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This work is inspired by the sudden resurgence of the submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) bed in the Chesapeake Bay (USA). Because the SAV bed occurs at the mouth of the Bay's main tributary (Susquehanna River), it plays a significant role in modulating sediment and nutrient inputs from the Susquehanna to the Bay. Previous model studies on the impact of submersed aquatic vegetation on the development of river mouth bars lacked a complete mechanistic understanding. This study takes advantage of new advances in 3D computational models that include explicit physical-sedimentological feedbacks to obtain this understanding. Specifically, we used Delft3D, a state-of-the-art hydrodynamic model that provides fine-scale computations of three-dimensional flow velocity and bed shear stress, which can be linked to sediment deposition and erosion. Vegetation is modeled using a parameterization of hydraulic roughness that depends on vegetation height, stem density, diameter, and drag coefficient. We evaluate the hydrodynamics, bed shear stresses, and sediment dynamics for different vegetation scenarios under conditions of low and high river discharge. Model runs vary the vegetation height, density, river discharge, and suspended-sediment concentration. Numerical results from the idealized model show that dense SAV on river mouth bars substantially diverts river discharge into adjacent channels and promotes sediment deposition at ridge margins, as well as upstream bar migration. Increasing vegetation height and density forms sandier bars closer to the river mouth and alteration of the bar shape. Thus, this study highlights the important role of SAV in shaping estuarine geomorphology, which is especially relevant for coastal management. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于2018年10月21日至11月6日莱州湾西岸连续站观测数据,本文利用集合经验模态分解、希尔伯特−黄变换和小波分析法对底层单宽输沙率的小尺度特征做分析,并针对观测期间出现的大风天气对泥沙输运的影响进行了探究。结果表明,单宽输沙率在观测时间段内具有高频、潮周期、低频以及长周期尺度变化特征,周期尺度从小到大。其中高频和潮周期分量方差贡献率及所含能量最高,对输沙率的影响最强。边际谱显示东西方向输沙率的显著周期为13.3 h,南北方向大于11 h的周期较为显著。观测期间底层净泥沙通量分别为东向305.77 kg/m、南向597.25 kg/m,余流分量贡献最大,低频和高频分量贡献最小。上强迫风场主要在风速衰减期通过湍流和波浪影响输沙速率的时频分布,使其低频变化显著增强的同时,产生1 h周期左右的高频波动。交叉小波分析显示,风速和单宽输沙率在低频波段上相干性较强,且单宽输沙率会滞后风速1/4至1/2个周期。另外,风浪会增强泥沙输运的涨落潮不对称性,进而增加潮周期分量上的泥沙净输运。  相似文献   
The kinetics of the aqueous phase reactions of NO3 radicals with HCOOH/HCOO and CH3COOH/CH3COO have been investigated using a laser photolysis/long-path laser absorption technique. NO3 was produced via excimer laser photolysis of peroxodisulfate anions (S2O 8 2– ) at 351 nm followed by the reactions of sulfate radicals (SO 4 ) with excess nitrate. The time-resolved detection of NO3 was achieved by long-path laser absorption at 632.8 nm. For the reactions of NO3 with formic acid (1) and formate (2) rate coefficients ofk 1=(3.3±1.0)×105 l mol–1 s–1 andk 2=(5.0±0.4)×107 l mol–1 s–1 were found atT=298 K andI=0.19 mol/l. The following Arrhenius expressions were derived:k 1(T)=(3.4±0.3)×1010 exp[–(3400±600)/T] l mol–1 s–1 andk 2(T)=(8.2±0.8)×1010 exp[–(2200±700)/T] l mol–1 s–1. The rate coefficients for the reactions of NO3 with acetic acid (3) and acetate (4) atT=298 K andI=0.19 mol/l were determined as:k 3=(1.3±0.3)×104 l mol–1 s–1 andk 4=(2.3±0.4)×106 l mol–1 s–1. The temperature dependences for these reactions are described by:k 3(T)=(4.9±0.5)×109 exp[–(3800±700)/T] l mol–1 s–1 andk 4(T)=(1.0±0.2)×1012 exp[–(3800±1200)/T] l mol–1 s–1. The differences in reactivity of the anions HCOO and CH3COO compared to their corresponding acids HCOOH and CH3COOH are explained by the higher reactivity of NO3 in charge transfer processes compared to H atom abstraction. From a comparison of NO3 reactions with various droplets constituents it is concluded that the reaction of NO3 with HCOO may present a dominant loss reaction of NO3 in atmospheric droplets.  相似文献   
