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The relative efficiencies of alternative geometric patterns of both discrete borehole and continuous grid line search have been extensively discussed in the mathematical geology literature. However, an equally important problem has received virtually no attention: How to use a sample of properties of geologic anomalies detected by grid line search of a region to estimate systematically both the number and size distribution of geologic anomalies missed by the search. We show how estimation methods developed in the sample survey design literature can be adapted to this problem, and we apply these methods to data describing 94 anomalies identified by a seismic reconnaissance survey.  相似文献   
During an excavation survey to the Daijiayuan vestige of the Western Zhou Dynasty-Late Spring and Autumn Period at Huoshan in Western Anhui,a ground crack related to tectonic movement and filled with silty fine sand was found. This phenomenon was initially confirmed to be due to seismic liquefaction. Many microscopic seismic relics,such as load structure,flow structure,cutoff plane and flotation of organic matter were found in the directional microscopic analysis of deformation. These discoveries and cognitions prove that there were two earthquake events taking place in the Western Zhou Dynasty-Late Spring and Autumn Period in this area. Above-mentioned works enrich and develop the research methods to identify prehistoric earthquake event in eastern China area to a certain extent.  相似文献   
Vp and Vs values have been measured experimentally and calculated for granulite-facies lower crustal xenoliths from central Ireland close to the Caledonian Iapetus suture zone. The xenoliths are predominantly foliated and lineated metapelitic (garnet–sillimanite–K-feldspar) granulites. Their metapelitic composition is unusual compared with the mostly mafic composition of lower crustal xenoliths world-wide. Based on thermobarometry, the metapelitic xenoliths were entrained from depths of c. 20–25 ± 3.5 km and rare mafic granulites from depths of 31–33 ± 3.4 km. The xenoliths were emplaced during Lower Carboniferous volcanism and are considered to represent samples of the present day lower crust.Vp values for the metapelitic granulites range between 6.26 and 7.99 km s− 1 with a mean value of 7.09 ± 0.4 km s− 1. Psammite and granitic orthogneiss samples have calculated Vp values of 6.51 and 6.23 km s− 1, respectively. Vs values for the metapelites are between 3.86 and 4.34 km s− 1, with a mean value of 4.1 ± 0.15 km s− 1. The psammite and orthogneiss have calculated Vs values of 3.95 and 3.97 km s− 1, respectively.The measured seismic velocities correlate with density and with modal mineralogy, especially the high content of sillimanite and garnet. Vp anisotropy is between 0.15% and 13.97%, and a clear compositional control is evident, mainly in relation to sillimanite abundance. Overall Vs anisotropy ranges from 1% to 11%. Poisson's ratio (σ) lies between 0.25 and 0.35 for the metapelitic granulites, mainly reflecting a high Vp value due to abundant sillimanite in the sample with the highest σ. Anisotropy is probably a function of deformation associated with the closure of the Iapetus ocean in the Silurian as well as later extension in the Devonian. The orientation of the bulk strain ellipsoid in the lower crust is difficult to constrain, but lineation is likely to be NE–SW, given the strike-slip nature of the late Caledonian and subsequent Acadian deformation.When corrected for present-day lower crustal temperature, the experimentally determined Vp values correspond well with velocities from the ICSSP, COOLE I and VARNET seismic refraction lines. Near the xenolith localities, the COOLE I line displays two lower crustal layers with in situ Vp values of 6.85–6.9 and 6.9–8.0 km s− 1, respectively. The upper (lower velocity) layer corresponds well with the metapelitic granulite xenoliths while the lower (higher velocity) layer matches that of the basic granulite xenoliths, though their metamorphic pressures suggest derivation from depths corresponding to the present-day upper mantle.  相似文献   
利用青海地区1900年以来5级以上强震目录探讨了省内各地震带地震活动的基本状态,结合累积应变能释放现象讨论了各地震带现今地震活动所处的状态。结果显示,青海地区4个地震带强震活动存在明显的平静与活跃的交替特征,这是普遍的宏观规律,但平静与活跃的特点具有差异性。伴随各地震带地震活动状态的不同,其累积应变能释放呈现加速或减速的特征。  相似文献   
香港地区地震风险评价和设防区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
香港地区隶属于中国板内地震区中的东南沿海块缘地震带。港-九块体为晚中生代至早第三纪以来以持续稳定上升为主的块体, 块体活动性明显地低于其周边相对下沉的中新生代盆地。为此, 赋予港-九块体为最大可信震级M=5.5级潜在震源区, 而其周边中新生代断陷盆地则为最大可信震级M6.0潜在震源。从大陆地震构造成因的环境、潜在震源可信震级范围M=5.0~7.5和近源地震动饱和等三个方面的可比性, 结合中国大陆地震震源破裂尺度和地震烈度影响场, 所建立的反映中国地震构造和震源破裂及地震烈度影响场特点的PGA和反应谱地震动衰减预测关系式可用于香港地区。以50%概率时的中值对中国强震记录的对比, 本研究所提供的经验期望预测关系式, 能包络实际的资料。因此, 用此地震动衰减预测模式对香港地区地震危险性进行评估, 将会得到相对保守地震动预测值。通过香港地区基岩地震动危险性分析和计算, 参照中国大陆地震设防标准, 进行了基岩设计参数确定和区划。以年概率P=0.02、P=0.002、P=0.0004三个概率标准, 对应的地震动重复周期大约分别约为50a, 500a, 2500a的基岩PGA和反应谱, 作为香港地区基岩上构筑物和建筑物可选的基  相似文献   
