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新疆伽师强震群区的横波分裂与应力场特征   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
利用在新疆伽师地区布设的流动台阵记录到的地方震波形数据,研究了伽师强震群附近各台站横波分裂现象,给出了相应的快波偏振方向的平面场分布. 发现在台阵的塔里木盆地一侧,波偏振方向为近SN向,与塔里木盆地的区域主压应力方向一致,但在塔里木盆地北部边缘的褶皱变形带内,快波偏振方向变为近EW向,特别是在柯坪断裂附近,快波偏振方向与阿图什地震的震源断层方向基本一致. 由于快波偏振方向平行于主压应力方向,给出的快波偏振方向反映了相应的主压应力场特征. 结果表明,伽师强震群的成因很可能是塔里木盆地北缘横向非均匀变形造成的局部张性剪切应变能的释放.  相似文献   
采用强度折减有限元法,研究非均值堤防塑性区的开展特征和失稳破坏过程,并根据堤防应力场分布和临界滑动面的形成来分析堤岸整体失稳破坏的机理.结果表明:把强度折减有限元应用到非均质土层的堤防边坡稳定分析,在理论上、数值模拟实现上都是可行的;有限元静力平衡和位移计算不收敛作为堤防边坡整体失稳的标志,同时考察滑移面上某些特征点的...  相似文献   
This article presents a methodology developed to evaluate the instability of submarine slopes that extend over a large area. Special attention was paid to (1) the complex geometry (bathymetry) and the expanse of the slope, (2) the heterogeneity of the sediment, and (3) the distribution of the pore pressure. The safety factor was considered as a spatially varying quantity. The General Formulation (GLE, Fredlund and Krahn 1977), which fully satisfies equilibrium conditions, was used for evaluating the stability of the marine slope. The submarine slope failure, which occurred on 16 October 1979 during the construction of the new Nice airport, was studied in order to test the developed model. Geotechnical parameters were taken from experimental tests carried out by IFREMER on 19 cores extracted at different depths (from 27 m to 1300 m) (Cochonat, Bourillet, and Savoye, 1993; Mulder et al., 1994). Many scenarios were proposed in order to explain the cause of the Nice slope failure (Habib, 1994). In this article, two of those scenarios were tested. Simulation results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
Considering the shear deformation and thickness stretching of large deformation, a modified numerical calculation method based on the thick shell theory is established to determine the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes. Verification experiments are conducted on ten pipe specimens in hyperbaric chambers. The good agreement between experimental results and numerical predictions shows the validity and reliability of the new numerical calculation method. Combining DNV specification, the characteristic collapse pressure is also calculated for comparison. The difference between experimental results and DNV calculations illustrates the latter one is much conservative in predicting collapse pressure for thick-walled pipes. Sensitivity analysis on manufacturing imperfections and material properties is investigated for pipes with different D/t ratios. Thick-walled pipes are easier to be affected by initial ovality, residual stress and hardening factor. Based on the stress distribution at the moment of collapse, a novel discovery is found that the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes is dominated by material plastic behavior.  相似文献   
新疆东天山剪切带型金矿床时代研究   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
东天山造山带中部的秋格明塔什-黄山巨型韧性剪切带内三个典型的剪切带型金矿床——康古尔金矿床、红石金矿床和红山金矿床的同位素年代学研究表明,金矿床成矿作用和剪切带后期的走滑剪切变形作用在时间上具有强烈的耦合关系。秋格明塔什.黄山韧性剪切带剪切变形作用主活动期的时代为262.9~242.8Ma,而剪切带型金矿床金成矿作用发生在261.0~246.5Ma之间,恰好落在剪切变形作用主活动期的时代范围之内。这种强烈的耦合关系证明了秋格明塔什-黄山韧性剪切带晚期的右行走滑剪切变形作用才是剪切带内一系列金矿床成矿作用的主因。金成矿和右行走滑剪切变形之间的时间耦合关系在不同部位还有不同的表现。在剪切带中-西段的康古尔地区,快速抬升发生在261.5~262.9Ma,而康古尔金矿床主成矿期时代范围是261.0~252.5Ma,可以看出,康古尔金矿床成矿作用刚好发生于剪切带中-西段快速抬升之后。在剪切带东段,快速抬升发生在247.1~246.9Ma期间,位于该剪切带东段北外带的红山金矿床主成矿期的年龄范围是246.9~246.5Ma,表明该金矿也是在剪切带东段快速抬升冷却之后形成的。金矿石Ar-Ar同位素年代学研究未能得到可靠的和早期韧性推覆剪切变形事件相对应的年龄,推测在晚石炭世一早二叠世发生的韧性推覆剪切变形事件可能仅导致了包括金在内的金属元素的初步富集,但由于高温不利于金属元素沉淀和挤压环境不易存在容矿空间等不利因素的影响,导致此阶段并没有形成有工业开采价值的金矿床。只是到了华力西晚期—印支早期,在原韧性推覆剪切带内发生了走滑剪切变形活动,并产生了快速抬升冷却降温到350℃后,在地体缓慢冷却阶段,在脆-韧性剪切带内才有足够的空间和时间形成金矿床。  相似文献   
Risers/pipes conveying fluid are a typical kind of slender structures commonly used in marine engineering. It is of great academic significance and application value for us to evaluate and understand the vibration characteristics and nonlinear responses of these risers under the combined action of internal and external fluid flows. In this paper, the nonplanar vibrations and multi-modal responses of pinned-pinned risers in shear cross flow are numerically studied. With this objective in mind, the van der Pol wake oscillators are used to simulate the dynamical behavior of the vortex shedding in the wake. Two nonlinear equations of motion of the riser are proposed to govern the lateral responses of the riser structure. The nonplanar nonlinear equations for the riser and wake are then discretized by employing Galerkin's method and solved by using a fourth-order Runge–Kutta integration algorithm. Theoretical results show that the coupled frequencies for cross-flow (CF) and in-line (IL) motions and the corresponding coupled damping ratio could be influenced by the external and/or internal fluid velocities. Based on extensive calculations, the dynamical behavior of the riser with various internal and external flow velocities are presented in the form of bifurcation diagrams, time traces, phase portraits, oscillation trajectories and response spectrum curves. It is shown that some interesting dynamical phenomena, such as ‘lock-in’ state, ‘figure-of-eight’ trajectory and quasi-periodic oscillation, could occur in such a fluid-structure interaction system. Our results also demonstrate that the shear parameter can significantly affect the dynamic responses of the riser. When the shear parameter of the cross flow is large, multi-modal quasi-periodic responses of the riser can be excited, showing some new features undetected in the system of fluid-conveying risers in uniform cross flow.  相似文献   
