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In this paper, a new discrimination diagram using absolute measures of Th and Nb is applied to post-Archean ophiolites to best discriminate a large number of different ophiolitic basalts. This diagram ...  相似文献   
理想晶体(包括蓝宝石)的颜色与占据其晶格的微量过渡金属元素的种类及含量有直接的关系。玄武岩产状的蓝宝石中含有多种微量元素,这些元素是蓝宝石致色的直接因素。本文通过研究发现,每种微量元素均对可见光的特定波段产生不同程度的吸收,其中,Fe^3 ,Si^4 是使蓝宝石呈现蓝色的主要离子,Cr^3 离子可使蓝宝石呈橙和绿色,Mn^4 离子可使蓝宝石呈黄色,Co^2 离子也可使蓝宝石呈蓝色。本文还做出了蓝宝石中每种微量元素对可见光的特征吸收图即波长-吸收系数图,与分子轨道理论值吻合,把蓝宝石中各离子对可见光的吸收位置和相对吸收强度统一起来。  相似文献   
本文研究了转动物台椭圆偏光的运动规律,并用公式和图解表示椭圆偏光运动轨迹,导出的椭圆偏光方程式集中反映了各公式之间的关系。为解决椭圆偏光长轴运动轨迹,推导出计算椭圆长轴(a)和视旋转角(Ar)两个新公式,使最大视旋转角所对应的物台转角的研究有新的进展。本文重点讨论不透明矿物反射光的椭圆偏光的性质,但对透明矿物透射光的椭圆偏光也有一定意义。  相似文献   
皮尔斯比率图解在腾冲新生代火山岩研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腾冲新生代火山岩属钙碱性系列,可分为四个喷发期,构成两个岩浆旋回:N_2-Q_1为玄武岩—英安岩;Q_3—Q_4为玄武岩—安山岩。应用皮尔斯比率图解对其进行研究表明:分离结晶作用是岩石化学成分变异的主要因素;第一旋回的玄武岩浆可能起源于上地幔的部分熔融,经(Pl+Cpx±O1±Mt)矿物组合的分离结晶而形成英安岩浆。英安岩浆在形成或演化过程中受到了地壳物质的轻度混染。该旋回具有张性构造环境中双峰式火成岩套的特点。第二旋回的玄武岩浆可能起源于早期俯冲洋壳的部分熔融,经(Mt+Pl+Cpx±Opx)矿物组合的分离结晶而形成安山岩浆,为安山岩成因的分离结晶模式提供了一个良好的实例。该旋回具有典型的弧火山岩的特点。  相似文献   
Hydrographic data and composite current velocity data (ADCP and GEK) were used to examine the seasonal variations of upper-ocean flow in the southern sea area of Hokkaido, which includes the “off-Doto” and “Hidaka Bay” areas separated by Cape Erimo. During the heating season (April–September), the outflow of the Tsugaru Warm Current (TWC) from the Tsugaru Strait first extends north-eastward, and then one branch of TWC turns to the west along the shelf slope after it approaches the Hidaka Shelf. The main flow of TWC evolves continuously, extending eastward as far as the area off Cape Erimo. In the late cooling season (January–March), part of the Oyashio enters Hidaka Bay along the shallower part of the shelf slope through the area off Cape Erimo, replacing almost all of the TWC water, and hence the TWC devolves. It is suggested that the bottom-controlled barotropic flow of the Oyashio, which may be caused by the small density difference between the Oyashio and the TWC waters and the southward migration of main front of TWC, permits the Oyashio water to intrude along the Hidaka shelf slope.  相似文献   
Anhydrite–pyrite–magnetite–pyroxene–type deposits occur in the Mesozoic volcanic areas of the Middle–Lower Yangtze Valley in China. These deposits are hosted in alkaline basaltic rocks, and are generally accompanied by melanocratic and leucocratic alteration zones, both of which are characterized by a distinct vertical zonation pattern. Investigation of these zones indicates that the chemical compositions of solid solutions and polymorphs of various minerals vary spatially in the alteration profile, upwards from the lowest level, and outwards from the center.Here we report a case study on the Luohe deposit. In the melanocratic-alteration zone, the composition of magnetite (including trace elements Ti, V, Mg, Mn), pyroxene (Mg, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al2O3), plagioclase (AnxAb1 − x), pyrite (Co, Ni) and apatite (F, CeO2 + Y2O3 + La2O3) changes with depth. The isotherms of hydrothermal fluids determined from fluid inclusion data, including homogenization temperature and salinity, also vary with depth.Activity diagrams were constructed from mineral and isotherm analysis to estimate the chemical constraints on the alteration-mineral assemblages and the coexisting hydrothermal solutions for the Na2O–K2O–CaO–MgO–FeO–Fe2O3–A12O3–SiO2–H2SO4–H2S–HCI–H2O system at 350 to 600 °C and 500 bars (50 MPa), assuming that the major alteration mineral assemblages along the profile reflect the nature of the coexisting hydrothermal solutions. The activity diagrams adopted the major minerals as buffers to fix the activities of the aqueous species in the system, simulating the physicochemical conditions of the magnetite–anhydrite–pyroxene equilibrium and of solid solutions of diopside–hedenbergite, grossular–andradite and anorthite–albite found in the profile.This study provides an approach to modeling the chemical constraints of coexisting fluids in ore-alteration zones based on field observations.  相似文献   
研究由两个单车道构成低速十字路口交通流模型.模型中两车道上的车辆更新遵循无交通灯管制下的并行规则.依据构建相图的原则并采用局部占有概率方法,建立相图,给出相图中的各部分区域的流量表达式.两车道均采用周期边界条件和确定性FI模型进行数值模拟,模拟结果与理论分析精确一致.模型中两条车道的行车规则更接近实际道路交通,该结果为交通管理提供一定的指导作用.  相似文献   