为了探测苏鲁超高压变质带的岩石圈结构实施了山东日照到滨洲剖面的宽频带地震探测,于2003~2005年使用REFTER130-01型和CMG-6TD型三分量地震仪(频宽50~60s).以10~25km间距布设了25个台站观测近三年时间.由远震地震层析反演结果得到了华北板块、超高压变质带、扬子板块清晰的P波速度图像.华北板块具有简单的低速体形态,越过郯庐断裂向超高压变质带扩张,并平稳地由郯庐断裂向北延伸直到黄河以北的古城镇.Moho面和岩石圈深度分别为30~35km,75~80km;扬子板块为高速体,界于两者之间的苏鲁超高压变质带地壳的平均速度大于两侧板块,剖面上从日照到五莲-烟台断裂范围内除地壳为高速体外,30~60km深度范围内有一个高速体和一个低速体拼会在一起,构成了超高压变质带岩石圈最突出的构造特征.此高速体应为榴辉橄榄岩等超基性岩组成,它可能属于折返回来又被移动的超高压变质岩组合体,并与华北板块基底直接接触,超高压变质带的下界面深度为60km.下界面平直,可能意味着正在消退的造山带的山根,或是造山带的下一层Moho面?郯庐断裂带地壳出露的共四条带,比较陡的产状向深部延伸,并逐步向南倾,TLF2~TLF4在岩石圈底界处合并.  相似文献   
在地震地质条件不利的情况下,确定了合理的野外数据采集方法;根据二维地震的目的任务,运用了合理的数据采集方法,采用了较好的技术措施解决了地震资料处理及解译中存在的技术难点,包括静校正问题、干扰波的去除、分辨率的提高、波组分析、层位标定、断点解释等。在覆盖层厚度、煤层底板、煤层露头、构造解释、火烧区推测等方面取得了较可靠的勘探成果,为后续全井田勘探布局发挥了指导性作用。  相似文献   
Pressure drops associated with reservoir production generate excess stress and strain that cause travel‐time shifts of reflected waves. Here, we invert time shifts of P‐, S‐, and PS‐waves measured between baseline and monitor surveys for pressure reduction and reservoir length. The inversion results can be used to estimate compaction‐induced stress and strain changes around the reservoir. We implement a hybrid inversion algorithm that incorporates elements of gradient, global/genetic, and nearest neighbour methods and permits exploration of the parameter space while simultaneously following local misfit gradients. Our synthetic examples indicate that optimal estimates of reservoir pressure from P‐wave data can be obtained using the reflections from the reservoir top. For S‐waves, time shifts from the top of the reservoir can be accurately inverted for pressure if the noise level is low. However, if noise contamination is significant, it is preferable to use S‐wave data (or combined shifts of all three modes) from reflectors beneath the reservoir. Joint wave type inversions demonstrate improvements over any single pure mode. Reservoir length can be estimated using the time shifts of any mode from the reservoir top or deeper reflectors. We also evaluate the differences between the actual strain field and those corresponding to the best‐case inversion results obtained using P‐ and S‐wave data. Another series of tests addresses the inversion of the time shifts for the pressure drops in two‐compartment reservoirs, as well as for the associated strain field. Numerical testing shows that a potentially serious source of error in the inversion is a distortion in the strain‐sensitivity coefficients, which govern the magnitude of stiffness changes. This feasibility study suggests which wave types and reflector locations may provide the most accurate estimates of reservoir parameters from compaction‐induced time shifts.  相似文献   
A hybrid indirect boundary element – discrete wavenumber method is presented and applied to model the ground motion on stratified alluvial valleys under incident plane SH waves from an elastic half-space. The method is based on the single-layer integral representation for diffracted waves. Refracted waves in the horizontally stratified region can be expressed as a linear superposition of solutions for a set of discrete wavenumbers. These solutions are obtained in terms of the Thomson–Haskell propagators formalism. Boundary conditions of continuity of displacements and tractions along the common boundary between the half-space and the stratified region lead to a system of equations for the sources strengths and the coefficients of the plane wave expansion. Although the regions share the boundary, the discretization schemes are different for both sides: for the exterior region, it is based on the numerical and analytical integration of exact Green's functions for displacements and tractions whereas for the layered part, a collocation approach is used. In order to validate this approach results are compared for well-known cases studied in the literature. A homogeneous trapezoidal valley and a parabolic stratified valley were studied and excellent agreement with previous computations was found. An example is given for a stratified inclusion model of an alluvial deposit with an irregular interface with the half-space. Results are displayed in both frequency and time domains. These results show the significant influence of lateral heterogeneity and the emergence of locally generated surface waves in the seismic response of alluvial valleys.  相似文献   
用平面波延拓方程进行地震数据的叠前速度反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文讨论地震勘探数据的叠前速度反演方法及其在海洋地震勘探数据上的反演试验.反演主要的计算步骤是:1.采用Fourier-Hankel变换把球面波分解为平面谐波;2.用平面谐波的延拓方程将上行波与下行波同时向下延拓,并计算每一层底部的反射系数和下一层的波阻抗;3.用最小二乘法从波阻抗中确定该层的声波速度.重复第2步与第3步,直到某一预定深度时结束.通过反演试验,对地震振幅比例的改变,子波变形,以及第1层速度和密度的误差对反演方法的稳定性及其精度的影响进行了分析.还通过实际海洋地震勘探数据的反演试验,对这一方法在地震勘探中的应用前景作了论述.  相似文献   
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