In this study, we address the late Miocene to Recent tectonic evolution of the North Caribbean (Oriente) Transform Wrench Corridor in the southern Sierra Maestra mountain range, SE Cuba. The region has been affected by historical earthquakes and shows many features of brittle deformation in late Miocene to Pleistocene reef and other shallow water deposits as well as in pre-Neogene, late Cretaceous to Eocene basement rocks. These late Miocene to Quaternary rocks are faulted, fractured, and contain calcite- and karst-filled extension gashes. Type and orientation of the principal normal palaeostress vary along strike in accordance with observations of large-scale submarine structures at the south-eastern Cuban margin. Initial N–S extension is correlated with a transtensional regime associated with the fault, later reactivated by sinistral and/or dextral shear, mainly along E–W-oriented strike-slip faults. Sinistral shear predominated and recorded similar kinematics as historical earthquakes in the Santiago region. We correlate palaeostress changes with the kinematic evolution along the boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates. Three different tectonic regimes were distinguished for the Oriente transform wrench corridor (OTWC): compression from late Eocene–Oligocene, transtension from late Oligocene to Miocene (?) (D1), and transpression from Pliocene to Present (D2–D4), when this fault became a transform system. Furthermore, present-day structures vary along strike of the Oriente transform wrench corridor (OTWC) on the south-eastern Cuban coast, with dominantly transpressional/compressional and strike-slip structures in the east and transtension in the west. The focal mechanisms of historical earthquakes are in agreement with the dominant ENE–WSW transpressional structures found on land. 相似文献
Groundwater samples were collected along a flow path in a shallow, fractured tuffaceous aquifer from the Oasis Valley–Beatty Wash region of southern Nevada, USA, and analyzed for a number of oxyanion-forming trace elements including arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo), and tungsten (W). In addition, ancillary geochemical parameters, including pH, major solute compositions, dissolved silica, dissolved oxygen, and iron and manganese concentrations were quantified in the groundwaters. Arsenic concentrations range from 70 nmol/kg up to 316 nmol/kg in groundwaters of the Oasis Valley–Beatty Wash flow system, and generally exhibit increasing concentrations with flow down-gradient along the flow path. Antimony, W, and to a lesser extent, Mo, exhibit similar increasing concentration trends with flow down-gradient in the aquifer, albeit, at lower concentrations levels (e.g., mean ± SD for Sb, W, and Mo are 2.3 ± 0.9 nmol/kg, 7.4 ± 3.7 nmol/kg, and 101 ± 19 nmol/kg, respectively). Selenium concentration, which range between 4 and 11 nmol/kg, generally decrease in groundwaters with flow down-gradients in the Oasis Valley–Beatty Wash groundwater flow systems. Inverse modeling of groundwater chemistry evolution from the lower reaches of the Oasis Valley flow path using PHREEQC indicate that the groundwater composition is consistent with mixing of nearly equal proportions of groundwater from upper reaches of Oasis Valley and Beatty Wash groundwater, along with dissolution of volcanic glass, potassium feldspar, and gypsum, followed by calcite precipitation, and formation of secondary zeolites (analcime), clay minerals (Ca-montmorillonite), and cristobalite. The geochemical modeling indicates that the concentrations of As and the other oxyanion-forming trace elements are controlled by dissolution of volcanic glass, water–rock interaction with mineralized zones within the aquifer (i.e., sulfide oxidation), desorption from aquifer surface sites, and mixing of Oasis Valley and Beatty Wash groundwaters. 相似文献
Rivers are positive feedback systems and, once established and dominant, tend to maintain and enhance that dominance. Thus, major rivers ought to persist. Rivers, some 60 m.y. old (Eocene), that are extant and have been continuously active since initiation have been identified in Australia. Other rivers of equal or even greater antiquity, but with slightly checkered chronologies, also persist in the landscape, as do the ghosts of others. Rivers of similar antiquity occur in other Gondwanan landscapes. [Key words: rivers, antiquity, persistence, drainage anomalies, Australia.] 相似文献
