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The present-day landscape in Central Germany, in particular the region of Leipzig, Halle and Bitterfeld, is characterized by the scars of former industrial activities. Vast districts have been devastated by lignite strip mining. Industrial and domestic waste, residues from ore smelting, and highly toxic waste products from petrochemical plants and pesticide production were deposited in abandoned pits near population centers. The chief effects of waste on the environment are the contamination of groundwater by dissolved pollutants, the acidification of soil and water by the oxidation of pyrite-containing mining waste, and the salinization of shallow aquifers by rising brines from adjacent confined groundwater affected by mining. The consequences for the region are serious: mining lakes used for recreational purposes are contaminated by leachates from adjacent waste dumps. Pyrite-containing refuse from lignite mining under oxidation gives rise to the acidification of surface and groundwater, a basic condition for pollutant mobilization. In former metal mining districts, metalliferous and radioactive residues from smelting jeopardize public health. These effects are described in detail using three case studies. Received: 30 July 1996 · Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   
Salt-loaded effluents were introduced into the river Wipper during the mining period for almost a century. Beginning with the year 1990, the waste water load was strongly reduced due to the termination of the potash industry. Prior to 1990, monthly means of the chloride concentrations at times exceeded 6,000 mg l−1 in the strongly polluted sections. Maximum concentrations reached twice these values. Up to 1998, mean annual chloride concentrations decreased to values below 2,000 mg l−1. This led to more balanced fluctuations in salinity which had been pronounced before, depending on discharge and short-term changes in production. Similarly, the physiologically adverse ion conditions improved due to decrasing potassium and increasing calcium proportions.

In 1963/64, 1986 and 1998, samples of epilithic, epiphytic and epipsammic diatoms were taken at locations of different salinities along the river and examined for the effects of the salinization on the structure of the diatom assemblages. These structures changed in dependence on salinity. Increasing salt concentrations coincided with decreasing oligohalophilic and increasing mesohalophilic and polyhalophilic species numbers. Above a chloride concentration of about 3,000 mg l−1, the proportion of the latter exceed that of the former (halobion index > 50). Corresponding to different conditions of salinization along the river, characteristic diatom assemblages occur differring from each other and which are specific for the river section. Spring and autumn aspects of the diatom assemblages show also salt-dependent differences. The assemblages found in 1998 after decrease of salinization have changed markedly in comparison to those from 1963/64 and 1986. Halobiontic species predominating formerly occurred only occasionally or not at all. They were replaced by oligohalobic-indifferent forms.

An ecological assessment of the changes was performed based on the halobion index calculated from all the samples. For the strongly salinized section of the river Wipper, a shift from -mesohalobic/polyhalobic conditions in 1963/64 and 1986 to -oligohalobic/β-mesohalobic conditions in 1998 was found. However, constant -oligohalobic conditions are still not given. With regard to the transition from -oligohalobic (limnetic) to β-mesohalobic (brackish) conditions, a maximum chloride concentration of 600 mg l−1 was found. To guarantee -oligohalobic conditions, a maximum chloride concentration of 400 mg l−1 should not be exceeded.  相似文献   

 A hydrogeochemical survey was conducted on Pico Island (Azores archipelago) in order to evaluate the groundwater chemistry patterns and the main mineralization processes. Samples were from cold waters and corresponded mainly to sodium chloride type. Conductivity measurements were ∼82–9790 μS/cm and suggest the existence of highly mineralized waters. In fact, 18% had a conductivity >5130 μS/cm and the total dissolved solid (TDS) value for two of the wells was from the brackish water range. The changes in groundwater composition are because of two main processes: (1) silicate mineral dissolution, especially in a few springs located at high altitude and (2) water salinization in the coastal area, as a result of saltwater intrusion and sea-salt spraying. The salinization process corresponds to a binary mixing system, as suggested by the chloride and δ18O data, and explains the sharp concentration increase in major and minor species detected in several wells. Received: 23 July 1999 · Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   
