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中亚地区在早期人类演化、迁徙、文明演替与近现代东西方政治、经济、文化和技术交流中具有重要作用,然而由于相关历史记录的缺乏和考古研究的滞后,对于这一地区的人类活动历史一直缺乏系统认识;而研究中亚地区的人类活动特征,人口的变化是重要的参考指标。考古遗址的14C年代数据的相对密度与人类活动密切相关,成为指示古人口变化的可靠指标,被广泛应用于欧洲和东亚地区的古人口重建,为研究中亚地区古人口变化提供重要参考证据。近年来,中亚地区考古发掘工作获得了快速发展,积累了大量的考古年代学数据,为研究中亚地区古人口变化提供了契机。本研究首次对中亚地区的考古14C年代学数据进行了系统收集整理,编制中亚地区全新世以来的考古放射性碳数据库(n=1754),利用ArcGIS绘制时间分辨率为千年尺度的中亚地区考古遗址点分布图,使用14C数据的总和概率密度(Summed Probability Distribution)重建中亚地区古人口变化,系统地分析了中亚地区全新世以来的人类活动时空变化特征。结果表明,10 cal.ka B.P.以来中亚地区存在连续的人类活动,但存在显著的时空差异。在全新世早期,人类活动强度较弱,遗址数量非常少,且主要分布在塔里木盆地和少数山前区域;从5 cal.ka B.P.开始,遗址点数量和范围开始增加,人口数量也开始增加,在2.7 cal.ka B.P.达到峰值;从2.3 cal.ka B.P.开始,人类活动强度开始减弱,人口数量出现减少趋势。

水成物分析及在数值模式中的应用综述   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
利用NCEP/NCAR逐候再分析资料,定义并计算了反映亚洲夏季风系统中各成员变化活动的指标参数,在此基础上用时滞相关分析方法,对亚洲夏季风系统诸成员与西太平洋副高面积指数的相关性进行了诊断分析,给出了夏季风系统成员之间相互影响、相互制约的基本作用过程。分析结果表明,亚洲夏季风系统成员与西太平洋副高指数之间存在着不同程度的显著时滞相关,各系统成员与西太平洋副高相互作用、互为反馈,构成了亚洲夏季风系统有机的活动整体。  相似文献   
贾建颖  刘毅 《地球物理学报》2020,63(10):3626-3639
利用1979年1月至2016年12月ERA-interim月平均再分析资料和CAMP全球月降水资料,分析夏季(6—8月)南亚高压下方500 hPa到100 hPa暖中心的时空分布,从三维结构来揭示夏季南亚高压暖心特征.回归分析进一步探讨青藏高原上空暖中心对全球大气环流产生的可能影响.结果表明:南亚高压在150 hPa达到最强,这一层也是异常冷暖中心分界面,150 hPa以下有一强大异常暖中心,异常暖中心位于300 hPa附近,150 hPa以上为异常冷中心,中心位置位于70 hPa附近.异常暖中心从500 hPa向上逐渐向西向北倾斜,异常暖中心面积200 hPa达最大,150 hPa异常暖中心消失,100 hPa以上转变为异常冷中心.500~200 hPa异常暖中心表现出不断增暖的长期趋势(1979—2016),100 hPa异常冷中心则表现出不断变冷的长期趋势(1979—2016).去掉长期趋势的时间序列表现出明显的"准两年振荡"特征,异常暖中心位置在纬向上较稳定,在经向上表现出年际的"东西振荡".300 hPa异常暖中心是整个南亚高压的关键层.300 hPa异常暖中心对全球其他变量场进行回归分析.高度回归场表明,青藏高原上空异常暖中心在北半球中高纬度高度场上激发出3波的行星波,波特征在对流层中上层表现明显,波振幅随高度增高不断加强,在对流层中下层逐渐减弱并消失.纬向风回归场在对流层中上层表现出横跨南北半球的波列,这个波列在200 hPa振幅最大.经向风回归场在北半球中纬度(30°N—60°N)表现出7波型,说明南北能量交换频繁.降水回归场表明,东亚地区长江中下游至日本降水偏少,而其南北两侧降水偏多.  相似文献   
青藏高原和亚洲夏季风动力学研究的新进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
亚洲夏季风环流受海陆和伊朗高原—青藏高原大地形的热力作用调控.亚洲季风所释放的巨大潜热又对大气环流形成反馈.这种相互反馈过程十分复杂,揭示其物理过程对理解气候变化格局的形成和变化以及提高天气预报及气候预测的准确率十分重要.夏季北半球副热带对流层上层环流的主要特征是存在庞大的南亚高压(SAH)以及强大的对流层上层温度暖中心(UTTM).本文介绍了温度—加热垂直梯度(T-QZ)理论的发展,并用以揭示SAH和UTTM的形成机制.指出沿副热带欧亚大陆东部的季风对流潜热加热及其中西部的表面感热加热和高层长波辐射冷却是导致SAH和UTTM在南亚上空发展的原因.文中还介绍了Gill模型用于上部对流层研究的局限性及解决的办法.  相似文献   
This study has reviewed the distribution and pedogenesis of late Mesozoic A-Type granitoids in SE China. These A-Type granitoids belong to four belts ( S Jiangxi-SW Fujian belt, Xiang-Gui-Yue belt, Can-Hang belt and coastal belt) due to their temporal-spatial distribution. Based on the comparative analysis of chronology, geochemistry and magmatic association, this study has discussed the formation of A-Type granitoids and the subduction and slab rollback process of paleo-Pacific plate beneath SE China.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes rook associations and spatial-Temporal variations of the early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the NE Asia, with the aim of revealing the initial subduction timing of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasia, and the relationships between the early Mesozoic magmatisms and the Paleo-Asian tectonic system, Mongol-Okhotsk tectonic system, and amalgamation of the Yangtze and North China cratons. Dating results indicate that the early Mesozoic magmatisms in the NE Asia can be subdivided into three stages, i.e., Early-Middle Triassic, Late Triassic, and Early Jurassic. The early Mesozoic calc-Alkaline magmatisms within the Erguna Massif reveal southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate. The Triassic alkaline and bimodal magmatisms within the northern margin of the North China Craton indicate an extensional environment related to the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The Late Triassic A-Type rhyo- lites and bimodal magmatisms, together with the Late Triassic stable sedimentary rocks, in eastern Heilongjiang-Jilin provinces, reveal an extensional environment and passive continental margin setting, whereas the Early Jurassic calc-Alkaline magmatisms and its compositional variations, together with the coeval accretionary complex, reveal the onset of the Paleo- Pacific plate beneath the Euirasian continent.  相似文献   
