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华北地台中元古界主要由环潮坪石英砂岩、浅海碳酸盐岩和浅海—泻湖相暗色页岩3种沉积相组合构成,以陆表海浅水碳酸盐岩占主导。碳酸盐岩中除含有丰富的微古植物、宏观藻类和微生物建隆外,还发育大量的微生物成因构造(MISS)和微生物诱发的碳酸盐沉淀(MMCP)。微生物席和MISS构造在高于庄组上部(约1.6 Ga)和雾迷山组下部(约1.45 Ga)碳酸盐岩中尤为发育,表明活跃的微生物活动和高有机质产量。在石化微生物席中,发现有丝状、球状细菌化石和草莓状黄铁矿;围岩中发现有针状文石、花瓣状重晶石、放射状菱铁矿、铁白云石和葡萄状碳酸盐胶结物等多种自生碳酸盐矿物,指示甲烷厌氧氧化(AOM)导致的自生碳酸盐沉淀。中元古代的温暖气候和海洋分层、缺氧、硫化条件有利于微生物的高生产量和高有机质埋藏率。气隆构造和核形石状碳酸盐结核反映浅埋藏条件下活跃的成烷作用和甲烷排放,围岩和MMCP中富沥青质。华北地台中元古界富微生物席碳酸盐岩有良好的生烃潜力,有可能形成重要的烃源岩。据微生物席、MISS构造及MMCP的研究,初步估算华北地台中元古代碳酸盐岩的概略生烃潜力约为10×108t石油当量。  相似文献   
To understand the depositional processes and environmental changes during the initial flooding of the North China Platform, this study focuses on the Lower to Middle Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations in Shandong Province, China. The succession in the Jinan and Laiwu areas comprises mixed carbonate and siliciclastic deposits composed of limestone, dolostone, stromatolite, thrombolite, purple and grey mudstone, and sandstone. A detailed sedimentary facies analysis of seven well‐exposed sections suggests that five facies associations are the result of an intercalation of carbonate and siliciclastic depositional environments, including local alluvial fans, shallowing‐upward carbonate–siliciclastic peritidal cycles, oolite dominant shoals, shoreface and lagoonal environments. These facies associations successively show a transition from an initially inundated tide‐dominated carbonate platform to a wave‐dominated shallow marine environment. In particular, the peritidal sediments were deposited during a large number of depositional cycles. These sediments consist of lime mudstone, dolomite, stromatolite and purple and grey mudstones. These shallowing‐upward cycles generally resulted from carbonate production in response to an increase of accommodation during rising sea‐level. The carbonate production was, however, interrupted by frequent siliciclastic input from the adjacent emergent archipelago. The depositional cycles thus formed under the influence of both autogenetic changes, including sediment supply from the archipelago, and allogenic control of relative sea‐level rise in the carbonate factory. A low‐relief archipelago with an active tidal regime allowed the development of tide‐dominated siliciclastic and carbonate environments on the vast platform. Siliciclastic input to these tidal environments terminated when most of the archipelago became submerged due to a rapid rise in sea‐level. This study provides insights on how a vast Cambrian carbonate platform maintained synchronous sedimentation under a tidal regime, forming distinct cycles of mixed carbonates and siliciclastics as the system kept up with rising relative sea‐level during the early stage of basin development in the North China Platform.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):287-300
The primordially structural-lithofacial relationships in the Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP) of Croatia were formed by a Late Cretaceous synsedimentary tectonics. During Cenomanian, an extensional tectonic regime differentiated AdCP into several kilometres large paleoenvironmental segments which behaved as individual depocenteres. The latest Cenomanian and earliest Turonian were tectonically relatively quiet periods during which sediments only recorded a relative sea-level rise. Compression commenced during the middle Santonian and formed first (NW-SE) gentle folds in the frontal part of the Split-Dubrovnik thrust. These folds had amplitudes of tens to hundreds of metres and are up to ten kilometres in strike. The apical parts of the anticlines were dominated by shallow-marine deposition with short emergences simultaneously, slope deposition of pelagic sediments took place in the synclines. By the end of the Campanian, compression weakened and younger sediments infilled former depressions while the deposition ended in the Adriatic hinterland of Croatia. During the Maastrichtian the compression recommenced and the index of older folds increased while new folds and reverse faults were formed. Such deformations created a differentiated morphology at the surface subsequently overlaid by Palaeogene sediments. Clastic sediments accumulated indeed in this paleodepression during the Palaeogene and Miocene–Quaternary, forming favourable structural conditions for hydrocarbon generation.  相似文献   
