridges,and elemental behaviours. Although abyssal peridotites are serpentinized,and have also experienced seafloor weathering, magmatic signaturesremain well preserved in the bulk-rock compositions. The betterinverse correlation of MgO with progressively heavier rare earthelements (REE) reflects varying amounts of melt depletion. Thismelt depletion may result from recent sub-ridge mantle melting,but could also be inherited from previous melt extraction eventsfrom the fertile mantle source. Light REE (LREE) in bulk-rocksamples are more enriched, not more depleted, than in the constituentclinopyroxenes (cpx) of the same sample suites. If the cpx LREErecord sub-ridge mantle melting processes, then the bulk-rockLREE must reflect post-melting refertilization. The significantcorrelations of LREE (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, Nd) with immobile highfield strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Nb and Zr) suggest thatenrichments of both LREE and HFSE resulted from a common magmaticprocess. The refertilization takes place in the ‘cold’thermal boundary layer (TBL) beneath ridges through which theascending melts migrate and interact with the advanced residues.The refertilization apparently did not affect the cpx relicsanalyzed for trace elements. This observation suggests grain-boundaryporous melt migration in the TBL. The ascending melts may notbe thermally ‘reactive’, and thus may have affectedonly cpx rims, which, together with precipitated olivine, entrappedmelt, and the rest of the rock, were subsequently serpentinized.Very large variations in bulk-rock Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios areobserved, which are unexpected. The correlation between thetwo ratios is consistent with observations on basalts that DZr/DHf< 1 and DNb/DTa < 1. Given the identical charges (5+ forNb and Ta; 4+ for Zr and Hf) and essentially the same ionicradii (RNb/RTa = 1·000 and RZr/RHf = 1·006–1·026),yet a factor of 2 mass differences (MZr/MHf = 0·511 andMNb/MTa = 0·513), it is hypothesized that mass-dependentD values, or diffusion or mass-transfer rates may be importantin causing elemental fractionations during porous melt migrationin the TBL. It is also possible that some ‘exotic’phases with highly fractionated Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios may existin these rocks, thus having ‘nugget’ effects onthe bulk-rock analyses. All these hypotheses need testing byconstraining the storage and distribution of all the incompatibletrace elements in mantle peridotite. As serpentine containsup to 13 wt % H2O, and is stable up to 7 GPa before it is transformedto dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases that are stable atpressures of 5–50 GPa, it is possible that the serpentinizedperidotites may survive, at least partly, subduction-zone dehydration,and transport large amounts of H2O (also Ba, Rb, Cs, K, U, Sr,Pb, etc. with elevated U/Pb ratios) into the deep mantle. Thelatter may contribute to the HIMU component in the source regionsof some oceanic basalts. KEY WORDS: abyssal peridotites; serpentinization; seafloor weathering; bulk-rock major and trace element compositions; mantle melting; melt extraction; melt–residue interaction; porous flows; Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf fractionations; HIMU mantle sources  相似文献   
The parameterization of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer is a difficult issue, having a significant impact on medium-range weather forecasts and climate integrations. To pursue this further, a moderately stratified Arctic case is simulated by nineteen single-column turbulence schemes. Statistics from a large-eddy simulation intercomparison made for the same case by eleven different models are used as a guiding reference. The single-column parameterizations include research and operational schemes from major forecast and climate research centres. Results from first-order schemes, a large number of turbulence kinetic energy closures, and other models were used. There is a large spread in the results; in general, the operational schemes mix over a deeper layer than the research schemes, and the turbulence kinetic energy and other higher-order closures give results closer to the statistics obtained from the large-eddy simulations. The sensitivities of the schemes to the parameters of their turbulence closures are partially explored.  相似文献   
General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers are frequently used in small-scale urban pollution dispersion simulations without a large extent of ver- tical flow. Vertical flow, however, plays an important role in the formation of local breezes, such as urban heat island induced breezes that have great significance in the ventilation of large cities. The effects of atmospheric stratification, anelasticity and Coriolis force must be taken into account in such simulations. We introduce a general method for adapting pressure based CFD solvers to atmospheric flow simulations in order to take advantage of their high flexibility in geometrical modelling and meshing. Compressibility and thermal stratification effects are taken into account by utilizing a novel system of transformations of the field variables and by adding consequential source terms to the model equations of incompressible flow. Phenomena involving mesoscale to microscale coupled effects can be analyzed without model nesting, applying only local grid refinement of an arbitrary level. Elements of the method are validated against an analytical solution, results of a reference calculation, and a laboratory scale urban heat island circulation experiment. The new approach can be applied with benefits to several areas of application. Inclusion of the moisture transport phenomena and the surface energy balance are important further steps towards the practical application of the method.  相似文献   
山东蒙山八字峪(亦有人称为瑶池)砾石堆积堤不连续对称分布于出山沟口,沿流向延伸,具有弧形或舌状沉积的典型特征.2020年10月在蒙山八字峪砾石堆积堤测量了56块砾石组构,并在叠置砾石隙间采集到4个树干14C测年样品.研究结果如下:①八字峪堆积垄岗砾石组构、沉积构造、地貌组合等标志,均指向其为山洪泥石流堆积物;②缺少扇形...  相似文献   
Introduction Landscape evolution in glaciated high mountains environment in southwestern China is undergoing the coupled processes of monsoon- induced denudation and active tectonic. The debris fan development, in particular sediment transfer, is most int…  相似文献   
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