Detailed morphological analyses of a Pleistocene-Holocene submarine channel system in terms of its hierarchical framework, were carried out using a 3D seismic volume from offshore Espírito Santo, SE Brazil. The channel morphology shows marked variations, with five segments (Segments a to e) being identified along its full length. For example, the cross-sectional area of the channel decreases by a factor of 70 from Segment a to Segment c, and is then followed by a nearly four-fold increase from Segment c to Segment d. The significant changes in channel morphology relate to temporal and spatial variations in flow volume within the channel. In the same channel system, the valley reveals three distinct segments (Segments A to C), with similar aspect ratios but marked variations in morphology along the valley distance. Valley morphological changes are chiefly affected by erosional processes. Segment B is characterised by the largest valley-base width, valley width, and cross-sectional area compared to the other two segments. Valley enlargement in Segment B results from relatively high degrees of lateral channel migration and associated cut bank erosion, leading to the widening of the valley, especially the valley base. In Segment C, the valley is characterised by inner bank erosion in the form of shallow-seated mass failures, which only enlarged the upper part of the valley wall. The spatial variations in both channel and valley morphology documented here suggest an important role of local factors (e.g. salt diapirs, tributaries, overbank collapse) in the development of channel systems. Hence, the morphological analyses developed in this work provide an effective tool for studying channels and valleys on continental slopes around the world.  相似文献   
When Is Asia?     
Recently, in geography and related disciplines, there has been a call to generate conceptual frameworks from the Global South. Such a call does not imply cataloging the diversity and plurality of the world but rather requires new understandings of relationalities and transformations. In this article, I contribute to these ongoing endeavors by thinking from Asia. In doing so, I interpret Asia not as a bounded geographical location but instead as interconnected space. In particular, I pay attention to how such interconnections reference Asian models of development, thereby creating a politics of futurity. A study of the making of Asian futures allows a broader understanding of the renewal of development in a rearranged south–north world.  相似文献   
The beginning of the XXI century was marked a new rising of the international tectonic cartography as a result of analysis and synthesis of a huge volume of geological information obtained for the territory of Asia especially during the last 30 years. The previous tectonic maps for Asia were created in the 1960 s--1970 s of the last century. Since that time,the national geological surveys have compiled tectonic maps exclusively in the limits of their own state boundaries. The international cooperation of five countries since 2002( Russia,China,Mongolia,Kazakhstan and Republic of Korea) gave a unique possibility to join the data into a united cartographic form as Atlas of Geological Maps( since 2002-Atlas of Geological Maps of Central Asia and since 2007-Atlas of Geological Maps of Northern-Central-Eastern Asia). Both atlases include four maps: geological,tectonic,metallogenic,and energy resources. Tectonic Map of Northern-Central-Eastern Asia and Adjacent Areas at scale 1 ∶ 2 500 000 was the key map for further compilation of the metallogenic and energy resources( coal,oil and gas) maps. By this reason,special attention was given to showing the structure and composition of the Mesozoic sedimentary basins in Northern-Central- Eastern Asia as the most perspective structures for oil-and-gas and coal prospect.  相似文献   
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