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秦皇岛A油田位于渤海中部海域,区内油气藏主要发育在新近系的明化镇组。明化镇组下段为曲流河沉积地层,具有很强的非均质性,使得注水开发收效不均匀,平面矛盾突出。选取Ⅲ2砂体为研究对象,利用40余口钻井资料和覆盖油田的三维地震资料对储层内部结构和平面展布特征进行了系统的分析。研究认为,Ⅲ2砂体是由两期点坝砂体叠置而成,每一期砂体在平面上由4~5个单一点坝顺向组合而成,点坝之间的溢岸沉积是导致储层非均质性强的主要因素,控制了剩余油的分布。油田的生产动态证实,注入水流动规律与点坝砂体的平面展布具有良好的对应关系,部分井区水驱效果不均衡,个别单井产能低下都能从中找到原因。  相似文献   
基于通用陆面模型(CoLM)和确定性集合卡尔曼滤波算法发展了一个考虑模型次网格变异性的MODIS雪盖同化方案,提高雪深模拟的估计精度。利用北疆阿勒泰地区5个气象站点2007年11月至2008年4月逐日雪深观测数据对同化结果进行了验证。结果表明,该同化方案不需要对MODIS雪盖观测数据进行扰动,能明显提高雪深模拟的精度。另外,雪深同化结果与地面观测雪深具有一致的时间变化趋势,能准确地反映积雪深度在各个不同时段的变化特性。  相似文献   


在FLAC-3D软件平台上,开发出岩石破裂过程的渗流-损伤耦合分析程序,对渗流-损伤耦合作用下岩石的裂纹萌生、扩展过程进行模拟研究。分析了在孔隙水压力作用下,含原生裂隙和弱化单元的非均质试件在单轴、三轴加载下的破坏过程,并与非渗流条件下试件在单轴、三轴压缩下的破坏过程相对比,通过动态显示损伤状态、渗流场,并分析应力应变关系、位移图等,对渗流影响下裂隙岩体的损伤和渐进破裂过程进行了研究。  相似文献   
曲流点坝内部剩余油形成与分布规律物理模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了曲流点坝物理模型,模拟地下曲流点坝储层进行驱替实验。观察注入剂的运动规律,同时,在模型上布置了测量电极,以双电极法测量驱替过程中垂向电阻变化,反映注入剂波及高度的变化规律。分析了侧积泥岩夹层的建筑结构对注入剂在点坝砂体中的流动规律,以及对剩余油的形成分布的影响。通过实验研究证实,在曲流点坝内部,侧积泥岩夹层对注入剂具有强烈的遮挡作用,受其影响形成侧积体差异型剩余油、重力型剩余油以及压力异常型剩余油三种类型剩余油,主要分布在点坝的中上部。在实际生产中,利用水平井钻遇点坝上部进行开采是主要的手段。  相似文献   
本文利用中国地震台网及ISC提供的区域地震和远震的P波走时数据,重建了中国大陆及其邻近地区的三维速度图象。 主要结果是:1.本文给出的速度图象揭示了中国大陆及其邻近地区的地壳和上地幔速度存在明显的横向不均匀性,这种不均匀性甚至在下地幔的1100km深度还依然存在。上地幔的速度图象同地表已知的地质构造特征的相关性可以追踪到110km,从220km以下很难找到它们之间的明显关系。2.45-0km和45+0km深度处的速度图象明显地表示出中国大陆的地壳厚度可以102.5°E附近为界分为两部分:其东部地壳薄,厚度都小于45km;西部有一条自若尔盖—松潘(34°N,102.5°E附近)向西北沿38°N往西至塔里木盆地南缘的分界线;其南部除滇西南之外,整个青藏高原的地壳厚度都大于45km;其北部除天山山脉之外,地壳厚度一般不大于45km.3.110km深度处的速度图象表明,速度异常呈块状分布。同中国大地构造分区略图比较之后发现,其中,扬子准地台和塔里木地台对应于高速区,中朝准地台则大都表现为低速异常;华南褶皱系为低速区,青藏地块南缘喜马拉雅和冈底斯念青唐古拉褶皱系则表现为高速异常。4.220km深度处的速度图象表明,中国大陆相当多的地区软流层有明显的显示。5.同450km和45+0km的速度图象一样,400km和600km的速度图  相似文献   
泰森多边形在地质数据去丛聚中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钻井总是被优先设计在有利储层的部位,导致获取的地质数据分布不均匀.为了使地质数据的统计结果更客观地反映实际情况,需要对地质数据进行去丛聚处理,其核心思想就是给密集的数据赋较小的权值,给稀疏的数据赋较大的权值.笔者用泰森多边形法求取钻井的控制范围,以此确定该井数据统计时的权值大小,为多边形去丛聚法中多边形的确定提供了新思路.应用本方法对石南油田某井区的孔隙度分布进行了分析,验证了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   
结合身份密码体制,提出了一个基于身份和地理位置信息的异构传感器网络(HSN)节点间的双向认证及密钥协商方案。不同性能节点之间采用不同的协议完成身份认证和密钥建立,充分发挥了高性能节点的能力,降低了低性能节点的能耗。该方案具有完美前向保密性和主密钥前向保密性,具有较好的抗节点伪造、节点复制和女巫攻击能力。分析与仿真表明,该方案具有较好的安全性。  相似文献   
Assuming homogeneity in alluvial aquifers is convenient, but limits our ability to accurately predict stream‐aquifer interactions. Research is needed on (i) identifying the presence of focused, as opposed to diffuse, groundwater discharge/recharge to streams and (ii) the magnitude and role of large‐scale bank and transient storage in alluvial floodplains relative to changes in stream stage. The objective of this research was to document and quantify the effect of stage‐dependent aquifer heterogeneity and bank storage relative to changes in stream stage using groundwater flow divergence and direction. Monitoring was performed in alluvial floodplains adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping, observation wells were installed in high and