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Lineament extraction approach allowed mapping of larger number of lineaments in a classical manner in tectonic and structural studies. In the present study, various techniques were adopted to extract lineaments using Landsat ETM+ images. To remove the biasness of the images, some pre-processing techniques like stream ordering, band differencing, colour texturing were employed to enhance the edges of the structural features. Extracted lineaments and its distribution and orientation were mapped using ArcGIS Spatial analyst tool. Results of the study showed maximum number of lineaments were oriented in the ENE–SWS direction with 63° overall inclination. Accuracy assessment and validation were made with respect to visual interpretation and overlaying the lineament on Digital Topographic Model as well as with respect to an existing geological lineament map of the study site. The result of accuracy assessment indicates higher compatibility of Central Indian Suture with the geological map of the study area.  相似文献   
改进支持向量机的高分遥感影像道路提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱恩泽  宋伟东  戴激光 《测绘科学》2016,41(12):224-228
针对支持向量机受分类数的限制在高分辨率遥感影像中无法直接获取高精度道路网信息的问题,该文提出一种新的混合的基于支持向量机的方法:首先,利用模糊C均值聚类方法将输入的遥感影像分为3类,以减少支持向量机的错分现象;其次,运用支持向量机将不同类别的像素分为道路类和非道路类;最后,应用马尔科夫随机场对分类结果进行噪声去除,并采用形态学进行后处理,进而得到精确道路网信息。实验结果表明:该算法不仅能够从高分辨率遥感影像中提取出道路网,而且精度优于直接使用支持向量机算法以及对比算法。  相似文献   
The total concentrations and oral bioaccessibility of heavy metals in surface-exposed lawn soils from 28 urban parks in Guangzhou were investigated, and the health risks posed to humans were evaluated. The descending order of total heavy metal concentrations was Fe > Mn > Pb > Zn > Cu > Cr > Ni > Cd, but Cd showed the highest percentage bioaccessibility (75.96%). Principal component analysis showed that Grouped Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu and Zn, and grouped Cr and Mn could be controlled two different types of human sources. Whereas, Ni and Fe were controlled by both anthropogenic and natural sources. The carcinogenic risk probabilities for Pb and Cr to children and adults were under the acceptable level (<1 × 10−4). Hazard Quotient value for each metal and Hazard Index values for all metals studied indicated no significant risk of non-carcinogenic effects to children and adults in Guangzhou urban park soils.  相似文献   
云南富宁水合口金矿位于滇东南文山―富宁成矿带,属于著名的滇黔桂"金三角"地区。利用landsat 8OLI遥感影像对研究区进行1∶100 000矿化蚀变信息提取,结合区域地质和化探异常等多元信息进行找矿预测,表明矿化蚀变、断裂构造交汇处和地球化学异常空间叠加部位为有利找矿地区,圈定了5个找矿远景区,为研究区开展下一步找矿提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
本文以内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗萨麦地区1:5万巴彦塔拉等4幅区域地质调查范围为研究区,以ETM+影像数据为信息源,以波谱理论为基础,从遥感图像中提取蚀变信息继而进行遥感找矿实践。针对区内铁染、羟基蚀变类型使用主成分分析等方法,将研究区划分为10个异常区,结合区域构造特征情况,对异常区域开展了1:1万路线调查,综合判定后,选择了4个找矿靶区进行了化探剖面探测并进行了成果分析,结果显示遥感蚀变信息与野外调查和化探异常吻合较好。  相似文献   
随着遥感数据获取技术和能力的全面提高,遥感数据呈现出明显的大数据特征。发展适应于遥感大数据的智能分析和信息挖掘技术,成为当前遥感技术研究的前沿。高分二号(GF-2)卫星数据是我国首颗自主研发的亚米级高分辨率卫星数据,具有观测幅宽、重访周期短、高辐射精度、高定位精度等优势,为未来我国地质灾害的长期、动态地监测和研究提供了高精度、稳定可靠的数据源。本文选取安徽谢桥煤矿2015年1月8日的GF-2卫星影像为研究数据,在对煤矿区主要地质灾害遥感地学分析的基础上,采用面向对象的影像分析方法对研究区由采煤活动所诱发的地质灾害信息进行自动提取。结果表明:利用GF-2卫星数据能够有效地识别地质灾害体的位置、范围、形态等空间分布特征;面向对象的自动提取方法对于煤矿区大面积的积水塌陷盆地、小规模的塌陷坑和线性的地裂缝都有很高的提取精度,识别精度达90% 以上;基于逐层剔除的思路构建的提取规则,为GF-2数据在地质灾害调查和大数据分析中的应用提供了很好的技术支持,也为其它地物目标的提取提供了参考,但在特征的选择和阈值的设定上需要具体分析。  相似文献   
