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On the basis of S wave information from Tai’an-Xinzhou DSS profile and with reference to the results from P-wave interpretation, the 2-D structures, including S-wave velocity V s, ratio γ between V p and V s; and Poisson’ s ratio σ, are calculated; the structural configuration of the profile is presented and the relevant inferences are drawn from the above results. Upwarping mantle districts (V s≈4.30 km/s) and sloping mantle districts (V s≈4.50 km/s) of the profile with velocity difference about −4% at the top of upper mantle are divided according to the differences of V s, γ and σ in different media and structures, also with reference to the information of their neighbouring regions; the existence of Niujiaqiao-Dongwang high-angle ultra-crustal fault zone is reaffirmed; the properties of low and high velocity blocks (zones) including the crust-mantle transitionalzone and the boudary indicators of North China rift valley are discussed. A comprehensive study is conducted on the relation of the interpretation results with earthquakes. It is concluded that the mantle upwarps, thermal material upwells through the high-angle fault, the primary hypocenter was located at the crust-mantle juncture 30.0∼33.0 km deep, and additional stress excited the M S=6.8 and M S=7.2 earthquakes at specific locations around 9.0 km below Niujiaqiao-Dongwang, the earthquakes took place around the high-angle ultra-crustal fault and centered in the brittle media and rock strata with low γ and low σ values. This subject is part of the 85-907-02 key project during the “8th Five-Year Plan” from the State Science and Technology Commission.  相似文献   
On April 1, 1936, an M6(3/4) earthquake occurred on the Fangcheng-lingshan Fault. This event is the biggest historical earthquake on the coastal seismic zone, South China ever. But so far, no any findings about the surface rupture of this event have been reported. This paper is the first to find several intact surface rupture zones associated with the 1936 Lingshan seismic event, in the areas of Gaotang, Jiaogengping etc. on the northeast segment of the Fangcheng-Lingshan Fault. According to the field work, the surface rupture stretches to 10km and distributes along NE direction in front of Luoyang Mountain, represented by earthquake scarp, extensional fracture, dextrally faulted gully and river system etc. The characteristics of surface ruptures and faulted landforms indicate that the surface rupture is of normal-dextral strike slip faulting. The trenching on this fault exposed that at least three seismic events have been recorded, including two historical earthquake events and the latest one is the 1936 Lingshan M6(3/4) earthquake. These surface rupture zones are the key to the detection of seismogenic structure and the re-estimate of magnitude of this event. The new finding of these surface rupture zones would be particularly significant for the detection of the seismogenic structure of Lingshan M6(3/4) earthquake.  相似文献   
利用四川地区2010年8月至2015年3月的流动重力观测数据作出重力场等值线变化图像,研究分析2014年康定MS6.3级地震前后的重力变化特征,结果表明:(1)三岔口地区长期保持区域性重力正值变化异常及重力变化高梯度带;(2)在康定MS6.3级地震前后三岔口地区的区域性重力正值变化异常及重力变化高梯度带变化并不是特别显著;(3)在康定MS6.3级地震前震区重力变化等值线出现四象限区域或者类似于四象限区域的分布特征;(4)康定MS6.3级地震发震位置处于0值线附近且0值线在此处发生明显的转折、畸变;(5)康定MS6.3级地震发生在重力减小后回调增加的过程中,震后重力继续回调增加。  相似文献   
在碱性介质中,痕量Ag(Ⅰ)对新试剂6-(2-羟基-4-二乙基氨苯偶氮)-2,3-二氢-1,4-酞嗪二酮(简称HDEA)的电化学发光具有显著的催化作用。基于此,提出了HDEA-KCI-KOH体系测定矿样中痕量Ag的新方法。方法的检测限为2.0×10~(-8)mol/L Ag,线性范围为5.0×10~(-8)—3.0×10~(-6)mol/L Ag。采用巯基棉富集分离,应用本法测定一些矿样中的Ag,结果良好。  相似文献   