We used the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta CA (Delta, hereafter) as a model system for understanding how human activities influence the delivery of sediment and total organic carbon (TOC) over the past 50–60 years. Sediment cores were collected from sites within the Delta representing the Sacramento River (SAC), the San Joaquin River (SJR), and Franks Tract (FT), a flooded agricultural tract. A variety of anthropogenic tracers including 137Cs, total DDE (∑DDE) and brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners were used to quantify sediment accumulation rates. This information was combined with total organic carbon (TOC) profiles to quantify rates of TOC accumulation. Across the three sites, sediment and TOC accumulation rates were four to eight-fold higher prior to 1972. Changes in sediment and TOC accumulation were coincident with completion of several large reservoirs and increased agriculture and urbanization in the Delta watershed. Radiocarbon content of TOC indicated that much of the carbon delivered to the Delta is “pre-aged” reflecting processing in the Delta watershed or during transport to the sites rather than an input of predominantly contemporary carbon (e.g., 900–1400 years BP in surface sediments and 2200 yrs BP and 3610 yrs BP at the base of the SJR and FT cores, respectively). Together, these data suggest that human activities have altered the amount and age of TOC accumulating in the Delta since the 1940s. 相似文献
The Man craton in West Africa is an Archaean craton formerly joined to the Guyana craton (South America) that was rifted apart in the Mesozoic. Kimberlites of the Man craton include three Jurassic-aged clusters in Guinea, two Jurassic-aged clusters in Sierra Leone, and in Liberia two clusters of unknown age and one Neoproterozoic cluster recently dated at 800 Ma.
All of the kimberlites irrespective of age occur as small pipes and prolific dykes. Some of the Banankoro cluster pipes in Guinea, the Koidu pipes in Sierra Leone and small pipes in the Weasua cluster in Liberia contain hypabyssal-facies kimberlite and remnants of the so-called transitional-facies and diatreme-facies kimberlite. Most of the Man craton kimberlites are mineralogically classified as phlogopite kimberlites, although potassium contents are relatively low. They are chemically similar to mica-poor Group 1A Southern African examples.
The Jurassic kimberlites are considered to represent one province of kimberlites that track from older bodies in Guinea (Droujba 153 Ma) to progressively younger kimberlites in Sierra Leone (Koidu, 146 Ma and Tongo, 140 Ma). The scarcity of diatreme-facies kimberlites relative to hypabyssal-facies kimberlites and the presence of the so-called transitional-facies indicate that the pipes have been eroded down to the interface between the root and diatreme zones. From this observation, it is concluded that extensive erosion (1–2 km) has occurred since the Jurassic. In addition to erosion, the presence of abundant early crystallizing phlogopite is considered to have had an effect on the relatively small sizes of the Man craton kimberlites. 相似文献
Fractals and multifractals are a natural consequence of self-similarity resulting from scale-independent processes. Multifractals are spatially intertwined fractals which can be further grouped into two classes according to the characteristics of their fractal dimension spectra: continuous and discrete multifractals. The concept of multifractals emphasizes spatial associations between fractals and fractal spectra. Distinguishing discrete multifractals from continuous multifractals makes it possible to describe discrete physical processes from a multifractal point of view. It is shown that multiplicative cascade processes can generate continuous multifractals and that Markov processes result in discrete multifractals. The latter result provides not only theoretical evidence for existence of discrete multifractals but also a fundamental model illustrating the general properties of discrete multifractals. Classical prefractal examples are used to show how asymmetrical Markov process can be applied to generate prefractal sets and discrete multifractals. The discrete multifractal model based on Markov processes was applied to a dataset of gold deposits in the Great Basin, Nevada, USA. The gold deposits were regarded as discrete multifractals consisting of three spatially interrelated point sets (small, medium, and large deposits) yielding fractal dimensions of 0.541 for the small deposits (<25 tons Au), 0.296 for the medium deposits (25--500 tons Au), and 0.09 for the large deposits (>500 tons Au), respectively. 相似文献