离子吸附型稀土矿是我国宝贵的矿产资源,运用遥感影像分类技术提取稀土开采区可以准确地实现对稀土开采状况的监测,但仅利用光谱信息往往难以保证分类精度。本文以江西寻乌稀土矿区为研究区,以IKONOS影像为数据源,应用面向对象分类方法提取了稀土开采区的遥感信息。针对稀土开采区的分布特点,选择基于边缘的分割算法进行影像分割;结合地形信息、光谱信息及几何信息建立规则集,进行特征提取;最后采用隶属度函数法实现面向对象分类,并与传统的光谱角填图分类进行对比分析。研究结果表明,面向对象分类法提取稀土开采区的总体精度为92.49%,Kappa系数为0.857 6,与传统监督分类方法相比有了很大的提高。  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones and their devastating impacts are of great concern to coastal communities globally. An appropriate approach integrating climate change scenarios at local scales is essential for producing detailed risk models to support cyclone mitigation measures. This study developed a simple cyclone risk-modelling approach under present and future climate change scenarios using geospatial techniques at local scales, and tested using a case study in Sarankhola Upazila from coastal Bangladesh. Linear storm-surge models were developed up to 100-year return periods. A local sea level rise scenario of 0.34?m for the year 2050 was integrated with surge models to assess the climate change impact. The resultant storm-surge models were used in the risk-modelling procedures. The developed risk models successfully identified the spatial extent and levels of risk that match with actual extent and levels within an acceptable limit of deviation. The result showed that cyclone risk areas increased with the increase of return period. The study also revealed that climate change scenario intensified the cyclone risk area by 5–10% in every return period. The findings indicate this approach has the potential to model cyclone risk in other similar coastal environments for developing mitigation plans and strategies.  相似文献   
The automatic extraction of information content from remotely sensed data is always challenging. We suggest a novel fusion approach to improve the extraction of this information from mono-satellite images. A Worldview-2 (WV-2) pan-sharpened image and a 1/5000-scaled topographic vector map (TOPO5000) were used as the sample data. Firstly, the buildings and roads were manually extracted from WV-2 to point out the maximum extractable information content. Subsequently, object-based automatic extractions were performed. After achieving two-dimensional results, a normalized digital surface model (nDSM) was generated from the underlying digital aerial photos of TOPO5000, and the automatic extraction was repeated by fusion with the nDSM to include individual object heights as an additional band for classification. The contribution was tested by precision, completeness and overall quality. Novel fusion technique increased the success of automatic extraction by 7% for the number of buildings and by 23% for the length of roads.  相似文献   
首都地区规划建设工作主要分布于平原松散地层之上,第四纪地质研究显得尤为重要。依托近几年来在北京地区开展的平原覆盖区1:5万区域地质调查和活动断裂专项调查项目成果,系统总结了平原区第四纪区域地质调查与评价的主要工作手段和技术方法,及其在解决第四纪基础地质问题及生态环境中所起的作用。通过平原区区域地质调查工作,可查明第四纪精细地质结构、含水层分布特征,精确厘定活动断裂位置及其活动时限,探讨自然环境演化序列与人类活动关系等,为城市规划、重大工程建设和应急水源地水资源合理开采提供基础地学数据。研究成果对首都城市减灾防灾、生态环境演变研究具有重要地学支撑作用。  相似文献   
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