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Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) was performed to determine two alternate magnitude-distance combinations for the 475 yr event, and the worst-case scenario event in Perth, Western Australia. Regional strong ground motion (SGM) time histories on rock sites are used to modify an eastern North America (ENA) seismic model to suit southwest Western Australian (SWWA) conditions. This model is then used to stochastically simulate a set of 475 yr design events and a set of worst-case scenario event for rock sites in the Perth metropolitan area (PMA). The simulated time histories are then used as input to typical soft soil sites in the PMA to estimate surface ground motions. The spectral accelerations of the ground motions on rock and soil sites are calculated and compared with the corresponding design spectra defined in current and previous Australian earthquake loading code. Discussions of the adequacy of the code spectra and the differences to ours, along with implications on structural response and damage are made.  相似文献   
非规则测区三维地震偏移的边界吸收层法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对不规则测区的地震资料直接进行三维偏移不仅可减少计算量,而且可提高偏移剖面的质量. 本文在单程波方程中增加了一项简单的阻尼因子,其作用如同在实际不规则测区的外部有一个薄吸收层. 因为波穿越这个薄层时,波场值迅速衰减,所以偏移时把吸收层外边界处的波场值取为零所产生的反射非常微弱. 又因为不规则测区零边界条件偏移程序极易编制,所以就可以实现对不规则测区的地震资料直接进行三维偏移. 通过对实际地震资料的处理,说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   
针对中国地震台网"十五"项目建成后的地震监测能力科学评估的需求,为进一步优化台网布局、提升边疆海域等重点地区监测能力,本研究利用"基于概率的完整性震级"(PMC)方法,对中国地震台网1001个台站以及2008-10-01-2015-09-17期间实际产出的地震观测资料进行了研究,分析了指定震级档下的检测概率PE和最小完整性震级MP的分布.除台网整体监测能力分布外,为直观地用单分值表述逐个台站的地震检测能力,本文发展了基于等振幅曲线的"地震检测能力评分表",给出了国家台和区域台每个台站的地震检测能力评分统计特征和空间分布特征.此外,研究中还采用设定"最佳"地震监测能力目标函数的方式,模拟了通过改进观测条件可获得的地震台网监测能力提升的理论结果.研究结果表明,我国华北和东南沿海等东部地区地震监测能力较高,西部尤其是青藏高原南部地区Mp仅约为4.5,近海海域Mp仅约为3.5;从单个地震台站的运行效益角度,台网运行水平和地震观测资料的分析程度对台站的实际的地震检测能力影响显著,新疆等部分台站稀疏地区地震检测能力较高,而中等台站密度的贵州等部分区域相对较低;国家台的地震检测能力评分Dscore系统优于区域台,新疆等西部边疆地区,以及福建等东南沿海地区的Dscore明显高于台站密集的东部地区;模拟结果显示,在现有台站布局条件下,通过台站优化改造和提升运维管理水平,可显著提升对内蒙古西部、四川西部、甘肃-青海的北部交界地区、鄂尔多斯地块内部、贵州大部分地区,以及我国近海海域、朝鲜半岛北部和中南半岛北部地区的地震监测能力.  相似文献   
Recent applications of sliding block theory to geotechnical design   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sliding block theory was proposed by Newmark for determining the permanent displacement of embankments and dams under earthquake loading. This paper highlights recent applications of sliding block theory to different geotechnical structures. The equations to determine seismic factor of safety, yield acceleration and permanent displacement are given for rock block, soil slope, landfill cover, geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall, and composite breakwater. The presented equations for seismic stability degenerate to that of static stability in the absence of earthquake. The permanent displacement for various structures can be obtained from that of a horizontal sliding block through a correction factor. A simplified procedure is included for the permanent displacement under vertical acceleration. The sliding block approach is rational for design under high seismic load.  相似文献   
非线性土层地震反应分析的一种方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文利用作者给出的土的剪切动力本构关系的动态骨架曲线模型,结合显式差分数值逐步积分方法,给出了一种分析非线性土层地震反应的方法。反应计算中,地震效应视为基底剪切波垂直入射,且考虑了上部土层中能量向弹性基底辐射的效应。文章最后给出了本方法应用的一个算例,并给出了相应的等效线性化方法的计算结果。  相似文献   
特定基准下的异常位移诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地壳运动和变形研究中存在的位移资料的参考基准、异常位移等问题,主要讨论了位移资料特定基准的转换和异常位移诊断的数学模型--特定基准转换模型为七参数相似变换模型,转换保持了变形体内部相对位置关系不变,并使转换后的位移矢量更能体现区域内的相对运动信息;异常位移诊断采用拟准检定法(QUAD),在选定拟准观测的情况下,使得位移真误差具有明显的分群性;模拟算例结果显示,本文采用的线性变换模型、粗差拟准检定法都表现出很好的效果。  相似文献   
地震目录是地震监测预报、地震活动性等研究的重要资料.川滇地震科学实验场地区近几十年来积累了大量的地震记录,为实验场的地震科学研究提供了宝贵的数据.地震台网密度和仪器观测精度是逐步提高的,不同时期地震目录的完整性存在差异,因此进行现代仪器观测记录的地震目录最小完整性震级(MC,Magnitude of Completeness)分析,对正确研究和认识该地区地震活动规律及其影响因素等具有重要意义.本文采用震级—序号方法、最大曲率法(MAXC,Maximum Curvature)和拟合度检测法(GFT,Goodness-of-Fit Test)分析了川滇地震科学实验场地区1970—2018年地震目录的最小完整性震级MC值,得到了实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值的时间演化特征和空间分布特征.结果表明,实验场地区及其内部各地震区(带)MC值变化趋势大致为1970—1986年ML2.0~2.6,1987—1999年ML2.5~2.6,2000—2008年后ML1.4~2.1,2009—2018年ML1.2~1.9;实验场地区MC值的空间分布大致呈现东北部和西南部较低、西北部和东南部较高的特征,其中云南最南端的澜沧—耿马区和思普区、四川西北部的理塘—木里区以及川藏交界处的金沙江带MC值普遍较高,云南北部和四川南部的松潘—龙门山带、安宁河带、元谋区、楚雄—建水带和大理—丽江—盐源区MC值普遍较低;强震会使MC值出现突然升高、之后逐渐恢复的现象,其中MC值升高程度与震级有一定相关性,并且强震导致的MC值升高是MC值空间和时间分布不均匀的原因之一.  相似文献   
Vertical seismic compressional- and shear-wave (P-and S-wave) profiles were collected from three shallow boreholes in sediment of the upper Mississippi embayment. The site of the 60-m hole at Shelby Forest, Tennessee, is on bluffs forming the eastern edge of the Mississippi alluvial plain. The bluffs are composed of Pleistocene loess, Pliocene-Pleistocene alluvial clay and sand deposits, and Tertiary deltaic-marine sediment. The 36-m hole at Marked Tree, Arkansas, and the 27-m hole at Risco, Missouri, are in Holocene Mississippi river floodplain sand, silt, and gravel deposits. At each site, impulsive P- and S-waves were generated by man-made sources at the surface while a three-component geophone was locked downhole at 0.91-m intervals.