The succession of drought years and excessive abstraction in the plain of Triffa caused deterioration in water quality and endangers future exploitation of groundwater resources. A combination of geophysical surveys, including electrical resistivity and hydrochemical data has been used to identify the geographical extension of salinization and identify its origin. Electrical conductivity measurements are used to show the history of salinization in space and time. In this paper, a first conceptual model of the brackish springs has been established. To cite this article: M. Boughriba et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
 Marine contamination of groundwater may be caused by seawater intrusion and by salt spray. The role of both processes was studied in the Cyclades archipelago on four small islands (45–195 km2) whose aquifers consist essentially of fractured, weathered metamorphic rocks. Annual rainfall ranges from 400 to 650 mm and precipitation has high total dissolved solids contents of 45–223 mg l–1. The chemical characteristics of the groundwater, whose salinity is from 0.4 to 22 g l–1, are strongly influenced by seawater intrusion. However, the effect of atmospheric input is shown in certain water sampling locations on high ground elevation where the dissolved chloride contents may attain 200 mg l–1. Received: 14 November 1995 · Accepted: 9 September 1996  相似文献   
The reduction and equalization of the salt concentrations in the River Werra have resulted in a gradual recovery of the aquatic flora. Spatial high-resolution macrophyte mappings document the spread of the aquatic vascular plants in the middle and lower River Werra. Simultaneously, the plankton blooms have declined. Changes in the composition of the algal communities including diatoms also indicated lower salinity. In addition to the salinity, high nutrient concentrations, waste water discharges and structural degradation are important stressors in the River Werra as shown by e.g. low species richness of vascular plants and the common occurrence of pollution tolerant diatoms. From the existing data it is clear that an encompassing improvement of the ecological conditions in the River Werra can only be achieved by further restoration measures considering all stressors.  相似文献   
An increase in salinity and change from oxic to anoxic conditions are observed in the Upper subaquifer of the Judea Group in the Kefar Uriyya pumping field at the western foothills of the Judea Mountains, Israel. Hydrogeological data indicate that the change, which occurs over a distance of only a few kilometers, coincides with a transition from confined to phreatic conditions in the aquifer. The deterioration in the water quality is explained as a result of seepage of more saline, organic-rich water from above, into the phreatic "roofed" part of the aquifer. The latter is derived from the bituminous chalky rocks of the Mount Scopus Group, which confine the aquifer in its southeastern part. In this confined part, water in perched horizons within the Mount Scopus Group cannot leak down and flow westward while leaching organic matter and accumulating salts. However, upon reaching the transition area from confined to phreatic conditions, seepage to the Judea Upper subaquifer is possible, thereby allowing it to be defined as a leaky aquifer. The incoming organic matter consumes the dissolved oxygen and allows bacterial sulfate reduction. The latter accounts for the H2S in the aquifer, as indicated by sulfur isotopic analyses of coexisting sulfate and sulfide. Thus, from an aquifer management point of view, in order to maintain the high quality of the water in the confined southeastern part of the Kefar Uriyya field, care should be taken not to draw the confined-roofed transition area further east by over pumping. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Groundwater pumped from the semi-confined Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifer is an important production factor in irrigated oases agriculture in southern Tunisia. A rise in the groundwater salinity has been observed as a consequence of increasing abstraction from the aquifer during the last few decades. All sources of contamination were investigated using hydrochemical data available from the 1980s. Water samples were taken from drains and observation wells tapping both the CT and the phreatic aquifers and analyzed with regard to chemistry, temperature, isotopes and other environmental tracers. Local salinization mechanisms are suggested, i.e. the upwelling of saline water from the underlying, confined Continental Intercalaire (CI) aquifer, as well as backflow of agricultural drainage water. At this stage, the main salt pan, the Chott el Djerid, is not a contamination source. A finite difference model was also developed to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the oases. Calibration for the period 1950–2000 was carried out in order to adjust geological and chemical system parameters. The simulation of planned extraction projects predicts a worsening of the present situation. Maintenance of the present abstraction regime will not reduce or stop the salinity increase.
