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The mechanisms behind the seasonal deepening of the mixed layer(ML) in the subtropical Southeast Pacific were investigated using the monthly Argo data from 2004 to 2012. The region with a deep ML(more than 175 m) was found in the region of(22?–30?S, 105?–90?W), reaching its maximum depth(~200 m) near(27?–28?S, 100?W) in September. The relative importance of horizontal density advection in determining the maximum ML location is discussed qualitatively. Downward Ekman pumping is key to determining the eastern boundary of the deep ML region. In addition, zonal density advection by the subtropical countercurrent(STCC) in the subtropical Southwest Pacific determines its western boundary, by carrying lighter water to strengthen the stratification and form a "shallow tongue" of ML depth to block the westward extension of the deep ML in the STCC region. The temperature advection by the STCC is the main source for large heat loss from the subtropical Southwest Pacific. Finally, the combined effect of net surface heat flux and meridional density advection by the subtropical gyre determines the northern and southern boundaries of the deep ML region: the ocean heat loss at the surface gradually increases from 22?S to 35?S, while the meridional density advection by the subtropical gyre strengthens the stratification south of the maximum ML depth and weakens the stratification to the north. The freshwater flux contribution to deepening the ML during austral winter is limited. The results are useful for understanding the role of ocean dynamics in the ML formation in the subtropical Southeast Pacific.  相似文献   
实验研究岩石圈深部流体及相关科学问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验研究地球岩石圈深部流体和对地球深部流体的观测发现,水溶液在跨越临界态时有许多特殊性质.使用水热金刚石压钻在200~800 MPa,300~700℃条件下,可观测到NaCl-H2O溶液两相不混溶相区的结构和近临界态现象.测量高温高压下NaCl溶液的电导率,在近临界和跨越临界态时发现最大电导率值.在对大洋中脊热水观测中可发现大多数喷口是在2200m深.喷口正在近临界态条件下喷出含矿流体.这些临界态研究对于重新分析岩石圈的地球物理测量结果和对认识大陆岩石圈内流体性质有很大意义.  相似文献   
The structure of the marine atmospheric boundarylayer and the validity ofMonin–Obukhov similarity theory over the seahave been investigated using longterm measurements. Three levels of turbulencemeasurements (at 10 m, 18 mand 26 m) at Östergarnsholm in themiddle of the Baltic Sea have beenanalysed. The results show that turbulentparameters have a strong dependenceon the actual height due to wave influence.The wind profile and thus thenormalised wind gradient are very sensitiveto wave state. The lower part of theboundary layer can be divided into three heightlayers, a wave influenced layerclose to the surface, a transition layer andan undisturbed ordinary surfacelayer; the depth of the layers is determinedby the wave state. This heightstructure can, however, not be found for thenormalised dissipation, which is onlya function of the stability, except duringpronounced swell where the actualheight also has to be accounted for. Theresults have implications for the heightvariation of the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) budget. Thus, the imbalancebetween production and dissipation willalso vary with height according to thevariation of wave state. This, in turn,will of course have strong implicationsfor the inertial dissipation method, inwhich a parameterisation of the TKEbudget is used.  相似文献   