利用北京城区污染观测站2006~2013年夏季可吸入颗粒物PM10逐日浓度检测资料,挑选所有PM10浓度大于150μg/m~3的个例,合成分析华北及北京地区风场变化情况,发现风速在污染当天变化不明显,南风与PM10的相关性普遍为正,污染当天各区南风增加较大,太行山一带甚至增长了5倍。南风异常可能会使河北、山东等地污染物向北京输送,造成北京大气污染。同时我们分析北京夏季空气污染时大气环流特征。在500 h Pa与200 h Pa,北京和内蒙古上空有显著的高压异常。在850 h Pa,环流场表现为东正西负的高度场异常,其中北京在正负异常分界线上。低层气压梯度异常会造成北京和以南地区南风异常。同时,我们发现北京污染天气伴随的高空环流异常具有准定常特征。在污染前4天,蒙古上空存在一个显著的高层高压异常。该高压异常增强并向南延伸,在污染当天控制北京和内蒙古。在污染消退期,该异常也逐渐消退。但在消退后第四天,北京和内蒙古上空依然受高压异常控制。这表明北京夏季污染和高空准定常环流异常有关。  相似文献   
Stable isotopic compositions and concentrations of total sedimentary sulphur (S) were determined in cores from 6 lakes in the acid-sensitive Muskoka-Haliburton region of south-central Ontario. The isotopic composition of S in deep sediment (> ~ 20 cm) was approximately constant in all lakes, and indicated a pre-industrial δ 34S value between +4.0 and +5.3‰, which is similar to current bulk deposition. Similarly, total S concentrations in deep sediment were relatively low (1.9–5 mg S g−1 dwt) and approximately constant with depth within cores. All lakes exhibited up-core increases in total S and decreases in δ 34S at a depth corresponding to the beginning of industrialization in the Great Lakes region ( ~ 1900), resulting in a generally reciprocal depth pattern between total S concentration and δ 34S ratios. While initial shifts in total S and δ 34S were likely due to enhanced SO4 reduction of newly available anthropogenic SO4, both the magnitude and pattern of up-core S enrichment and shifts in δ 34S varied greatly among lakes, and did not match changes in S deposition post 1900. Differences between lakes in total S and δ 34S were not related to any single hydrologic (e.g., residence time) or physical (e.g., catchment-area-to-lake area ratio) lake characteristic. This work indicates that sediment cores do not provide consistent records of changes in post-industrial S deposition in this region, likely due to redox-related mobility of S in upper sediment.  相似文献   
杨忍 《地理科学进展》2016,35(7):806-815
本文基于人口普查数据和路网数据,利用空间滞后回归模型和耦合协调度模型等,对中国县域城镇化率的道路交通影响及其空间耦合协同性进行分析,研究表明:①中国县域低城镇化水平的县(区)主要集中在传统农区、集中连片贫困山区、高寒经济欠发达区。经济发展水平与人力资源空间上的错位,致使经济欠发达地区的人口倒挂,异地城市化特征显著;②中国县(区)道路交通优势度宏观上呈现出东西部区域差异和交通枢纽与外围区域的差异,“点—轴”地域结构特征显著,县域道路交通优势度数值呈现偏正态分布;③道路交通是城镇间和城镇与区域间联系的核心纽带和产业转型升级发展的传输廊道,开放式的道路系统增强了农村生产要素非农化转型的市场可介入性,对县域城镇化发展有积极作用。高速公路出口、火车站的布局对城镇化影响和带动农村要素非农化作用较为明显;④中国县域交通优势度与城镇化率耦合协调度分级分布为偏正态分布,城镇化发展与交通优势度相互影响显著,呈一定的双向耦合性。  相似文献   
Effects of global warming on animal distribution and performance become visible in many marine ecosystems. The present study was designed to develop a concept for a cause and effect understanding with respect to temperature changes and to explain ecological findings based on physiological processes. The concept is based on a wide comparison of invertebrate and fish species with a special focus on recent data obtained in two model species of fish. These fish species are both characterized by northern and southern distribution limits in the North Atlantic: eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), as a typical non-migrating inhabitant of the coastal zone and the cod (Gadus morhua), as a typical inhabitant of the continental shelf with a high importance for fisheries.Mathematical modelling demonstrates a clear significant correlation between climate induced temperature fluctuations and the recruitment of cod stocks. Growth performance in cod is optimal at temperatures close to 10°C, regardless of the population investigated in a latitudinal cline. However, temperature specific growth rates decrease at higher latitudes. Also, fecundity is less in White Sea than in North and Baltic Sea cod or eelpout populations. These findings suggest that a cold-induced shift in energy budget occurs which is unfavorable for growth performance and fecundity. Thermal tolerance limits shift depending on latitude and are