Between June 2004 and September 2004 a temporary seismic network was installed on the northern insular shelf of Iceland and onshore in north Iceland. The seismic setup aimed at resolving the subsurface structure and, thus, the geodynamical transition from Icelandic crust to typical oceanic crust along Kolbeinsey Ridge. The experiment recorded about 1,000 earthquakes. The region encloses the Tjörnes Fracture Zone containing the Husavik–Flatey strike-slip fault and the extensional seismic Grimsey Lineament. Most of the seismicity occurs in swarms offshore. Preliminary results reveal typical mid-ocean crust north of Grimsey and a heterogeneous structure with major velocity anomalies along the seismic lineaments and north–south trending subsurface features. Complementary bathymetric mapping highlight numerous extrusion features along the Grimsey Lineament and Kolbeinsey Ridge. The seismic dataset promises to deliver new insights into the tectonic framework for earthquakes in an extensional transform zone along the global mid-ocean ridge system.  相似文献   
Most ore-forming characteristics of the Langshan-Zha‘ertaishan hydrothermal exhalation belt, which consists of the Dongshengmiao, Huogeqi, Tanyaokou and Jiashengpan large-superlarge Zn-Pb-Cu-Fe sulfide deposits, are most similar to those of Mesoproterozoic SEDEX-type provinces of the world. The characteristics include: (1) All deposits of this type in the belt occur in third-order fault-basins in the Langshan-Zha‘ertaishan aulacogen along the northern margin of the North China Platform; (2) these deposits with all their orebodies hosted in the Mesoproterozoic impure dolomite-marble and carbonaceous phyllite (or schists) have an apparent stratabound nature; ores display laminated and banded structures, showing clear depositional features; (3) there is some evidence of syn-sedimentary faulting, which to a certain extent accounts for the temporal and spatial distribution and the size of the orebodies in all deposits and the formation of intrabed conglomerates and breccias; (4) they show lateral and vertical zonation of sulfides; (5) The Cu/(Pb Zn Cu) ratio of the large and thick Pb Zn Cu orebodies gradually decreases from bottom to top; and (6) barite is interbedded with pyrites and sometimes with sphalerite. However, some characteristics such as the Co/Ni radio of the pyrites, the volcanism, for example, of the Langshan-Zha‘ertalshan metallogenic belt, are different from those of the typical SEDEX deposits of the world. The meta-basic volcanic rock in Huogeqi, the sodic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Dongshengmiao and potassic bimodal-volcanic rocks with blastoporphyfitic and blasto-glomeroporphyritic texture as well as blasto-amygdaloidal structure in the Tanyaokou deposits have been discovered in the only ore-bearing second formation of the Langshan Group in the past 10 years. The metallogeny of some deposits hosted in the Langshan Group is closely related to syn-sedimentary volcanism based on the following facts: most of the lead isotopes in sphalerite, galena, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite plot on both sides of the line for the mantle or between the lines for the mantle and lower crust in the lead isotope composition diagram; cobalt content of some pyrites samples is much higher than the nickel content (Co/Ni= 11.91-12.19). Some volcanic blocks and debris have been picked out from some pyritic and pyrrhotitic ores. All Zn-Pb-Cu-Fe sulfide orebodies in these deposits occur in the strata overlying metamorphic volcanic rocks in the only ore-bearing second formation. In the Jiashengpan deposit that lacks syn-sedimentary volcanic rocks in the host succession only Pb and Zn ores occur without Cu ore, but in the Dongshengmiao, Tanyaokou and Huogeqi deposits with syn-sedimentary