本文分析研究了大兴规划新城地面沉降发育特点、成因机理及影响因素,建立模型预测了地面沉降发展趋势,为未来新城建设规划以及地质灾害防治,提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
三种土层结构反应谱平台值的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以建筑抗震设计规范规定的反应谱为目标谱,通过调整加速度峰值和特征周期来人工合成数百条加速度时程曲线,并将其作为土层地震反应分析的地震动输入。在若干有工程意义的场地剖面中,选取和构造了部分软弱土层分别在底部、中部和顶部的三种土层剖面,利用土层地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了不同土层剖面在不同地震动输入下的地表加速度反应谱的平台值。在统计分析的基础上,给出了不同场地三种土层结构的反应谱平台值的平均值。通过与正常剖面的反应谱平台值比较,给出了三种土层结构的反应谱平台值的影响系数。本文的研究获得了一些有意义的成果。  相似文献   
利用乌鲁木齐市4座10层100 m梯度气象塔2013年6月~2014年4月气象观测资料和7个环境监测站[WTBX]AQI[WTBZ]资料,计算并分析了大气混合层厚度和稳定度特征,探讨了大气混合层厚度和稳定度与污染的关系。结果表明:乌鲁木齐市混合层厚度夏季郊区高、城区低,冬季从南郊—城区—北郊随地势降低依次降低;夏季和冬季分别在1 559~1 772 m和526~1 156 m之间。地面至2 km以上每500 m高度间隔统计混合层厚度,500~1 000 m出现频率最多;月变化为6~9月基本在500 m以上,且每个高度区间其概率均超过10%,10月~次年2月1 500 m以上区间概率明显减小;日变化为中午13:00~16:00达到最高值,下午和傍晚迅速下降。白天较大的感热输送提供充足的热力条件,这也体现出白天以不稳定层结为主,夜间则以稳定层结为主。大气稳定度分类结果,夏季郊区和城区不稳定(A~C类)所占比例差不多,冬季北郊稳定(E、F类)所占比较最大、城区最弱。[WTBX]AQI指数冬季最大,从南郊—城区—北郊依次增大,这与采暖期污染物多、南郊比北郊地势高有利于扩散输送有关。总体来看,乌鲁木齐大气混合层厚度空间分布与气象要素、大气稳定度、地形等密切相关,对AQI[WTBZ]指数分布有重要影响,这对近地层大气污染状况预报有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
松辽盆地位于西太平洋大陆边缘北部,其主体部分位于黑龙江板块群的中部。松辽盆地整个上部地壳所受到的挤压应力场在南北两大地区存在空间差别。在板块构造理论指导下,利用研究区内的地震长剖面资料,研究松辽盆地滨北地区区域构造特征。通过分析认为,滨北地区东、西部多为隆起或斜坡区,而中部多是凹陷,从南向北,地层沉积厚度逐渐变薄。早期的断层活动导致了凹陷内凹隆相间的构造特点。  相似文献   
武威盆地儿马湖凹陷地质调查井武地1井钻井工程位于内蒙古自治区腾格里沙漠腹地,施工条件恶劣。上部第四系覆盖层主要岩性为黄色砂土和红色细砂,厚度大,松散易垮塌。针对武地1井钻井难点,从井场建设、钻井设备的选择、井身结构、钻井液优化等方面采取措施,为沙漠地区钻井施工积累了经验。  相似文献   
Statistical tools based on the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) are reviewed, and then applied to a dataset of aircraft observations of the atmospheric boundary layer from the tropical eastern Pacific, which includes quasi-stationary and non-stationary segments. The wavelet methods provide decompositions of variances and covariances, e.g. fluxes, between time scales that effectively describe a broadband process like atmospheric turbulence. Easily understood statistical confidence bounds are discussed and applied to these scale decompositions, and results are compared to Fourier methods for quasi-stationary turbulence. The least asymmetric LA(8) wavelet filter yields coefficients that exhibit better uncorrelatedness across scales than the Haar filter and is better suited for decomposition of broadband turbulent signals. An application to a non-stationary segment of our dataset, namely vertical profiles of the turbulent dissipation rate, highlights the flexibility of wavelet methods.  相似文献   
In the paper,the characters of surface energy budget on Huayin(Gobi)and the desert surface during the periodfrom 26 June to 31 August 1990 in the HEIFE have been analyzed,then have been compared with the observed resultsduring 4—19 September 1988 in the Pilot Observation Period of the HEIFE.The results show that the atmosphere is insuperadiabatic unstable state and there is a phenomenon of inverse humidity to form negative water vapour flux.Thesensible heat flux on the surface energy budget is in majority,but the latent heat flux may be neglected over the Gobi anddesert surface in the cloudless daytime in the summer.  相似文献   
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