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本文结合CA(cellular automata)和AR(auto-regression)提出模拟人口空间场属性变化的CA-AR模型,以1991~2006年成都市各区、县市的人口统计数据和成都市行政区划图为基础,将行政单元转化为单元网格,分别建立成都市主城区各单元格的CA-AR模型。结果显示,模拟结果的绝对误差和相对误差都较小,模拟精度较高,模型的显著性水平都比较高,说明CA-AR模型用于模拟人口空间场的人口数量变化是可行的。  相似文献   
介绍了"深空大地测量学导论"课程教材编写的背景、阐述了"深空大地测量学导论"教材编写的基本思路、总结了"深空大地测量学导论"教材的编写的特色.  相似文献   
Object based image analysis (OBIA) is an approach increasingly used in classifying high spatial resolution remote sensing images. Object based image classifiers first segment an image into objects (or image segments), and then classify these objects based on their attributes and spatial relations. Numerous algorithms exist for the first step of the OBIA process, i.e. image segmentation. However, less research has been conducted on the object classification part of OBIA, in particular the spatial relations between objects that are commonly used to construct rules for classifying image objects and refining classification results. In this paper, we establish a context where objects are areal (not points or lines) and non-overlapping (we call this “single-valued” space), and propose a framework of binary spatial relations between segmented objects to aid in object classification. In this framework, scale-dependent “line-like objects” and “point-like objects” are identified from areal objects based on their shapes. Generally, disjoint and meet are the only two possible topological relations between two non-overlapping areal objects. However, a number of quasi- topological relations can be defined when the shapes of the objects involved are considered. Some of these relations are fuzzy and thus quantitatively defined. In addition, we define the concepts of line-like objects (e.g. roads) and point-like objects (e.g. wells), and develop the relations between two line-like objects or two point-like objects. For completeness, cardinal direction relations and distance relations are also introduced in the proposed context. Finally, we implement the framework to extract roads and moving vehicles from an aerial photo. The promising results suggest that our methods can be a valuable tool in defining rules for object based image analysis.  相似文献   
成矿理论与勘探实践证明,东部一些老矿由于勘探深度、范围的限制以及认识上的局限,在矿区深部、周边仍有一些矿未能发现和查明,其中相当一部分仍具有找矿潜力;而寻找西部新的煤炭资源是国家“稳定东部发展西部”战略需要。针对中国东西部不同的地质条件和勘探目标,其地震勘探野外施工方法及资料处理原则有所差异;而资料解释在东部以查明地层赋存形态、煤层赋存范围、构造发育特征为主,西部则以寻找煤系地层波阻抗差异明显、连续性好的反射波组为解释重点。地震勘探技术在中国东西部的二个典型地震时间剖面佐证了其在深部找矿的应用效果。  相似文献   
Patterns of crystallographic preferred orientation are referred to as texture. The specific subject of texture analysis is the experimental determination and interpretation of the statistical distribution of orientations of crystals within a specimen of polycrystalline material, which could be metals or rocks. The objective is to relate an observed pattern of preferred orientation to its generating processes and vice versa. In geosciences, texture of minerals in rocks is used to infer constraints on their tectono-metamorphic history. Since most physical properties of crystals, such as elastic moduli, the coefficients of thermal expansion, or chemical resistance to etching depends on crystal symmetry and orientation, the presence of texture imparts directional properties to the polycrystalline material. A major issue of mathematical texture analysis is the resolution of the inverse problem to determine a reasonable orientation density function on SO(3) from measured pole intensities on , which relates to the inverse of the totally geodesic Radon transform. This communication introduces a wavelet approach into mathematical texture analysis. Wavelets on the two-dimensional sphere and on the rotational group SO(3) are discussed, and an algorithms for a wavelet decomposition on both domains following the ideas of Ta-Hsin Li is given. The relationship of these wavelets on both domains with respect to the totally geodesic Radon transform is investigated. In particular, it is shown that the Radon transform of these wavelets on SO(3) are again wavelets on . A novel algorithm for the inversion of experimental pole intensities to an orientation density function based on this relationship is developed.  相似文献   
钢筋混凝土圆环内支撑在软土深基坑支护中的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对星河世纪城B2地块工程基坑成功支护设计实例介绍,全面阐述了钢筋混凝土圆环内支撑体系独特的布置形式、内力计算模式、方法和结果,以及在施工过程中的质量保证,为软土地基中类似基坑工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   
黄幼才 《测绘学报》1993,22(4):289-293
本分析了杠杆点的几何含义和统计特征,从杠杆点的保差性,矩阵的摄动和参数估值可靠性的观点出发讨论了杠杆点的不利和有利的两个方面,提出了一个全面的设计空间抗差方案。  相似文献   
在深厚软土地区的基坑,对基坑底软土进行搅拌加固形成强度较高的底板而保证坑底稳定,侧壁采用支护桩支护保证侧壁的稳定使其不倾倒,支护桩与加固底板两者共同作用形成的船状结构支护体系类似轮船的船侧壁及船底板,以保证基坑的稳定。结合具体的工程实例,介绍了船式支护的侧壁及底板的设计方法。工程案例成功实施,监测结果表明,船式支护既可避免支护桩嵌固深度过长,又利于软土的土方施工及工程桩的保护,是安全可靠的,对类似工程有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
太行山南段沟谷杂木林的群落学特征及起源初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘鸿雁 《地理科学》1995,15(2):188-195
Heavy metal contamination in the sediment of the Second Songhua River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Second Songhua River was subjected to a large amount of untreated effluent from petrochemical industries in Jilin City in the 1960s to the 1970s. The objectives of this study were to investigate the mercury and other heavy metal contamination in the sediment of the river. The river bottom sediment was sampled from the river segment between Jilin City to Haerbin City in 2005. Total concentrations of Hg, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn, Ni, As, Sc, and major cations (A1, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na) in the sediment were measured by atomic fluorescence spectrometer, ICP-MS, and ICP-OES, respectively, following digestion with various acids. We found the concentrations of most elements in the uncontaminated sediment were significantly correlated to those of Sc.  相似文献   
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