The paper presents a comprehensive study of the failure envelope (or capacity diagram) of a single elastic pile in sand. The behavior of a pile subjected to different load combinations is simulated using a large number of finite element numerical calculations. The sand is modeled using a constitutive law based on hypoplasticity. In order to find the failure envelope in the three-dimensional space (i.e. horizontal force H, bending moment M and vertical force V), the radial displacement method and swipe tests are numerically performed. It is found that with increasing vertical load the horizontal bearing capacity of the pile decreases. Furthermore, the presence of bending moment on the pile head significantly influences the horizontal bearing capacity and the capacity diagram in the HM plane manifests an inclined elliptical shape. An analytical equation providing good agreement with the 3D numerical results is finally proposed. The formula is useful for design purposes and the development of simplified modeling numerical strategies such as macro-element.  相似文献   
The position of pre-main-sequence or protostars in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram is often used to determine their mass and age by comparison with pre-main-sequence evolution tracks. On the assumption that the stellar models are accurate, we demonstrate that, if the metallicity is known, the mass obtained is a good estimate. However, the age determination can be very misleading, because it is significantly (generally different by a factor of 2 to 5) dependent on the accretion rate and, for ages less than about 106 yr, the initial state of the star. We present a number of accreting protostellar tracks that can be used to determine age if the initial conditions can be determined and the underlying accretion rate has been constant in the past. Because of the balance established between the Kelvin–Helmholtz, contraction time-scale and the accretion time-scale, a pre-main-sequence star remembers its accretion history. Knowledge of the current accretion rate, together with an HR-diagram position, gives information about the rate of accretion in the past, but does not necessarily improve any age estimate. We do not claim that ages obtained by comparison with these particular accreting tracks are likely to be any more reliable than those from comparisons with non-accreting tracks. Instead, we stress the unreliability of any such comparisons, and use the disparities between various tracks to estimate the likely errors in age and mass estimates. We also show how a set of coeval accreting objects do not appear coeval when compared with non-accreting tracks. Instead, accreting pre-main-sequence stars of around a solar mass are likely to appear older than those of either smaller or larger mass.  相似文献   
 The structure of the cristobalite-like polymorph of phosphorus oxynitride PON has been refined using neutron powder diffraction data. It is tetragonal, space group I&4macr;2d, Z=4. The four P–(O,N) distances are equal but the tetrahedron is compressed along c. In AX2 or ABX4 compounds, the tetragonal I&4macr;2d or I&4macr; structure is obtained when the average ratio of the cation to anion radius is below 1.186, whereas the tetragonal P41212 or orthorhombic C2221 structure is obtained at low temperatures for larger ratios. The cell parameters of this PON polymorph have been determined as a function of hydrostatic pressure by in situ angle dispersive X-ray powder diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell. Under truly hydrostatic pressure, a strong anisotropic behavior is observed with the c parameter being nearly incompressible. Very slight anisotropic stress strongly modifies the high-pressure behavior. According to the pressure-temperature conditions of treatment, three phases, cristobalite-, moganite-, and quartz-like, have been obtained by quenching experiments, and the PT phase diagram of PON was derived. The high-pressure behavior of the α-quartz, moganite, and cristobalite-like polymorphs of PON and SiO2 is discussed. Received: 7 August 2000 / Accepted: 21 January 2001  相似文献   
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