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目前研究海平面变化的方法尚不能精确确定海平面变化,对记录海平面变化的沉积体或层序物质组成及结构特点的研究尚显薄弱。在分析层序不对称性与海平面变化的关系基础,提出层序不对称系数S0,认为海平面的升降变化对浅水沉积区影响显著,其结果必然造成层序S0的增加;海平面的升降变化对沉水沉积区影响不大,层序S0较为恒定。对进行详细研究中扬子区S0分布特点,运用S0曲线计算了中扬子区海平面变化特点,并与其他方法进行对比,认为可以用S0判断水体相对深浅,分析海平面变化。  相似文献   
华南地区晚三叠世含煤岩系层序—古地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对露头及钻孔剖面沉积特征研究的基础上,建立了华南地区晚三叠世含煤岩系层序地层格架,恢复了基于三级层序的岩相古地理,并分析了聚煤规律。根据岩相特征及岩相组合类型,在区内晚三叠世含煤地层中识别出陆相和海陆过渡相两大沉积类型,并可进一步识别出冲积扇、河流(包括辫状河和曲流河)、三角洲、湖泊、潮坪—潟湖、滨海平原和滨浅海等7种沉积类型。陆相沉积主要发育在上扬子地区的四川盆地;海陆过渡相沉积主要发育在东南部湘赣粤滨浅海。在晚三叠世含煤岩系中识别出区域性不整合面和构造应力转换面、砂砾岩体底部冲刷面和岩性突变面等类型的层序界面,将含煤岩系划分为5个三级层序。以三级层序为古地理作图单元,恢复了研究区的古地理格局。由煤层厚度与岩相古地理平面展布规律可知,最有利的成煤环境为三角洲沉积体系,其次为河流、潮坪—潟湖沉积体系,聚煤中心主要分部在四川盆地的乐威煤田以及华蓥山煤田、湘赣粤滨浅海地区的湘东南至赣西萍乡一带。  相似文献   
东营凹陷现河地区沙三段震积岩特征及其意义   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
在区域构造背景研究和岩芯观察的基础上,在东营凹陷现河地区沙三段地层中识别出震积岩。震积岩的主要标志是发育各种类型的软沉积变形构造,包括微阶梯状正断层、层内小褶皱、扭曲变形、振动液化砂岩脉、震塌岩等。通过对河152井、王59井、牛38井、牛22井等井岩芯的系统观察,发现由于构造和地震强度的不同,震积岩的垂向序列有所不同,并进一步研究了各种震积岩构造特征与地震强度的关系,研究表明不同的震积岩构造特征对应不同的地震强度,进一步确定了与古地震的关系。通过对本区储层分析,认为震积岩可以作为一种有效的储集空间。这些研究为东营凹陷构造演化研究、震积岩的识别和描述以及成藏提供了重要的地质理论依据,并可为该区古地震研究提供依据。   相似文献   
东濮凹陷沙三段高水位期沉积深灰色、暗色泥岩与少量重力流砂体,低水位期沉积盐岩、膏岩、低位三角洲与扇三角洲,从而形成纵向上深湖泥岩与蒸发岩、低位砂岩的频繁互层沉积。根据岩心资料、盐岩沉积序列特点及沙三段沉积期古气候和古环境特点,认为盐岩为浅水蒸发成因。深水相泥岩与浅水成因的盐岩频繁互层表明沙三段沉积期湖平面变化频繁。基于盐韵律特征划分准层序的方法,使得层序地层划分更为符合东濮凹陷含盐地层的实际情况。  相似文献   
The adequate documentation and interpretation of regional‐scale stratigraphic surfaces is paramount to establish correlations between continental and shallow marine strata. However, this is often challenged by the amalgamated nature of low‐accommodation settings and control of backwater hydraulics on fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy. Exhumed examples of full‐transect depositional profiles across river‐to‐delta systems are key to improve our understanding about interacting controlling factors and resultant stratigraphy. This study utilizes the ~400 km transect of the Cenomanian Mesa Rica Sandstone (Dakota Group, USA), which allows mapping of down‐dip changes in facies, thickness distribution, fluvial architecture and spatial extent of stratigraphic surfaces. The two sandstone units of the Mesa Rica Sandstone represent contemporaneous fluvio‐deltaic deposition in the Tucumcari sub‐basin (Western Interior Basin) during two regressive phases. Multivalley deposits pass down‐dip into single‐story channel sandstones and eventually into contemporaneous distributary channels and delta‐front strata. Down‐dip changes reflect accommodation decrease towards the paleoshoreline at the Tucumcari basin rim, and subsequent expansion into the basin. Additionally, multi‐storey channel deposits bound by erosional composite scours incise into underlying deltaic deposits. These represent incised‐valley fill deposits, based on their regional occurrence, estimated channel tops below the surrounding topographic surface and coeval downstepping delta‐front geometries. This opposes criteria offered to differentiate incised valleys from flood‐induced backwater scours. As the incised valleys evidence relative sea‐level fall and flood‐induced backwater scours do not, the interpretation of incised valleys impacts sequence stratigraphic interpretations. The erosional composite surface below fluvial strata in the continental realm represents a sequence boundary/regional composite scour (RCS). The RCS’ diachronous nature demonstrates that its down‐dip equivalent disperses into several surfaces in the marine part of the depositional system, which challenges the idea of a single, correlatable surface. Formation of a regional composite scour in the fluvial realm throughout a relative sea‐level cycle highlights that erosion and deposition occur virtually contemporaneously at any point along the depositional profile. This contradicts stratigraphic models that interpret low‐accommodation settings to dominantly promote bypass, especially during forced regressions. Source‐to‐sink analyses should account for this in order to adequately resolve timing and volume of sediment storage in the system throughout a complete relative sea‐level cycle.  相似文献   
