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星级仓库区位认识对优化城市仓储空间和合理配置仓储用地资源有重要意义。以2008-2014年237个中国星级仓库为样本,综合运用区位关系识别、距离测度和典型案例分析等方法,揭示地域、行业、职能分异与星级仓库区位选择行为相互关系,阐明了不同等级城市的星级仓库区位统计规律,以及物流职能、交通圈层结构与星级仓库区位形成的内在作用机制。研究表明:①星级仓库分布于4个直辖市、22个副省级和省会城市、37个地级市、24个县/县级市,不同等级城市平均拥有星级仓库数分别为16.5、4.77、1.78和1.58个,呈“倒三角形”分布形态;行业分布呈现“通用和大宗仓储分散、专业性仓库集中”特征;办公和经营场所区位呈“共用和分离相对均衡”特征;②星级仓库区位受“供给+需求”共同驱动,省会及以上城市具有公共服务职能的星级仓库区位总体呈“近郊—远郊”布局模式,地级市以自营服务职能为主的星级仓库总体呈“中心—边缘”布局模式;③城市等级与星级仓库物流距离成正比且存在明显的类型分异,其中公私兼营和自营仓储型仓库受母公司区位影响,郊区化趋势滞后于提供公共服务的地产租赁和公共仓储型仓库。  相似文献   
梁流涛  翟彬  樊鹏飞 《地理科学》2016,36(10):1522-1530
在农户土地利用引起的环境问题日益严重的背景下,如果农户土地利用效率的测度只考虑“好”产出,而忽略“非意欲”的环境产出,可能造成测度结果不准确。因此,将“非意欲”产出引入农户土地利用效率评价模型,利用河南省粮食生产核心区农户抽样调查数据测度环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率,并探讨其效率状况及影响因素。主要的结论如下:调查区域环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率平均值仅为0.612,效率值总体不高,有较大的提升空间。不同规模农户的土地利用效率差异较大,二者呈现“U型”变化趋势。环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率的影响因素来自多个方面。其中,农户生计方式兼业化在一定程度上降低了环境约束下的农户土地利用效率;种植结构调整虽然能够增加农户农业收入,但不利于环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率的提升;农地经营规模扩大对环境约束下的农户土地利用效率产生正面影响,但现实中普遍存在的小规模化经营和土地细碎化消减了正面影响。土地产权的稳定性能够提升环境约束下的农户土地利用效率,但无论是集体土地产权还是承包经营权以及农户间非正式的土地流转产权关系稳定性较差,不利于环境约束下的农户土地利用效率的提高。  相似文献   
Geographic information system (GIS) based methodologies are widely used to various problems. However, its potential for application to strategic maritime search and rescue (SAR) planning remains largely unexplored. To investigate the applicability of GIS-based tools to this problem, this paper presents an approach to evaluate accessibility and response times in a sea area. Such information aids to objectify the response effectiveness of a SAR system, which is important for rational resource allocation. The presented methodology accounts for the main characteristics of maritime response, namely spatial accessibility, capabilities of search and rescue units (SRUs) and prevailing wave conditions, which affect the attainable SRU speeds. An application to the Finnish areas of the Gulf of Finland is shown. Despite the existence of some difficulties with currently available tools (e.g. accurate and user-friendly spatial wave models and challenges with using raster-based methods in topologically complex areas) and limitations in knowledge (e.g. the SRU capabilities in actual operations), the results indicate that the methodology provides good opportunities for enhancing maritime decision making.  相似文献   
闲暇时间约束对中山陵景区国内客源市场空间结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闲暇时间是旅游需求得以实现的必要条件之一,居民闲暇时间的变化必然对旅游地客源市场空间结构产生影响。选择"五一"小长假、"十一"黄金周及暑假3类6个不同闲暇时长的时段,基于现场问卷调研,使用客源地地理集中指数、客源吸引半径、距离衰减曲线及引力模型研究闲暇时间约束对南京市中山陵景区客源市场空间结构的影响,发现随着假日时长的增加,居民出游距离受闲暇时间的约束降低,从而旅游地客源吸引半径增大,客源地集中指数降低、距离衰减曲线变缓、距离衰减指数降低。研究结果表明,在不同时长的闲暇时间约束下,距离因素对景区客流量的影响最大,其次为收入(客源地人均地区生产总值),而客源地人口规模因素的影响最小。  相似文献   
Geometric conflation is the process undertaken to modify the coordinates of features in dataset A in order to match corresponding ones in dataset B. The overwhelming majority of the literature considers the use of points as features to define the transformation. In this article we present a procedure to consider one-dimensional curves also, which are commonly available as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) tracks, routes, coastlines, and so on, in order to define the estimate of the displacements to be applied to each object in A. The procedure involves three steps, including the partial matching of corresponding curves, the computation of some analytical expression, and the addition of a correction term in order to satisfy basic cartographic rules. A numerical example is presented.  相似文献   
吴健生  马洪坤  彭建 《地理科学进展》2018,37(12):1663-1671