low electrical resistivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were recorded real time using pressure transducers (August to October 2009). Divergence was used to quantify heterogeneity (i.e. variation in hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and/or aquifer thickness), and flow direction was used to assess the potential for large‐scale (100 m) bank or transient storage. Areas of localized heterogeneity appeared to act as divergence zones allowing stream water to quickly enter the groundwater system, or as flow convergence zones draining a large groundwater area. Maximum divergence or convergence occurred with maximum rates of change in flow rates or stream stage. Flow directions in the groundwater changed considerably between base and high flows, suggesting that the floodplains acted as large‐scale bank storage zones, rapidly storing and releasing water during passage of a storm hydrograph. During storm events at both sites, the average groundwater direction changed by at least 90° from the average groundwater direction during baseflow. Aquifer heterogeneity in floodplains yields hyporheic flows that are more responsive and spatially and temporally complex than would be expected compared to more common assumptions of homogeneity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Deformation mechanisms at the pore scale are responsible for producing large strains in porous rocks. They include cataclastic flow, dislocation creep, dynamic recrystallization, diffusive mass transfer, and grain boundary sliding, among others. In this paper, we focus on two dominant pore‐scale mechanisms resulting from purely mechanical, isothermal loading: crystal plasticity and crofracturing. We examine the contributions of each mechanism to the overall behavior at a scale larger than the grains but smaller than the specimen, which is commonly referred to as the mesoscale. Crystal plasticity is assumed to occur as dislocations along the many crystallographic slip planes, whereas microfracturing entails slip and frictional sliding on microcracks. It is observed that under combined shear and tensile loading, microfracturing generates a softer response compared with crystal plasticity alone, which is attributed to slip weakening where the shear stress drops to a residual level determined by the frictional strength. For compressive loading, however, microfracturing produces a stiffer response than crystal plasticity because of the presence of frictional resistance on the slip surface. Behaviors under tensile, compressive, and shear loading invariably show that porosity plays a critical role in the initiation of the deformation mechanisms. Both crystal plasticity and microfracturing are observed to initiate at the peripheries of the pores, consistent with results of experimental studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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