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lINTRODUCTIONRangeandforestlandsofnorthwesternNorthAmericahavebeenutilizedforres0urceextracti0nandproductionsinceinitialhuman0ccupationofthecontinent.Intensive"managed"utilizati0nofec0systemsforspecificbenefitsincludingcattle,sheep,t1sh,w00dandagriculturalpr0ductshasbeenong0ingfornearly0ne-and-haIfcenturies.Intensiveresourceproducti0nhasto0oftenbeenacc0mpaniedbyunwanted"sideeffects"includingacceleratederosion,s0illossandsedimentdeliveredoffsitetod0wnstreamlocati0ns,estuariesandoceanicsin…  相似文献   
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution model (AnnAGNPS) is used to help evaluate a watershed response to agricultural management practices to control water quality. However, AnnAGNPS version 3.5 does not contain features to estimate the effect of a riparian buffer (RB) system on water quality. The Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM) is used to simulate the impact of riparian buffer systems on water quality. However, frequently the lack of measured upland loadings that are required by REMM simulation limits the application of REMM. To address this data gap, a study was conducted to integrate AnnAGNPS with REMM for RB system simulation. AnnAGNPS was used to simulate water and sediment loadings from an upland field into a three-zone RB system at the Gibbs Farm located in the Georgia coastal plain. These AnnAGNPS outputs were used as the inputs to REMM. REMM was used to simulate water and sediment movement along the riparian buffers. The AnnAGNPS simulated amount of annual runoff at the edge of the field was close to observed amounts (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.92). It is believed that a substantial portion of sand was removed from the runoff one meter into the grass buffer where the samplers were located; therefore, sand was excluded from the AnnAGNPS simulation for comparison with observed sediment. Excluding sand, the AnnAGNPS predicted amount of annual sediment matches the observed amount fairly well (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.46). In addition, based on evaluating the percent reduction of sediment at each zonal interface, the AnnAGNPS/REMM model well simulated the function of the RB system to reduce sediment.  相似文献   
In southern Chile, with a mild and rainy climate, high levels of heavy metals have been detected in many gold placer deposits. Many of the contaminants pose risks to human life, and consequently damage the trofic chain in this environment. The study zones selected correspond to the handicraft gold-bearing sands of Rio Gato (Los Muermos), Carelmapu and Cucao. These are all located in the X Region of “Los Lagos” in Chile. The type of methodology used in the characterization of the associated mineralization consists of testing each representative sample with a grain size distribution, statistical parameter analysis and a mineralogical analysis, using a binocular magnifying glass, a petrographic microscope, XRD and SEM/EDX. The chemical composition was defined by means of X ray fluorescence and micro-chemical analysis. The results of the study about sediments in southern Chile are presented. The major concentrations of heavy minerals are generally located in areas of dynamic river energy. In the samples, more than 70% of the heavy minerals were distributed among grain sizes corresponding to thin sand with good grain selection (meshes of 0.25–0.06 mm). The main mineral phases present in the analysed samples were gold, zircon, olivine, ilmenite, hornblende, hypersthene, hematite, garnet, chromite, chlorite, augite, amphibolitic-epidote, etc. The main heavy metals found as a result of the study were mercury, lead, cadmium, chrome, tellurium, indium, zinc, cobalt, copper, platinum, gold, etc., and as well some less common elements like cerium, praseodymium, gadolinium, neodymium, samarium and lanthanum. This research work is only a starting point for carrying out a risk probability mapping of heavy metals and the mineralogy of the Cucao, Carelmapu and Rio Gato gold-bearing sands.  相似文献   
A dramatic decrease in the catch of shellfish has been observed due to the high amount of Acid Volatile Sulfide(AVS) in the tidal flats in Japan.In the current study,an evaluation of simultaneous bioelectricity generation and remediation of sulfide contaminated tidal flat sediment has been done.The sediment samples collected from Tokyo Bay and Yamaguchi Bay,Japan,have been used in the laboratory test.A 2 L cylindrical shaped Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell(SMFC) has been used to evaluate the remediation of both sediment samples in the laboratory.Three different electrode materials carbon felt,carbon fiber and bamboo charcoal were used in the experiments to compare their efficiency to reduce the AVS from the sediment and generate bioelectricity.It was observed that the AVS reduction was higher at 5 cm depths for the Tokyo Bay sediment(100%) compared to the Yamaguchi Bay sediment(60%).The larger grain size for the Tokyo Bay sediment was the probable reason for this.The maximum voltage was around 100 and80 mV for Tokyo Bay and Yamaguchi Bay,respectively.  相似文献   
The content of 19 metals(chromium,cobalt,nickel,strontium,arsenic,magnesium,barium,cesium,gallium,rubidium,uranium,vanadium,zinc,lead,copper,cadmium,iron,manganese,and aluminum) in sediment in three ephemeral streams(Nahal Sansana,Nahal Revivim and Nahal Pura) with reservoirs in the Negev Desert is studied herein.The study was done in September 2016.The samples were collected from the surface layer of sediment(up to 10 cm) in the reservoirs and in the channels upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.Silt,which on average,accounted for 72% dominated in the sediment.In the spatial distribution of the particle size,sand and gravel fractions were deposited in the reservoirs.Aluminum,iron,and magnesium accounted for 99% of all analyzed metals.The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis(HCA) showed that sediment in the Negev Desert channel upstream of the reservoirs had similar concentrations of metals.Similarities were also found between the analyzed reservoirs.The bottom sediment in reservoirs had higher concentrations of metals than sediment upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.The comparison of concentrations in upstream and downstream locations did not show any unambiguous trends because metal concentrations downstream from the reservoirs were not always lower than upstream of the reservoirs.The analysis of the sediment enrichment factor(EF) showed the highest value in the reservoirs and the lowest downstream of the reservoirs.The concentrations of most analyzed metals did not indicate the possibility of potential ecological risk(SQG).  相似文献   