characterized by oxygen limitation at both low or high temperatures. Oxygen supply to tissues is optimized at low temperature by a shift in hemoglobin isoforms and oxygen binding properties to lower affinities and higher unloading potential. Protective stimulation of heat shock protein synthesis was not observed.According to a recent model of thermal tolerance the downward shift of tolerance limits during cold adaptation is associated with rising mitochondrial densities and, thus, aerobic capacity and performance in the cold, especially in eurythermal species. At the same time the costs of mitochondrial maintenance reflected by mitochondrial proton leakage should rise leaving a lower energy fraction for growth and reproduction. The preliminary conclusion can be drawn that warming will cause a northern shift of distribution limits for both species with a rise in growth performance and fecundity larger than expected from the Q10 effect in the north and lower growth or even extinction of the species in the south. Such a shift may heavily affect fishing activities in the North Sea.  相似文献   
Natural bedrock rivers flow in self‐formed channels and form diverse erosional morphologies. The parameters that collectively define channel morphology (e.g. width, slope, bed roughness, bedrock exposure, sediment size distribution) all influence river incision rates and dynamically adjust in poorly understood ways to imposed fluid and sediment fluxes. To explore the mechanics of river incision, we conducted laboratory experiments in which the complexities of natural bedrock channels were reduced to a homogenous brittle substrate (sand and cement), a single sediment size primarily transported as bedload, a single erosion mechanism (abrasion) and sediment‐starved transport conditions. We find that patterns of erosion both create and are sensitive functions of the evolving bed topography because of feedbacks between the turbulent flow field, sediment transport and bottom roughness. Abrasion only occurs where sediment impacts the bed, and so positive feedback occurs between the sediment preferentially drawn to topographic lows by gravity and the further erosion of these lows. However, the spatial focusing of erosion results in tortuous flow paths and erosional forms (inner channels, scoops, potholes), which dissipate flow energy. This energy dissipation is a negative feedback that reduces sediment transport capacity, inhibiting further incision and ultimately leading to channel morphologies adjusted to just transport the imposed sediment load. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A plasma emission model is presented interpreting the observational properties of RX J1856.5-3754. In particular, on the basis of the Vlasov’s kinetic equation we study the process of the quasi-linear diffusion (QLD) developed by means of the cyclotron instability. This mechanism provides simultaneous generation of optical and X-ray emission on the light cylinder scales, in one location of the pulsar magnetosphere. It is assumed that the observed X-ray spectrum of this source is generated via the synchrotron mechanism. A different approach of the synchrotron theory is considered, giving a spectral energy distribution that is in a good agreement with the observational data.  相似文献   
高抒 《海洋与湖沼》2023,54(1):1-15
海洋沉积体系的定量模拟可分为仿真和勘察式模拟,后者的目标是建立沉积特征的连续谱、凝练新的科学问题。本文提出一个勘察式模拟的方法论框架,即根据控制方程确定自变量的定义域,进而由模拟计算给出应变量的值域,并结合物质收支平衡原理和“圆台状环礁”几何模型,以此方法预估环礁及其海底阶地物质输运和堆积格局。环礁是珊瑚礁的独特类型,其礁盘区提供了礁体生长和礁外坡、海底阶地堆积的几乎全部物源。结果表明,环礁自身生长受控于生物碎屑生产,而海底阶地的范围和沉积速率不仅决定于离礁悬沙通量,而且受到环礁外水深和海盆环流的制约。悬沙输运和重力流过程形成常态沉降和水下滑坡的交替沉积。此模型所预测的环礁沉积体系高程-面积曲线与南海环礁的实际曲线相对照,可获得环礁演化的机制信息。模拟结果还提示了需进一步研究的科学问题,如环礁生长规模及其控制机制、环礁沉积体系中周期性沉积的时间尺度、环礁外坡由于珊瑚生长自组织机制形成的重力流事件与地震等极端事件的对比和机制识别、环礁群的海底阶地沉积记录多样性、海面变化对环礁演化的影响和沉积记录、环礁人居环境安全等。  相似文献   
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