As a new method, the ultraviolet spectrum technique is applied to studying the connectivity of biode-gradable heavy oil reservoirs. The similarity of crude oils can be judged according to the extinction coefficient (E) because aromatic hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons have conjugated bonds and obvious absorption in the ultraviolet range, and different materials have different characteristics and additives. The relationship diagram is made in terms of the extinction coefficients (E) of the samples by taking E as the Y-axis and wavelength as the X-axis. The connectivity of oil reservoirs is estimated according to the curve positions and characteristic fingerprints of the sampies. The connectivity of part of the reservoirs in the western part of the QHD32-6 oilfield was studied with this method. The results showed that the connectivity of samples from wells F7 and F8 in the Nm-2 oil reservoir zone is good, that of samples from wells F17 and F20 in the Nm-1 oil reservoir zone also is good, and that of samples from wells F17, F19, and F20 is poor.  相似文献   
为减少不同气候模式评估气溶胶气候效应的差异,第六次耦合模式比较计划(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6,CMIP6)直接给定了人为气溶胶强迫数据。因此,有必要基于此强迫数据重新评估气溶胶气候效应。本研究首先将CMIP6给出的描述人为气溶胶强迫的模块引入南京信息工程大学(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,NUIST)的地球系统模式(The NUIST Earth System Model,NESM)。之后,利用NESM模式评估地球辐射收支平衡对此人为气溶胶强迫的响应,并分析模式模拟结果的不确定性。评估给出的人为气溶胶有效辐射强迫为-0. 45(±0. 28) W·m~(-2)。其中,气溶胶直接辐射效应为-0. 34(±0. 01) W·m~(-2),与第二次气溶胶比较计划(The second phase of Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and M odels,Aero ComⅡ)的评估结果基本一致;气溶胶对云辐射强迫的影响(包括半直接效应和间接效应)为-0. 10(±0. 30) W·m~(-2),明显受到模式内部变率的干扰,具有较大的不确定性。  相似文献   
两系法杂交稻安全制种的水热传输模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对两系杂交稻制种易遇夏季低温危害制种纯度的技术瓶颈,为正确采用以水调温预防技术,本文依据热量平衡原理,建立了制种稻田的水热传输多层模型。经实测资料检验,模型稳定、可靠。对模型输入不同灌水参数的计算结果表明:20 cm气温(不育系敏感期的幼穗高度)随着净辐射通量、灌水深度、进水及出水口水温的升高而增加,增温幅度受这些因子的综合影响。要合理的利用水资源必须考虑多种因子的相互作用。对育性的实测表明,以水调温对防御夏季低温,提高制种纯度效果良好。  相似文献   
利用1994-2013年ERA-Interim及NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,对国家气候中心(BCC)次季节到季节尺度模式(S2S)1994-2013年的回报试验数据进行亚洲季风区准双周振荡(QBWO)预报能力评估,并诊断模式预报误差来源。结果表明:BCC S2S模式对QBWO的预报能力随着预报提前时间的增长而降低,9 d后预报技巧明显减弱,其周期、传播特征和强度出现误差;在提前9 d预报中,印度洋地区QBWO对流-环流系统结构松散,信号偏弱,对流向东传播,这与印度洋平均态的预报误差有关,夏季对流平均态低层水汽场在西太平洋和阿拉伯海较强,而东印度洋、孟加拉湾一带偏弱;西北太平洋地区QBWO具有向西北传播的特征,但强度偏弱,可能原因是预报低估了QBWO对流西北侧低层涡度的超前信号,经涡度方程诊断发现,地转涡度平流正贡献微弱,相对涡度平流在对流西北侧引发负涡度,从而减弱了对流西北侧由低层正涡度引发的有利条件。  相似文献   
黑龙江省穆棱市土地利用/覆被变化及热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用/覆被变化及其过程特征是全球变化领域研究的重点和热点。运用地统计学和3S技术,对黑龙江省穆棱市1991—2001年和2001—2013年土地利用/覆被变化及其空间演变特征进行研究。结果表明:1991—2001年间,耕地是主要转入地类,增加232.25 km~2,林地作为最大转出地类,减少290.35 km~2,林地与耕地的转化在土地利用变化中占最大比例,其他用地均发生变化,但面积小且散乱,整体上该时期土地利用呈现出开发混乱、效率低下的特点;2001—2013年间,受还林还草的影响,耕地减少179.01 km~2,林地增加171.45 km~2,其中坡耕地的退出占较大比例,且分布面积广,该时段内土地利用结构得到优化;土地利用变化的热点区由2001年前的"两大一小"模式,演变为以市区和中心乡镇围成的重点区域;1991—2013年间研究区自然因子变化较小,土地利用/覆被变化主要受退耕还林等国家政策的主导。  相似文献   
喀斯特生态脆弱区猫跳河流域土地利用/覆被变化研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
LUCC是当前国际全球变化研究的前沿和热点领域,喀斯特生态脆弱区的土地利用/覆被变化是国际LUCC研究中的薄弱环节。以贵州中部的典型喀斯特流域——猫跳河流域为例,通过详实的地面调查,以1973年的Landsat-MSS影像、1990年和2002年的Landsat-TM影像为数据源,在RS、G IS、GPS为核心的"三S"集成技术支撑下,应用单一土地利用动态度、单一土地利用转入率和转出率、综合土地利用动态度、土地利用度以及土地覆被变化空间指数等指标,定量研究了该流域在过去30 a间的土地利用/覆被的变化特征。研究表明:(1)研究区的土地覆被类型主要以耕地、灌草地、灌木林以及有林地为主;(2)1970年代以来,土地利用/覆被变化剧烈,各地类之间的变化幅度存在较大差别,水田、灌木林、其他林地、灌草地等地类先减后增,旱地和裸岩地先增后减,有林地、水域、城镇建设用地、农村居民点、交通工矿用地等持续增加;⑶1973~1990年的土地利用动态度和土地利用度均比1990~2002年大,前一时期的裸岩地明显增加,土地利用具有明显的不可持续性,进入1990年后,裸岩地缩减,流域生态环境质量趋于好转;⑷伴随着分布面积在平面空间上的张缩,各地类的平均分布高程和坡度在垂直方向上也出现了相应的变化。  相似文献   
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