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Electric field effect on animals has been studied to investigate its relation with seismic anomalous animal behaviors(SAABs)in China.Freshwater eel,crucian carp,catfish,and soft-shelled turtle responded to the threshold electric field of 1-10 V/m,while duck,goose,cat,sheep,pig,dog,and chicken all responded to the ground electric field of about tens of V/m,depending on the species as well as on individuals.Most of the behaviors caused by electric field were similar to those reported as SAABs such as alignment,sudden movement,panic,and convulsion.The intensity of electric field due to a major earthquake would have been over these threshold values.Numerical estimation based on an electromagnetic model of a fault has been made to induce SAABs as electric shocks to pulsed electric fields in electro-physiology.The seismic electric signals(SES)intensity might be estimated from the observation of SAABs.  相似文献   
张辉  刘小凤  赵凌云 《高原地震》2007,19(3):《高原地震》-6-9,20
2003年10月25日在甘肃省民乐县和山丹县境内发生了Ms6.1与Ms5.8级地震,对震区200km范围、震前2年内发生的地震,及对震后部分余震矩张量反演得到它们的震源机制解,并对其进行统计分析得到该区的背景应力场及应力轴的整体特征,根据发震区地质构造背景和对平均应力场变化分析,寻求民乐地震的发震机制。  相似文献   
利用1988~2005年18年间全国会商会所提出的各类定点前兆异常,研究其与下一年(1989~2006年)大陆地震的对应关系,从414次地震资料的统计中得出,除地下水位和地磁外,其它5种前兆观测手段在有震区的异常比均低于无震区或全大陆的异常比,但各手段综合异常比在有震区要高于无震区。遵照"地震监测能力好的前兆手段,在其监测范围内,有震时应有较高的异常比,无震时应有较低的异常比"的原则,我们认为地磁和地下水位是比较好的前兆观测方法。  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the seismic response of walls in dual (frame + wall) structures, with particular emphasis on shear behaviour. Although dual structures are widely used in earthquake-resistant medium-rise and high-rise buildings, the provisions of modern seismic codes regarding design of walls for shear are not fully satisfactory, particularly in the (common) case that walls of substantially different length form part of the same structure. Relevant provisions of the leading seismic codes are first summarised and their limitations discussed. Then an extensive parametric study is presented, involving two multistorey dual systems, one with identical walls, and one with walls with unequal length, designed to the provisions of Eurocode 8 for two different ductility classes (H and M). The walls of the same structures are also designed to other methods such as those used in New Zealand and Greece. The resulting different designs are then assessed by subjecting the structures to a suite of strong ground motions, carrying out inelastic time history analysis, and comparing the results against design action effects. It is found that although modern code procedures generally lead to satisfactory performance (differences among them do exist), the design of walls seems to be less appropriate in the case of unequal length walls. For this case a modified procedure is proposed, consisting of an additional factor to account for the relative contribution of walls of the same length to the total base and an improved envelope of wall shears along the height; this improved method seems to work better than the other procedures evaluated herein, but further calibration is clearly required.  相似文献   
Over the past four or five decades many advances have been made in earthquake ground-motion prediction and a variety of procedures have been proposed. Some of these procedures are based on explicit physical models of the earthquake source, travel-path and recording site while others lack a strong physical basis and seek only to replicate observations. In addition, there are a number of hybrid methods that seek to combine benefits of different approaches. The various techniques proposed have their adherents and some of them are extensively used to estimate ground motions for engineering design purposes and in seismic hazard research. These methods all have their own advantages and limitations that are not often discussed by their proponents. The purposes of this article are to: summarise existing methods and the most important references, provide a family tree showing the connections between different methods and, most importantly, to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
John DouglasEmail:
In this paper, we developed the theory and algorithm of an elastic one-way boundary element method(BEM) and a corresponding hybrid elastic thin-slab propagator for earth media with sharp boundaries between strong contrast media. This approach can takes the advantage of accurate boundary condition of BEM and completely overcomes the weak contrast limitation of the perturbationtheory based one-way operator approach. The one-way BEM is a smooth boundary approximation, which avoids huge matrix operations in exact full BEM. In addition, the one-way BEM can model the primary-only transmitted and reflected waves and therefore is a valuable tool in elastic imaging and inversion. Through numerical tests for some simple models,we proved the validity and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   
Observations of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) associated with atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) generated by the moving solar terminator have been made with the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar. Three experiments near 1995 fall equinox measured the AGW/TID velocity and direction of motion. Spectral and cross-correlation analysis of the ionospheric density observations indicates that ST-generated AGWs/TIDs were observed during each experiment, with the more-pronounced effect occurring at sunrise. The strongest oscillations in the ionospheric parameters have periods of 1.5 to 2 hours. The group and phase velocities have been determined and show that the disturbances propagate in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the terminator with the group velocity of 300–400 m s–1 that corresponds to the ST speed at ionospheric heights. The high horizontal group velocity seems to contradict the accepted theory of AGW/TID propagation and indicates a need for additional investigation.  相似文献   
成组中强震前后动态小震的时空活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白超英 《华南地震》1998,18(2):47-52
分析了进入活跃时段以来,新疆及邻近地区自1995年3月19日和硕Ms5.0地震后,相继发生的12次Ms≥4.7地震前后调制小震和动态小震的时空活动特征,据此提出了孕系统失稳模式;  相似文献   
陈可洋 《内陆地震》2011,25(1):12-20
网格剖分程度直接影响着地震波正演数值模拟的计算精度及其计算量.以均匀介质模型为例,分析不同网格大小对波场模拟精度和计算量的影响,得出精细化网格剖分是实现高精度地震波正演模拟的有效方法,然而其计算量较大.以均匀倾斜介质模型为例,探讨倾斜地层网格剖分问题,数值实例分析不同震源频率对不同网格剖分方案引起的波场传播精度的影响,...  相似文献   
利用含超压气体裂隙震源模式[1]分析研究了P波初动符号的分布.根据理论推导,不同倾角含超压气体裂隙可分别形成P波初动符号的四象限分布图象和圆、椭圆、抛物线、双曲线等圆锥曲线形P波节线.按节线形状和失稳方式进行了地震分类.所推论的初动P波、S波振幅分布规律和地形变特征都与实际相符  相似文献   
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