宋广增  徐蒙  李磊  孙迪  刘辉 《地球科学》2019,44(2):489-503
通过钻井、测井与地震数据,依据不整合面分析、断层活动速率分析与地层的"负向结构"分析,在义和庄凸起东部燕山期内识别出一期发生于中晚侏罗世之交的构造负反转,并据此将义和庄凸起燕山期划分为早期与晚期两个阶段.通过单井与连井层序地层分析,分别建立了燕山早期与晚期的层序地层样式,两者在层序结构及内部沉积充填等方面表现出巨大差异.早期层序地层不具有显著的沉积厚度分异,且格架内部充填河流相沉积;晚期因构造负反转而形成小型拉张断陷盆地,沉积厚度分异明显,内部以扇三角洲沉积充填为主,呈现出对构造负反转的显著响应.燕山期构造-层序地层学的研究可为中国东部其他具有相似构造背景盆地前新生代的油气勘探提供借鉴.  相似文献   
贵溪盆地罗塘群层序地层特征的研究表明,罗塘群由低水位体系域、水进体系域、高水位体系域组成,是一个完整的三级层序,自下到上可以划分为35个准层序,9个准层序组,准层序的形成是由于短期内的湖水深度的变化,这种短期内的湖水深度变化可以发生在水进期,也可以发生在高水位期,控制罗塘群三级层序形成的主要因素是构造活动和气候变化.在对罗塘群层序地层分析的基础之上,建立了贵溪盆地的层序地层模式.  相似文献   
基准面变化与层序地层——以塔里木盆地陆相地层为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以海平面变化为基础的层序地层学理论在研究陆相盆地中遇到了困难;地层基准面变化在解释地层层序成因和地层层序划分中发挥了重要作用。本文通过基准面变化过程中地层层序的形成和演化的研究,来建立基准面变化曲线和地层成因分析,划分地层层序,从而建立层序地层格架。以基准面变化曲线为基础的层序地层学方法在塔里木盆地东南部露头剖面中成功地解释了三叠系一侏罗系陆相层序,并可与塔里木盆地北部地层层序进行对比。  相似文献   
The Laingsburg depocentre of the SW Karoo Basin, South Africa preserves a well-exposed 1200 m thick succession of upper Permian strata that record the early filling of a basin during an icehouse climate. Uniformly fine-grained sandstones were derived from far-field granitic sources, possibly in Patagonia, although the coeval staging and delivery systems are not preserved. Early condensed shallow marine deposits are overlain by distal basin plain siltstone-prone turbidites and volcanic ashes. An order of magnitude increase in siliciclastic input to the basin plain is represented by up to 270 m of siltstone with thin sandstone turbidites (Vischkuil Formation). The upper Vischkuil Formation comprises three depositional sequences, each bounded by a regionally developed zone of soft sediment deformation and associated 20-45 m thick debrite that represent the initiation of a major sand delivery system. The overlying 300 m thick sandy basin-floor fan system (Unit A) is divisible into three composite sequences arranged in a progradational-aggradational-retrogradational stacking pattern, followed by up to 40 m of basin-wide hemipelagic claystone. This claystone contains Interfan A/B, a distributive lobe system that lies 10 m beneath Unit B, a sandstone-dominated succession that averages 150 m thickness and is interpreted to represent a toe of slope channelized lobe system. Unit B and the A/B interfan together comprise 4 depositional sequences in a composite sequence with an overall basinward-stepping stacking pattern, overlain by 30 m of hemipelagic claystone. The overlying 400 m thick submarine slope succession (Fort Brown Formation) is characterized by 10-120 m thick sand-prone to heterolithic packages separated by 30-70 m thick claystone units. On the largest scale the slope stratigraphy is defined by two major cycles interpreted as composite sequence sets. The lower cycle comprises lithostratigraphic Units B/C, C and D while the upper cycle includes lithostratigraphic Units D/E, E and F. In each case a sandy basal composite sequence is represented by an intraslope lobe (Units B/C and D/E respectively). The second composite sequence in each cycle (Units C and E respectively) is characterized by slope channel-levee systems with distributive lobes 20-30 km down dip. The uppermost composite sequence in each cycle (Units D and F respectively) are characterised by deeply entrenched slope valley systems. Most composite sequences comprise three sequences separated by thin (<5 m thick) claystones. Architectural style is similar at individual sequence scale for comparable positions within each composite sequence set and each composite sequence. The main control on stratigraphic development is interpreted as late icehouse glacio-eustasy but along-strike changes associated with changing shelf edge delivery systems and variable bathymetry due to differential substrate compaction complicate the resultant stratigraphy.  相似文献   
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