Consistent with their very similar geology, the two floodplain locations have nearly identical S-wave velocity (VS) profiles. The lowest VS values are about 130 m s−1, and the highest values are about 300 m s−1 at these sites. The shear-wave velocity profile at Shelby Forest is very similar within the Pleistocene loess (12 m thick); in deeper, older material, VS exceeds 400 m s−1.

At Marked Tree, and at Risco, the compressional-wave velocity (VP) values above the water table are as low as about 230 m s−1, and rise to about 1.9 km s−1 below the water table. At Shelby Forest, VP values in the unsaturated loess are as low as 302 m s−1. VP values below the water table are about 1.8 km s−1. For the two floodplain sites, the VP/VS ratio increases rapidly across the water table depth. For the Shelby Forest site, the largest increase in the VP/VS ratio occurs at 20-m depth, the boundary between the Pliocene-Pleistocene clay and sand deposits and the Eocene shallow-marine clay and silt deposits.

Until recently, seismic velocity data for the embayment basin came from eartquake studies, crustal-scale seismic refraction and reflection profiles, sonic logs, and from analysis of dispersed earthquake surface waves. Since 1991, seismic data for shallow sediment obtained from reflection, refraction, crosshole and downhole techniques have been obtained for sites at the northern end of the embayment basin. The present borehole data, however, are measured from sites representative of large areas in the Mississippi embayment. Therefore, they fill a gap in information needed for modeling the response of the embayment to destructive seismic shaking.  相似文献   

Estimating seismic demands on structures, to predict their performance level with confidence, requires explicit consideration of the structural inelastic behaviour: to this end, the use of nonlinear static procedures is inevitably going to be favoured over complex nonlinear time-history methods. The currently available assessment procedures have been tested predominantly against building frames. A newly derived assessment procedure is proposed within the scope of bridge applications, based on an innovative displacement-based adaptive pushover technique. The procedure, which can be incorporated into a performance-based engineering philosophy, is applicable to MDOF continuous span bridges with flexible or rigid superstructures, and for varying degrees of abutment restraint. As a first application to determine the viability of the proposed procedure, a parametric study is conducted on a ensemble of bridges subjected to earthquake motion. It is shown that, compared to the seismic demand estimated by means of the more accurate nonlinear dynamic analysis tool, the novel static assessment method can lead to the attainment of satisfactory predictions, both in terms of displacement as well as moment demand on members.  相似文献   
姚清林  马宗晋 《地震》1995,(2):117-124
为了探讨小区域内地震活动的时间规律。本文在中国大陆选择了11个地点分析其从远古至公元1990年间的破坏性地震(M≥4 3/4)的活动性。因而发现小区的地震活动规律主要表现于以大震为代表的地震活动分期上,破坏性地震的频率、集中程度与阶段性变化上,以及与所在地震区地震活动期的关系上,不同小区的地震活动特征有共性,有类型区别,更有各自的特殊性。  相似文献   
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