volcanic rocks in the host succession Cu ores occur. This indicates a relatively higher ore-forming temperature. The process of synsedimentary volcanic eruption directly supplied some ore-forming elements, and resulted in secular geothermal anomaly favorable for the circulation of a submarine convective hydrothermal system, which accounts for the precipitation of deep mineralizing fluids exhaling into anoxidic basins along the syn-sedimentary fault system in the Langshan-Zha‘ertai rift. The Dongshengmiao, Tanyaokou, and Huogeqi deposits hosted in the Langshan Group appear to be a transitional type of mineral deposit between SEDEX and VMS-types but with a bias towards SEDEX, while the Jiashengpan deposit hosted in the Zha‘ertai Group is of a characteristic SEDEX type. This evidence, together with other new discoveries of Mesoproterozoic volcanic rocks and the features of lithogeny and metallogeny of the Bayun Obo deposit in the neighborhood emphasize the diversity, complexity and uniqueness of the Mesoproterozoic Langshan-Zha‘ertal-Bayun Obo ore belt.  相似文献   
土库曼斯坦东北部的阿姆河盆地,是中亚地区最重要的含油气盆地之一。根据钻井岩芯和分析化验资料,确定阿姆河盆地卡洛夫-牛津阶为碳酸盐台地相沉积,具有特征的前缘缓斜坡沉积模式,可划分为蒸发台地、局限台地、开阔台地、台地边缘、前缘缓斜坡和盆地6个相带。其中台内、台地边缘和前缘缓斜坡为储层发育相带,尤以发育于台地边缘、开阔台地和前缘缓斜坡相带中的礁、滩微相最有利于储层发育。沉积微相和岩性对储层类型及物性有直接控制,特点为高能环境条件下沉积的块状礁灰岩和中-厚层状滩相颗粒灰岩以发育原生孔隙保存良好的孔隙型和裂缝-孔隙型储层为主,而较低能环境条件下沉积的(含)颗粒微晶灰岩、隐藻灰岩和泥-微晶灰岩以发育基质岩物性很差的裂缝型储层为主。通过综合分析,认为储层发育受沉积微相、岩性和成岩作用复合控制,以各相带内的礁、滩微相灰岩为高效勘探开发目标的"甜心"位置。  相似文献   
华北地台前寒武花岗岩类、陆壳演化与克拉通形成   总被引:18,自引:12,他引:18  
通过华北前寒武纪花岗岩类的研究,提出英云闪长岩和奥长花岗岩(T1T2)代表不成熟陆壳组成,T1T2G1G2代表半成熟陆壳组成,花岗闪长岩和花岗岩(G1G2)代表成熟陆壳组成。讨论了大陆根的形成与性质。识别出华北地台内10个太古陆核。讨论了中太古代初始陆核、新太古代陆核;新太古代末两个微大陆尺度的陆核的形成;早元古代两个成熟陆核的构造拼合并形成华北克拉通  相似文献   
The mollusc Watsonella crosbyi was studied on the basis of material from the lower Cambrian Dahai Member of the Zhujiaqing Formation in eastern Yunnan, China and the Pestrotsvet Formation of the Aldan River region in the Siberian Platform. This fossil had been excessively described under different names in the literature, such as Heraultia varensalensis Cobbold, 1935, H. sibirica Missarzhevsky, 1974, Heraultipegma yunnanensis He and Yang, 1982, H. yannanese He and Yang, 1982, Watsonella yunnanensis, W. crosbyi Grabau, 1900, etc. Taxonomic revision shows that other species are junior synonyms of W. crosbyi. Analysis of functional morphology implies that W. crosbyi may be rather a helcionelloid than a rostroconch since its univalved conch is untorted endogastric and lacks a rostrum and a true internal pegma. Replicas of the original microstructures preserved on the surfaces of phosphatic internal moulds confirm that the shell consists of two layers. The inner layer is lamello-fibrillar, and the outer layer is spherulitic prismatic. The widespread geographical occurrences in both siliciclastic and carbonate rocks of the late Terreneuvian indicate that W. crosbyi is an important index fossil for global correlations and subdivision of the Cambrian Series 1 (Terreneuvian). The first appearance datum (FAD) of W. crosbyi is suggested to be a potential GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) candidate marker for defining the base of the Cambrian Stage 2.  相似文献   
林宝玉  李明  黄莫  邓丽婷 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040025-67040025
《中国扬子区兰多维列统特列奇阶及其与英国的对比》一书(陈旭,戎嘉余,1996)有以下结论:①将回星哨组、茅山组、西坑组等的层位归属于特列奇阶上部;②将回星哨组、茅山组及其相当地层与英国特列奇阶对比;③将扬子区特列奇阶的顶界置于回星哨组、茅山组及其相当地层之顶;④将回星哨组、茅山组、西坑组等地层资料编制的古地理图称为特列奇期晚期古地理图;⑤将回星哨组、茅山组、西坑组等地层与上覆中泥盆统—中二叠统之间的不整合面代表的上升运动,称为“特列奇期的扬子上升”。笔者等依据多年对扬子地台志留纪地层剖面的实地考察和近数十年来扬子区坟头组中—上部、茅山组、回星哨组、小溪峪组、西坑组等地层中文洛克世、拉德洛世、普里多利世早期古生物化石的发现,认为:①回星哨组、小溪峪组、茅山组、西坑组等的层位是文洛克统—普里多利统;② 回星哨组、小溪峪组等大致与英国的文洛克统—普里多利统对比;③回星哨组、小溪峪组、茅山组的顶界是文洛克统—普里多利统剥蚀后残留的层位随地而异的顶界;④根据回星哨组、西坑组、茅山组等地层资料编制的古地理图应是文洛克世—普里多利世古地理图;⑤“扬子地台整个上升”(黄汲清,1945)的时代是志留纪末期,没有“特列奇期的扬子上升”。特提出商榷。上述这些地层时代的解决,对扬子区志留系4统层序的建立具有重要意义,而且也为中国扬子区与英国命名剖面志留系的对比以及中国南方早古生代加里东运动最后一幕时代的再次确定提供了地层学和古生物方面的依据。  相似文献   
公安部门跨部门、跨区域的警务协作,要求实现全国范围内地理信息的分布式访问.本文描述了在建设全国警用地理信息平台时,依托公安专用网络环境中,基于各地所采用的异构基础GIS平台,设计和实现多节点分布式警用地理信息平台的策略、方法和算法,并介绍了相关的标准规范、系统安全、运维监控等平台支撑技术.  相似文献   
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