Long-period natural-source electromagnetic data have been recorded using portable three-component magnetometers at 39 sites in 1998 and 2002 across the southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia that forms part of the Gawler Craton. Site spacing was of order 5 km, but reduced to 1 km or less near known geological boundaries, with a total survey length of approximately 50 km. A profile trending east – west was inverted for a 2D electrical resistivity model to a depth of 20 km across the southern Eyre Peninsula. The main features from the models are: (i) on the eastern side of the Gawler Craton, the Donington Suite granitoids to the east of the Kalinjala Shear Zone are resistive (>1000 Ωm); (ii) the boundary between the Donington Suite granitoids and the Archaean Sleaford Complex, which has much lower resistivity of 10 – 100 Ωm, is almost vertical in the top 10 km and dips slightly westwards; and (iii) two very low resistivity (<1 Ωm) arcuate zones in the top 3 km of Hutchison Group sediments correlate with banded iron-formations, and are probably related to biogenic-origin graphite deposits concentrated in fold hinges. Such features suggest an extensional regime during the time period 2.00 – 1.85 Ga. We suggest that the resistivity boundary between the Donington Suite and the Archaean Sleaford Complex represents a growth fault, typical for rift systems that evolve into a half-graben structure. In the graben basin, low-resistivity shallow-marine Hutchison Group sediments were deposited. Folding of the sediments during the Kimban Orogeny between 1.74 and 1.70 Ga has led to migration of graphite to the fold hinges resulting in linear zones of very low resistivity that correlate with banded iron-formation magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   
根据气象常规观测资料、湛江新一代天气雷达资料、CFL-08风廓线雷达资料及卫星云图,分析2012年4月20日粤西沿海特大暴雨的天气环流形势、能量场、对流不稳定度、水汽输送和辐合辐散等环境特征及物理量场特征。结果表明:这次暴雨过程粤西地区共经历两次强降水过程,分别是受飑线系统、以及高空槽和低空切变影响;西南低空急流的出现有利于粤西暴雨的形成、维持和发展;暴雨过程粤西上空垂直累积液水含量达25~30g/m2;暴雨期间风向随高度明显逆转,有冷平流输送;约2.0 km高度以下低空急流的下传和增强与暴雨的产生有密切关系;短时间内多普勒天气雷达的速度回波低层辐合区域远远大于辐散区域是可能产生强降水的标志。  相似文献   
The current practice of slope stability analysis for a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill usually overlooks the dependence of waste properties on the fill age or embedment depth. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of fill age were investigated by performing field and laboratory studies on the Suzhou landfill in China. The field study included sampling from five boreholes advanced to the bottom of the landfill, cone penetration tests and monitoring of pore fluid pressures. Twenty-six borehole samples representative of different fill ages (0 to 13 years) were used to perform drained triaxial compression tests. The field and laboratory study showed that the waste body in the landfill can be sub-divided into several strata corresponding to different ranges of fill age. Each of the waste strata has individual composition and shear strength characteristics. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening and contractive behavior. As the fill age of the waste increased from 1.7 years to 11 years, the cohesion mobilized at a strain level of 10% was found to decrease from 23.3 kPa to 0 kPa, and the mobilized friction angle at the same strain level increasing from 9.9° to 26°. For a confinement stress level greater than 50 kPa, the shear strength of the recently-placed MSW seemed to be lower than that of the older MSW. This behavior was consistent with the cone penetration test results. The field measurement of pore pressures revealed a perched leachate mound above an intermediate cover of soils and a substantial leachate mound near the bottom of the landfill. The measurements of shear strength properties and pore pressures were utilized to assess the slope stability of the Suzhou landfill.  相似文献   
玛因鄂博韧性剪切带位于阿尔泰山南缘额尔齐斯大断裂东段,玛因鄂博断裂以北,带内岩石糜棱岩化强烈,线理、面理构造发育,局部剪切变形明显部位发育S-C组构、σ型和δ型残碎长石斑晶系,均指示为左行韧性剪切变形.带内变形岩石宏、微观特征显示:玛因鄂博韧性剪切带是以压扁变形为主的左行剪切变形,韧性变形深度相当于地壳10~15km深处,温度约300~450℃,压力在0.25~0.40GPa,是一种发生在地壳中-浅构造层次和中-低温度、中等压力条件下的韧性-脆性变形,其变形变质作用相当于中低绿片岩相,局部达高绿片岩相;剪切主应力方向为NEE向,约83°.剪切位移量和剪切带宽度大致相当,总剪切位移量约9.2~11.5km.该韧性剪切带的剪切活动持续时间较长,高峰期为290~270Ma,而其最后结束时间为230Ma左右.  相似文献   
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