We discuss the 2018 publication that reports petrographic, heavy mineral data, mineral chemistry, and zircon geochronology for Oligocene sandstones in the Cerro Pelón area in southern Mexico Sureste basin. As the title of their paper says, the goal of their study is to establish the source (s) of the voluminous Cenozoic section in this region, reaching several kilometres in thickness and important as a petroleum system. These authors conclude that Oligocene sandstones of La Laja Formation were mostly sourced from eclogite- to greenschist-facies metasedimentary, metaigneous, and ultramafic rocks of the Guatemala suture complex. Minor contributions from the Chiapas Massif Complex, exposed directly to the south ~60 km of the Cerro Pelón area, were also suggested by the authors. They thus conclude that the Palaeogene stratigraphic record in southeastern Mexico was mostly controlled by the development of the Caribbean–North America plate boundary rather than by orogenic processes at the Pacific margin of North America. Presently, we do not agree with the conclusions of Ortega Flores and colleagues who studied the Cerro Pelón section, thus some discussion is required. Serpentinite bearing Nanchital Conglomerate is well exposed in the Cerro Pelón area, and high- to low-grade metamorphic rocks experienced an uplift in the vicinity of the Cerro Pelón area at the time of deposition of the La Laja Formation. We believe the data are better explained by multiple local sources in southern and eastern Oaxaca as well as sources to the south and southwest, which include the Cenozoic coastal batholith, the Grenvillean/Guichicovi basement complexes, the Chiapas Massif, the Mazatlán schist and other units in the Cuicateco Belt, as well as the Mesozoic cover of these areas (Todos Santos Formation, Cretaceous carbonate rocks, and Paleogene strata such as the Soyaló and Bosque Formations).  相似文献   
 This study examines the segregation of trace metals within and between fluvial morphologic units in sand-sized and finer bed sediments in a cobble bed stream. The types of fluvial morphologic units sampled are low gradient riffles, high gradient riffles, glides, eddy drop zones, lateral scour pools, attached bars, and detached bars. Three to nine samples were collected from ten of each type of morphologic unit. All 12 metals show significantly different concentrations between some morphologic units in sediments smaller than 2 mm. Eddy drop zones and attached bars consistently have the highest metal concentrations, while low gradient riffles, high gradient riffles, and glides typically have the lowest concentrations. Metals showing the greatest between-unit variability are Al, Cr, Fe, Cu, and Ti, followed by Co, Mn, and Pb, while Mg, Mn, V, and Zn display relatively few differences between units. Lateral and longitudinal variations of metals within units are not significant, and there was no consistent, predictable variation in metal concentrations with distance downstream. Results indicate that metal studies in other gravel- and cobble-bed streams should include a reconnaissance survey to determine variations between morphologic units, stratify sampling by morphologic unit, and analyze spatial autocorrelation to determine sample spacing. Received: October 1997 · Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   
珠江三角洲近期水沙分配的变化及其影响与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近20多年,珠江三角洲西江与北江的水沙分配发生了重大变化,相当于增多了一条北江的水量和沙量向东输送,导致珠江三角洲腹心地区洪峰水位异常壅高,河道由淤转冲,口门水域面积缩小,滩涂面积扩展,伶仃洋尤其是西岸的淤积加速,对港口和航道有较大影响。  相似文献   
The possibility of using metals from mining activity as tracers for identifying stream sediment sources is explored. Sampling of monthly bed sediment yield and of the spatial and temporal variation in Pb concentration was undertaken in a 1·02 km2 catchment, and estimates of the sediment contribution from different stream reaches are calculated. The method has considerable limitations, for metal concentrations are notably dependent on sediment size, season, source availability, and the chemical mobility of the metal used. In most natural streams these must preclude the use of pollutants for simple sediment source identification.  相似文献   
Sediment transport for five small watersheds in arid southern Israel, eroded into shales, chalks, anhydrites and alluvium is studied. Analysis includes data from three large watersheds in the southern United States. Results indicate that floodwater heavily laden with suspended load (10-60 per cent, by weight) is characteristic of watersheds cut in erodible materials. No correlation was found between environmental characteristics such as lithology, catchment area, angle of slope or rainfall intensity and suspended-sediment concentration or texture. The carrying capacity for sands, derived both from hillslopes and channel alluvium is greatly increased by high suspended silt concentration, the trend being (where R = ratio, % fines/% sand; Cs = suspended load concentration, per cent by weight). The high concentration of fine sediment effectively causes more sand transport than would normally occur. This is also true for transport of coarser clastics; higher velocities, typical of highly concentrated silt suspensions, increased competence for transporting pebbles and boulders. The action of a large variety of processes (splash, wash, rilling, gullying, sliding, mudflow) combine with low infiltration and high credibility to render every rainstorm erosionally effective, and high concentrations of washload increase both the capacity and competence of coarse clastic transport. Whole basins are thus subjected to high rates of denudation (2-10 mm/yr).  相似文献   
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