城市生态安全格局构建是综合协调生态保护与经济发展的重要举措,对于合理配置有限的生态资源并最大限度发挥其生态作用具有重要意义。本文以深圳市为例,在生态功能节点识别的基础上,结合景观的生态系统服务价值,根据耗费距离模型,生成生态功能耗费表面,并进行最短路径网络分析,在此基础上提取核心斑块、关键生态廊道。结果表明:各景观类型的生态阻力值,林地阻力最小,且远小于其他景观类型生态阻力值;生态功能耗费梯度表面的分布呈现围绕生态功能节点向周围辐散递减的趋势,东部地区较西部西南部建成区低;核心斑块的大小和形状均存在不同程度的差异,较大的斑块集中分布在东部地区,且对应的节点级别较高;所识别的关键廊道共有4条,空间位置大体上落在基本生态控制线内,羊台山向塘朗山的廊道外缘与基本生态控制线存在冲突,需要对该区域加以管控。建议一方面适时调整生态控制线范围并将冲突部分纳入生态控制线之内,另一方面对该地区进行必要的监管和保护,防止受到进一步破坏。  相似文献   
Maintaining forest landscape connectivity is one of the most effective ways to alleviate natural forest fragmentation and biodiversity loss problems. Recently, graph theory based metrics have been used as powerful tools in the assessment of landscape connectivity. However, the functional features of landscape units at different structure levels, based on which outcomes can be enriched and advice can be given for practical applications, have been overlooked. In this study, a series of graph-based connectivity indices was calculated to 1) evaluate the optimal threshold distance, 2) identify the key landscape units at the component and patch levels, and 3) classify the functional types of components and patches and analyze functional patterns at different structural levels. The relationship between patch size and patch functional performance in maintaining landscape connectivity was discussed. With a natural forest area in Minqing County of China as the study area, recommendations regarding forest conservation and connectivity enhancement were provided based on the research conclusions. This study provides a way to comprehensively analyze habitat fragmentation and functional patterns for local forest conservation.  相似文献   
重力模型是重要的空间相互作用模型,已经在相关研究和实践中得到了广泛应用.在重力模型应用中,结果对参数的敏感性较高,不同的参数设置就可能导致结果体系的巨大差异,故精确的参数是重力模型应用的基础.许多研究关注了重力模型参数的提取,但限于数据等因素,参数在空间上的差异性尚未得到充分的重视.本文采用2010年城市间铁路客运量作为城市间相互作用强度的反映,以城市市辖区居民总可支配收入作为城市的“质量”,刻画城市本身的吸引力,进而通过回归分析考察重力模型的参数结果;并结合地理信息系统的空间插值工具,分析重力模型中各个参数的空间差异并得到可视化结果.相比于既有研究,本文在变量选取中增加了城市间列车交流频次这一变量,与平均运行时间结合共同反映城市之间的“距离”,使模型拟合结果得到较大改进.结果表明,重力模型参数取值在空间上存在显著差异,对不同区域使用统一的重力模型参数可能使结果出现较大偏差,因此将重力模型应用到具体实践中时,不能忽略参数的空间异质性.  相似文献   
Understanding the diverse ways that landscape connectivity influences the distribution of microbial species is central to managing the spread and persistence of numerous biological invasions. Here, we use geospatial analytics to examine the degree to which the hydrologic connectivity of landscapes influences the transport of passively dispersed microbes, using the invasive plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum as a case study. Pathogen occurrence was analyzed at 280 stream baiting stations across a range of watersheds – exposed to variable inoculum pressure – in California over a 7-year period (2004–2010). Using logistic regression, we modeled the probability of pathogen occurrence at a baiting station based on nine environmental variables. We developed a novel geospatial approach to quantify the hydrologic connectivity of host vegetation and inoculum pressure derived from least cost distance analyses in each watershed. We also examined the influence of local environmental conditions within the immediate neighborhood of a baiting station. Over the course of the sampling period, the pathogen was detected at 67 baiting stations associated with coastal watersheds with mild climate conditions, steep slopes, and higher levels of inoculum pressure. At the watershed scale, hydrologic landscape connectivity was a key predictor of pathogen occurrence in streams after accounting for variation in climate and exposure to inoculum. This study illustrates a geospatial approach to modeling the degree to which hydrologic systems play a role in shaping landscape structures conducive for the transport of passively dispersed microbes in heterogeneous watersheds.  相似文献   
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