Résumé L’eau souterraine pompée dans l’aquifère semi-captif du Complexe Terminal (CT) est un facteur de production important pour l’agriculture des oasis irriguées du sud de la Tunisie. Une augmentation de la salinité de l’eau souterraine a été considérée comme la conséquence de l’augmentation des prélèvements dans l’aquifère au cours des dernières décades. Toutes les sources de contamination ont été étudiées à l’aide de données hydro-chimiques disponibles depuis les années 80. Des échantillons d’eau ont été prélevés dans des drains et des puits d’observation qui captent à la fois le CT et les aquifères phréatiques; la chimie, la température, les isotopes ainsi que d’autres traceurs environnementaux ont été analysés. Des processus locaux de salinisation sont proposés, comme par exemple la remontée d’eau salée en provenance de l’aquifère captif du Continental Intercalaire (CI) sous-jacent, ainsi que le reflux des eaux du drainage agricole. A ce stade, le principal marais salé, le Chott el Djerid, n’est pas une source de contamination. Un modèle aux différences finies a également été élaboré pour simuler les écoulements souterrains et le transport de contaminants dans les oasis. Une calibration pour la période 1950–2000 a été effectuée afin d’ajuster les paramètres des systèmes géologique et chimique. La simulation de projets planifiés d’extraction prédit une aggravation de la situation actuelle. La conservation du régime d’extraction actuel ne réduira ou ne stoppera pas l’augmentation de la salinité.

Resumen El agua subterránea que se bombea del acuífero semi-confinado Terminal Complejo (CT) es un importante factor de producción en la agricultura de riego con oasis en el sur de Túnez. Se ha observado un incremento en la salinidad del agua subterránea como consecuencia de la abstracción creciente del acuífero durante las últimas décadas. Se investigaron todas las fuentes de contaminación usando datos hidroquímicos disponibles de la década de 1980s. Las muestras de agua se tomaron de drenajes y pozos de observación alojados tanto en el CT como los acuíferos freáticos y se analizaron en relación con química, temperatura, isótopos y otros trazadores ambientales. Se sugieren mecanismos de salinización local, i.e. el ascenso de agua salada a partir del acuífero confinado subyacente Intercalado Continental (CI), así como también retorno de flujo de agua de drenaje agrícola. En esta etapa, el pan salado principal, el Chott el Djerid, no es una fuente de contaminación. También se desarrolló un modelo de diferencia finita para simular el flujo de agua subterránea y el transporte de contaminantes en los oasis. Se calibró el modelo para el periodo 1950–2000 para de este modo ajustar parámetros del sistema químico y geológico. La simulación de los proyectos de extracción que se han planeado predice un empeoramiento de la situación actual. El mantenimiento del régimen de extracción actual no reducirá o detendrá el incremento de salinidad.
In the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, the petroleum industry handles two geochemically distinctive brines that are traceable in the environment: formation brines extracted along with hydrocarbons from the basin, and salt-dissolution brines, produced by dissolving deep halite formations to create caverns for petroleum product storage. The concentrations of the conservative ions chloride (Cl) and bromide (Br) in many formation brines plot closely to the seawater evaporation trajectory of previous studies. These brines contain Cl/Br mass ratios of around 300, while salt-dissolution brines are relatively Br depleted, having Cl/Br mass ratios in excess of 20,000. An oilfield site in central Alberta had experienced nearby releases of both salt-dissolution and formation brines. Geochemical mixing trends were defined by theoretically mixing samples of local salt-dissolution and formation brine sources with background shallow groundwater. Most site monitoring wells and local surface water samples plotted directly on a salt-dissolution brine dilution trend, while results from four monitoring wells, all located directly downgradient of formation brine spills, suggested the mixing of formation brines into shallow groundwater. This work indicates that there is a large-scale salt-dissolution brine plume beneath the site and reinforces the use of Cl and Br concentrations and mass ratios as environmental tracers.  相似文献   
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